RCM - Statement December 2020

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West Asia Regional Major Groups and Stakeholders Consultation

West Asia MGS Regional Statement to for the Regional Consultation

Mmeeting of Member States, by .West Asia Major Groups & Stakeholders

December 8, 2020

We, the representatives of UNEP’S West Asia region accredited Major Groups and
Stakeholders met virtually for the West Asia Regional Consultation Meeting on
December 8, 2020.

MGD We are deeply concerned about the heath, safety and the Environmental
challenges that the West Asia countries region faces today, which include:

1. Damage to natural resources, plant, and animal diversity with eExtreme

environmental injustice due to the causes of which include, but are not

limited to, conflict, war, and occupation; population displacement;

unilateral sanctions are alarming! and their damage to natural resources,

plant, and animal diversity.

2. (This is not a gram sticky in correct statement) lack of civil society involvement

in environmental policy; poor waste management; and oil spills as well as

lack of environmental programs implemented to educate society on how to

protect and maintain the environment.

3. (Fact check please, the statement may not be true to all countries in the

Arab world, nor its scientifically proven) Declining biodiversity and

accelerating rates of species extinction.

4. (Suggest to separate the two issues as to be addressed properly with facts)

Climate change and increasing stress on water resources.

5. Lack of support for sustainable agricultural processes (it’s not clear what

is processes, facts check) to help the livelihoods of farmers and producers

and to meet the needs of local communities.

6. (This point is duplicated, see above!) Water scarcity, poverty, and limited

support for the livelihood of local communities in the region.

7. ( suggest not to name a country since its is a collective effort by WE) The

destruction of natural and agricultural lands as a tool for the annexation of


8. (Please, fact check… it’s not a problem in most arab countries) Urban

sprawl on agricultural areas and neglect and failure to support and

encourage agriculture in developing countries in the region.

9. ( it’s not clear… grammatical and facts) Increased levels of terrestrial,

marine pollution and Pollution from mal-usage of resources in the region.

10. (This statement is addressed above!) Unsustainable use and exploitation of

natural resources and biodiversity.

11. (Check Facts..!?) The illegal killing and trafficking of wildlife.

12. (Suggested no countries name… only issues or challenges in place) The

environmental repercussions of the Beirut port explosion and the high risk

from the FSO SAFER in the Red Sea of Yemen.

13. (Facts are missing… three issues are mixed in one..!?$ Gender inequality,

high levels of unemployment and COVID-19 and its impacts in the region.
In light of these challenges, the following was agreed upon: MGS ask
fir great attention on the following call:
❖ We request the Member States to take mitigation measures to respond to
the environmental impacts of the heath, safety and environment issues of
issues of conflicts in the West Asia countries as inseparable part of the
world. region.

❖ We ask the UN ask UN Environment Program to assist the NGOs in building

capacity as early alarming bodies to governments in West Asia to put in
place mid-term and long-term plans to deal with the region’s environmental

❖ We stress the need for more Civil Society coloration at local level and
between countries governments in West Asia to take inventory of relevant
international laws, identify current gaps and weaknesses in environmental
protection during armed conflicts, and form policies to recommendations
in to strengthening strengthen the legal framework and its enforcement.

❖ We urge more cooperation to c the member states of the West Asia region
to strengthen their efforts to achieve the fulfillment of Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) including human rights, justice, peace, and
security in the region and to respond to the challenges faced by all of
countries who suffer from political tension, occupation, conflict, and

❖ We encourage request that governments in West Asia forge a contribution

of the transformative alliance with NGOs, civil society and the private
sector to develop an innovative, productive, cities resilient, resource-
efficient, low-carbon, and pollution-free economy and deliver on the
committee met in place presented by the countries’ Voluntary National
Review (VNRs) goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

❖ (Redundant see point above) We call on governments in West Asia to

acknowledge and support the work of NGOs and communities
implementing zero waste systems at the local level in partnership with local
authorities, including through initiatives to reduce waste generation;
improve separate collection; and increase recycling, composting, and
anaerobic digestion.

❖ We see the need for clear founding strategies, methodologies and

applications supporting thematic issues Weapplication We call on the
governments in the West Asia region to allocate funds to supporting
programs on mitigation and adaptation of Climate Change as well as
protecting the environment in the vulnerable countries in the region.

❖ Regarding Beirut port explosion, We call on the UNEP, NGOs and

governments in the West Asia region countries to help provide experts to
investigate, take samples of the soil, sea water and air, analyses and
determine of the environmental impact on heath, safety and well been. of
the blast, and provide a strategy and resources working on remediation
and minimizing the damages.

❖ We call the United Nations Environment (UNEP) to MGS suggests

establishing suggest to establish regional risk reduction regional programs
to sSupport the strengthening of local national capabilities and capacities
for management of all hazardous chemicals; and Disclose prevention of
illegal international traffic in toxic and of dangerous products.

❖ (I suggest omit LING this as is its specific issue) Regarding SAFER FSO
ship, we call on the governments in the West Asia region to take swift and
urgent action to prevent this grave environmental catastrophe from
occurring as well as and take the necessary measures to secure it and
prevent the oil from leaking out.

(This statement is not reflecting a coluctive statement) We remind the
governments of the West Asia region to take active participation in all UN
Environment meetings such as CPR and UNA-5 .

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