Wetland Ecol N Human HLTH 2012

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Wetlands Ecol Manage (2012) 20:165–171

DOI 10.1007/s11273-012-9264-4


Wetlands and human health: an overview

P. E. R. Dale • R. Connelly

Received: 28 May 2012 / Accepted: 29 May 2012 / Published online: 17 June 2012
 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract This paper provides an introduction to the minimise health risks while restoring or maintaining
Wetlands and Human Health special issue and an wetland function or by exploring knowledge needs
overview of the papers. It identifies the disjunct that that would facilitate wise management.
can exist between managing wetland health and
human health. There is a need to resolve the potential Keywords Disease  Schistosomiasis  Cholera 
conflict between managing wetlands for their values West Nile virus  Ross River virus  Mosquito 
and managing them for positive human health out- Constructed wetlands  Management  Salt marsh 
comes. All authors have used the Ramsar definition of Mangrove
wetlands and the World Health Organization defini-
tion of human health. The papers (several are reviews)
cover a range of wetlands and diseases from mosquito-
borne to snail or pathogen vectors. Mosquito man-
agement is a common theme, illustrating, for the Background
eastern USA, that wetland damage from the early to
mid twentieth century can be ameliorated by careful Management of wetlands to minimise human health
restoration and, for Australia, that damage may be risk is fraught with potential conflicts. This was not
avoided. Constructed wetlands provide an opportunity always the case. Until at least the mid-twentieth
to create ecosystem services and wetland value such century, wetlands were generally perceived as prob-
that careful design and operation can minimise lem areas (Boyer and Polasky 2004), as swamps
mosquito risks. Although the papers focus on negative suitable mainly for draining and filling for develop-
health impacts of wetlands they deal with these to ment or mosquito control. This view still persists in
some areas. According to Horwitz and Finlayson
(2011) there is ‘‘a persistent negative view of wetland
P. E. R. Dale (&) ecosystems…held by the public in general and the
Environmental Futures Centre, Griffith School of
public-health profession in particular’’ (p. 2). This
Environment, Griffith University, Nathan,
Brisbane 4111, Australia belief is held despite research demonstrating that
e-mail: p.dale@griffith.edu.au wetlands provide both direct and indirect benefits for
people. These benefits and positive wetland values are
R. Connelly
frequently referred to in the literature, often in terms of
Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, Institute of
Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, the ecosystem services they provide (e.g., Barbier
200 9th Street SE, Vero Beach, FL 32962, USA 1992; Ramachandra et al. 2005; Thiere et al. 2009).

166 Wetlands Ecol Manage (2012) 20:165–171

In terms of human health, wetlands have both of diseases where very high temperatures may inhibit
positive and negative impacts. This was the theme of a survival of the pathogen). Sea level change will
Ramsar meeting in 2008 (Bridgewater 2008) and has directly affect the intertidal habitats of disease vectors,
recently been stressed by Horwitz and Finlayson (2011). thereby also affecting human health risks (Millenium
Wetlands contribute to mental and social well- Ecosystem Assessment 2005).
being, which are positive aspects of health. Whitehead This Special Issue aims to bring together papers that
and Rose (2009) recently estimated the environmental address both human health and wetland management
benefits of a range of natural processes including issues from a range of perspectives. Authors used the
wetland contributions to recreation, an aspect of well- Ramsar article 1.1 definition of wetlands (1971), and
being. There are mental health benefits of experienc- the World Health Organization definition of health,
ing the natural environment and its therapeutic value, which is one that has not changed since its inception in
including ‘ecotherapy’, exemplified by the recent 1948 (WHO 2012).
paper by Stevens (2010). Abraham et al. (2010) Wetlands are thus defined as ‘‘areas of marsh, fen,
reviewed over 120 studies related to well-being and peatland or water, whether natural or artificial,
outdoor environments and the health promoting permanent or temporary, with water that is static or
impact of landscape. While these are not necessarily flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of
focussed on wetlands, they have application to these marine water the depth of which at low tide does not
systems. Social well-being includes human well-being exceed 6 m’’ (Ramsar Secretariat 2012).
generally, as recently noted by Horwitz and Finlayson ‘‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and
(2011) who provided a balanced overview and model social well-being, and not merely the absence of
for managing wetlands to conserve ecosystem services disease or infirmity’’ (WHO 2012).
and thus protecting human health. Bringing health and environment generally
The physical health dimension perceived with together Stevens (2010, p. 268) notes ‘‘Well-being
wetlands may be a negative one, with a range of requires a healthy environment, local and global, to
disease risks. Of the disease vectors, mosquito-borne ‘be well’ in.’’ This is the general area addressed in the
disease is the most often reported in the literature papers in this issue. They can be grouped into three
and was reviewed in Dale and Knight (2008). categories: managing constructed wetlands, manipu-
Negative health impacts may also be associated with lated wetlands and specific diseases (Table 1). The
constructed wetlands or wetlands polluted by patho- following sections provide an overview of the papers,
gens, heavy metals or pesticides which pose a health followed by a synthesis.
risk particularly when human populations and their
activities encroach on the habitats. Thus Graczyk et al.
(2009) found human enteropathogens (Cryptosporidi- Overview of the papers in this issue
um spp.) associated with constructed wetlands in
Ireland; Sekomo et al. (2011) recently found concen- Constructed wetlands
trations of a variety of heavy metals in natural
wetlands receiving wastewater in Rwanda which Constructed wetlands comply with the Ramsar defi-
posed a health hazard for local people. Parasites may nition of a wetland and can perform a dual benefit by
be found in natural wetlands, especially in those that creating wetland value while also treating effluent.
are degraded (Shapiro et al. 2010). However, constructed wetlands can provide prime
It is important then to manage the negative risks habitat for various mosquito species resulting in the
associated with wetlands in order to conserve wetland potential to create a human health risk. Walton has
values as well as retaining the value for human well- reviewed the international research literature on
being referred to above. This is of increasing urgency constructed wetlands and risk of mosquito production.
with climate and sea level changes. It can be inferred He explores a range of water management issues and
that, in a warming world, many wetland related suggests design characteristics and operational pro-
diseases are likely to expand their range (Hughes cesses that should satisfy both the water purification
and McMichael 2011) and the disease transmission objectives as well as minimising mosquito-borne
cycle may be accelerated (with the possible exception disease risk.

Wetlands Ecol Manage (2012) 20:165–171 167

Table 1 Overview table showing wetland type, location, health issue, purpose and scale
Paper Wetland type Area Human health Purpose Scale

Constructed wetlands
Walton Constructed USA Mosquito vectors of To review literature and management to Global review
(Review) for water disease minimise pollutants and mosquitoes with a local
quality Californian
management example
Manipulated wetlands and environment
Rey et al. Coastal salt Florida, USA Mosquito-borne To manage the wetlands sustainably. Regional:
marsh and disease (especially Identified inter alia spoil heap issues Indian River
mangroves West Nile virus) from the early grid ditching projects Lagoon
and nuisance Stresses health and well-being, even if
no disease
Taylor Coastal salt Florida, USA Mosquito-borne To restore wetlands by purchase and Local: Indian
marsh and disease and removal of spoil heaps River Lagoon
mangroves nuisance (1 site)
Rochlin Coastal salt NE USA Mosquito-borne To restore grid- ditched marsh consistent Regional
et al. marsh disease (West Nile with minimal mosquito production
virus) and nuisance
Dale and Coastal salt Queensland Mosquito-borne To balance wetland values and health National
Knight marsh and and New disease (Ross River issues with case study examples responsibility
mangroves South virus) and local
Wales, examples
Griffin and Mangroves New South Mosquito-borne To integrate knowledge about fish and Local
Knight Wales, disease (Ross River mosquitoes, their relationships within
(Review) Australia and Barmah Forest mangrove systems and the potential for
viruses) biological control
Wetland disease focus
Appleton Streams, Southern Schistosomiasis To review the ecology of Schistosomiasis Regional
and rivers, Africa transmission in different wetlands in
Madsen pools, lakes, southern Africa
(Review) dams
Neogi et al. Estuary, Bangladesh Cholera To assess relationships between Vibrio Local
(Review mangroves cholerae and environmental parameters
and case in a tropical estuarine system

Manipulated wetlands and environment recent advances were underpinned by state and
mosquito control district collaborations, and have,
Rey et al. provide a balanced review of intertidal since around the 1980s, taken an approach that aims to
wetland management for mosquito control in Florida, restore environmental values in the intertidal man-
USA. The review includes the history of mosquito groves and salt marshes. Rey et al. demonstrate a long-
control, which aimed at reducing nuisance, improving term collaboration between agencies at all levels of
health and well-being (as well as disease), thereby government that has facilitated what might be reason-
facilitating settlement and development of the state. ably referred to as ‘wise management’.
Mosquito control in the early days (from the 1920s) The paper by Taylor discusses at a more local level
involved ditching, dredging and filling and impound- aspects of the management of the Indian River Lagoon
ing. All were highly destructive of wetland values. As referred to in the regional level paper by Rey et al.
environmental concerns grew in the 1980s mosquito Highlights include the restoration of dredge and fill
control focussed efforts on restoring marsh function sites and subsequent selling of the dredge material,
while minimising mosquito problems. Those more which would otherwise be a waste product, to fund the

168 Wetlands Ecol Manage (2012) 20:165–171

projects. The restoration was achieved by restoring the been paid to interactions within the mangroves.
tidal system (restoring the marsh elevation so as to However, recent research has identified complex basin
restore tidal flushing) and, in the 7 years after structures within mangrove systems and this is a field
construction, intertidal vegetation has colonised the of research with relevance to addressing the gaps
new surfaces. Taylor notes that the original surface is identified by Griffin and Knight. The evidence for fish
below the current one and this could mean either a predation on mosquitoes shows potential for this to be
change in sea level or subsidence (or compaction) of an effective part of an integrated wetland program, but
the sediment. it depends on understanding within mangrove fish-
Rochlin et al. review the literature on marsh mangrove-mosquito relationships. Dale and Knight
management for mosquito control and then report a (this issue, referred to above) provide a practical
project that combined marsh restoration with mos- example of a pilot project that uses detailed knowledge
quito management. They note that the implementation of a mangrove system to plan and implement a small
and relatively long term monitoring (in their case modification project designed to increase fish access to
5 years post-modification) of such projects is not a mosquito habitat in a back basin. There are
common, largely being resource limited. The project implications for management’s adaptation to climate
has been successful as it involved interagency collab- and sea level fluctuations resulting in changes to
oration from an early stage, thereby facilitating mangrove distribution that might be expected to have
approvals, and it made use of existing resources, flow-on effects to the fish-mangrove-mosquito system.
thereby minimising costs.
Wise management can be achieved, balancing both Wetland related diseases
wetland and human health issues. The paper by Dale
and Knight shows how the Ramsar principles of wise There are two papers that focus mainly on diseases, one
management can be achieved when wetland and on schistosomiasis, which is transmitted to humans by
disease management are planned and implemented snails in wetlands, and the other on cholera, a
concurrently with inputs from both scientists and local waterborne pathogen. Reviewing schistosomiasis (also
managers. It takes as a starting point the Ramsar known as Bilharzia) a serious disease in southern
Convention joined in 1975 by Australia (post-dating Africa, Appleton and Madsen refer to a wide range of
the earlier period of wetland damage and destruction freshwater wetlands, both natural (streams, pools) and
by mosquito control in eastern USA). They over- man-made (dams of various sizes, irrigation canals).
viewed the relationship between environment and Human behaviour which results in contact between
health focussed legislation in the state of Queensland humans (particularly children) and water is a risk factor
and the potential conflicts that might arise from strict for schistosomiasis, but such contact is part of the way
compliance with the health requirements. This needs of life in the affected areas and so is difficult to manage.
an ideal balance between a wide range of stakeholder Management, e.g., for food production, can exacerbate
interests (mosquito control agencies, government the problem. For example, irrigation projects and dam
agencies, researchers) in an interdisciplinary frame- construction are management actions, both of which
work. To put the discussion in a practical framework, can lead to the disease proliferating in areas previously
two examples are presented showing how wise with low incidence. Wetland restoration or construc-
management and capacity building were achieved in tion may also result in conditions favourable for
a salt marsh and later extended to a mangrove schistosomiasis to become endemic, thereby high-
modification (source reduction) project. lighting the conflict between conserving positive
To successfully modify or otherwise manage an wetland values and managing negative ones (from a
ecosystem for mosquito control a sound knowledge human health perspective).
base of the system is essential. Griffin and Knight, Neogi et al. review the ecology of cholera in the
focussing on mangroves, review an essential compo- Karnaphuli mangrove estuary in Bangladesh. The
nent of an integrated program: the fish-mangrove- pathogen (Vibrio cholerae) is favoured by relatively
mosquito interaction. In a well-structured paper they high temperatures and high pHs and thus mangroves
show that much of what is known in the area tends to are suited to its survival. There are associations with
be in the mangrove fringes and that little attention has some vegetation [e.g., duckweed (Lemna minor) and

Wetlands Ecol Manage (2012) 20:165–171 169

water hyacinth (Eichhornia crussipes)], both of which ‘development’ or destruction for mosquito control.
are not uncommon in wetlands and so vegetation Taylor noted a loss of up to 90 % of wetlands in the
management may be an option to reduce human health Indian River Lagoon (east coast Florida and part of it
risks. Another factor is that the pathogen has potential now designated by Ramsar) and Rey et al. provided
to multiply when bottom sediments are disturbed, information on the historical damage to wetlands by
resulting in increased suspended particles and associ- mosquito control. Rochlin et al. referred to the loss of
ated chitins. Although not specifically mentioned, wetlands as high as 50 % in some states. They
dredging operations related to development would focussed on superimposing management of intertidal
pose a human risk factor as well as affecting wetland wetlands on previously damaged or destroyed
processes. From the perspective of climate and sea marshes. This has not been the case in the Australian
level changes, increases in mangroves and tempera- examples, as mosquito management (although initi-
ture may extend the habitats favourable to the cholera ated in 1959 in Queensland on the Gold Coast to
pathogen. provide amenity and encourage settlement), was not
seriously undertaken until the 1980s (Dale et al. 2008)
and, by then, environmental concerns, as noted in Dale
Synthesis and Knight, ensured that grid-ditching was not con-
sidered as an option.
Wetland related diseases whose management is A somewhat controversial aspect of mosquito
discussed in the papers in this issue include a control is the use of pesticides. This relates not only
preponderance of mosquito-borne viruses, mainly to developing vector resistance but also to cost, public
from USA and Australia. This reflects a general health and environmental concerns. Reducing pesti-
abundance of research on these arboviruses reported in cide use has positive benefits for the environment and
the literature (Dale and Knight 2008). They all have people, if mosquito production can be effectively
the dual aim of managing disease and nuisance while limited by other means (Dale and Knight; Griffin and
also maintaining or restoring wetland function and this Knight; Rey et al.; Rochlin et al.). One way to reduce
is consistent with the increasing adoption of a wise pesticides is to rely on other methods, including the
management approach to wetlands. However there are role of biological agents. Rey et al., Rochlin et al. and
other relevant diseases such as schistosomiasis and Walton and Taylor, refer to the role of fish, relevant as
cholera which provide a somewhat extended range predators, as well as indicators of wetland condition.
with examples in Africa and Bangladesh (Appleton This is the main focus of the paper by Griffin and
and Madsen; Neogi et al.). In those cases environ- Knight. In contrast, Appleton and Madsen note the
mental management has less focus and managing possibility of pesticide pollution reducing the snail
human behaviour may be a more effective approach. population that acts as an intermediate host in
Reducing human-water contact, especially at times schistosomiasis transmission, thereby reducing the
when the organism or pathogen is prevalent, or human health risk from that disease, but perhaps
modifying behaviour in the water (e.g., reducing urine increasing other health risks.
inputs from children swimming) has the potential to Mosquito management requires significant
lower the risk of such diseases. resources. Although pesticide applications may be
How wetland management for mosquito control has less costly in the short-term, modifying the environ-
developed is noted in several papers. The impetus was ment can provide more cost effective long-term
to make otherwise mosquito infested areas habitable mosquito control (Dale and Knight). Resources are
(such as Florida USA). In the early twentieth century usually limited and this is an important issue in areas
in USA the obvious approach was to destroy the where intervention in wetland ecology is a manage-
mosquito habitats (and at the same time create areas ment objective, as can be the case with mosquito
suitable for development). Thus wetlands in the USA, control, and which cannot easily be resourced from the
especially coastal ones, were seriously damaged or mosquito control agency alone. Several papers refer to
destroyed by grid-ditching and impounding. Wetland this. In the research by Rochlin et al. existing resources
loss was specifically mentioned by several authors, using several stakeholders were deployed for the
related to the ‘reclamation’ of wetlands for construction activities; in restoring marsh function

170 Wetlands Ecol Manage (2012) 20:165–171

Rey et al. noted the role of Mosquito Control Districts Acknowledgments We thank all the authors for contributing
and government bodies; Taylor reported a novel to this issue and sharing their experiences and insights into
aspects of wetlands and human health.
approach, not available in all cases, whereby
unwanted dredge material was sold to finance oper- Funding The overview paper was prepared using salary and in
ations. Underpinning these resource issues is the need kind resources provided by Griffith University (Dale) and
for collaboration and sharing as noted by Dale and University of Florida (Connelly).
Knight, Rochlin et al. Rey et al. and, to a more limited
extent, by Taylor.
Climate and/or sea level changes and their effects
were noted or could be inferred from most authors.
With direct reference to climate or sea level change Abraham A, Sommerhalder K, Abel T (2010) Landscape and
Dale and Knight referred to the need to balance well-being: a scoping study on the health-promoting
wetland and human health in a changing environment; impact of outdoor environments. Int J Public Health
Rochlin et al. in the context of wetland restoration, 55(1):59–69
Barbier E (1992) Sustainable use of wetlands valuing tropical
noted that accelerated sea level rise and climate wetlands benefits: economic methodologies and applica-
change creates challenges for managers. Two issues tions. Geogr J 159(1):22–32
related to sea level change emerge from the paper by Boyer T, Polasky S (2004) Valuing urban wetlands: a review of
Taylor: one is sea level affecting sediment in marshes non-market valuation studies. Wetlands 24(4):744–755
Bridgewater P (2008) Healthy wetlands, healthy people: how
that would affect restoration success; the second is can we achieve this ideal? Proc Natl Acad Sci India B
mangrove encroachment into salt marshes, potentially 78:13–20
increasing the area of mosquito producing systems and Dale PER, Knight JM (2008) Wetlands and mosquitoes: a
hence the need for control. The effects of climate review. Wetl Ecol Manag 16:255–276
Dale PER, Carlson DB, Easton C (2008) 4 degrees of latitude:
change may be inferred from information in papers mosquito control on the ‘‘right’’’ coasts of Florida and
whose systems are specifically tropical (as these may Australia. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 24:427–437
expand under global warming scenarios). These Graczyk TK, Lucy FE, Tamang L, Mashinski Y, Broaders MA,
include Neogi et al. (tropical climate and cholera), Connolly M, Cheng HWA (2009) Propagation of human
enteropathogens in constructed horizontal wetlands used
Walton (referring to constructed wetlands in sub for tertiary wastewater treatment. Appl Environ Microbiol
tropical and tropical systems) and Appleton and 75:4531–4538
Madsen (increased temperature may reduce the inci- Horwitz P, Finlayson CM (2011) Wetlands as settings for
dence of schistosomiasis); although not specifying sea human health: incorporating ecosystem services and health
impact assessment into water resource management. Bio-
level changes, the paper by Griffin and Knight science 61:678–688
demonstrates mangrove characteristics that would be Hughes L, McMichael T (2011) The critical decade: climate
sensitive to this. change and health. Climate Commission Secretariat
In conclusion, this Special Issue of Wetlands (Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency)
Commonwealth Government, Australia
Ecology and Management has brought together a Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) Ecosystems and
variety of papers with relevance to both wetlands and human well-being: wetlands and water synthesis. World
human health. There are three areas. The first is about Resources Institute, Washington DC
constructing wetlands, where the issue is to retain Ramachandra TV, Rajinikanth R, Ranjini VG (2005) Economic
valuation of wetlands. J Environ Biol 26(2):439–447
ecosystem services and wetland value; the second is Ramsar Secretariat (2012) Classification system for wetland
about manipulating wetlands to restore or maintain type http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-activities-cepa-
wetland function. Both of these have the common aim classification-system/main/ramsar/1-63-69%5E21235_
of minimising mosquito-borne disease risk. The third 4000_0 Accessed 16 Feb 2012
Sekomo CB, Nkuranga E, Rousseau DPL, Lens PNL (2011)
area focuses on two diseases common in tropical Fate of heavy metals in an urban natural wetland: the Ny-
countries, often those with limited resources. Themes abugogo Swamp (Rwanda). Water Air Soil Poll 214(1–4):
that have emerged include management issues involv- 321–333
ing limited resources and the importance of collabo- Shapiro K, Conrad PA, Mazet JAK, Wallender WW, Miller
WA, Largier JL (2010) Effect of estuarine wetland deg-
ration and the interaction between climate and sea radation on transport of Toxoplasma gondii surrogates
level changes. from land to sea. Appl Environ Microb 76(20):6821–6828

Wetlands Ecol Manage (2012) 20:165–171 171

Stevens P (2010) Embedment in the environment: a new para- Whitehead JC, Rose AZ (2009) Estimating environmental
digm for well-being? Perspect Public Health 130(6):265– benefits of natural hazard mitigation with data transfer:
269 results from a benefit-cost analysis of Federal Emergency
Thiere G, Milenkovski S, Lindgren P-E, Sahlen G, Berglund O, Management Agency hazard mitigation grants. Mitig
Weisner SEB (2009) Wetland creation in agricultural Adapt Strat Glob Change 14:655–676
landscapes: biodiversity benefits on local and regional WHO 2012 health definition at: https://apps.who.int/aboutwho/
scales. Biol Conserv 142(2009):964–973 en/definition.html Accessed Jan 5th 2012


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