Newsletter No 154 - 17th September 2021

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Headmistress’s Newsletter

Issue 154 17 th September 2021

Jeans for Genes Day 2021

Today was Jeans for Genes Day at Bronte
School. This is all about raising money to
help some of the most vulnerable children
in the UK whose lives are affected by a
genetic disorder. We are deeply grateful
for your support and due to the generosity
of Bronte families we will be sending
£247.65 to this good cause. Looking very
relaxed in denim on the stairs and on our
new stage are Years 3 and 6 earlier today.

This morning’s Celebration Assembly truly lived up to

its name. Many children were applauded for a wide
range of achievements and are featured in this
week’s newsletter. Here is Aadya (Year 4) after she
achieved a ‘Highly Commended’ grading in the ISA
Arts Competition.
Page 2

Welcome to
the new Pupil
British Values underpin the workings of Bronte School and it is always a pleasure to
announce the new Pupil Parliament for the academic year. After days of preparing
speeches and campaigning to their peers, democracy has seen the following
members elected for this year: Naavya and Gurtej (Year 1), Niamh and Zak (Year 2),
Hera and Zach (Year 3), Saoirse and Jeevan (Year 4), Annabel and Drew (Year 5) and
Naveen and Veer (Year 6). They will be joined by our Head Girl and Boy, Ruby and
Jai, (Year 6) who will take minutes at each meeting. The MPs were presented with
their badges during one of our recent morning assemblies and will attend their
first Parliament next week.

Mr Johnson has been carrying out

sporting assessments this week and
announced many successes this
morning. In particular, Dayisi and
Electra (Year 2) were congratulated for
achieving the Gold standard, with
Dayisi achieving a standing jump of
just under 2 metres!

Pen Licences already awarded!

What good news! Mrs Wood awarded
certificates and licences to Saoirse and
Simran (Year 4) today. To be achieved
so early into Year 4, this shows the
quality of the girls’ presentation, and
also continues the hard work achieved
when they were in Year 3. Well done!
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Roald Dahl Day

Roald Dahl Day was a feature of Monday in school. In Year 5, children were
asked to choose their favourite Roald Dahl quote and create a poster about
it. There followed a drama lesson in which intonation and volume were
rehearsed while reading an excerpt from one of his famous Revolting
Rhymes. Kaelo, Drew and Hugo enjoyed using these skills during a very
enjoyable lesson.

We were delighted to learn that

Saoirse and Elina (Year 4) were
successful in their recent Grade 1
violin exams. They have received their
certificates and we look forward to
hearing them play in future
assemblies and concerts. Well done!
Page 4

The Play leaders have arrived!

Our Year 6 pupils always benefit from the varied opportunities for responsibility
that come with being the oldest in the school. This year, some of them just
couldn’t wait to get into their new job as Play leaders (particularly as the bubbles
system had made this impossible during the previous year). After some training
from Mrs Salter, our playground supervisor, they have already been a true
encouragement to children wanting to try new games or seeking to make new
friends. We are pleased to welcome Amber, Temi, Rajvir, Qirat, Tommy, Poppy,
Maija, Jai and Ruby into this popular role. Here are some of them in action!

Achievements outside of school

remain an important part of
Bronte Celebrations. Harry (Year 4)
told us about his rugby and cricket
achievements and Elliott (Year 5)
described his walking and cycling
successes from the summer
holidays, sometimes over a
Marathon distance. The boys are
pictured proudly showing their
medals. Keep up the excellent
fitness boys, it’s great for our
wellbeing too!
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We are very pleased to

announce further Year 6
positions this week. During
Assembly today we welcomed
our new Year 6 Maths
ambassadors: Veer, Naveen,
Poppy and Amber. They will
perform an important role
including helping others to
learn and assisting with
competitions including our
Times Tables championship.

After a rigorous application process,

involving letter writing and
interviews, Mrs Wood was also
pleased to announce this year’s Year 6
Digital leaders: Temi, Ayrton and Milo.
I am sure that we will learn much
about technology and online safety
from them.

Skeletons have a picnic in Year 1

In Year 1 the children have been studying the book
Funnybones during their English lessons. We have been
thinking of ways we could change or add to the story and
decided it would be fun for the skeletons to have a picnic
when they visit the park. This week we have been writing
invitations and on Friday afternoon we made our own
sandwiches for the skeleton picnic.
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Year 2 visit
Amazing Africa!

Year 2 have been admiring African patterns as part of their 'Amazing Africa' topic.
Children noticed that many designs they studied had repeating patterns inspired
by nature and animal prints. To create African necklaces, children drew geometric
shapes and painted their designs carefully on a plate. Once their beautiful African
necklaces were completed and dry, the class had great fun in the garden reading
stories from other cultures.
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Today Nurse Katie visited Years 3 and 4 to

remind them about the importance of
washing their hands. Using a light box, the
children could see how easily germs can
spread. It is worth remembering that we
must always use soap and water and count
up to 20 seconds.

For a quick recap on handwashing, you could

always look for the videos that Bronte
students created during last year's lockdown
- they are on our Facebook page.
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Look out! Kindergarten
have been building…

The garden has seen some busy

building this week. Kindergarten are
enjoying using our new construction
blocks to build towers and aeroplanes.
As they do so, they are developing
their language, communication,
negotiating and team skills.

Look out for their next construction

project. What would you build?

This busy week also included InCAS tests…

Children in Years 2 to 6
have had a very busy week
completing their InCAS
assessments in the ICT
suite. Their concentration
and effort (as you can see
from this Year 6 picture)
means that they
thoroughly deserve a well-
earned rest this weekend,
Well done everyone!

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