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Vocabulary Set 1

Target Vocabulary:
Bu bölümde öğrenmenizi hedeflediğimiz ‘’hedef kelimeler’’.

consider: to think about something carefully, especially before making a choice or decision

 (üzerinde) düşünmek, dikkate almak, değerlendirmek

 Don't make any decisions before you've considered the situation.
 Have you considered my offer?
 We're considering selling the house. (Ving)

commit: to do something wrong or illegal

 Sık kullanımlar: commit murder/rape/robbery/suicide/ a crime etc.

 işlemek (suç vb.)
 He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't commit.
 She tried to commit suicide by slashing her wrists.

approach: 1. noun; a method of doing something or dealing with a problem

 yaklaşım (bir konuya)

 They are working on a new approach to teaching languages.
 Turkey has followed a more cautious approach to the corona virus problem (adj. + approach)
 Women often take a more practical approach.

2. verb; to move towards or nearer to someone or something

 yaklaşmak
 As I approached the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.
 It might be possible to approach the problem in a different way.

concern: a feeling of worry about something important

 endişe
 We have concerns about human rights.
 This act will cause concern in the Middle East.

establish: to start a company, organization, system, etc that is intended to exist or continue for a
long time

 kurmak, oluşturmak
 Our goal is to establish a new research center in the North.
 The company was established in 1899.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

 He helped to establish the University of California at Berkeley.

available: something that is available is able to be used or can easily be bought or found

 mevcut, müsait
 We use the best available technology.
 Is this dress available in a larger size?
 Do you have any double rooms available this weekend?

trend: a general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing

 trend, akım, meyil, eğilim

 The new trend is sharing filtered photos on Instagram.
 Plus: There is a rising trend to buy USD currency these months.
 With an upward trend in inflation, you expect prices to rise. (economy)

achieve: to successfully complete something or get a good result, especially by working hard

 başarmak, elde etmek (çok çalışarak, emek vererek)

 She eventually achieved her goal of becoming a professor.
 Frances achieved great exam results.
 If you believe in yourself and work hard, you can achieve anything you want.

A) Exercise: Öğren!
Fill in the blanks with the target words!

consider commit approach

concern establish available x2
trend achieve

1. Don't make any decisions before you ___________________ the situation.

2. Hacettepe University was ______________________ in 1967.
3. The chair over there is ____________________, you can sit there.
4. We started to _____________________ very good results after years of effort and hard
5. There used to be a general ____________________towards marriage at a younger age,
especially in the East of Turkey.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

6. We should think of a creative _____________________ to solve this problem. Old methods
are not working anymore.
7. Some people have deep _______________________about the state of the economy in
8. A: Do you have a room _______________________ for this weekend? B: Of course, for how
many people? A: Just me and my wife. B: We booked your room, sir.
9. During the civil war both sides ______________________ numerous crimes and violent acts.
10. A man ________________ to me on the street and asked for an address.

B) Match the Words! Pekiştir!

consider commit approach

concern establish available

trend achieve

1) _____________________: a feeling of worry about something important

2) _____________________: something that is available is able to be used or can easily be
bought or found
3) _____________________: a method of doing something or dealing with a problem
4) _____________________: to start a company, organization, system, etc that is intended to
exist or continue for a long time
5) _____________________: to move towards or nearer to someone or something
6) _____________________: a general tendency in the way a situation is changing or
7) _____________________: to do something wrong or illegal
8) _____________________: to successfully complete something or get a good result,
especially by working hard
9) _____________________: to think about something carefully, especially before making a choice or

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

C) Write a sentence of your own for each of the words you’ve just learned! ++ Write
Turkish meanings of the words. – Uzmanlaş!

- Öğrendiğiniz kelimelerin Türkçe karşılıklarını hiçbir yere bakmadan yazın, daha sonra bu
kelimelerle en az 1 tane örnek cümle yazın. (Verilen her anlam için bir örnek)

concern: ________________________________________________________________________.

available: ________________________________________________________________________.

achieve: _________________________________________________________________________.

approach: _______________________________________________________________________.

establish: ________________________________________________________________________.

consider: ________________________________________________________________________.

trend: ___________________________________________________________________________.

commit: _________________________________________________________________________.


A: consider, established, available, achieve, trend, approach, concerns, available, committed,


B: concern, available, approach, establish, approach, trend, commit, achieve, consider

C: Kendi cümleleriniz + kelimelerin anlamlarını en üstten kontrol edebilirsiniz.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

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