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Group Assignment Guidelines

The Group: In this assignment, starting point is to form a group of 9 students to pursue it in a
group. In forming a group, male and female students are joining to conform different skills
important in the assignment. For example, writing skill is one of important. Once a group is
formed, an industry is chosen to proceed the assignment. In choosing an industry the group
members should think about the one in which the assignment can be perused effectively. No two
groups can choose same industry. Each group is named by the name of the industry chosen. Each
member of the group, then, needs to choose a firm in the industry. In a group of five students
three different firms can be chosen. It means each two students in a group should choose one
particular firm in the industry. The firm must be enlisted in the capital market and preferably
should be a large one.

The Assignment: A strategy audit is being pursued in this group assignment. The strategy audit
is a comprehensive analysis of the company’s business strategy and operating performance, and
culminates in a series of recommendations for improving the company’s performance based on
the findings and conclusions of such analysis.

In this group assignment, firms chosen by group members are used to prepare a strategy audit.
The industry detail is used to explain the issues of strategy audit. First, the firm’s current
position is given with respect to operations, revenue, growth, market share, profitability, and so

Second, in this audit, the group starts with reviewing vision, mission, objectives and strategies of
the firm each member selects and then compile each of those firms detail to evaluate and
interpret. In the review process the group evaluate the firm’s vision, mission, objectives and
strategies according to the concepts of strategic management.

Third, the group examines the firm’s resources and capabilities to gain sustainable competitive
advantage. In this case the group describes the nature of competitive advantage of the industry
and the position of the firm to gain sustainable competitive advantage. The group needs to look
into the nature of the resources used and the criteria of those resources to gain sustainable
competitive advantages. The firm’s value chain activities must be identified and assessed to
know about distinctive advantages to gain sustainable competitive advantages.
Fourth, the group explains the relevant macro environmental factors important for identifying
opportunities and threats. An external environmental framework for opportunities and threats can
be developed.

Then the group needs to explain the nature of industry competition using Michael Porter’s five
forces model. Also, nation’s diamond of advantage can be used to know the country’s
competitiveness with respect to the industry concern.

Fifth, the group describes the firm’s strengths and weaknesses. In this case, the group can
examine each firm’s strengths and weaknesses to evaluate and interpret. At least five ratios can
be used to describe financial strengths. Internal environmental framework for strengths and
weaknesses can be developed for the firm. Each firm’s performance can be evaluated using
balanced score card.

Finally, the group recommends a number of strategies in each firm based on the analysis
performed in the strategy audit. SWOT Matrix is being used to find a set of recommended
strategies of the firm in an industry.

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