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Activity: (Divide the circle into 8 segments)

1. Physical Self

My physical features that are evident in my face and body are:


Black hair with golden ombre highlights

Round face
My eyes are black
Small nose
Round cheeks and if my cheeks are exposed in sunlight it becomes rosy/blush type
Round chin
Small lips
Sticking out ear
Soft angled black eyebrows
Clear skin (some told me that)


Height: 4’10
Weight: 43 kg
Broad shoulders
Average waist
Skin Color: brown
Small hands and feet
Short legs long torso

2. Intellectual Self

 Expressing my self intellectually seems to be much easier being an active learner rather than a
passive recipient of information.
I have found out that reading and listening benefits my critical thinking of reasons and problem
solving that broadens the horizons of being creative, challenging, and enables the ability to see
things from other points of views and widen my mind set.
By figuring out what connects can logically follow another that help me able to find explanations
for things that interest not only themselves but others around them.

3. Emotional Self

The typical feelings that I seldom have or I have barely noticed to myself are utterly confused,
cheerful, bubbleheaded (stupid), and getting trick by believing.
Feelings that I try to avoid are fear, envy, hatred/anger, greedy, indignation, surprise, pessimistic
and too much pride.
Feelings that I especially enjoy are amused, happiness, relief, contentment and love.
Feelings from my past and present are doubtful, feeling anxious and feeling peaceful.
Feelings which associated with each other are enjoyment, stress, disgust, kindness and love,

4. Sensual Self

My sensual self is how I actually enjoy or celebrate or love myself through different activities and

this means indulging my senses in things around me and not rushing into anything.

The sense that I used the most is sight.

In different ways, I felt so much satisfied when I received information from different parts of my

body. All of the parts of the body have all function which really helps me to live well. The

information I recorded from every part of it was amazing that really support my needs. And

everything had a connection that came from the

Eyes- I can see everything that helps me to live in a way that enjoyable and facing every challenge

of life that can focus the best things with a positive thought,

Ears- I can hear different sounds in the surroundings that can make me listen,

Mouth- I can speak and communicate my message freely with others,

Nose- I can smell every good scent we need to inhale,

Pores- the identification of being healthy person will be well recognized, and

Skin- the cover of my body that protects and the true beauty appears.

5. Interactional Self
My Strengths in intimate relationships and relationships to friends, family, co-students and strangers in
social setting:

Appreciation and Affection

Positive Communication
Enjoyable Time Together
Open to interact
Feelings of trust and cooperation develop
Good listener
Loyal to the people I care about

My Weaknesses in intimate relationships and relationships to friends, family, co-students and strangers in
social setting:

Completely Emotional
Expectations and false hopes
Giving up easily
Naturally shy
Left behind

The strengths which my friends and family have noticed:

Hard working

The weakness which my friends and family have noticed:

Extremely Introvert
Lack of Confidence
Too sensitive

Describe what kind of son or daughter, brother or sister you are.

I am kind of daughter and youngest sister that is:

Understanding, have long patience, selfless sometimes, loving one, talking initiative, brave,
considerate, naughty and not too open to share thoughts.

6. Nutritional Self

There are ways that I nourish myself such as listening to my body, self-empowerment or self-love,
proper discipline to health/diet, allowing my attitude to gratitude, and socializing.

What foods do you like?

All foods that have chocolate flavour

Vegetable soup (kalabasa o utan)
Spicy Shrimp and Dried fish
Pizza and Samgyupsal
Nilagang Baboy and Porkchop
Carbonara and Cordon Bleu
My specialty Pancit canton with side dish such as boiled eggs, ham and lemon grass

What foods do you dislike?

Foods that have liver

7. Contextual Self

Answer in pic

8. Spiritual Self

Answer in pic

Portfolio Output # 3:

The eight different aspects of myself tell a lot about myself, from my likes and dislike up to my
strengths and weaknesses. The words listed on the activity that I most like about myself are my
curly hair with highlights, my cheeks, drinking water, chocolates, vegetables, praying regularly,
having a deep relationship with God, cold weather, being loving and trustworthy, being Friendly,
Open to Interact, Determined, Hardworking, always there and sincere with people (by sight,
hearing, and speaking), always feel joy whenever I am with the people I love, and being part of a
calm and comfortable environment. The items that I consider to be my weaknesses my height and
other physical features, feeling left out or hated, feeling empty, anticipation, difficulty, and
insecure. All of these, strengths and weaknesses, are classified as factual since these occur and
they are what I think are part of myself.

Some categories have more minus than plus areas like in intellectual and emotional self, but if the
quantity or number will be based on the aspects of development as a whole, the plus areas are
greater. Based on the data, I still have a few self-estimates which are needed to be improved. In
order to develop my minus and plus areas, I will have to give attention first to my minus areas.
Developing and helping myself will minimize my weakness and would further enhance my
strengths. Also, exposing myself with my likes and strengths will be a great help in lessening and
flaws since it would most likely have me gained with self-confidence in facing and improving my
Activity: Processing Questions:
1. Can you identify with any of the characters mentioned – Manny, Pia and Dr.
Rose? In what way?

The way that I identify the characteristics of Manny Pacquiao was he is known with hard work,
determination, compassion, generosity and countless traits that Manny Pacquiao has been able to
use his gifts to better the world. Through philanthropy, being a symbol of hope, and overcoming
adversity he has been able to change the perspective of a third world country as a whole.

2. What lessons can you learn from the character you have chosen?

The lessons that I can learn from the character that I have chosen which is Manny Pacquiao is
that, A sense of greater purpose and faith is fuel for the soul. Find it, grab onto it and never let go.
We need to fight in order to survived wherein we need to face tomorrow even if we lose or fall
many times because someday or the right time comes we can stand to win and improve ourselves
to be better and everything happens for a reason. And also I have learned to Manny that never
underestimate the importance of staying humble and grounded in your success and be a true
believer of adding value for yourself and fellow countrymen.

3. How would you like your life story to be told?

I would like my life story to be told as that of an inspiring person. I want myself to be portrayed as
an inspiration for others who face similar difficulties in their lives, be it related to the society or to
their families. I want to have the courage to do my best and if that did not work out, then try
again and again and again until I overcome it as life changing story. To have the courage and
motivate my fellow people to decide to live a life that feels purposeful and inspirational to me or
to them; with or without great achievements and stuffs. I would love to know that people who get
to know my story thinks it as something different and out of ordinary. I want every pages or
words in my story to reflect in their mind, heart and soul to learn of moving forward and to fight
the evils and accomplish and achieve success in their lives.

Portfolio Output # 4:

Recipe for Academic to Future Career Success

1 cup `                Time-Management

1 spoonful          Imagination

3 cups                  Creativity
5 cups                  Responsibility

1 teaspoon          Discipline

8 spoonfuls         Optimism

10 spoonfuls       Intelligence

1/4 kg.                  Determination

1/2 kg.                  Perseverance

1/4 kg.                  Patience

1 gallon                Kindness

3/4 kg.                  Hard work

2 gallons             Talents and Skills

1/4 kg.                  Confidence


1. Mix Time-Management, Imagination, Creativity, Responsibility, Discipline, Optimism and

Intelligence. Follow the right amount.
2. Add Determination, Perseverance, and Hard-work together with Patience and Kindness.
3. To finally achieve SUCCESS, add Talents and Skills with Confidence.

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