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Instituto Superior del Profesorado de Inglés N° 1 “Estela Guinle de Cervera”


NAME: __________________________ STATUS: _______________

Use of English
Part 1. For questions 1-12, read each text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each
World’s oldest dinosaur
Scientists have confirmed that a set of fossilised bones, first (0) _ C__ in the 1930s in Tanzania and then
sent to London’s National History Museum to be (1) ___ are those of a Labrador-sized dinosaur that
lived at least 10 to 15 million years earlier than the previous oldest-known dinosaur. Having recently
examined the fossils, the scientists have concluded that the dinosaur probably stood (2) ___ on two legs
and was about three metres long. They also found the creature’s arm bones (3) ___ the key
characteristics of dinosaurs and that it must have grown rapidly, another distinguishing (4) ___ of
dinosaurs. However, they do not know whether it was carnivore or herbivore because no teeth or jaws
have been (5) ___. The research team believe that their findings establish that dinosaurs evolved earlier
than many believe as the fossils have been (6) ___ to between 247 million and 235 million years ago, a
geological period known as the Triassic when Africa was part of a giant supercontinent called Pangaea,
which included South America, the Antarctic and Australia.

0 A revealed B exposed C D exhumed

1 A housed B deposited C collected D stored
2 A upright B vertical C upward D raised
3 A carry B display C illustrate D involve
4 A aspect B part C feature D point
5 A rescued B preserved C sustained D conserved
6 A identified B tracked C dated D traced

Real Fakes
When the artist and restorer Tom Keating (7) ___ that he had produced and sold thousands of fake
paintings, panic immediately (8) ___ throughout the art world. Many of Keating’s works, supposedly by
famous painters, had gone for vast sums of money at auction houses around the world. They had
suddenly become (9) ___ overnight, leaving some galleries and private collectors facing financial (10)
___. Keating was prosecuted for (11) ___, but charges against him were dropped on grounds of his ill
health, and he never had to serve a prison (12) ___. Ironically, since his death, the value of genuine
Keating fakes has soared, and some of them command even higher prices than those of the artists he
7 A confessed B declaimed C acknowledged D affirmed
8 A poured B stretched C filled D spread
9 A penniless B deprived C worthless D unworthy
1 A crash B ruin C desolation D destruction
11 A forgery B arson C libel D blackmail
12 A time B stretch C period D sentence

Part 2. For questions 1-12, complete the following article by writing each missing word in the correct
space. Use only one word for each space. The exercise begins with an example.

The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music

For the past eight years, (0) __many__ of the world’s leading classical musicians (1) __________
gathered in Switzerland’s glitziest ski resort to play, to teach and socialise. (2) __________ this were all,
it would be the ultimate classical music insiders’ club. But the attraction of Verbier, (3) __________
charm and relevance, is that it is also home for three weeks to (4) __________ than 100 young
musicians from 31 countries, starry-eyed about meeting the masters and getting a crash course at the
highest possible level. Conductors of the world’s top (5) __________ are on hand to get the young
musicians into shape, coaxing fine performances of (6) __________ daunting challenges as Mahler’s
Third Symphony and Brahms’ First Symphony.
Verbier is the creation of the Swede, Martin Engstroem, (7) __________ for many years was a leading
agent. He wanted to run his (8) __________ festival and, having some of the best contacts in the
business, it was (9) __________ hard to find a Swiss ski resort looking for a summer boost, rich villa
owners keen to open their houses to musical celebrities and stars used to (10) __________ indulged.
Engstroem is the most relaxed and charming of men, (11) __________ in his way he is a dictator. The
music heard at Verbier (12) __________ to be to his classical taste with hardly a note of the

Part 3. For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given between brackets to form a word that
fits in the space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Musical Splendour
Like all artists, musicians are often (0) __astonishingly__ (astonish) precocious. It is well known, for
example, that Mozart’s first public performance took place when he was only six. Chopin, a skilled
concert (1) ____________ (piano) as well as composer, wrote his first work for piano when he was seven.
In both cases, of course, indications of (2) ____________ (ordinary) musical skill were recognised during
childhood and encouraged. Had their talents gone (3) ____________ (notice), however, they would not
have had the opportunity to utilise their skill and would never have developed their (4) ____________
(great). It is a sobering thought that thousands of potentially (5) ____________ (stand) artists may have
lived and died without ever knowing that they had an inherent ability to become great.
For a reason which is (6) ____________ (doubt) associated with the unusual development of a special
part of the brain, brilliant artists frequently possess an awareness of their own importance and a (7)
____________ (clear) of purpose lacking in most other people. They may also feel a tremendous
compulsion to utilise their gifts to the full, (8) ____________ (regard) of the consequences to them or to
anyone else. Beethoven, who died from illness and (9) ____________ (exhaust), was said to have been
(10) ____________ (will) to give up work until lying on his deathbed. ‘I shall hear music in heaven’ were
his final words.

Part 4. For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight
words, including the word given.

1. I never realised what a great book it was until I heard two critics discussing in on TV. BEING
It was only _____________________ by two critics on TV that I realised what a great book it was.

2. The inventor never actually claimed that his idea was an original one. POINT
At _________________________ that his idea was an original one.

3. The suggestion to increase the entrance fee at the disco came from Tony. SHOULD
It was Tony___________________ increased at the disco.

4. After Rick had discovered the truth, he reported the facts to the police. OUT
Having ___________________ Rick reported the facts to the police.

5. I find all this talk about marital disharmony very depressing. GETS
All this talk _____________________ down.

6. Sally regrets not sending a birthday card to her boyfriend. WISHES

Sally _____________________ boyfriend a birthday card.

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