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January Black and White Carnival

Held at the beginning of the year in Colombia, the Carnival of Blacks and Whites in Pasto, Nariño
is a must-see. More than 10,000 artists participate during a week of joy, games and fantasy after
months of preparation.

2. February Carnival of Barranquilla

February is known throughout the world as the month of carnivals and in Colombia it is no
exception. The Barranquilla Carnival over time has become one of the most important folkloric
and cultural festivals in Colombia. Every year one and a half million people, including visitors and
locals, gather on the beautiful sandy beach to celebrate a party full of joy, music and fun. During
these days of joy and authenticity, those attending the carnival can enjoy the most typical
characteristics of Caribbean culture.

This is a must see when you think of Colombian festivals.

3. March Ibero-American Theater Festival of Bogotá

Bogotá, the Colombian capital, dresses in color and joy to make way for the largest theater
festival in the world. This festival has the presence of theater companies from five continents,
dance performances, street theater, opera and much more.

4. April: Festival of the Vallenato Legend

At the end of April, the Vallenata Legend Festival is the great celebration of popular culture in
Valledupar. This is the main city in the department of Córdoba and is located in the north of the
country, near the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

The contest encourages and promotes the defense and dissemination of Vallenata Music. UNESCO
recently recognized this musical genre as a cultural heritage.

5. May: ColomBIOdiversity Festival

The ColomBIOdiversity festival is a unique space to promote the importance of being the second
country with the greatest diversity of species in the world. This festival takes place in Medellín and

Its objective is to sensitize as many people as possible about the importance of biodiversity and
the protection of the environment in Colombia. It is developed through cultural spaces such as
exhibitions, environmental film festival and workshops for children.

This is an amazing idea to travel with the family when you want to visit a Colombian festival.

6. June: Festival of San Pedro

The Festival and the National Reign of Bambuco highlights the folklore of the Huila people with
music, dances, comparsas and local gastronomy. The origin of this festival comes from the colonial
era in honor of San Juan for rural celebrations and San Pedro for urban celebrations. Years later,
these two celebrations came together, becoming the official festival using the choreography of the
Sanjuanero de Huila.

7. Colombiamoda

Colombiamoda takes place in Medellín, the capital of Colombian fashion. Known as Colombia
Fashion Week, it is one of the most important venues of its kind in Latin America. One of the main
objectives is to make Colombian entrepreneurs and the industry visible. It has three main axes:
parades, a commercial exhibition and a knowledge pavilion.

8. August: Flower Fair

Beautiful flowers decorate the streets of Medellín every year during the month of August.
Thousands of people gather around this celebration created to remember, exalt and perpetuate
the values of the Silletera culture of Antioquia. The Flower Fair takes place every year in early
August. It is a unique experience for any traveler, it is the largest outdoor flower show in the
world, known as the Silleteros Parade, an event not to be missed. It is another of the must-see
visits of Colombian festivals.
9. September: Green Moon Festival

This festival has given international importance to the island known as the "Sea of 7 Colors": San
Andrés. It is a Caribbean meeting around music, dance, art and gastronomy. It is a week full of
artistic and cultural events. Every year the most prominent artists of Caribbean music of
international renown delight the audience with different shows such as dances and concerts.

10. October Tatacoa Festival

Every year, in mid-October, a connection with Mother Earth takes place in the great Tatacoa
desert. More than 5,000 people from different destinations come to enjoy electronic music for
three days. The festival has the participation of 30 invited artists, including national and foreign

11. November: Salsa Festival in the Park

The Salsa al Parque Festival takes place in Bogotá and has an artistic selection that covers
different manifestations of Salsa music. It has the presence of talented musicians of great national
and international recognition. This festive event brings together a movement specialized in the
genre. Linking artists, dancers, collectors, music lovers and fans.

12. December: Cali Fair

Cali is one of the main cities of Colombia located in the department of Valle del Cauca. The Cali
Fair has become one of the largest exhibitions in Colombia. Here national and foreign tourists
come every year to participate in this great event. The Festival is a showcase for the most colorful
shows of salsa and international dances with hundreds of dancers from the most diverse origins.

These are just a few of the many festivals and fairs that exist in Colombia. So no matter what
month of the year you travel, you will always have incredible places to go and activities to develop
in the company of incredible colors, dances, people and types of music.

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