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CLASS-X (FTB-TOPPERS) Date:14-12-20

Time: 3 Hrs Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
(i) The question paper comprises four sections A, B, C and D. There are 36 questions in
the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Section–A - question no. 1 to 20 - all questions and parts thereof are of one mark each.
These questions contain multiple choice questions (MCQs), very short answer
questions and assertion - reason type questions. Answers to these should be given in
one word or one sentence.
(iii) Section–B - question no. 21 to 26 are short answer type questions, carrying 2 marks
each. Answers to these questions should in the range of 30 to 50 words.
(iv) Section–C - question no. 27 to 33 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks
each. Answers to these questions should in the range of 50 to 80 words.
(v) Section–D – question no. - 34 to 36 are long answer type questions carrying 5 marks
each. Answer to these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
(vi) There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some
questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
(vii) Wherever necessary, neat and properly labeled diagrams should be drawn.


1. Which of the following statements is correct?

A) Plants carry out photosynthesis during the day and respiration all the

B) Plants carry out photosynthesis during the night and respiration during
the day.

C) Plants carry out photosynthesis all the time.

D) Plants get their food from the soil.

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2 Identify blood vessels X, Y and Z.

3 The equation given below represents photosynthesis. Identify P andQ.

P+water (sunlight chlorophyll)glucose+Q


What advantages over an aquatic organism does a terrestrial organism

have with regard to obtaining oxygen for respiration?

4 Among the four living organisms R is present at the first trophic level
while P is a secondary consumer because it depends on Q for its food
and S is a tertiary consumer .Then which of the following options is
correct for P, Q, R, S?

A) P-Plant products, Q- Snake, R - Lion, S-Hawk

B) P -Frog, Q-Grasshopper, R- Plant products, S-Snake

C) P-Grasshopper, Q-Snake, R-Plant products, S-Frog

D) P-Snake, Q -Plant products, R- Frog, S-Grasshopper

5. Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the

ecosystem? Statement 1: It is a functional unit of environment.
Statement 2: Land, forest and water bodies are the parts of ecosystem.

A) Statement 1 and 2 both are correct

B) Statement 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect

C) Statement 1 is incorrect and 2 is correct

D) Statement 1 and 2 both are incorrect

6. Assertion: In a healthy adult, the initial filtrate in the kidneys is about 180 L
daily, but the actual volume excreted is only a 1.5 litres a day.
Reason: Most of the filtrate is lost from the body in the form of sweat.

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(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is the correct explanation
of Assertion

(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation
of Assertion

(c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false

(d) Reason is true, but Assertion is false

7. With more demanding exercises (eg. running) more energy is needed and
therefore also more oxygen is needed (in the citric acid cycle) and more
carbon dioxide is produced. Therefore the heart and breathing rate is
becoming higher to enable the transportation of carbon dioxide and oxygen.

Normal resting heart rate for an untrained man is 70 - 75 bpm. And it's lower
for people that are well trained, it can be low as 25 bpm. And for old people it
is higher. Normal breathing rate/min is 13 - 16

Read the passage and observe the graph given above

Answer the following qestions:

7.1. What could be the reason of the breathing rate of person 2 after activity to be
lower than person 1 after activity?

7.2. Define breathing rate.

7.3. What are the gases being transported and what is the substance responsible
for the transport?

7.4. In whom do we generally observe high breathing rate even at rest?

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8. Q. No 8contain five questions. You are expected to answer any four subparts
in these questions.

Sona was standing outside her house in the afternoon enjoying the light
drizzle after the heavy rain. Suddenly she saw a rainbow in the sky. Sona
called out her father and asked him what a rainbow is and how it is formed.
Sona’s father told her that rainbow is an arch of seven colours visible in the
sky which is produced by the splitting of white sunlight by tiny raindrops in
the atmosphere. He also told sona that a similar phenomenon can also be
observed in a science laboratory by passing white light through a transparent

a) What is the name of the phenomenon which produces rainbow?

b) Name the seven colours of the rainbow. Which of them deviates most?

c) When the rainbow is formed, state whether the sun is shining in the sky or

d) Name the transparent object which can be used to observe the

phenomenon similar to rainbow in the science laboratory.

e) What values are displayed by son’s father?

9. Q. No 9 contain four questions. Read the following Paragraph and answer the

The reactivity series is a list of metals arranged in the order of their

decreasing activities. After performing displacement experiments the
following series, known as the reactivity or Activity series has been

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9.1 Which element is present at the top of the reactivity series and is stored in
kerosene oil?
1. Potassium (K) 2. Tin (Sn)

3. Lead (Pb) 4. Gold (Au)

9.2 Which of the following is arranged according increasing reactivity?

1. Mg < Ca < Na < K 2. Mg < Na < Ca < K

3. Na > Li > Mg > K 4. K > Mg > Na > Li
9.3 Metals can be arranged in order of their reactivity in a_______.

1. More reactive 2. slow reactive

3. More reactive than zinc 4. Activity series

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9.4 Which of the following metal can displace the hydrogen from dilute acids?

1. Magnesium 2. Copper 3. Silver 4. Gold

10. Q. No 10 contain four questions. Read the following table and answer the

Two heaters A and B are given

Power Voltage Resistance Current

Heater A 100W 220V ---- ----
Heater B 150W 220V ---- ----

a. Which Heater for high resistance

b. If 1KWH is priced at 30 paise, which heater will be turned costlier if they run for
1 hour each

c. Which heater consumes more current?

d. What is the commercial unit of electrical energy?

11. Butanone is a four-carbon compound with the functional group:

1. Carboxylic acid. 2. Aldehyde 3. Ketone 4. Alcohol

12. While cooking, if the bottom of the vessel is getting blackened on the
outside, it means that;

1. The food is not cooked completely.

2. The fuel is not burning completely.

3. The fuel is wet.

4. The fuel is burning completely.

13. Ethane, with the molecular formula C2H6 has :

1. 6 covalent bonds 2. 7 covalent bonds.

3. 8 covalent bonds. 4. 9 covalent bonds

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14. Name the functional group present in each of the following organic
(i) C2H5CI
(ii) C2H5OH

15. Assertion (A): V – I graph for Si is non – linear

Reason(R): Semiconductor doesn’t obey ohm’s law

1. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation of A

2. Both A and R are correct and R is not correct explanation of A

3. A is correct but R is incorrect

4. A is incorrect but R is correct.


Assertion (A): Bending a wire does not effect electrical resistance.

Reason (R): Resistance of wire is proportional to resistivity of the material.

1. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation of A

2. Both A and R are correct and R is not correct explanation of A

3. A is correct but R is incorrect

4. A is incorrect but R is correct.

16. A child has drawn the electric circuit to study Ohm’s law as shown in Figure.
His teacher told that the circuit diagram needs correction. Study the circuit
diagram and redraw it after making all corrections.

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17. What is meant by a functional group in an organic compound?

18. A green layer is gradually formed on a copper plate left exposed to air for a
week in a bathroom. What could this green substance be?


Name two metals which react with dil.HNO3 to evolve hydrogen gas.

19. The bluish colour of water in deep sea is due to

1. The presence of algae and other plants found in water

2. Reflection of sky in water

3. Scattering of light

4. Absorption of light by the sea

Directions(Q.No.20) In the following questions a statement of Assertion is followed by a

statement of Reason. Mark the correct choice as

(1) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation
of Assertion.

(2) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason ·is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.

(3) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.

(4) If Reason is true but Assertion is false.

20. Assertion: Reactivity Series is an arrangement of element based on their


Reason: Reactivity Series is used to separate elements based on their reactivity.


21. Answer the following regarding our digestive system 2m

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i. How would the digestion of food be affected if the bile duct is completely

ii. What is mainly digested by stomach of man?

22. Consider the following food chain which occurs in a forest: Grass -> Deer ->
i. If 10000 J of solar energy is available to the grass, how much energy would
be available to the deer to transfer it to the lion? 2m

ii. What is the law related to this transfer of energy called?

23. What is a homologous series? Which two of the following organic compounds
belongs to the same homologous? 2m

CH3, C2H6, C2H6O, C2H6O2, CH4O

Why does carbon forms large number of compounds?

24. (a) Name one metal , which is a poor conductor of heat. 2m

(b) Name the two noble metals?

25. Is Ohm’s law universally applicable to all conducting elements? If not explain
with the help of an example. 2m

26. A student using the same two resistors, ammeter, voltmeter and battery
makes two circuits connecting the two resistors first in series and other in
parallel. If the ammeter and voltmeter readings in both the cases be I1, I2 and
V1, V2 respectively. Write his observations. 2m


27. State the role of the following in human respiratory system. 3m

(a) Nasal Hairs (b) Diaphragm (c) Alveoli


State one word for the following

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(a) Mechanism for moving the air in and out of the body.

(b) Structure in plants to facilitate gaseous exchange.

(c) Respiratory organ in aquatic organism.

28. Compare the type of nutrition in the three types of heterotrophs. 3m

29. (a) What is ‘environmental pollution’? 3m

(b) Distinguish between biodegradable and non-biodegradable pollutants.
(c) Choose the biodegradable pollutants from the list given below:
Sewage, DDT, radioactive waste, agricultural waste.

30. A wire of length 1 m and radius of 0.1 mm has a resistance of 100 Ω. Find
the resistivity of the material. 3m

31. What is the difference in colours of the Sun observed during sunrise/sunset
and noon? Give explanation for each. 3m


How will you conclude that the same potential difference (voltage) exists
across three resistors connected in a parallel arrangement to a battery?

32. Give reason for the following: 3m

(a) School bells are made up of metals.
(b) Electric wires are made up of copper.
(c) Name the ions present in the compound, KCl.

33. How many structural isomers can you draw for pentane? 3m
What is homologous series? Explain with an example.


34. (a) Draw a diagram of human excretory system and label the following parts
on it: 5m

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(i) Right Renal Artery

(ii) Vena cava.

(iii) Urinary bladder

(iv) Left kidney

(b) List two vital functions of the kidney.


Explain how deoxygenated blood travel from body to lung for purification.
Draw well-labelled diagram in support of your answer.

35. Write balanced chemical equations for the following reactions: 5m

(a) Dilute sulphuric acid reacts with aluminium powder.
(b) Dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium carbonate.
(c) Carbon dioxide is passed through lime water.

Give reasons for the following:
(i) Element carbon forms compounds mainly by covalent bonding.
(ii) Diamond has a high melting point.
(iii) Graphite is a good conductor of electricity.

36. (a) List the factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends. 5m
(b) A 4 kW heater is connected to a 220 V source of power. Calculate
(i) the electric current passing through the heater.
(ii) The resistance of the heater.
(iii) The electric energy consumed in 2 hour use of the heater.

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