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By dr. Marco Paret Pag. 1
Healing a number of pathologies – Reawakening
the immune system – French Magnetists: Du
Potet – Durville - Maitre Philippe

In this age of ours, man, lost in a frantic quest for material objects and opportunities,
turns oblivious to the fact that the true key to power is found inside his own self.

The role played by the expression “Personal Magnetism” in ordinary parlance is to desig-
nate that kind of powerful fascination which some individuals exercise over fellow hu-
man beings. Without seemingly doing anything special, in fact, this class of individuals
arouse sympathy, interest and consideration. Their presence is welcomed, and one almost
feels impelled to win over their friendship and earn their good esteem.

Neither beauty nor wealth, neither success nor moral qualities are capable of being identi-
fied with the indefinable and subtle irradiation emanating from the magnetic individual,
as such human type possesses some extra quality setting him apart from the others: One
gets the impression of a reservoir of strength which attracts us by its closeness, exactly in
the same way as a magnetic field attracts all the surrounding elements which can be sub-
jected to its influence.

In addition to the aforesaid, one can further discern a subtle beneficial influence being ex-
ercised at a physical level. We feel raised by their presence, and, in the event that we are
affected by physical weakness, we feel energized after mixing with them.

Plain psychology explains some elements of personal magnetism through effects of non
verbal communication processed at an unconscious level.

Personal power in this view comes from an high level of congruence in behavior. So a
first key in developing personal magnetism is getting past many inner blockages.

There is also an energetic aspect. In a materialistic point of view we think of energy, such
as a light or electricity, as a non-conscious force that interacts with matter. In our vision,
energy is vital force, and what permit us to perceive and fully live the world . Energy and
consciousness are therefore strictly related. Experience teaches us that personal magnet-
ism can be enhanced through energetic exercises.

As energy changes our state of consciousness, it changes our awareness field. As a person
becomes more aware of itself, he/she is less dependent from external approval. He will be
also and more able to rely on intuition and inner directions for acting in life.

An enhanced energy permits us thus both a strong hold on reality, both with our inner
self,. In this state some part of us is able to touch an higher dimension beyond the three-
dimensional world. In other words, we get in contact with the implicate order of vibra- Pag. 2
tions in which we are and from which we create our explicate three dimensional world
through our senses and our brain mechanism. And it is at this level that the so called
“quantum magnetic effect” happen.

In our school, we teach both methods of fascination and the so-called “methods of
harmonious magnetism”.
Such methods are capable of solving many problems and assist the process of man’s

Already in his days, F.A. Mesmer had observed the existence in some persons of what
approximated a natural therapeutic capacity, a fact which led him to strive to understand
how the same results could be reproduced on an ongoing basis.
He himself as he practiced as physician could observe a very strange effect: people
bleeded differently as he approached to his patient. This was a stepping stone in his
There is undoubtedly a natural healing capacity that can be developed.
These abilities sometimes manifest simply because of the healer’s physical presence near
the ill patient. It is exactly as if a special “personal quantum magnetism” could be at work
in these moments.
Even animals can feel it. There are also special techniques were some animals’ ailments
can be healed through quantum magnetism
Through the added help of a few gestures and specific words that impacts even more the
informational field, amazing results might well be accomplished.
This “personal quantum magnetism” can be developed in each and every person via the
recourse to specific exercises that naturally enhance energy level and sensitivity.
The only required quality is the desire to work on oneself.
Even in the case of people with inborn gifts, moreover, the use of a technique can further
improves the impact of an inborn “personal magnetism”.
But, even with regard to the so-called “instant methodologies”, whereby we might be
able to heal a person purely through the look, we notice that, over and above the
technique utilized, it is the type of presence involved which represents the key to scoring
We have carried out long researches aimed at determining the most suitable exercises and
conditions for the development of such a state.
These are techniques which help healing take place through a system restoring man to his
own self.
When it comes to a great number of physical problems, what we term “physical quantum
magnetism techniques” are very apt and swift in producing positive results. They yield
vast fruits at an organic level.
The range of case studies pertaining to this type of healing action, which, incidentally,
has been often examined by some highest profile doctors, is indeed most extensive.
Here under is a very partial list setting out some of the physical impairments in respect of
which its validity has been empirically verified:
• Irregular menstrual flows (dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, menopause syndrome, and
so on);
• Various breathing problems; Pag. 3
•Dermatological problems (Eczemas, warts, etc);
•Some problems related to the circulation;
•Many other ailments, which in essence extend to all that is linked to the
vegetative system.
Beneficial results can even materialize in respect of the following problems:
• Stress;
• Compulsive habits;
• Stammering;
• Anxiety and distress;
• Essentially, all psychological problems in general.

Further to the aforesaid, we might reap the advantage of fastest healing results concerning
an array of pathologies which do not easily lend themselves to being successfully treated
by classical methods, e.g. epilepsy or other such situations. To give one illustrating
example, a person who eventually turned into one of our coaches used to suffer precisely
from epileptic manifestations 1. He eventually succeeded in overcoming them through the
use of magnetic and fully non-verbal techniques.

Techniques are susceptible of being developed until such a point where specific states
bearing the under-mentioned appellations are reached:
• Lethargy
• Magnetic ecstasy – It consists in a particular state of exaltation, which can be
heightened by resorting to music
• Magnetic sleep – It is a state in which intuitions might be experienced, as well as
clairvoyance and opening oneself up to higher dimensions.

Exteriorised action is something very real, despite the fact that

even nowadays official science finds it often hard to picture it
Quantum science is the most modern part of physics and probably
is one of the best frameworks we have to give a theoretical
explanations to it.
The first developer of quantum sciences were some german
scientists (Bohr, Schroedinger etc…) deeply imbued with the
philosophy of Schopenauer, and Schopenauer in turn had been
deeply impressed by the experiences of animal magnetism he had observed. These
experiences contributed to create the very basis of his philosophy.

The force we are able to develop is no mere suggestion, inasmuch as the results which are
obtained frequently defy any explanation, and through it problematic cases which had
previously been entrusted to no avail to the care of doctors, specialists and other
categories of hypnotists, are very often solved.

Being cured from forms of epilepsy through magnetism can boast a very long
line of tradition. Apollonius of Tyana already scored successes in treating such
pathology through a variety of magnetism. Pag. 4
Some people, for the sake of expressing this concept, use the term “personal power”,
although no one has succeeded in codifying it precisely merely on the strength of external
Although some people are naturally gifted in this sense, everyone can develop such force.
Paradoxically, the capacity we are dealing with here is present even in persons or
therapists who do not believe in magnetism. These persons sometimes manage to achieve
results in spite of the methodology guiding their steps, and which, in the hands of other,
more intelligent and well-prepared people, might fail to engender the same result.
We can reasonably assume that all of us, at varying levels, possess this capacity to heal,
as well as that such capacity, like any other one, requires practice and self-discipline, and
that it must necessitate gush out from inside ourselves in one form or the other.
What we can observe is that its development runs parallel to the development of
“personal magnetism”, to such an extent that we are entitled to state that, in reality, there
is but one single type of magnetism.

The poles and the body

Through magnetism, we establish contact not just with the mind, but with the body as
well, nay, especially with the body.
It is precisely by using the body as our departure point that we are capable of acting
directly both on a full range of physiological functions and on the physical foundation of
emotions. Each emotion has indeed its own physical equivalent it is related to, in the
form of a specific sensation which is experienced in the body.
If, for instance, we are “tense”, what we are experiencing consists in a physical sensation,
just as being “enraged” is an event which is lived (for most of the people) at the level of
the stomach. The problem, normally, is not represented by the existence of the emotion
per se, but in the fact that such emotion remains “trapped” in the body.
In the ordinary course, our thought processes are what give rise to such trapping block,
and they have a propensity to perpetuate it. When it comes to animals and children,
emotion does not last long. Conversely, in adults it has a tendency to be trapped inwardly
and turn into a chronic state. In fact, every symptom which is kept alive for a sufficiently
long time is prone to “entrenching itself” in the body. An interiorized emotion might
generate pathologies, even of a serious nature.
By resorting to magnetism, a solution is found for the pathological condition in a somatic
way, by acting on those points where the emotion/energy identifies itself.
In magnetism, one accordingly starts from the premise of a natural idea of healthiness
and well-being, whereupon those two conditions are restored.
The use of methodology is an aid to the rediscovery of such state of health.
In most cases, there is no need to act on the verbal superstructure which has occasioned
the block in the first place. All that is required, in order to attain successful results, is
merely to create a state of receptiveness through words or fascination. From this point of
view, magnetism differentiates itself from the spectrum of psychological methodologies,
inasmuch as it does not deem it necessary to act on the so-called conscious mind, which
in fact often witnesses the results thus accomplished in a state of astonishment.
In some instances, it is even possible to extract results from partly sceptical subjects. That
is due to the fact that we operate at a level which is not directly linked to the conscious
mind. Pag. 5
We can see the bodily points where we experience the emotion as the “trapping point” of
energy, or even, by utilizing an alternative set of terms, as the point in which the emotion
becomes absorbed into the body and lives inside it.
In quantum point of view these points are gateway to a
The moment the problem is overcome, the subject feels an increase in energy and well-
Let us now examine some technical aspects of such magnetism.
Mesmer’s school used to speak of “poles”, which represented specific points in the body
with an intrinsic capacity to facilitate energy to be unblocked and flow properly, as well
as to help the process of incorporation, that is, the entry by harmonious ideas in the
totality of the body.
In a physiological perspective we found many times in these point some important nerves
or glands.
In a quantum perspective these are points that in some way help to access to the deeper
implicate level. In fact what we observe is that concentrating the mind on such points can
many times be a powerful way to shift awareness.
And shifting awareness produce always changes in our three dimensional perception.
A very important physical point in this regard consists in the epigastrium.
Modern science confirms the fact that such area hosts a kind of “second brain”. Modern
hypnotherapy and psychology are too often focused solely on the mind, although
scientific researches have given abundant proof of the significant role played by the body.
It is precisely for this reason, to clarify the extent of significance which such “enteric
brain” possesses, that I penned my book titled “Awakening your other brain”.
This brain is called enteric because it is here that many of the elements which are peculiar
to the brain, beginning with the neurotransmitters, are produced and utilized.

There is, therefore, a preferential channel linking stomach and head, one which ensures
that our actions, both instinctive and rational, are always endowed with a deep visceral
component. The brain is not only a regulatory tool, as it is in turn regulated by all the
other physiological processes.
By having recourse to magnetic methodology, we are accordingly given the chance to act
on these and other similar types of internal variables, and to “speak to the body” even
though no word is being used. In such a way, we can lend assistance to a large number of
reactions by the immune system. What is in fact situated in the intestine represents an
important link between the cells of the immune system and those of the nervous system.
This interrelationship is so close that the distance between neuron and lymphocyte is far
less than the one subsisting between two different neurons.

The fact that the belly represented a preferential point within the emotional
component was a truth already known by ancient forms of medicine, both
Western (specifically the ones from which magnetism springs forth) and
Eastern. One can discern interesting concordances with the Japanese
methodologies wherein the hara is vested with extensive importance as a centre
of energy.
In addition, many traditions speak of chakras, that is, the areas where the energy
exchanges between body and environment take place. Pag. 6
The chakra of emotion and instinctive response is located in the stomach, and is given in
the West the name chakra of the solar plexus.
Our first-hand experience has subsequently confirmed to us what even F.A. Mesmer
already used to practice: The look, by halting thought processes, is able to help and speed
up the unblocking of emotions. In addition, it is still possible even to operate purely in a
manual way.

Magnetism and its practice – Du Potet – Durville –

Maitre Philippe
Historically speaking, magnetism as we have just described it descends from the
continuation of a trend which originated in the work of Baron du Potet, whose pioneering
efforts were then taken further by the Durville brothers, only for such trend to
subsequently branch out into a myriad of disparate groups.
Baron du Potet is one of the key characters in French magnetism.

Baron du Potet
Baron du Potet was gifted with a marked intuition, an essential quality if one wants to
carry out magnetic work. In his autobiography, he recounts to us how in his youth he
loved to be among trees by the countryside, in touch with Nature and its energies.

That allowed him to develop his magnetism. The test he had a special preference for
consisted in changing at a distance, without engaging in any speech, the breathing of a
person who was keeping his eyes closed and had been immersed in a magnetic state or
alternatively put to sleep.
This is a simple test, and we also advice one to practice it.
What it does is that it puts magnetism into practice and develops it. One can even try it
out on animals.
Driven forward by an extraordinarily firm resolution, the Baron later became a doctor and
contributed throughout the 19th century to lend credibility to magnetism. Whoever came
in contact with him was impressed by his abilities.
Baron du Potet attained the status of a great healer by making use of magnetic techniques,
even in dealing with rather complicated pathologies. In the process, he realized a number
of successful accomplishments which were certified by doctors in his days.
As a magnetist, he was regaled with a remarkable magnetic power. He authored various
books, such as “Manuel pour l’étudiant magnétiseur” (“Manual for the trainee
magnetizer”). Even in our own time, this book is being published in constantly new
editions in France, because of its nature of a handbook providing a most useful reference
guide. Pag. 7
Another interesting text is “La magie devoilée”, wherein, through the exclusive medium
of gathering one’s thought and engaging in magnetism, the author leads previously
unknown persons to carry out actions on the strength of a kind of “speechless induced

The Durville brothers

Hector Durville (1849-1923) was the next editor of the “Journal of Magnetism”, which
had been founded by Baron du Potet. It is significant that, exclusively through the use of
magnetism, Hector had saved the life of his newborn child Henri. The latter, in turn,
developed with his brother Gaston a school of magnetism. François Ribadeau-Dumas
states that “Henri Durville’s studies on magnetism were of an extremely advanced
character. The courses he ran on the art of magnetizing, through the physical laws of
human magnetism, the processes of steps, impositions and applications, opened up
radically new horizons”.
The Durville siblings additionally developed the research on polarities by using the work
conducted by Baron Von Reichenbach as their point of departure in that connection.
This polarities work can have also a quantum interpretation. As we find polarities, we are
measuring realities and we are beginning to decide to observe a specific direction and
intention to it. This will change the reality. Problems can go away.
A good deal of present-day French magnetism has its origin in the work of the Durville
brothers 2. They were people whose simplicity, charisma, earnestness and efficacy were
admired by all their contemporaries. The journal “La scéne illustré” relates the following
anecdote concerning Henri Durville: The renowned magnetist Henri Durville was deeply
fond of the circus, and would therefore frequently go and see his friend, a tamer called
Georges Mack. One evening, as Mack happened to be at the Montparnasse Casino, two of
the beasts turned aggressive and pounced upon him.
All of a sudden, Durville, who was seated in the front row, got up and walked inside the
cage before the security people could stop him. In his self-confidence, armed with the
sole weapon of his courage, the magnetist set out towards the pair of animals staging a
mutiny against the owner and already on the verge of devouring him alive. While the
members of the audience were holding their breath, the magnetist, in a motionless state,
stared at them with a sparkling look, at the same time carrying out slow and sweet
movements which fascinated them.
After a few seconds, the two beasts calmed down while Durville kept executing his
magnetic steps, without at any stage releasing them from the powerful clutch of his look
brimful of will and energy. Under the potent impact of his steps, the lions quickly bent
down and fell asleep.
Even if the fact astounding, everyone having an animal can try very easily something
similar. Firstly you must excerce your gaze. Put yourself in fron of a mirror in the way we
describe in our online course you can find on Look into your
third eye without blinking. Try progressively to lengthen the period of observation. This
is a very good esercise also to develop your personal magnetism. After you would have

They also established the Magnetic Society of France, which boasted among
its members the likes of HP Blavatski, De Guaïta, Dr Encausse (Papus), Jollivet
Castelot, and Péladan. Pag. 8
made your gaze stronger, try looking at a dog, or at a cat. You will find that these animals
will react to the gaze and you will able to tame them.
If you have a very small dog, put it in on your lap. Look into his eyes steadily and at the
same time caress his eyebrowns. You will soon see he will close his eyes.
Another demonstration which Henri Durville used to conduct was to magnetize a person
behind a wall. This is an experiment which, provided it is carried out with the required
calm and attention, is always regaled with a far-reaching effect. It does in fact enable one
to understand the dynamic which is termed “distance magnetism”.
We have replicated it many times in our trainings, most of the time with striking effects.

It is obviously difficult to explain why such a fact actually occurs. What is discernible is
that, in the event that the relevant persons have successfully worked together before, the
resultant impact might even be stronger. An explanation for that might come from
modern quantum physics, and by the inferences such physics has drawn with regard to
the phenomenon of entanglement, or “quantistic correlation”. For quantum physics both
persons have intricated / entangled their reality by the mere act of will of doing the

Maitre Philippe de Lyon and his spectacular bouts of

It is necessary to mention, alongside the Durville brothers, another extremely famous
healer and magnetist, who collaborated with them as well: Master Philippe from Lyon.
He was one of the greatest healers of all times. Many a book and article have been
authored on the subject of his life, his extraordinary powers and his teachings. He
personally never wrote any text, and was indeed accustomed to speak in a language
characterized by remarkable simplicity and extreme directness.
He inter alia chaired the Durville brothers’ Lyon school of magnetism, and exercised a
far-reaching influence on French magnetism.
His courses were primarily addressed to those loyal listeners eager to heal sick patients.
The Master attributed the highest value to one’s inner attitude: If it was lacking, then
every attempt to cure sick people by magnetism would prove impervious to technique.
The courses were also attended by some sick persons. They would be treated and cured
during them, in the presence of his disciples, exactly as it would happen in the course of
normal healing sessions. Thereupon, the Master would emphasize the characteristic
features of his brand of magnetism thus: «In order to practice the customary form of
magnetism – he once said –, one needs to be very strong; by contrast, what is necessitated
by practicing our form of magnetism is that we should be weak, that is, charitable and Pag. 9
with a humble heart, since it would be enough for one who is truly small to say, ‘I would
like this child to heal’, for his wish to come true».
The key words related to M. Philippe’s work, which we would like to say ought to be
peculiar to all those desirous of accomplishing exceptional therapeutic results, are the
following: Love and a feeling of connection with fellow human beings and the Divine
quality of the universe, forgiveness, a deeply felt intention and motivating urge,
acceptance of life, and the decision to rid oneself of emotional burdens. The
recommendation we would like to extend to whoever is bent on pursuing this path is to
adhere to such pieces of advice.
M. Philippe’s courses used to be concretely illustrated by surprising experiments,
unrelated to suggestion, as attested by annotations jotted down by some of his students.
Subjects, who consisted almost exclusively in human beings, helped proving the facts.
These subjects were not influenced by suggestion, since the instructions were issued by
imparting orders to their spirit, without their being possibly aware of them. Their visions
were so neat that, on waking up, they recollected them. Such recollection was frequently
accompanied by physical traces of the occurrences which they had gone through (traces
of stings by snakes, bites, strangling, etc), insofar as such experiences were real, tangible
A thing very interesting in Master Philippe work is his vision of past and future as an
idea. He parallelizes with it quantum perspective where past and future are always there.
Time in fact is a matter of consciousness and arises from the way that the universe is
partitioned; what we perceive as time reflects the relations among its pieces.
Even memory is a construct: several brain structures contribute to "mind time,"
organizing chronologies of remembered events.
This concepts can have very powerful applications in therapy, as people get trapped in
memory that is reality are only constructs. The only existing reality is the now.
Coming back to Master Philippe, he used to visit sick people, needy and desperate
patients whose numbers swelled by the day, and who were attracted by his reputation
growing by word of mouth. This pattern went on until the point when he visited nearly
200 persons daily 3! It is thus understandable (seeing it from a human perspective) that
health authorities and the medical profession did not adopt an unchanging indifferent
Here under is a sample of his curative accomplishments which were certified
as true by competent doctors: 14 March 1869. Healing a long-lasting deafness. Pli. B., 9 Rue des Quatre-Chapeaux, Lyon.
5 April 1869. Crisis of epilepsy. M. Y.I. 7, Rue Sainte-Blandine, Lyon.
5 April 1869. Chest disease which had set in twelve years earlier. M.D. 63,
Rue de Trion, Lyon.
3 May 1869. Heart disease. M.P. 15, Rue du Chariot d’Or, Lyon.
7 July 1869. Paralysis of the right foot. G.M. 14, Rue du Chariot
d’Or, Lyon.
12 August 1869. Haemorrhage which lasted eleven months. R.A.
Serrezin près Bourgoin (Isère).
13 August 1869. A twenty year long deafness. P.C. 30, Chemin de
l’Oratoire, Caluire.
20 August 1869. Healing a goiter which had been in existence for fourteen
years. M.P.A. 19, Rue du Belvedere, Caluire. Pag. 10
stance to this river of sick patients and to the monetary revenues which were now eluding
their treatments and pockets due to M. Philippe. Notwithstanding the various trials and
convictions of a more or less serious nature which he was slapped with, he was never
deterred by them from marching forward and pursuing his work further.

Eventually, the medical profession left him alone so as to avoid creating truly paradoxical
and ridiculous situations, given that, at a social and political level, the populace was truly
grateful to M. Philippe and backed him up, in so doing issuing counter-threats to those
who threatened him! The last in a chain of ironical events is that some doctors and
prosecutors, who had fallen from grace or were beset by serious health problems, ended
up consulting M. Philippe in search of help!
At the age of approximately 46, M. Philippe was elevated by Papus, a renowned doctor
and esotericist, to the chairmanship of the Lyon School of Magnetism and Massage, so
that he might be able to consult his patients there and administer his treatments. Further
to the aforesaid, M. Philippe exercised a strong influence on the leaders of French
esotericism, mysticism and occultism. In the course of his opening address to the Lyon
School of Magnetism and Massage, Papus alleged that M. Philippe had taught him a lot.

Not only that, as M. Philippe has been the recipient of a number of rather disparate and
special honours and social acknowledgments. They include the Order of Prince Danilo of
Montenegro, conferred on him for having rendered exceptional services to Montenegro’s
people, and being named an official of the Order of Nicham Iftikar by the Bey of Tunis.
He was also given the honorific title of Army General by Tsar Nicholas II, an honorary
doctorate in medicine by the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg, and two degrees in
medicine, one by the University of Cincinnati in Ohio, United States, and the other by the
Royal Roman Academy of Medicine.

The certificate of doctorate in medicine conferred on Maitre Philippe

December 1869. Double hernia, spitting blood, loss of eyesight by the right
eye. M.C.F. Duerne (Rhône).
15 November 1870. Pain in the eyes, which the son of the signing guardian
had been suffering from for eight years . M.B. Place du Change, Lyon.
14 December 1870. Intermittent fever, swollen legs. M.L.K. 88, Avenue de
Saxe, Lyon.
18 December 1870. Liver disease. M.G. Rue Camille, Montchat. Pag. 11
The dual reason behind us mentioning these concepts is to expand the mind to the
possible uses of magnetism, and the fact that what we have described here above is also
what leads to the actualization of the most powerful results.
What we are striving to achieve in our courses is likewise, based on following the
example of Prof. Di Pisa, to impart the attitude which avails those aiming at scoring
positive results. It is necessary to have energy, and, even more so, to wish the doing of
good to others. When that is in place, results flow in a tangible and clear manner, and you
find yourselves capable of restoring energy and reawakening to well-being whoever asks
that from you.

Some exercises practiced by Baron du Potet

Plexus in magnetism visions are special zone in the body.
Recharge of some plexus in accordance with Du Potet’s method 4:
- Recharging the cervical plexus (forehead). Place yourselves in a cross-legged
position in front of a mirror (A wardrobe mirror would be excellent). You will
have drawn beforehand a red point by the exact spot on which the image of the
cervical plexus falls. Whilst your eyes are shut, and your whole body is relaxed,
breathe slowly and deeply. Open your eyes. Look at the red point which
symbolizes the cervical plexus. Let a feeling of emptiness pervade your head.
Imagine a source of energy surging within the solar plexus. Two threads spread
out from there: One of them follows the spinal column inwardly, whereas the
other moves frontally under the thorax, the throat and the face. The said two
imaginary threads reach an immaterial point by the cervical plexus. Mentally
cover this “itinerary” more than once, for a two minutes’ period, by climbing up
from the front. During such time, keep on staring at the red point. By the stage
when you eventually close your eyes, you must imagine yourselves seeing the red
point as if from within, the way you would have done had your eyes been located
in the cerebellum (the nape). As this part of the exercise is more tiring, do not
exceed ten seconds the first times you implement it. After you have repeated it a
few times, you will carry it out more capably. Once that subsequent level is
reached, you will perceive the point of the cervical plexus with greater intensity.
Shortly thereafter you will feel a sensation of heat once more, whereupon you will
have to feel that you have managed to accumulate such a strength that, should you
wish, the like of a laser beam might flash out from you. The recharging session
should not last more than three or four minutes.
- Recharging other plexuses: The same system applying to the cervical plexus shall
be used. Notice should be taken of the fact that two plexuses, the carotid and
cardiac ones, are susceptible of being recharged live in nature.

Cf. “Manuel de l’étudiant Magnétiseur”. Pag. 12
2 – SEXUAL PROBLEMS – Kundalini –
Benemeglio’s Method – 10 seconds to
determine one’s stimulating energy and let it

Magnetic energy manifests at more than one level. The first among such different levels,
being the underlying level, is represented by the sexual one.
As we go through life the way in which we direct our energy is greatly affected by the
ideas and concepts we have at this level and that we got from life.
One can activate and restart energy both from and to this level.
This can have strong immediate implications in a lot of problems.
Either a penury of sexual desire, or a repressed desire, lies in fact at the root of sexual
problems, including the following:
• Inability to reach orgasm;
• Lack of erection;
• Frigidity;
• General problems relating to the sphere of interpersonal relationships.
This type of magnetic therapy is founded on a methodology aimed at reawakening
The idea behind magnetism is vital energy.
Mostly of the time, by having recourse to magnetism, we might restore the energy flow
very quickly.
A very interesting fact is that in the human perception energy is perceived as having
The result is even faster if we are able to give to the client not just the quantity, but also
specific energy quality he needs.
We might, in other words, empower the client’s unconscious to react by recognizing the
type of energy which stimulates him.
We might lead the client to
• Live a happier sexual life;
• Improve sexually related problems;
• Attain levels of ecstasy;
• Develop a better understanding of communication dynamics.
Even better results are achieved through a specific technique we will now describe.
Such reawakening is brought about through symbols which are put to use in a way
unmatched anywhere in the world.
May be these symbols are so effective because they go directly to the “qualia” of
sexuality, i.e. the way in which our mind encode in our conscious experience different
biochemical reactions it perceives.
The technique we are proposing, in fact, combines magnetic techniques with some
particular symbols employed by Prof. Stefano Benemeglio, a Rome-based psychologist
who, thanks to his thoroughly original methodology, has treated thousands of people Pag. 13
throughout Italy, and solved cases which had appeared to be unsolvable by adopting other
curative systems.
The symbol represents a powerful key.
Even plenty of religious healers who boast a remarkable success rate make use of the
symbol as an intrinsic part of their method.
A symbol is in fact capable of centralizing and channelling a person’s psychological
What is however required for the symbol to have an actual effect is the capacity to create
a suitable context.
Ordinarily, in fact, our conscious mind has a tendency to preserve things as they are, that
is, to subtract power from the symbols which surround us, so as to keep us within the so-
called “comfort zone”, to wit, within the boundaries of our usual psychological reality,
and also to allow us to keep on acting exactly as we have always done.
When we are confronted by something new, the natural motion of the conscious mind is
an attempt to explain it away and box it within categories which are already in existence.
This is a form of self-defence and preservation of the “status quo”, and, at the same time,
it represents a limit as well.
That is the reason why, for instance, the extirpation of limiting beliefs is an arduous task
to accomplish.
Our logical mind sets up the like of a protection system which envelops our acquired
beliefs, and is inclined to reject any contrary ideas. Our “self” is akin to a defence
mechanism which is eager to preserve the existing status quo. However, and despite its
name, it does not always happen that what we call “comfort zone” is also simultaneously
Though it is true that it represents the space wherein our habitual modes of conduct are
located, this kind of acting is not productive, nay, it is destructive. It is thus essential to
exit such zone.
How should one act, then?
The cryptic symbols that are able to help us change are only partially decoded when one
is plunged in such a state of ordinary attention, given that our rational mind is inclined to
deconstruct them and reduce their impact.
The symbols might be a medium through which we settle in a more harmonious comfort
More than one path convoys us to achieving such a condition of greater harmony:
- The first method, which is the simpler one in making the impact of the symbol
felt, consists in creating a state of enhanced presence and rebalancing by resorting
to magnetic-energetic and presence-based methodologies. Through the vehicle of
non-verbal communication, we might be enabled to deconstruct the subject’s
habitual form of attention, and reach a state characterized by the inhibition or
loosening of the critical or excessively rational processes (which are nothing more
than defence mechanisms) making up our usual “self” (ego), as well as a decrease
of the subject’s identification with external situations. In that manner, we might
pave the way for stimulations to penetrate more easily.
- But the quantum explanation is probably the most interesting for this kind of
hypnosis. In this kind of hypnosis the operator “entangles” himself with the
subject through the use of elements of non verbal communication. This is Pag. 14
achieved mainly through sounds, touch and other elements that cannot be
rationalized and put in the ordinary reality. There is subtle path to follow to realize
this kind of induction. The subject will at the end be very entangled with the
operator and will follow his thoughts.

Having reached such stage, the symbols are allowed to operate powerfully. Symbols are
also capable of addressing potent speeches to a person’s essential being and his
unconscious, and opening doors to subtler influences where the original intention is
turned into reality.
- The second method consists in using symbols from the outset, and in facilitating
their identification and acceptance on the part of the rational self, whereupon we
might become a guiding tool in the process of inward transformation. One way of
accomplishing that is by acting on a person’s drives. In most instances, an
individual’s habitual comfort zone is full of unexpressed desires amounting to a
corresponding quantity of psychologically energy capable of being harnessed for
the sake of occasioning inner change. It is as if burdens are being converted to
resources. It is enough to understand which symbol motivates the subjects. In this
connection, therefore, symbols might be vehicles by which the subject exits his
comfort zone, due to the fact that they enable the retrieval of such energy, which
would, otherwise, either become dispersed among objects that are frequently
unable to yield whatever enjoyment is cherished, or, even worse, become trapped,
thereby engendering the emergence of symptoms of imbalance or problems.
- A third method, which is ultimately a general attitude as well, is to adopt a certain
position of the operator which is not susceptible of being clearly labelled by the
rational mind, with the result that the natural projection dynamics are facilitated.

Naturally, one can also use composite systems which blend the various methods together.
The method we point to and teach as a tool for solving sexual (as well as other) problems
is, therefore, a composite method which laces energy and symbolism together with a
“neutral” attitude on the part of the operator 5. Being founded on the concepts of
“personal magnetism”, it is accordingly suited to being practiced within the ambit of a
professional study.

The scope of practical application of such method can however extend far beyond the
solution of simple sexual problems 6. This is a method which empowers the construction
of new realities.
The sexual level is in fact the lowest and most basic energy. Once access has been gained
to it, this energy can even flow up to higher planes, thereby allowing the overcoming of
various types of somatic and psychological problems as well.

It is not the same as the “tracing” used in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
The concept in terms of which sexual energy is conceived as the primary
energy is common to both Western and Eastern traditions. According to Yoga, for
instance, the chakra of the root is charged with a strong sexual connotation. Pag. 15
Non-verbal communication
The nature of the method we are describing in these pages is non-verbal.
Change is essentially brought about without resorting to speech.
It rather makes use of its own peculiar kind of stimulations.
The key lies in the type of touch, sound or energy which is used, and which unfolds itself
on three specific planes.
Some words, too, might be employed, not within the context of a dialogue, but rather in a
staccato form, detached that is from one another as if they were almost symbols.
Oftentimes, a few touches might give rise to strong reactions.
As the system is non-verbal, it strikes a chord with very deep elements of one’s
The effects can well be intense and mesmeric, thereby giving rise to exceptionally potent
The soundness of this method of working is backed up by all researches, that explain that
non verbal communication is far more reaching in interpersonal relationships than verbal

Prof. Benemeglio
It was out of pure chance that we made acquaintance with this thoroughly original
method of hypnosis during the mid-80’s. The catalyst for that was provided by a
pamphlet mentioning a course of hypnosis that was affixed to a notice-board.
It led us to conduct an attentive study of this method, a truly original one in every respect,
at first with a coach who was attached to our school.
The first time we paid a visit to Mr. Stefano Benemeglio (who carries out his activity
between Rome and Milan), we found him to be open and helpfully forthcoming. A
markedly good trait of his character is that we never heard him speak ill of other people.
His students were also, at the same time, kind of friends of his. He used to converse
amiably with all of them, and, at the end of every course he ran, he would have dinner
with them, thereby setting up a very convivial and open environment, during which this
fascinating method of hypnosis occupied the role of the main subject for discussion.
We later met him again, on a number of occasions, in the course of the subsequent years.
The original source of Prof. Benemeglio’s interest is not linked to magnetism directly.
First and foremost, in fact, he has nurtured a vivid curiosity vis-à-vis the topic of mystery.
This primary interest, as retold by him in his own autobiographical work, led him to
analyse and seek to understand what would happen within secret groups accustomed to Pag. 16
gather in the outskirts of Rome, which he had been granted membership of. The said
groups practiced occult methods of self-improvement and enhancement of personal
One of the people in charge of these groups used to be Mr. Fulvio Rendhell, who, having
sprung up originally from within spiritualistic circles, is considered to be one of the
greatest mediums of the 20th century. We also have Marcello Creti who, besides his
passionate interest in mystery, is the inventor of the radio-telephone bridge, i.e. the
precursor of the current system of cellular communication 7.
Prof. Benemeglio noticed that, through apposite symbolical stimulations, the subjects
were able to plunge in a state of trance wherein they could react intensely, remain
motionlessly insensitive in the guise of statues, or undergo profound transformations.
He was thereby accessing the comprehension of certain dynamics which had always been
regarded as falling within the realm of the esoteric.
After he engaged in alert observation of the phenomenon, he realized that their modus
operandi followed a methodology. He thus sprang into action with a view to reproducing
the likes of such results even within the walls of an experimental club he had specifically
created for such purpose, and to channelling them to a therapeutic objective.
A special and undiluted significance is thus possessed by symbols within the method,
which is totally original and incapable of being compared to any other hypnotic
Not everyone, of course, reacts to the same symbols with the same degree of intensity,
which means it is necessary to pinpoint the symbol vested with the greatest energy-
related potential, as it will have the capacity to produce the most successful results when
used as part of the therapy.
The identification of the most appropriate symbol can well take place within the shortest
possible time span (less than 10 seconds), at which stage we might develop the ability to
understand the type of energy which attracts the subject the most (stimulating energy) and
to accordingly make use of the aptest stimulation as regards the specific subject
Symbols create and mobilize energy.
Apart from its use as a sexual therapy, the method is very suitable and very effective
when it comes to curing anorexia, bulimia, loss of weight, and a full range of other
physical or psychological ailments.
We shall combine it with an array of magnetic-energetic techniques, whereupon we will
realize that it can enhance their effect and be complementary to them.

Additional concepts
The use of suitable energy makes it possible to “excite the quicksilver”. What we define
thereby is a reawakening of inward energy, that very same energy the Indians call by the
name kundalini. Developing such force lies at the root of magnetic accomplishments.

1922 - 2000. In this regard, Marcello Creti received the Gold Medal which
Benito Mussolini used to confer upon young inventors. Pag. 17
Although, in the West, the Hermetic Caduceus is normally used as a symbol by the
category of professional doctors, its ancestral origins go further back in history, and is the
equivalent of the kundalini. It can be legitimately viewed as the symbol to indicate Man’s
spine and the process taking place inside it.

The two snakes indicate the two energies (masculine and feminine) of human polarity.
Wherever the two energies (named Yin and Yang by the Chinese) intersect, the energy
wheels which Eastern people refer to by the name chakras are originated into existence.
The wings placed on top of the backbone, which in the hermetic version of the Caduceus
is represented by Hermes Trismegistus, “thrice bigger”, symbolize “mental freedom”,
which is the fruit yielded by a person’s evolved consciousness.
We might therefore be legitimately entitled to call the aforesaid induction by the
alternative expression “alchemic induction”.
Alchemic images are constituent elements of an ancient Will School, one where the
container, the Athanor, consists in the Initiate himself, while heart and mind are the
“vases” in which the action operated by the fire of spiritual consciousness manifests.
Once energy is reawakened, the same can be utilized for the sake of creation.
The “key” lies in the relationship between magnetic-sexual energy, will and creative
thought. It is at this stage that several results can be achieved. It is in fact through the
mobilization of such energies in life that we are able to turn into creators of our own
reality. Pag. 18
HEALING due to symbols and to the GROUP
for the purpose of restoring the individual to
his own self - MESMER

The method elaborated by F. A. Mesmer allows healing to take place quite rapidly,
especially when a group is formed and symbols are utilized.
In the last-mentioned instance, the operator becomes a conduit pipe to channel this
In fact from the moment we were born, we adapted to social pressures. Being in an
harmonical group can be very powerful. Even people that don’t react to other methods
will indeed change and transform themselves.
By resorting to the mesmeric method, the operator establishes himself as the vehicle of a
force. In addition to the aforesaid, symbols and other elements are used to further
enhance the results harvested thereby.
Besides creating an environment which is more apt to produce a healing, a group likewise
gives birth to a kind of energy field. Consciousness of the members get changed in a joint
The group can reate what is called an “egregore”, that is, a form-thought with an intrinsic
capacity to facilitate healing, which subsequently produces an impact on the individual
subject as well.
It is only possible to give an effective explanation of the said phenomenon by examining
quantum disciplines.
Coherent concentration of attention is capable of modifying the ondulatory fields that are
the basis of our explicate reality. If more people act and think coherently results are
A group is moreover able to help the single persons who comprise it to learn on their own
how to develop their potentialities.
That explains why, even today, courses and assemblies can act as powerful tools of
effecting healing and improvement.
Through the invention of the bacquet, a kind of focal point for the group’s attention,
Mesmer was able to create a group condition which was extremely conducive to healing,
in so doing anticipating psychological concepts which only in recent times have been
understood within the medical fraternity.
In fact baquet usefulness under a proper guide is even sound plain psychology.
For many centuries, no importance whatsoever had been assigned to the environment as a
healing factor, and the dominant thought was that hospitals had to be extremely serious
and essentially sad places where laughing was disallowed.
This thought was shared among others by Paulet, a contemporary of Mesmer, who
deemed it right to scorn him. If we, however, read what Mesmer wrote and interpret it in
the light of current knowledge, we will realize that he had been an innovator awake to the
fact that well-being descends on sick people when they are placed in a healthy and
inspiring environment where they can find themselves again. Pag. 19
Comparison between a mesmeric environment (on the left) and the medical environment which
characterized Mesmer’s age (on the left)
A telling element is the great number of Mesmer’s contemporaries who failed to realize
the extent to which the right environment might facilitate healing, though our days it is a
concept taken for granted. Paulet wrote the following: “In actual fact, should we not
regard these assemblies of brilliant personalities, and this buzz that, night and day, reigns
unchallenged in the place where Mr. Mesmer operates, as being superior? If we were to
compare such incessant motion with these gatherings of Doctors, these speechless
consultations, which resemble meditations on the subject of death, who would have any
doubt as to which of the two he should choose? On the one hand we have wonderment
and effect, whereas, on the other hand, we get obscure or sinister concepts, a cluster of
frightening medical tools, and Latin words which are unknown to most people. We get
ominous looks cast by men clad in black upon a dismayed patient, along with black-
coloured disgusting concoctions the sick man is called upon to swallow.
Here by Mesmer, conversely, a doctor wearing a purple to violet dress over which [as per
the fashion of the day: Editor’s note] images of the most brilliant flowers are brocaded 8
is busy comforting his female patient by uttering pleasantly sounding words; he lends
him support amid the spasms that shake her, and his eye gives explicit voice to his desire
to help her. The horrific [and, given the epoch, suspicious] pharmaceutical specialties are
put aside, whereas a wave replaces sheer poison, and the ability to bring it to the person
attains the result sought by it”.
Viewed through today’s lenses, we can easily recognize the fact that Mesmer’s attitude
was the more correct of the two. Other than through the sick patients’ eyes, however, that
was not the way his age looked at the matter.
Mesmer, indeed, was instrumental for curing many a patient, and, as a challenge, he
promoted the idea of testing a sample of patients by subjecting them to treatment by both
his method and the one ordinarily used by doctors, so as to verify which one would be
able to produce the greatest benefit.
But the academy didn’t accept this kind of comparatory challenge. Mesmer let anyway
descriptions of his successful results.
Naturally, Mesmer treated patients on an individual basis as well. His methodology is
quite comprehensive, as it works on specific plexuses of the body in conformity with a

Dress has a far-reaching impact, as it is often prone to occasioning a first
break of the attention, thereby smoothing the path for the subsequent stages of
the work. Pag. 20
precisely delineated technique, albeit one which was extensively based on the operator’s
intuitive abilities.
Let us however survey the captivating story of his life 9: F. Anton Mesmer was born on
23 May 1734, in the village of Iznang near Radolfszell, which lies by the shores of Lake
Constance in Swabia.

Radolfszell in an old postcard

He attended the school run by the Jesuits, both on account, ostensibly, of the protection
extended to him by the Bishop of Constance, which Mesmer’s father served as his
personal forester, and on account of the brilliant innate qualities of his intellect. Mesmer
grew up by the countryside. His eyes had the advantage of being enchanted by sublime
landscapes: The blue waters of the lake reflected the lofty peaks which were coated by
snow all the way till spring.

Iznang, in front of Radolszell in an ancient postcard

When spring came, the trees would be covered by red and white flowers.

What is set out here under is based on the accounts reported by Robert
Amadou in “Le Magnétisme Animal”, one of the best books written on the subject
of animal magnetism, which gathers texts and letters that would have otherwise
been found nowhere, as well as on the work authored by Guidi which bears the
title “Il Magnetismo animale”, while supplementing them by other sources.
Whenever doubts arose as to the correct dates concerned, we have opted to give
constant preference to the chronology set out by Robert Amadou. Pag. 21
Every season brought with it its own distinct kind of sensations. Nature’s giant book was
thrown open in front of his sight.

A photo of the lake of Constance near Iznang

He drew indeed greater benefit from Nature’s teaching than those he received from his
schoolmaster. It has been related that, while still a child, he had a most gripping keenness
to come to know the wellsprings of brooks, the course of which he would thus follow
backwards until he succeeded in identifying their source: This is a pointer to his
pronounced inclination towards researching causes, as well as the prelude to the
discoveries he was destined to make. During these years of freedom, his faculty of
observation became sharper. He accordingly discerned a fact which later led him to the
discovery of animal magnetism: Whenever he drew close to a sick person who was
bleeding, he would notice that the bleeding slowed down, whereas it accelerated the
moment he moved away from his presence. The inference he drew from it was that
something comparable to what healers would put in practice by touching their patients
was taking place. The eagerness to ascertain what lay at the root of the said phenomenon
had already taken a firm hold on him. At the age of 16, Mesmer was as educated as his
schoolmates in spite of his frequent outings to the countryside.

Thereafter, he pursued his studies further. The only certain thing about this period is that,
after completing his education, he refused to devote himself to theology, a discipline he
had been earmarked for, preferring instead to consecrate his self to philosophy. It is here
that he obtained his first diploma as doctor in 1759. Thereafter, he dedicated himself to
medicine. This phase of his life is little known. We might cogently surmise that he
simultaneously carried out secret studies of astrology, alchemy and physics (given that
they represented largely banned sciences by then).

Mercury, that in alchemists’ work share some of the characteristics of Mesmeric fluid Pag. 22
As for medicine, he studied that science under the celebrious Van Swietten, one of the
greatest German doctors of that age. He became a doctor in Vienna in 1766. Van Swietten
himself wrote a note of encomium for the doctoral thesis Mesmer had submitted.

Still in Wien, Mesmer came to know Mozart, who befriended him. He attended, in
Mozart’s company, the gatherings of a number of esoteric circles, and was appreciative of
the magnetic power his music possessed.

An image from Die Zauberflöte

The Opera “Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)” belongs to this period and bears the
imprints of such esoteric fascination. Mesmer himself was a virtuoso of the harpsichord
and the cello.
Once he became settled in that European capital, he successfully practiced medicine in it
as well.
Step by step, he perfected his theory.
Mesmer began to apply magnetism to the treatment of diseases in 1772. His researches
immediately aroused interest, and he was therefore invited to speak at conferences in
Swabia, Switzerland, Hungary and Bavaria.
Mesmer often expressed his forceful disapproval of whoever ascribed his healing
achievements to some supernatural power, and used to stress the fact that his therapy was
but a causative agent which everybody was capable of developing.
His vast erudition, however, had elevated him to the status of a formidable competitor.
His colleagues, stirred by jealousy, disparaged his toils. The knowledgeable bodies of
academics, incited against his person by a member of the Society of Jesus, meted out
disdain to the fruit of his efforts. The court, too, meddled in the matter, and, at last, he
was issued with an order to leave the states under the Emperor’s rule.

After he retired from public life in Bavaria, hosted by the Elector, the only one among the
Germanic potentates who had understood him, he was in a position to live a quiet life
under the protection of such an enlightened prince. In spite of that opportunity, he
yearned to accomplish more, as it happens to all those men who believe they are
entrusted with a great secret.

No doubt the France of the philosophers and the encyclopaedists would have seemed to
him to be the nation with the greatest propensity to welcome new ideas. He accordingly Pag. 23
arrived in Paris in 177810. He was 44 years old by then. He addressed the knowledgeable
bodies, pleading with their members to examine his doctrine, which was encapsulated in
the under-mentioned famous twenty-seven enunciations of his.

The knowledgeable bodies, however, examined nothing, and contented themselves with
feigning an examination of Mesmer’s novel doctrine. The radical nature of his principles,
as well as his assertion that it was possible to cure all diseases through a single remedy,
brought upon his person the Faculty’s vituperation. The Royal Society of Medicine and
the Academy of the Sciences, which were interconnected by joint membership to the sane
coterie, did not extend any better welcome to his submissions. In the course of nearly
four years, while the said dogged fight was going on, Mesmer, with unparalleled
cynicism, was mocked, insulted, vilified, and turned into a caricature, into a song, a target
of ludicrous embodiment of venality, arrogance and disloyalty, in spite or rather because
of the successes he had reaped throughout the world, as well as the warm protection he
had received from the queen, not to mention the government’s tacit approval.

He triumphed over such intrigue in an indirect manner, Having temporarily retired, he

returned to Lake Constance after the days he had spent therein in his childhood. He
returned to Nature and strove to get as far as he could to the bottom of natural knowledge.
Guided by his belief that language and reasoning prevented man from gaining instinctive
access to the foundation of his natural power, he went through an intense exercise,
steering clear of inner dialogue for a period of three consecutive months.

Following his period, he came back strengthened, with his senses heightened and an even
greater magnetic power.
From an initial platform of qualities which were already of an eminently higher calibre,
as he was knowledgeable, an artist, humorous, amiable and handsome, he further
acquired at that stage an extraordinary hold on the frequenters of salons. He was, as per
Deslon’s description, “a fiery soul in a body of iron”. Such a broad range of pleasing
personal qualities won for him the admiration of the prominent personalities and the
The town of Paris had in these years already welcomed Cagliostro before the
arrival of Mesmer. Cagliostro had created enormous interest with his cures that
could be considered also magnetic. Pag. 24
support of the noblewomen. There was no elegant lady in Paris who did not pay him a
visit: Both noblewomen and bourgeois ladies took turns in extolling him. This special
esteem in which he was held by members of the gentle sex was said to be a most
important factor contributing to the rise of his reputation.
Propelled forward by such powerful engine, his renown within the public opinion grew so
much that the esteem he enjoyed surpassed Voltaire’s. The thinking world had split with
regard to him into two opposite encampments, believers and sceptics, who fiercely vied
with one another for supremacy. No man, particularly a foreigner, boasted a power
comparable to his in the whole of France; he used to deal with reigning monarchs as one
of their peers.

He was not allowed by the twists of fate, however, to derive enduring advantage from
such brilliant social position. Due to the envy and hatred he had aroused among the
erudite people, by offering resistance to the prevalent general opinion, he announced his
intention to go back to Germany. Whether such announcement was a bluff, as his foes
alleged, or it was caused by exhaustion and disappointment, the fact remains that his
stated resolution worried the aristocracy. Louis XVI, under pressure to persuade him to
stay, which was brought to bear by the high echelons of the kingdom, offered him a stable
allowance of sixty thousand “livres” together with a splendid dwelling, which jointly
amounted to a capital in excess of one million “livres”.
This austere man declined such offer, stating that he wanted no favour, but only the
scientific examination of his discovery.
Having retired in 1781 to Spa’s thermal baths, where he once more embraced forests and
Nature, and where, in 1782, the Marquise de Fleury urged him to open up a nursing
home, he was soon summoned back to his trade by the intelligent voice of some four
hundred good-hearted people, the pick of noblemen, scientists and jurists, who raised
funds in order to be initiated to his doctrine, and set up an association called the Harmony
Society in order to disseminate the benefits derived from it.

As Mesmer, therefore, found himself, thanks to the generosity of his students, the owner
of a capital which nearly equalled the one the king had offered him, he decided to busy
himself with the task of establishing, in the major cities, a network of premises which
were suited to the free of charge treatment of sick people pursuant to his method. He
travelled for the sake of actualizing such goal, quite extensively as far as France is
concerned. The divulgation of his ideas was constantly on the rise. The Harmony Society
boasted booming branches in Strasbourg (the Marquis of Puysegur), Chartres, Lyon
(Jean-Baptise Wuillermoz), Amiens, Narbonne, Malta, San Domingo, and so on. The
doctrine had been set out in the book called “Théorie du monde et des etres organisés”,
which had been edited by Bergasse. In 1784, the Harmony Society (La Societé de
l’Harmonie) witnessed his heyday. Puysegur in Buzancy, Orelut in Lyon, and Giraud in
Turin, all published reports of bouts of healing.
Meanwhile Lafayette guided Washington on a tour of the Harmony Society on the day
following the conclusion of the Versailles Treaty.
In 1784, however, one of his disciplines, Deslon, was once again subjected to an
examination by one of the commissions of the Academy, which had refuted animal
magnetism. In addition, a secret report addressed to the King at the same time stressed Pag. 25
the possibility that magnetism might lead to attacks being mounted against social
decorum by encouraging intermingling between men and women.
It was, however, mostly due to a number of internecine struggles of an economic nature
which plagued the Harmony Society, that Mesmer, who felt the figures recorded in its
accounting books were being intentionally tampered with, decided to settle for 20000
francs and be free to leave the country, which he did in 1785, boosted by a hefty sum he
was able to carry along.
Once he was gone, his opponents went on a rampage, causing Mesmer to spend a lot of
time writing retorting libels which targeted their accusations.
He spent a short time in London before he set out for Italy and Germany, while still
making some trips to France, strictly in disguise. He was for example spotted in Paris on
the day of the public execution of Bailly, who had been one of his most passionate
antagonists and had chaired the 1784 Commission. Mesmer was the only person, amid an
audience intoxicated by fury or paralyzed by fear, to cordially greet him 11.
Immediately thereafter, in fact, the revolution broke out in 1789. Its avalanche caught his
noble disciples as well. Nearly all the members of this cream of gentlemen, perched at
that time on the summit of the collapsing building, atoned for their errors. As for the rest,
they forgot about mesmerism, embroiled as they were in the unfolding of such colossal
drama. Meanwhile, the creator of mesmerism sympathized with many of the ideas the
revolution had highlighted. The consequence thereof is that he had to forego the plan of
settling back in Wien, since he was viewed as politically suspect, and he retraced his
steps to Paris several times. In 1802, while in that city, he asked for and was awarded a
yearly allowance of 3000 florins as compensation for the money he had lost in the
Revolution. In 1803, some of his friends solicited him to open up a new establishment
devoted to the implementation of magnetic treatments, but Mesmer turned down their
request. The war had consigned him to inaction; several friends of his had died, and he
decided instead to take up residence in Switzerland. In 1809, he penned a letter to one of
his friends, wherein he mentioned to him that he was spending a happy life of quiet and
anonymity, untroubled by problems or by neighbours and people who could recognize
him. He added in that missive, though, that he was still practicing his Art, and was always
visited by plentiful patients, many of whom he would treat free of charge. In the
meantime, the Academy of Berlin formally acknowledged the validity of Mesmer’s ideas
and dispatched Prof. Wolfart to him with a view to inviting him to move to Berlin in
Germany. However, Mesmer, who was by then an old man, was no longer keen to travel.
Prof. Wolfart accordingly collected his memories, all the way until Mesmer met his death
in Switzerland, on 5 March 1815.

His stormy life, his doctrine and the events which saw him as a protagonist are superbly
summarised in the following extract from a letter he wrote to a friend of his in 1783 :

«My existence resembles the life of those men who, by combining strong and far-ranging
ideas, have reached either a big lie or a big truth. Such people belong to that error or that
truth, and, depending on whether the same is accepted or rejected, they live amid
admiration or die in unfortunate conditions. However hard they try to regain their
primordial independence, to detach their destiny, that is, from the one befalling the
We come across this information in Figuier’s “Histoire”. Pag. 26
system they have originated, all they do is to engage in futile efforts. Their work is akin
to Sisyphus’ -, since the latter, regardless of his actual intention, causes the rock smashing
him to pieces to fall over his body: Nothing can remove them from the work they
themselves have imposed on their persons».

Afterwards, France, too, witnessed a number of turnabouts, while in 1831 the Royal
Academy of Paris recognized the existence of animal magnetism, as well as the
wonderful effects of induced somnambulism.

Once Mesmer had proven his doctrine through the medium of unexpected instances of
healing, which were visible and undoubted witnesses of the truth, magnetism was
confronted by the most intriguing passions being unleashed against it, and it was
compelled to endure an unceasing fight against numerous and powerful adversaries. Such
bitter wrangle has invariably gone one, with greater or lesser fierceness, between
defenders and opponents of the new science. It eventually reached a censurable degree,
since insults and slanders lay bare men’s stark selfishness without contributing to genuine
scientific progress one bit.
If we leave aside all the irritating aspects one can discern in those attacks and the replies
thereto, I believe we will find greater usefulness and significance in paying intelligent
attention to the fact that the issues were studied and acknowledged by the scientific
institutions, first and foremost the Royal Academy of Medicine in Paris itself, as it was
forced, by the sheer logic of plain facts, to pay tribute to the truth.

In 1784, some commissioners, who were selected from the whole spectrum of scientific
bodies, were entrusted by the King with the task of conducting researches and
experiments on animal magnetism, so that the government might be enabled to reach a
decision on the degree of trust to be extended to the effectiveness of the influence
exercised by such method. I will abstain here from addressing the issue of the
malevolence which characterized the way the said commission discharged its mandate.
Suffice it to say that the final report it drew up was totally inimical to Mesmer’s doctrine,
though the famous Jussieu, one of the commissioners, refused to sign it as it did not
express the truth, and authored instead a dissenting report, in which he carefully
enumerated the facts that had been intentionally omitted or distorted by the first report
(the majority one). The step he took gave rise to rumours and high-profile scandals which
rocked the upper echelons of the scientific elite. The general public, however, was
strongly moved by Jussieu’s alternative report, whereupon the cause of magnetism was
embraced by a sizeable number of new supporters.

In 1825, Doctor Foissac addressed to the Academy a memory in which he proved that the
time had come to submit magnetism to a new examination. This memory was taken into
account. The Academy then examined anew ... whether it should engage in a re-
examination of magnetism in the first place. As a commission appointed by the Academy
had issued its motivated opinion that such re-examination was appropriate, the opponents
of magnetism deployed the oddest arguments against the said opinion, which are set out
here under: Pag. 27
— If, one of such antagonists said, the hopes of magnetism are raised once more, we will
soon be forced to halt our courses and shut down our schools, waiting for them to be
conclusively demolished. — Another such adversary was afraid that, with the help of
distance magnetism, some magnetizer might burst out from his attic in Paris and
eventually dethrone the rulers of China and Japan. — Yet a third such foe could only
countenance the existence of two classes of magnetizers: Deceivers and deceived.
Notwithstanding such assortment of hostile arguments, the commission settled the matter
by favouring the said opinion. One of the remarkable reasons it adduced as the basis for
supporting such opinion was its declaration that « the judgment passed in 1784» by the
commissioners mandated by the King to examine animal magnetism should in no way
derogate from the need to carry out a new examination, since in the field of sciences no
judgment whatsoever should be taken as being absolute and irrevocable in nature».

On 14 February 1826, the aforesaid opinion was adopted with a favourable vote of thirty-
five to twenty-five, as a result of which, on the 25th day of the selfsame month, a new
commission was vested with the duty to conduct a renewed examination of magnetism.

After a six-year period of studies and conscientious researches, along with a large number
of corroborating facts, the commission, in its report drawn up in June 1831, declared that
magnetic action had the ability to triumph over diseases which were impregnable to the
most vigorous therapies. The existence of the science of magnetism was thus officially
recognized by virtue of this favourable formal report.

In the course of the subsequent centuries, however, the battle between ruling academy
and magnetists resumed.
There are currently bodies of national legislation, such as the one in Germany, which
grant explicit and official recognition to the existence of alternative therapeutic methods,
including those associated with naturopathy or based on magnetism, along with other
varieties which we do not intend to tackle in this context.
The fact that something simple, endowed with immediate validity and capable of
restoring well-being, might give birth to conflicting opinions which, while taking care
never to question the instances of healing, nevertheless tend to construct different
explanations in spite of the fact that the simplest explanation of such phenomena
constantly comes back to the fore and yet finds it hard to earn acceptance by the mind, is
the subject matter dealt with by our document specifically devoted to such conundrum,
which is titled “A scientific approach to Animal Magnetism” and analyses the reasons
behind that whole approach.

Striking similitudes between Quantum Approach and Mesmeric theory

The theory of Mesmer has points in common with the actual formulation quantum theory
applied to human sciences. Mesmer supposes the existence of a level where everything is
connected, that he called “the level of fluid”. The world in which we live in is just an
expression of this level. Pag. 28
These concepts are very similar to quantum concepts: “particles are merely local
condensation of the field. Einstein said, We may therefore regard matter as being
constituted by the region of space in which the field is extremely intense. There is no
place in this new kind of physics, both for the field and matter, for the field is only the
matter” (Capek, 1961:319)
This same concepts are in chinese philosophy: pag.186

everything is flux even if at a broader level we see a fixed universe.

Mind in its wholeness can touch and influence this deeper level. In this deeper level
where instant communication is possible. Pag. 29

”50 seconds to quit smoking forever”

Is it possible to quit smoking forever in less than a minute?

Smoking and addictions are indeed amenable to being cured by magnetism in the shortest
possible time. This is what Campanelli’s methodology proves. The originator of such
method is Vincenzo Campanelli, who passed away recently.
He in turn derived it from Herman Michel, a Swiss who used to work in Antwerp, in
Seon, and in Lugano’s canton.
Campanelli’s fame, punctuated by astounding results and corroborated by unimpeachable
testimonies, appears to be truly unassailable. His is an unbelievable, amazing,
unparalleled case, which has been studied by worldwide famous scientific celebrities,
who have analyzed the phenomenon of his person and sealed their reports by stating the
following: <<The relevant facts are true, and yet they are devoid of any plausible
explanations in terms of ordinary therapeutic techniques>>12.
Formerly an advocate practicing from his study in central Rome and an inveterate
smoker, Campanelli, following a meeting with Hermann Michel, was so impressed by the
fact he had succeeded in quitting smoking that he wanted to learn Michel’s magnetic and
hypnotic techniques. He eventually became, in his own right, a healer specialized in
removing the bad habit of smoking from fellow humans. The roster of his patients, both
Italians and foreigners, include the following: The winner of the Nobel Prize for peace
Shimon Peres, King Hussein of Jordan, Margareth von Trotta, Maurizio Costanzo,
Mariangela Melato, Bruno Zevi, Margherita Boniver, and Maurizio Ferrara.

The thanksgiving telegram sent by King Hussein of Jordan

Magnetism or mesmerism is a Western technique that works with the vital energy, which
is called Chi by the Chinese and Prana by the Indians. The aim of magnetism is to
reawaken the natural orientation to the well-being of one’s organism, so that it can
intuitively realize what is harming it.
Naturally, the doctor Franz Anton Mesmer, the first person to disseminate knowledge of
the magnetic methods, could not have tackled the habit of smoking, as nicotine was not
yet diffuse in his days.
The birth of the cigarette is in fact placed by historians between 1831 and 1841. It is said
to have been invented either in a locality called San Giovanni d'Acri, or by the Muslim
soldiers who, in the course of the 1831-2 siege, seemingly replaced the arghile or hookah
Prof. Malizia, a toxicologist of worldwide renown. Pag. 30
with small tube-like pieces of paper which had been emptied of gunpowder by them, or
possibly by the Englishmen who had landed in 1840, again in San Giovanni d'Acri, as
part of a military campaign waged against Egypt. As those Englishmen were deprived of
both pipes and tobacco, they manufactured special cigarettes by resorting to rolled up tea
Magnetic therapies in the guise of pranotherapy are quite widespread, but it is a known
fact that, in order to obtain good results through it, it is necessary to attend cycles of ten
to fifteen sessions, each session lasting approximately twenty minutes. By contrast,
Campanelli’s method relies on just one meeting of no more than a single minute for it to
eradicate the habit of smoking.
Campanelli’s method revolutionizes the concept of healing from addiction to smoking by
its use of a stupefying and most rapid method which has an almost instantaneous effect
during just one session.
At the end of this article, we are going to explain a sequence of simple steps which
everyone might use and derive benefit from, whether for the sake of treating smoking
addiction or in order to get rid of some entrenched habits. Before we turn our attention to
that, however, we would like to recount the story of the remarkable person who inspired
the development of this methodology.
Vincenzo Campanelli, once a brilliant civil law advocate whose professional study was
situated in central Rome, put his gown aside and turned, thanks to the results he achieved,
into a kind of guru, into a magician capable of removing the habit even from the most
tenacious smokers. He gradually evolved such an effective technique that eventually
needed no more than 50 seconds in a single session for it to be given full effect to. The
success rate was extremely high. Princes, ministers, heads of state such as King Hussein
of Jordan, as well as the recipient of the Nobel Prize for peace Shimon Peres, approached
him to get rid of their smoking problem.

Thanksgiving letter from Shimon Peres

His life itinerary is one of those phenomena which, while they remain inexplicable and
mysterious, are, among other things, accompanied by such a voluminous documentation
as to daze even the biggest sceptics. Within the 25 years of his second activity, which he
viewed as a humanitarian mission, he freed from the bondage of the cigarette not less Pag. 31
than fifteen thousand erstwhile smokers. The positive score of his remedial intervention is
set at approximately 70% of the subjects he treated, and that if we only consider the
instances of treating them over a session lasting less than a minute.
The success rate was even higher when more than one session was resorted to
(Campanelli, in fact, would only ask for the first session to be paid). From a statistical
point of view, the percentage of successful treatments was remarkably high, if account is
additionally paid to the fact that several of the people who approached him for help had
already tried other methods of quitting in vain. Besides, the people who vouch for the
validity of his curative intervention belong almost entirely to social categories which can
hardly be persuasively said to be the targets of mere suggestion or deception. Many of his
clients, indeed, had themselves practiced as doctors once. Campanelli emancipated more
than a thousand doctors (including Head Physicians at Hospitals and University
Professors in Chair) from the habit of smoking.
As pointed out above, his subjects additionally comprised politicians of international
stature, such as both King Hussein of Jordan and Shimon Peres, a famous Israeli
politician, winner of the Nobel Prize for peace, who recounted his story in that regard
even on Israeli TV, and who kept on sending to Campanelli greetings and letters of
thanks, as he no longer touched a cigarette since then.
Apart from King Hussein and Shimon Peres, his successful patients counted within their
ranks famous movie directors, among them Margareth von Trotta, professional
politicians, ministers, members of Parliament, senators, high-level prosecutors, top
military cadres, industrialists, advocates, scientists, university professors, actors,
journalists and, more than any other category, doctors: General practitioners, surgeons
and internists of worldwide repute, head physicians at large clinics, university lecturers
and renowned psychiatrists. Fellini knew the advocate personally and lavished heartfelt
greetings on his person.

Federico Fellini’s greetings

The advocate “healed” through the medium of an incredible system.
Campanelli would meet with the smoker, whereupon he would touch him with his hands
on the neck, sternum, arms and hands: It was a ritual which lasted but a handful of
seconds, usually fifty. The said method was carried out without tendering any explanation
or uttering any word.
Professor Enrico Malizia, a Scientist and Toxicologist of worldwide renown, studied
Campanelli in 1986, when he held the post of Director of the Anti-poison Centre at
Rome’s “La Sapienza” University. In the report he drew up after the conclusion of his
research, he said among other things the following: “It is indisputable that Campanelli
manages to “cure” the habit of smoking successfully … I am an orthodox doctor, and as
such I do not accept methods and practices which are not scientific in a traditional sense.
In spite of that, I have to admit that the results achieved by Advocate Campanelli are Pag. 32
exceptional. I do not however believe that we can possibly offer a scientific explanation
of his interventions, as they elude the ordinary criteria of medical evaluation”.
Prof. Dr. Michele Piccione, a neurology and psychiatry specialist, and the professor in
chair at the Psychiatric Clinic attached to the Faculty of Medicine at Rome’s “La
Sapienza” University, wrote as follows: <<The itineraries followed by the mind are
sometimes known and in other cases unknown. The phenomenon of Advocate Vincenzo
Campanelli belongs to the latter category>>.


Using Campanelli’s method as our premise, and modifying it in order to adapt it to what a
mere article might allow one to convey and understand, we have elaborated the following
simplified method which will enable you to attain a greater comprehension of your own
self or some friend of yours.
Intuitively use either the right hand or the left one to carry out the different steps.
PHASE 1: If you want to act on yourself, you should first decide what you would like to
do (e.g. quitting smoking, or even giving up some other negative habit), and then proceed
to stand in front of a mirror. As the first step, think of the habit you want to shelve aside,
and follow that by formulating your resolution to put an end to it. At that stage, intensely
look at yourselves straight in your eyes, relinquishing in the process every thought or
PHASE 2: Sit down, close your eyes, rub your hands strongly, and touch the nape of your
neck. Massage it with sufficient intensity, while you think of feeling well (You should
massage the bone in such a way as to feel the light persistence of a sensation).
PHASE 3: Touch your forehead and heart simultaneously, and apply a gentle pressure on
the sternum (These are two important points which we hereby put in contact with one
PHASE 4: Move your hand to the solar plexus, almost as if you wanted to speak to your
stomach, your enteric brain, and request its collaboration while you think how nice it is to
be in a good state of health. Try and think in images or sensations more than in words.
PHASE 5: Implement some steps by simultaneously passing the right hand over the left
arm and the left hand over the right arm, as if you were shaking off dust from yourselves,
while you think over negative habits better.
PHASE 6: If you feel the need to do so, you should repeat phases 4 and 5.
PHASE 7: Stare at a light (white, maximum 75 Watts) placed one meter ahead of you,
and then close your eyes. You will see a luminous trace. Keep looking at it until it

Results: Provided the technique has been carried out properly, you should immediately
feel an indefinable sensation of openness, of well-being. You will subsequently detect a
reduction of the desire associated with your negative habit (In some instances its
disappearance, too, might occur, though such a result is achieved more easily through
steps carried out by another person than through self-treatment, as the latter is based
purely on your energy). Naturally, a written medium can only provide a partial
explanation of the technique, inasmuch as you will need specific adjustments which Pag. 33
depend on your specific type of person. Accordingly, by resorting to intuition you should
autonomously seek out the best possible balance, if need be by repeating the
abovementioned steps a number of times. When conceiving this self-treatment, which, we
should not forget, is different from the original technique presupposing the existence of
an experienced operator working upon a subject, we have conducted tests involving a
variety of individuals. All of them, so long as they had even a minimal desire to give up
their habit, immediately experienced an improvement. In respect of some people,
however, the technique was successful at once, while for other people the greatest effect
was only attained by repeating it several times over a number of days.
In our courses, you are given the chance to learn the method used by Campanelli: The
more your experience increase, the larger will be the range and number of successes you
will accomplish.


As he himself says:
<<I meet the smoker, I touch him with my hands on the nape, the neck, the sternum, the
arms and the hands: It is a ritual lasting only a handful of seconds. They all marvel at this
method of mine, but I would not be able to tender any explanation. That is how it is, and
it works >>.

Other people have this to say:

The advocate “cures” the habit of smoking in a single session which lasts 50 seconds (In
reality, the whole process consumes 10 minutes), during which he touches the client with
his hands on the nape, the neck, and, repeatedly, the sternum.
The method is simple: He forces his hands on the head for 10 seconds, and follows that
up by forcing them for 40 seconds along the client’s arms. No magic formulas or esoteric
expressions are involved. There is no reason for it to cause any harm.
The suggestion is nothing, although it might possibly play the role of making that
appointment so as to justify a purpose.
“I am still unable to give myself an explanation as to how it takes place, but the truth is
that it works. I touch the patient on his head and arms for forty seconds: I apply a
simple pressure, after which the habit is gone”.
“With his eyes like two knives, he pierces me, though no pain is felt; he then touches my
forehead and hair, and it is there that I felt a blast of heat. That was it. Since then, I swear! I
really do not know what a cigarette is. From 60 a day I went down to zero” (Maurizio
All he needs to make one forget cigarettes is a lightning fast session. An intense look is cast
upon your eyes, and then the fondling begins: The head and the forehead first, via gentle
pressures, followed by moving down the arms through propitiatory gestures, as if to chase an
evil spirit from the body. Forty seconds, and the game is over: The patient has already joined
the ranks of former smokers.
Using his hands, Advocate Campanelli touches those areas of the body which are linked
to smoking: The head, which is the cradle of habit; the chest, which corresponds to
emotionality; and the arms and hands, which represent gestural expressiveness. The
important aspect of the treatment is to notice the immediate decrease of the desire to
smoke. Pag. 34
One might be tempted to think that all of that results from magnetic hypnosis, which is
far more effective than its traditional counterpart wherein the patient is aware of being
hypnotized. With magnetic hypnosis, therefore, the smoker is conditioned to reject the
cigarette without realizing that. For the sake of a comprehensive treatment, will power
ought to be added to hypnosis as a further ingredient: «A double force, given that,
telepathically, I add my own will power to the patient’s. The one eager to quit smoking
“feels” he is not alone. He feels I am present with him so as to lend him help. That is why
he succeeds”.


Enzo Campanelli’s master was the Swiss healer Herman Michel, who in his days was
possibly the greatest healer in the world, and undoubtedly the most famous one in
Europe. He concerned himself with what is regarded by many people as not just a habit
but as a fully-fledged illness, and a dangerous one, too, in several respects: Smoking.
Here under we mention a short excerpt from a book which speaks of him. One can
discern from it the extent to which Campanelli had wholly revamped his master Michel’s
original technique.

From the book “Guaritori Internazionali” (“International Healers”), edited by Dante

Alighieri Editions:
“One minute spent with him (Herman Michel) causes the desire to smoke to disappear.
Without suffering relapses, at least in respect of seventy per cent of those who did consult
him. One single minute and ten thousand liras: They are enough to cure even the most
unflinching smoker. That is borne out by several persons who have crossed the gate of his
lovely villa in Missaglia, a few kilometres away from Como, or his Kirchtal house. It is
however necessary to make an appointment long in advance. At least two hundred people
are waiting with expectation those three fateful days destined to remove from their hands
and head the desire to take up a cigarette again. Mostly men, with a large percentage of
Italians, though there are people from other nations as well, the patients are not certain of
getting cured, not, at least, until they walk inside Herman Michel’s study. Their rows also
include politicians, industrialists, movie and TV celebrities. Even some American
astronauts have come to him (though our healer is not prepared to name them).
Herman Michel is only seen by his clients at the time when they are allowed inside the
room where he receives them. He is a 55 year old man, short in stature and round-shaped,
his face an embodiment of serenity. He welcomes the patient with a captivating smile,
and exudes happiness from his friendly blue eyes.
He is the typical person in whom you would confide the whole of your being merely ten
minutes after first making his acquaintance -, is what I am enthusiastically told by a
person who had just gone through the “magic” touch of his hands. As soon as he walks
in, the smoker is allowed to rest on a couch. The healer is seated in front of him. Herman
Michel points the fingers of his right hand in the direction of the patient’s forehead. His
hand vibrates just a bit as he brushes the forehead and the temples. It is then that the «de-
conditioning» of the hypothetical «nerve centre of smoking», the one wherein the
impulse to smoke allegedly originates, is supposed to occur. The «wizard of smoking» Pag. 35
takes off his hand from the eyes and, always without uttering any word, he massages the
smoker along his arms. This is a procedure which is called by the name «pass» and is
practiced by almost all healers throughout the world, based on different reasons. Doctors
allege that it helps bring about a state of psycho-physical relaxation, while several people
make use of it so as to heighten the hypnotic state. Be it as it may, it only lasts a few
moments. After that, the treatment is brought to a close. Thanks to it, Herman Michel
asserts, a percentage of patients ranging from sixty to ninety per cent is cured from
smoking, though in varying ways. While some of them have to come back on an annual
basis to be «de-conditioned» again, others are conclusively healed, while a third group
resists for a while and then suffers a «relapse». In some instances, the
«de-conditioning» is so thorough that, as with a lady from Rome, in order to take up
smoking again such patients would be forced to come back to the Swiss man to remove
from them the mysterious «inhibition to smoking» he has created. One minute might
seem to be too short a time to be cured from the habit of cigarette smoking. — Is it over
already? is the question posed by a rather incredulous lady — It is now your turn,
madam. If you do not lend me assistance, if you do not make a slight deliberate effort, it
would have all been in vain. Henceforth, and for a period of ten days, you will need to
avoid even looking at cigarettes. You better start right from now. Throw into the dustbin
the packet you are keeping inside your bag – is the answer given by Herman Michel with
an understanding smile. Thereupon, the said lady heads for the dustbin and throws inside
it what might well have been the last cigarettes she had bought in her life.
Scattered around the tall conifers in the garden, the patients relate their personal
impressions to one another. No one is of course smoking.
When he is questioned as to the exact way his treatment operates, or how he came to
learn the technique, or whether it is not in fact the product of a mysterious fluid, he
answers back with a smile midway between entertained and disappointed. – I am sorry,
but I cannot confide it – is his reply. If he is faced with a persistent such questioner, he
dishes out elusive answers. It is nonetheless possible to patch together from them the
following reconstruction: Herman Michel seemingly learnt what he calls «my peculiar
psychosomatic technique» from his mother; such technique consists in an induced
hypnosis, the effect of which is to condition the smoker, or, to be more precise, the
hypothetical nerve centre of smoking which is hosted in the brain. As per his own
admission, suggestion plays an important part in his treatment. Professor Uva, a specialist
in cardiovascular disease from Genoa, as well as a psycho-somatist and a psycho-
therapist, has his personal views on the treatment. As he stated to a journalist working for
the magazine «Grazia», namely, Gabriella Monticelli, the feeling of trust which Herman
Michel is said to inspire in the patients turning to him for help fulfils an essential role in
making the smoker receptive to induced hypnosis, an exceptionally brief hypnosis, given
that, had it been diluted by stretching across some time, the immediate trust established
between healer and treated patient would have been erased. It is not yet clear what
science means by the term «induced hypnosis». What is certain is that it approximates the
thin partition line which separates the world of normal phenomena from the realm of the
«occult». If we go and browse through the records of parapsychology, we can chance
upon occurrences which seem to indicate unforeseen similarities. The following can be
read, under the heading “Transmission of thought without any prior agreement”, in the
Concise encyclopaedia of occult sciences: — Professor Boirac conducted an experiment Pag. 36
on a certain Dickmann. While the latter was at a cafeteria busy smoking a cigarette,
Boirac stood behind him, at some distance from his person, whereupon he instructed
Dickmann to stop smoking and fall asleep. The subject, indeed, slowed down his
gestures, pushed the cigarette away, lowered his eyelids, and dropped motionless as if it
were a statue. There are, therefore, individuals with an aptitude to impose their will on
certain subjects without uttering any word. Not all subjects, however, are «susceptible of
being influenced» in a normal state. One can, however, presume that «almost everyone»
would be susceptible of that once they are plunged in a state of hypnosis.
Let us run again through the pages of the text we have referred to earlier: «One day, Dr.
Teste mentally instructed a hypnotized woman to bring him some books, while at the
same time he thought that a barrier, one meter high, was interposed between him and
such hypnotized subject. The magnetized lady picked up the books from the table and
was about to bring them to the doctor in accordance with the mental instruction she had
received; once she reached the barrier which had only been envisaged mentally, however,
she said to herself: «I cannot go further. There is a one meter high obstacle here».
In short, there are «inhibitions» capable of conditioning the hypnotized subjects, provided
the hypnotizer is endowed with paranormal telepathic gifts. What do such «inhibitions»
actually consist in? Do they consist in commands, which are perceived as injunctive
enunciations? Or do they rather, as it is ostensibly more likely, amount to suggestions, to
images having the intrinsic ability to condition the psychosomatic life of the patient, i.e.
the smoker? This is a portentous field of inquiry, but parapsychology is currently not
equipped to supply an exact answer to such questions. It should be further added that
whoever comes to Michel is — in the end analysis — already favourably inclined to
subject his self to a hypnotic kind of treatment, assuming that that is its true nature. He
has a favourable inclination in that regard purely because of the fact that he is there. Even
the fellow who swears that he has no ardent faith in Herman Michel’s talents is in reality
hopeful. Hope plays indeed a primary role in all this kind of phenomena. Fluid, self-
suggestion, hypnosis? What is the secret behind the healer’s treatment? It is impossible to
provide an answer to such question. Somehow or the other, however, the Swiss man helps
whoever wants to quit smoking. All one needs is to overcome the first ten days, which are
the ones when nicotine is still present in the bloodstream and urges the subject to smoke,
as he himself mentions. Nowadays, Herman Michel has halved his former workload, but
he has not stopped travelling the world so as to honour appointments: Three days in
Antwerpen in Holland:, three in France, another three in Italy on a monthly basis, and
after that, back to Kirchtal, a suburb of Seon in German-speaking Switzerland, where he
lives with his eleven sons. Eleven sons. «Smoking is bad to the heart, the head, the liver,
and to one’s sexual life more than anything else», he says. Who would dare contradict
him? Pag. 37
5 – Instant fascination – Donato’s Method

Donato is a historically significant powerful character who inspired tens of individuals

and experimenters, and who transformed the way animal magnetism was perceived
during the previous century.
He would fascinate through the look, and he impressed the whole of Europe due to his
incredible ability. His opponents, too, had to bow to his mastery.
Our own master, Prof. Erminio Di Pisa, had taken a deep interest in this character.
Paradoxically, for he never knew him personally, it is our master Virgilio Torrizzano who
resembled him a lot in his way of thinking and speaking, while in respect of certain
elements of the method he even surpasses Donato.
Virgilio, one of the persons who inspired us the most in the field of animal magnetism, is
capable of instantly fascinating another person.
Though we are unable to prove it, there might even be a direct link between the said two
individuals, given the far-reaching similarities in their methods of work.
Donato, after all, performed for a long time in Turin, a city where he was even subjected
to a scholarly examination by the renowned Professor Morselli, who authored a book
about him. Virgilio’s own master likewise lived only a few kilometers away from Turin,
and he might well have learnt some techniques from one of Donato’s students.
What is certain is the existence of a high degree of mutual similarities in terms of
techniques and approaches, so much so that the book “Fascination Magnétique”, written
and inspired by Donato, might have equally been produced by our master Virgilio
Let us now focus, however, on the story of Donato.
In the mid-1800’s, magnetism, following the death of Mesmer, was on a low in France.
Only a few experts were left in Europe, and without the exhibitions from town to town
and from country to country of a few masters of the art, such as Du Potet, Lafontaine,
and, on a less scientific side, Regazzoni, Hansen and some others, mesmerism would
have recoiled into the obscurity in which the Academy of Medicine had tried to bury it.
Without these energetic propagandists, without their example and their lessons, neither
Doctor Charcot, Doctor Bernheim, Doctor Braid (inspired by Lafontaine), and Doctor
Liebeault, nor Doctor Heidenhain (inspired by Hansen), would have ever written their
remarkable works; and the profession might have remained consigned to oblivion,
practiced only at a non-academic level.
This state of things is explained by the secrets surrounding the technique, which rendered
its diffusion difficult. The real technique was hardly explained in books, and rather kept
as a secret.
This occasioned imperfections in the processes used in the work up to that time, as
utilized by most magnetizers. The main methods in use were slow, laborious and lacking
efficacy, thereby easily discouraging the efforts of magnetizers and facilitating the
disbelief of their adversaries.

In 1873, however, we find Donato (the Belgian-born Alfred d'Hont) initiated to

mesmerism by the Canon Mouls de Bordeaux. Pag. 38
Even if he was not primarily a healer, Donato reversed in many people’s minds the old
conceptions which had existed until that moment, and during his short and impetuous
life, he revived in the whole of Europe the interest in Animal Magnetism more than any
other person before him had done. Donato was not a vulgar man. First a soldier, then a
civil servant, journalist, novelist and poet, and finally a student and apostle of animal
magnetism, Donato revolutionized hypnotic practice through his rediscovery of
“fascination”. Even if the eye had been used in the past, the real technique was not so
diffused and practiced.
Donato was blessed with uncommon physical strength, quick and insistent eyes, a great
agility of movement, and much spirit.
He had the good fortune of soon making some discoveries which, to an extent, enabled
him to convincing the world not only of the reality of somnambulism, but also, above all,
of other much more astonishing phenomena as well.
Most of his predecessors resorted to interminable movements of the hands in front of
their subjects, or else they forced them to state at the blade of a knife for twenty minutes
before they could attain any appreciable result.
We can see instead, in the account of an eyewitness quoted in L'Italia (1886), how
Donato worked:
“Donato looks at the young man quickly, brusquely, and from very close; the operator
then turns the subject round and continues to fix him and provoke him with his glance;
the latter, as though attracted and fascinated, follows him with wide open eyes.
He experiments with about thirty young men, one by one [. . .] Almost all of them
respond immediately to the power of his fascination, by turning stiff throughout their
bodies; their faces become contracted, terrified, and sometimes cadaverous; they are at
the mercy of the fascinator and follow his movements like a magnet [. . .] There is
something pitiful, spasmodic in their features, something macabre in their gestures [. . .]
Donato has all of them under his power, he attracts them in threes, in sixes, ten at a time,
simply by rapidly staring at their eyes, even against their firm will and their obstinate
efforts to resist his suggestion [. . .] Donato, in the process, never speaks: he thinks, he
wants, and he points [. . .]”.
For example, in 1886, at the war school of Turin, having fascinated about thirty young
officers, he made them go through their military exercises and take part in imaginary
combats. He suggested to one that he was Garibaldi at Aspromonte; to another that he
was the commanding general of the school, etc. They took on the gait, the carriage, the
gestures and the voices, and perfectly played the parts of the personages whom they
represented, and with whom, of course, they were acquainted; indeed, fascination, no less
than hypnotism, can grant to anyone knowledge of the unknown.
These, as well as young healthy people who turn stiff despite their efforts to do otherwise
– such were the events to be seen on the stage of the Teatro Scribe in Turin in 1886.
Enrico Morselli, one of Italy’s leading psychiatrists of the period, attended and
succumbed himself to Donato’s fascination of Donato. In his important 1886 study on
animal magnetism and hypnotic states, Morselli provided a rather positive portrait of the
man. He had exchanged the magician’s cap for the more sober tuxedo-quite approach.
Donato “rejects fluids, and rejects the power and transmissions of will; nor does he trade
in somnambulistic lucidity. He does not claim to have special power or gifts. Pag. 39
Instead, he claims that it is his quick and insistent ‘gaze’ that produces a rapid and sudden
shock to the nervous system of sensitive individuals. Wherever there is no “orgasm”, he
said, his method will not work” (Morselli 1886, at p. 281).
Morselli claims that these shows came close to producing a political crisis right at the hub
of Europe.
In actual fact, in Switzerland the president of the confederation was an opponent of
Donato, but was mystified by what Donato did, and his opponent tried to draw advantage
from it.
But what was so revolutionary about Donato’s method? Why were the shows at the
Teatro Scribe in Turin perceived to be so radically new?
One of the methods Donato used to produce fascination was the following: He would
cause the subject to lean on his hands, thereby fatiguing the muscles. The excitement
produced by the concentrated gaze also assisted in weakening the nervous resistance. At
last, the operator would suddenly call out, ‘Look at me!’, whereupon the subject would
look up and gaze steadily at the operator’s eyes, who would stare steadily back with
round, glaring eyes, and subdue him.
When working with the hypnotized subject, Morselli tells us, he made him act “like a
dramatic artist who intends to represent different parts in a comedy or tragedy”. Hypnosis
produces “dramas, comedies and farces without number and without end, that can
multiply according to the pleasurable fantasy of the one conducting the experiment and of
those undergoing it, whose termination must always feel like a curtain falling on a scene
that “chills the dramatic sympathy of a spectator”. Here Donato operates on healthy
individuals whom he does not know. As Morselli tells us:
“Donatism” is a complex phenomenon, a little different from classical hypnotism and
Braidism, which, for the most part, brings about unconsciousness, and amnesia.
Dr. Moll put it thus: “As I saw in Paris, Donato uses a particular process to bring about
the state of fascination. This process aims at a primary forced contraction of all the
muscles of the body, in order to thereby limit the voluntary movements as much as
possible. In this case, the eyes of the hypnotist and the subject are firmly fixed on one
another. The subject finally follows every movement of the experimenter. If he moves
backwards, the subject follows suit; if he steps forward, the subject does the same. In the
same way, the latter imitates every movement of the experimenter, provided, however,
that he knows he is intended to do so. We see here, as in the abovementioned third
experiment, that fascination might be a primary form of hypnosis. It can, however, also
be originated secondarily out of the other hypnotic states; and this is more usual. When
the experimenter has hypnotized the subject in some other way, and has made him open
his eyes, he can fix his own steadily on them and thus induce the same phenomena. A
variety of this fascination is to fix the eyes of the subject on some other object—for
example, on the finger of the experimenter. In such instance, the fascinated person
follows every movement made by the finger.

Let us now see some of the elements making up Donato’s experiences:

The first thing Donato does, after greeting the public upon walking into the stage, is to
examine the way the room is arranged. Pag. 40
Whilst acknowledging the radiant intelligence on the forehead or in the eyes of many
people, he is quiet, as he is sure to be appreciated, and then his voice takes the softest
tones, insinuating things with dignity. His gaze is always tan, but without throwing vivid
light. His words caress. If, instead, the first glance tells him that he will be dealing with
people having no other ideal than their bellies or their material appetites, people who
have come half tipsy with preconceived ideas of malice, and with looks of affected
scepticism, he arms himself quickly for the fight.
Once he replied as follows to a crowd that whistled him:
- I am afraid of nothing and I fear no one.
Five minutes later, this same crowd was cheering him in delight.
He always stood up to the most violent storms, and he always triumphed over the
circumstances which proved the most unfavourable to his empire, or over the most
rebellious elements to its success.
At Le Locle, by means of energy and sudden eloquence, he subjugated men who, forced
by this blurring unfortunate political passion, all rallied together against him, wanted to
do some damage to him.
In the sessions held at Herz Hall, where Donato had conducted the most varied and most
successful experiences on the spectators who came to be magnetized by him, the same
resulted in more than one incident, as one can well imagine.
We will give examples, the authenticity of which we can vouch for, together with the
veracity of all the events that took place before our eyes. This is the best way to describe
the set-up of the room.


The first thing Donato does after greeting the public is to examine the composition of the
“Whilst acknowledging the radiant intelligence on the forehead or in the eyes of many, he
is quiet, as he is sure to be appreciated”. (These words are from Donato himself, and
make us understand as his preconceived opinion was of having a very interested room. In
quantum physics we can say that our intention will shape our reality. In this case we
understand how he created his own reality).
Then his voice takes the softest tones, he is insinuating (suggestionating) with dignity.
His gaze is always tan, but do not throw vivid light. His words caress.
If instead he understand from the first glance that he will be dealing with people having
no other ideal than their bellies or their material appetites, people that came with
preconceived ideas of malice, people with look of skepticism, he quickly prepares
himself to the fight.
A time, to a crowd that whistled him he would answer the challenge:
- I am afraid of nothing and I fear no one.
Five minutes later, this same crowd cheered in delight.
He always stood up to the most violent storms, and he always triumphed over the
circumstances most unfavorable to his empire, and put the most rebellious elements as
help to its success.
A Le Locle, by means of energy and eloquence sudden, he subjugated men who, forced
by this unfortunate political passion from any blurring, joining in all, wanted to do some
damage to him. Pag. 41
In the Sessions of the Salle Herz, where Donato has experiences the most varied and most
successful on the spectators who came to be magnetized by him, there are many
aneddocts that can be told.
We will give examples of which we guarantee the authenticity and all the events have
gone before people of high relevance and trust.
This is the best way to describe the composition of the room.
A young man, that was a student of the famous Dr. Charcot, just ask to attend the meeting
of Donato.
His request was greeted with great graciousness and immediately, though, since the
successes obtained every day by the great fascinator, students of Dr. Charcot become as
numerous as the stars of the theater.
The medical student crushes Miss Lucile (the subject with which Donato was
experimenting) questions about his health. He insists that she is sick (Charcot said that
only sick people were hypnotizable)
. The girl answers:
- But you just look at me to convince you otherwise.
The student continues to repeat:
- It is impossible; our teacher makes us do that experiment just on patients, on sick
- These muscles, the flesh is good to me, took the girl, showing her beautiful arm.
Nothing helps. Lucile herself cannot help but whisper, with his Parisian accent:
- He is ill.
But after a while the student convinces himself, and at every phenomenon produced by
the magnetizer, the overzealous loudly testifies his admiration.
People begins to whisper about him
- It's a stooge.
Where this becomes too enthusiastic and troublesome is when a round of spectators
coming for magnetizing arrived.
Seeing Donato be followed by a young student, he drop to his knees
Donato, with a laugh the first, approaching it too light and said with calm, full of gentle
- You took a lot of hysteria, Attention, it is a contagious disease (it says this joking, as
Charcot said that only histeric people were hypnotizable)

Finally, in order to make you understand the phenomenon better, I quote here under
verbatim a report drawn up by Dr. Servais concerning one of Donato’s experiences,
which took place in the year 1876 in Paris, the experimenter’s last place of residence after
he had previously visited Belgium, Holland, Germany and Switerland, met with success
all over, and never failed in any of his experiments:

“Donato fixes his strange and disquieting look on the eyes of a man he had never seen be-
fore. The latter attempts to avoid his persistent look, but his efforts to that effect are in
vain; he is nailed to his place, his eye inextricably bound with the shimmering pupil of
his fascinator. He tries to speak. With a gesture, Donato stops him. The subject is not
asleep: He is perfectly awake and is distinctly conscious of the state of powerlessness
which Donato has coerced him into. Pag. 42
He is later going to lose consciousness of his actions. This will represent a different stage
of the process. Sleep, however, never sets in, unless the experimenter wills otherwise and
acts accordingly. The subject is seated? He is unable to stand up. He is in a standing posi-
tion? In that case, he can neither bend his knees nor flex his body. His hand is open? He
is incapacitated from closing it. Through a look (induced wonderment) and a gesture,
Donato occasions the total or partial paralysis of the body, while a single gaze of him
causes deep disturbances to the intellectual functions. He conjures up unthinkable hallu-
cinations, engenders deceitful sensations, and makes one experience imaginary feelings:
He causes a person to see and touch non-existing objects, transforms a voiceless individu-
al into a melodious tenor, or a taciturn one into a chatter-box. He scoffs at the austere per-
sons, moves the jovial fellows to tears, sends shivers through those who are feeling hot,
and forces perspiration on a numb man. Under his influence, frivolous talks are engaged
in by normally serious persons ...”.

Dear friends, we have seen from this example how easily fascination works, and how rel-
atively simple it is to produce it in nervous subjects. Cavailhon used to say the following
of Donato:

“Donato’s power descends from the charm oozed by his eyes, which sparkle and flash the
way the eyes of a predatory beast do at night”.

I would only like to add the following to Cavailhon’s words: “As in any other scientific
field, no result can be achieved by hypnosis without making an effort”.

Donato used to conduct experiments night and day!

Donato’s experiences caused a sensation and stirred up doubts and controversies, to the
point that after a session held by Donato in Brest, a doctor attached to the Navy, one
Brémaud, sought to trace the whereabouts of those who had taken part in it. He managed
to locate a number of them. He inquired from them as to what had happened, and then re-
produced what the master had carried out in the course of it.

His purpose in doing so was three-fold:

1. Acquitting Donato of the accusation that he made use of accomplices.

2. Proving the veracity of the relevant phenomena.

3. Counteracting Charcot by showing that the phenomena were capable of being pro-
duced in individuals who were not affected by neurosis.

Within a period of four months, he managed to hypnotize hundreds of subjects, including

some sixty individuals who had already received treatment from Donato, in addition to
new subjects who had never met Donato or even heard of him. He introduced changes to
the method of the master, improving it in the process with the aim of securing an even Pag. 43
faster hypnosis. He accomplished that by having it prefaced by a brutal action having the
effect of producing a strong encephalic congestion.

He would cause the subject to relax in front of him, his loose arms dangling by the sides,
and then, by catching him suddenly from the back, he would make him turn around him-
self as quickly as possible to thereby heighten hypnotic sensibility. Thereafter, he would
go on with the fascination process ... In those extremely rare cases where the subject
offered resistance, he would make him bend, for three to five minutes, with his head close
to the ground.

Once the highest level of congestion had been reached, he would begin the fascination
process by disclosing his face before some source of light.

In that manner, he would engender analgesia, the motionlessness of all the muscles, and a
fixed stare, thereby offering to the subject all the desired attitudes without the latter being
able to resist, in spite of the full awareness he would have of his state.

He was ostensibly awake. In reality, he was in a state of autonomous reaction.

No modern book on hypnosis describes such a state on which we, who first witnessed it
in subjects fascinated by our master Virgilio Torrizzano, have conferred the term “state of

Notwithstanding his absence from modern texts on hypnosis, such a state is the key to a
different way in which the mind can function, and to the realization of mesmerizing res-
ults. Pag. 44
6 – Exercises for developing energy and power -
Virgilio - The last fascinator

Only few people are left who know how to correctly use the real power of the gaze.
One of them is “the last of the fascinators”: Virgilio T. 13, who currently lives in a state of
deliberate obscurity by the valleys of Piedmont and who practiced his methods on
thousands of people. He appears to be the last custodian of one part of the secrets of this
most ancient school.
Even now that he in his eighties, he is always very energetic. He has one of the most
powerful hypnotizing methods in the world.

In addition to being a practitioner, Virgilio is also a researcher, and he keeps on perfecting

his techniques with passion.

During a series of subsequent meetings, spread over a period in excess of twenty years,
he has gradually introduced us to the strange and arcane power of the gaze, and has
passed onto us increasingly more mysterious and secret exercises.
These exercises are not only useful for fascinating, but also to:
• Have more energy
• Have success in life
• Change beliefs
• Be always fit
• Develop more sensitivity and energy
His exercises are aimed at fostering higher energy and wellbeing.
He himself overcame in the past, while he was about 50 years old, a congenital hearth
disease that was leading him to die merely because of his exercises. Physicians
themselves did not understand how he had been able to overcome that and retrieve his
health in full.
The first one to meet him was actually a friend of mine, Max, who, having approached
him in order to seek information on what hypnotism was, received a very practical reply
to his inquiry.
Virgilio T., who at that stage worked as a barber, asked those who were present at the
barber’s shop whether they agreed to take part in an experiment. Once he received a
positive reply to his said request, he closed the door of the shop and firmly fixed his gaze
on one of the customers, who had moreover assumed a somewhat defiant look. His
defiant posturing only lasted for a very short period. Within a few seconds, in fact, that
customer took on a livid appearance. Virgilio told him that cigarette was something bad.
The customer thus addressed began to cough so much that Virgilio was forced to slap him
in the face a few times in order to bring him back to his senses.
When it came to the second customer, he did not even utter a single word to him. He
fixed him closely, and the look of this other customer turned pallid and diaphanous as if it

The surname is shortened at the relevant person’s specific behest, since he


(now aged 80) only desires to be visited by friends. Pag. 45
was made of wax. At that point, Virgilio carried out a facetious probative exercise: Faced
with the question on what his name was, such customer answered by mentioning a
woman’s name which had not even been verbally suggested (to him by Virgilio), only
through the power of thought.
Virgilio thereupon woke him up.
Moved by his curiosity, Max took a number of his friends to Virgilio, and witnessed
similar events on several other occasions.
Even I succeeded in experiencing on my own skin the power of this seemingly quiet
person who, besides the ability I have just described, had also developed a special
sensitivity to energies, to such an extent that he was a capable medical diviner equipped
with the talent to recover an object concealed inside a room.

Where does all of this originate?

Having intuitively realized that recourse to such technique might have stretched even
beyond what we had witnessed, and that this power might be used for the additional
purpose of making people feel better, we resolved on becoming Virgilio’s students and
intimate associates, to whom he could have confided his secrets. We then realized that, in
order to attain such power, what is needed is a disciplined work upon one’s own self,
which is also grounded on a series of techniques and exercises encompassing self-control
as well as self-development and self-improvement.

He himself had learnt them from another master, Rolando. Rolando possessed a very
strong gaze.

Here are two anecdotes which enable the readers to understand what Power Rolando,
who was also a painter, exactly as Virgilio, too, was gifted with.
This is the first such anecdote: His look was so forceful that it could overpower the
reactions of those people who were deemed to be insane. Because of that, doctors would
seek to draw help from him so as to calm down the inmates of a nearby mental asylum.
The second anecdote is the following: He was regaled with an amazing telepathic ability.
Once he caused a collective hallucination among a whole group of children, who firmly
believed that they had seen a priest flying.

Rolando as depicted by a contemporary photo

The story of Virgilio’s life is similarly full of such events.

Virgilio had learnt his art from Rolando, and, for some time, he even used techniques
devised by Rolando in his work as healer. Especially during his compulsory stint in the
army, he was frequently called upon to cure his fellow soldiers.
His main interest, however, was represented by painting.
Indeed, fascination always occupied in his life the position of an optional engagement, a
spare pursuit which he nevertheless practiced with remarkable success. Pag. 46
Virgilio learnt from Rolando when he was 14. Thenceforth, once he had put into practice
the required canonical exercises, he first began to apply the power of his look to animals.
In the process, he succeeded in hypnotizing reptiles, chickens, cows, mules, and so on.
There are many curious facts related to such phase of his life.
An example of them is that farmers were accustomed to summon him to their places in
order to make some animals more tameable.
He later spent a couple of years in Paris, where he learnt an additional range of
techniques from contemporary hypnotists.
Virgilio has particularly developed the field of telepathy. Using as his original premise
the classical exercise of watching passers-by in the street from behind to force them to
turn around 14, Virgilio has elaborated a whole series of variants of such root technique,
used by him in the context of hypnosis as well, which means no suggestion whatsoever is
voiced at all in that method.
It is worth mentioning some telling anecdotal accounts: Once, when he was young, he
was at the cinema. In those days, if you came late to the movie hall you would be obliged
to watch a film while standing, as the number of chairs was often less than the number of
viewers. A few among his friends provocatively began to question him as to how it could
be possible that he, as a skilled hypnotist, was left standing. Virgilio, spurred by their
remarks, decided it was time to act. He stared intensely at the nape of a person who was
seated a few steps ahead of him, and that individual eventually stood up to make space
for him.
Another exercise he carried out as per his wont was to look at people strolling around and
force them to walk faster. He would imagine, for the sake of executing such exercise, that
a pool of water was there.
Whether we are confronting sheer telepathy or whether non-verbal communication plays
a key part is irrelevant to our purposes here, as we are dealing in any event with the
actualization of extremely difficult experiences.
We have been able to realize such truth in recent times as well. We in fact took to him a
participant in our courses who could not even speak Italian in the first place. Within the
space of a few moments, purely through his look, not even a look too sharply focused, the
said student of ours began to feel as if he was tottering, to the point that he nearly fell to
the ground.
We have luckily caught that event on an interesting video.
Virgilio can however go beyond what we have so far related. On a number of disparate
occasions, he has in fact succeeded in making some subjects sing songs which had been
mentally passed onto them beforehand.
In another instance, he made us attest such ability of his by turning me voiceless only
through his look.
Once, a person challenged him, whereupon his challenger began to feel as if his face was
being turned into stone merely as Virgilio was busy taking off his glasses.
This theme of “petrifying” the subject is indeed one of the characteristic features of
Virgilio’s fascination.
That is moreover a state which no modern book on hypnosis bothers to describe.
We refer to it as “classical” since it has even been dealt with in books devoted
to it. A very interesting example of such writings, scientifically speaking, is the
text called “The sense of being stared at”, authored by Ruper Sheldrake. Pag. 47
After the relevant person has been “petrified”, i.e. his face has taken on a lifeless
expression, totally plunged, as Virgilio calls it, into “a passive consciousness”, this whole
process engrossing Virgilio for no more than four seconds approximately, he moves onto
the suggestive phase, the one where the subject supinely carries out instructions.
In Virgilio’s case, more than the initial induction, the problem is how to maintain control
over the subject, since the latter does sometimes reacts too strongly.
What Virgilio practices reminds one of the actions of Medusa, the mythical being used to
petrify the people she looked at. It is likely that the legend was inspired by events such as
the ones involving Virgilio, which later turned into myth.
Bit by bit, as we kept his company, we have also come to realize that those exceptional
abilities of his were also the result of having developed his sensibility.
After all, that is something he himself admits, adding that he is aware of that fact: “There
is something mysterious, which causes the two hemispheres to act simultaneously”. The
two hemispheres he is alluding to are the receptive hemisphere of sensibility and the
active one respectively.
In this connection, he has taught us both an alternate form of breathing, similar to the one
utilized in Yoga, though stripped of the need to count one’s breaths, and an exercise
termed “hot water and cold water”, which consists in placing one hand in hot water and
the other in cold water, and in inverting one’s sensations.
Both of them, we must say, are useful exercises.
Virgilio, moreover, has let us witness corroborating proofs of his abilities to “feel” others.
His heightened sensibility is after all one of the keys to his special fascinating power.
Virgilio sees himself first and foremost as a painter, and his paintings display indeed a
distinct sensibility.
He has an exceptional ability to identify the location of water, and that enables him to
discover both hidden sources of water and hidden objects, a highly useful quality in his
He additionally applies this ability of his to everyday life, and has his idiosyncratic way
of picking up cards from a bunch as an aid in unravelling the overarching sense of any
particular day.
He is likewise generous and spontaneous, and prefers giving out his paintings as presents
to treating them as sale items.
His belief is that it is better for a painting to be hanged on a wall by some fellow he
personally knows than by an unknown individual which has acquired it from some art
He is fond of fun, and loves keeping a low profile, screened away from the general
public. Lately he has even stopped visiting the city centre where he lives, and there are
many who even believe he is no longer alive.

Sometimes we spoke to Virgilio of the quantum view of the world. He strongly agrees
that we create our reality, and he agrees also that concentration of thought is fundamental.
The mirror is the key instrument he uses to change the view of the world. He knows that
this energy we work with in hypnotism cannot be touched or felt, but exist. It agrees is a
sort of entanglement between two minds that is at work. Pag. 48
Virgilio is undoubtedly a unique exemplar. We have studied him over several years. We
have striven to wrest from his modus operandi as many techniques as we could.
Nowadays, Virgilio’s energy-based techniques form an integral component of our
courses. He has personally given us encouragement in this regard. “If people practice
such techniques, they feel better, different, endowed with energy, and they can attain
whichever objective they are aiming for”. Pag. 49
Some suggestions of Virgilio for well living Pag. 50
7 – Instant Healing – Prof. Erminio di Pisa

Prof. Erminio di Pisa was a person marked by exceptional charm and energy. He
specialized in instant hypnosis and in instant healing especially. He was also a medium
(= a psychic). Though he lived and worked in Milan, he travelled abroad as well. He was
for instance in South Korea following an invitation. Therein, he carried out experiments
which drew a large crowd of people interested in them.
He chaired the Astrological Association of the Light since 1973, and acted as director of
the Centre of Instant Hypnosis.
At the age of 14, he fully devoted himself to the study of hypnotic techniques.
He has hypnotized more than 250.000 persons. For several years, both the Italian state-
owned radio and television have shown us his parapsychic exploits: Collective hypnosis
of a theatre audience, distance paranormal healing, announcing the final result of the
“Corsa Tris”, a horseracing event, fifteen minutes before it even started, and so on.

He was a very expansive person, full of energy. His residence was in Milan, close to
Corso Sempione, in the heart of that city.

He consented to our visit after merely making a phone call to him. He simply said to us,
‘Come.’ When we first met him, with all that he had never knew us before, he was open
and gentle, quite accessible and energetic from the word go. He was pleased that, in Italy,
some young persons were sincerely interested in his techniques and shared some aspects
of his characteristic nature.

He was very often with doctors and therapists who visited him regularly, either because
of ties of friendship or due to the fact they were curious about his techniques. He had
even been called by the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan to lend help to some operations
through the use of hypnosis. That was a truly remarkable acknowledgment, given the os-
tracism often meted out to practitioners of magnetism and hypnosis within the Italian
medical fraternity.

A short while after we began to visit him on a regular basis, he started sending us people
who were asking him to teach them hypnotic techniques. We found that extremely
pleasing, as we had never explicitly demanded such favour from him. We would meet
him either in his study or by a seafood restaurant which was not far from his house, and
where he invariably offered to pay for our meals, even though we were always at least
two visitors if not more. Add to it the fact that, whenever he went to the restaurant, he
would hypnotize two or three persons in passing.
He was in fact a munificent person who loved lavishing gifts on people. He gave us as
present the book “Septenary of Higher Hypnosis”, which in those days was only meant to
be read by a small elite. He had gifted some friends of his sharing an interest in
esotericism certain talismans which amounted to real jewels cast in gold and precious
stones. If he came across a beggar in the street, he would always hand him some generous
sums of money. He was in fact possessed of ample means, which he had received from Pag. 51
high calibre people who used to seek and frequent him in such a number that he was
unable to see too many clients for his work.
A number of doctors, too, were accustomed to pay him visits as regular clients of his.
Erminio had developed a series of powerful techniques, which could empower the
removal, within the space of a few seconds, of a multiplicity of different pains, as well as
the solution of a great many problems.

Prof. Muzzana, a psychiatrist, said:

“Erminio acts on the autonomous thalamus and hypothalamus within our cerebral axis,
namely, the vegetative brain. He extirpates distress, and restores happiness and self-con-
fidence. He removes addiction to smoking, alcohol and drugs. He has an exceptional rate
of success with asthmatics, people affected by hypertension, and those beset by sexual
problems or treated by dermatologists. I have attended hundreds of conferences on hyp-
nosis: Whenever the speaker was asked to give a practical demonstration, he was almost
always unable to bring it off successfully. That is not the case of Erminio Di Pisa... He is
sure of succeeding! His certainty, combined with technique, bestows on him an irresist-
ible blend of authority and efficacy which, along with experience, is able to perfect the
inborn and extraordinary talents he is undoubtedly singled out by. While the hypnotized
person is waiting for something, the phenomenon unfolds itself instantly. Heartfelt thanks
are owed therefore to Erminio for being the catalyst of a return to a type of hypnosis
which speaks directly to the recesses of our nervous system, through its recorded instruc-
tions which shall, post-hypnotically, be honoured for sure. Let us not forget that, as the
Chinese version of Taoism contends, five out of ten sick persons are cured by doing noth-
ing, simply by restoring balance in their own organism. A doctor who cures six or seven
patients is one who displays an abundant command of his art. Erminio goes further, by
seeking to harmonize his nature with his individual subjects!”

Prof. Erminio di Pisa was wont to assiduously cure dozens of people on a weekly basis,
within his study, as part of his regular professional activity.
He treated with instant healing:
• Most types of pain
• Neuromuscular disorders
• Capsulitis
• Headaches
• Some gastric problems
• Tinnitus

Most of these persons would get cured in a single session lasting ten seconds or so with a
97% success rate. Even those people who were most susceptible of recurrent relapses
needed no more than 2 to 3 sessions before the beneficial effects of fascination
accomplished through the look embedded themselves firmly in their organisms.

He did also cure, very rapidly, a lot of other pathologies. He wrote a book on its
techniques that met with a lot of success, but in reality he put longer inductions in it than
he did in reality. When he worked, his keyword was “instantly”. Pag. 52
Prof. Erminio was a person marked by a forceful personality. In his work methodology,
as was the case with the ancient people, he always strove to be in a state of balance with
universal harmony, which he used to discern as a result of his astrological studies.
He did also Instant Regressions (regressions based on fascination and with an induction
lasting less than 5 seconds), i.e. bringing a person to his past. This also can be useful for
healing purposes

It is thus from him that we have learnt how to employ this art for healing purposes.
Prof. Erminio, too, had been directly introduced to this discipline, in 1973, by another
master: Prof. Caravelli. The latter was a masterful expert in the so-called art of “bi-
location”, so much so that he could be simultaneously perceived in two different places.
Di Pisa, too, practiced similar techniques.

We note that in a quantum view of the world, location is a construction of the senses. At a
quantum implicate level of reality, everything is connected. The key is going beyond
sensing reality in the ordinary way. The exercise of Di Pisa used reflected light as an
important tool.

Prof. Di Pisa was also a fervent admirer of Donato, and he sometimes used the name
“Prof. Donato”.

We should mention, at this stage, some distinguishing features of his personality.

He paid the closest attention to details and was extremely alert in every situation. He was
truly present, capable as such of perceiving whatever was taking place. Because of that
quality, he was gifted with a deep ability to give mediumistic diagnoses. Within the space
of a few seconds only, he could inform a person about any sickness he had. All he needed
from his subject was a few seconds’ smile, which he often elicited from him by cracking
a joke. In many instances, he only needed the time at which one waits at a robot. I
remember that, once, when we had stopped at a robot, he started telling an elderly woman
whatever disease was plaguing her, and where exactly it did so in her body, and the
woman immediately confirmed the full accuracy of his information.

He had a positive and optimistic character, and was always ready to share a witty remark.
He was, above all, always prepared to fascinate and hypnotize. He would attract his client
through his smile and amiable personality. If we talk of vibrations, well, he was a man
sending out strong vibrations. He was quite a charismatic person.
Everything he said was imbued with the tone of certainty. He loved to wear very flashy
ties, as he knew they would create at once a focus of attention for whoever he happened
to meet. At the same time, Prof. Erminio Di Pisa was also fond of joking and fascinating
while in informal contexts. Sometimes, when he was at the restaurant, he caused people
he had seen for the first time to quit smoking within a few seconds. He would ask any
such person if he wanted to give up smoking, whereupon he would implement his
methodology. Pag. 53
He used to deal with physical pain in the same fashion. If someone was feeling pain
somewhere, he would remove it from him.
He used to create a state of fascination we have subjected to a specific study. Some of the
many anecdotes concerning his abilities as a fascinator are set out in what follows:

On one occasion, when he was by the large square of Cordusio in Milan, he held firmly to
the sentence uttered by a passer-by who was around 50 years old, and who had said, ‘It is
about to rain.’ Looking at him in the eyes, Di Pisa then repeatedly said to him in a firm
tone of voice, ‘Open up your umbrella.’ The subject, who had precipitated into a state of
confusion, vainly attempted to open it more than once, without realizing that what he was
wielding in his hand was only a stick. That went on until, some thirty seconds later, Di
Pisa shook him and thereby brought him back to the present time.

Again while by the streets during another rainy day, this time in Via Procaccini, he caught
sight of a person who was busy walking. This subject casually threw a look behind the
transparent glass window of the nearby cafeteria, and felt as if he was electrocuted. Prof.
Di Pisa was fond of mentioning the fact that some subjects respond to the power of a look
at once, and that he was able to identify them without any delay from their gait as well as
other telling details, by virtue of the same sensibility which enabled him to formulate
correct diagnoses. This specific subject who was walking by Via Procaccini fell into the
said category. Not surprisingly, therefore, Erminio, from inside the cafeteria, resorted to a
brusque movement by raising his hands and staring at his eyes intensely while such
person was crossing the road. The subject suddenly remained motionless in the middle of
the street, frozen in that condition for a good thirty seconds, until Di Pisa eventually
lowered his arms.

He did not let anything intimidate him. One day, while in Piazza Cairoli, he pointed his
index finger at an approaching passer-by chosen at random, whereupon he started issuing
him such injunctions as, ‘Go there’ and ‘Turn that way’. The passer-by promptly carried
out the said instructions in a hypnotic state, without realizing what was going on. When
Di Pisa finally woke him up from that state, the person concerned no longer knew where
he was.

Di Pisa, in fact, did not limit his self to using fascination with a high level of mastery
within the four walls of his study, but did so in everyday life as well. There was a time
when he invited a friend of his to a cafeteria. Purely by his look, he plunged the waiter
into a state of fascination which caused him to delve into an automatic state. As a result
of that, the waiter mechanically began to prepare a first cup of coffee, followed by a
second and a third one, placing all of them on the counter, and went on doing that non
stop. It was only then that Erminio “woke him up”. The waiter had been blissfully un-
aware of the whole incident!

On yet a different occasion, Roberto Catalano asked him whether he, too, was able to get
back as change more than what he would actually pay. Di Pisa immediately replied in the
affirmative. As a bet, he handed ten thousand liras to a girl, and, looking into her eyes
with an intense expression, he said to her, ‘More, more, more.’ The girl then continuously Pag. 54
gave him change without realizing what she was doing. Eventually, Di Pisa said to her,
‘You have given me too much change’, and gave the excess sum back to her.

This kind of fascination, followed by an automatic motion, reminds one of some of the
methods the gypsies use in order to fascinate. Professor Di Pisa, however, would only use
such techniques for curative purposes. He was quite ethical in his work.

In one instance, when we were at the restaurant, he wanted to give us a live teaching of
how his look worked, and we were deeply impressed by it.

He was extremely good at the so-called post-hypnotic suggestions, which he frequently

executed by using some accompanying object.

Erminio was also well-versed in instant regressions, that is, the situations where a person
would access his past in a few seconds. This is a very powerful therapeutic dynamics. His
friend, Ezio F., had observed that Di Pisa’s special ability to practice “personal magnet-
ism” nearly changed the perception of the environment. Indeed, though Ezio F. had at-
tended several times at Di Pisa’s study, he only noticed after the latter’s death that the
study where he had been received several times by him when he was alive was different
than he thought. It had a second door that Ezio F. had failed to see before at all, as it was
situated near a portrait of Erminio (being the one reproduced here below), and his atten-
tion, which had always been attracted by Erminio’s power, had never memorized such an
intrinsically visible detail.

Prof. Di Pisa, depicted here in a portrait given to him as a present in South Korea, where he carried out plentiful
experiments of Instant Fascination

One of the most spectacular manifestations is provided by “instant fascination”. This

technique has the ability to immediately eradicate physical pains, muscular tensions,
headaches, tinnitus, and a whole assortment of additional ailments.
We owe this methodology to Erminio from Pisa, who was accustomed to call it “Instant
Hypnosis”. He was its sole practitioner throughout Italy. Once he gave us an astounding
demonstration of it in the presence of three hundred people in Milan. He did so by Pag. 55
working on each of those persons in attendance for some twenty seconds, thereby
producing results which in most cases endured through the following days, while in other
instances they actually proved conclusive in their effect. In certain cases, a single
intervention is enough to engender a permanent result. In other instances, it is necessary
to apply the technique twice or thrice in a row, whereupon a more than highly satisfactory
overall percentage of 97% of healed people will be actualized. At our institute, we keep a
number of videos which corroborate what we have stated in this connection.
The methodology is rather simple. After we have caused the patient to indicate to you
where he is experiencing pain, we fix him intensely so as to fascinate him, for the explicit
purpose of taking him “beyond the point”, that is, beyond rigid positions and mental
habits which represent the sum-total of his personal problems.
At some stage, one feels intuitively that the patient’s pain has vanished. He is then woken
up by a simple rapid knock of the hand over his shoulder.
The most positive aspect of it all is that the person is feeling better!
That seems impossible to the person who is merely watching. From a technical point of
view, it is, on the contrary, very natural. The pains and the other problems we have
referred to represent “fixed realities”. The moment we look at the subject, we settle his
attention upon some other space. We would say that we are now in direct contact with the
unconscious, if we wished to borrow Erickson’s terminology. The unconscious, indeed,
always works for the person’s wellbeing and in his interest.
We are not dealing here with some mere hypnotic suggestion, so much so that on some
occasions (albeit rarely) it is necessary to operate two or three times before “the right
moment can be grabbed”. If it had been no more than a suggestion, the third attempt
would be bound to emulate what happened in the previous ones. As that is not the case,
however, it means we have actually guided our patient to a new life dimension.

Prof. Di Pisa at a TV show

Our further studies

Our own Nice-based school has scientifically examined the phenomenon.
A key aspect of the look-centred therapy is letting ourselves be observed and observing in
turn the patient while we give him a chance to recollect the state that caused him
problems. Thereupon, we lead the person into a state of fascination without any recourse Pag. 56
to words. Such method, indeed, allows us to transport him into a state of “non-thinking”
where the symptom disappears. It is the equivalent of resetting the mind.
Within that context, for a period of time that might last more or less long, the fascinated
person attains a state which is devoid of consciousness of the “ego”, that is, the totality of
our mind and our automatic mental programs.
The person concerned would then be “beyond the trance”. The Fascination which is
carried out on a person is indisputably something that acts at an ocular level, by creating
a kind of “trance” for the subject on whom one is operating.
However, we are in a state of trance even in other situations. We might for example be
captivated by objects or by persons, or even by our thoughts in which we drown. The
majority of people is indeed totally gripped, “fascinated” by their own mental
mechanisms. This is the reason why the same mechanisms are invariably reiterated, and
why a problem is preserved and perpetuated.
By means of the look, we thus intervene in the very mechanisms which produce the
“fascination” by means of ideas or concepts that beset the subject via these mechanisms
There is yet another way of proceeding: This second method consists in contacting the
symptoms directly.
The process is termed by some people “curing through the symptom”. Through the
patient’s total concentration on his symptom, in fact, we can carve out a path allowing us
to speak to that part of the brain which generates such a symptom. We thereby give effect
to a mechanism which some healers have already resorted to, namely, "utilizing the
crisis as a cure" 15. What at that point facilitates the efficacy and, in particular, the
rapidity of the process, is the re-enactment of the problem itself. As stated by Rossi
(1986), “by asking the patient to experience the symptom (alternatively, even by
increasing it, as was for instance Erickson’s wont), we are probably switching on certain
processes in the right hemisphere which are gifted with a more immediate access to the
encoding of the problem that is related to the state itself” 16.
A further scientific support for this theory and the useful benefit of re-enacting the
symptom, to be immediately followed by a state of “void” where such symptom is no
longer extant, being a result that can be achieved through fascination by the look, is
provided by a research in the US we are going to make mention of. It is proven in this
research that it is indeed possible to uproot traumas without needing to intervene through
a drug, opting instead to “write once more” over such trace of the memory and erase it 17.
Published in the Nature magazine, the successful realization of that research has been
achieved by Elizabeth Phelps of New York University. In an earlier study, she had
successfully tested the method on a number of small mice.
This was the methodology used, for instance, by Franz Anton Mesmer (Cf.
“Théorie du Monde”). The celebrated American hypnotist Milton Erickson, who
used hypnosis as a therapeutic instrument, used to rely on a similar system.
Rossi says: “By asking the patient to experience the symptom, we are
presumably turning on right hemispheric processes that have a readier access to
a state-dependent encoding of the problem”.
We have drawn on parts of the relevant news from ANSA
html_1644482542.html). Pag. 57
It has been shown in the experiment that all one needs in order to wipe out an awfully
frightening memory is by first recalling it. Thereafter, within a six hours’ time window,
one writes over it a memory other than the scary one, exactly as it would happen if we
were to tape over an existing recorded base. The important thing is to do it within six
hours from the moment when the memory is recalled, for it is within such a time span
that fear becomes entrenched again.
Anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress are linked to bad experiences which become
rooted in the mind. Whenever a certain stimulus reminds one of the experience he had
gone through, fear resurfaces and anxiety grows, even though the stimulus is not
dangerous per se.
Let us illustrate it with an example: If a man from Abruzzo in Italy, who had experienced
the earthquake which shook that region, senses some minor readjustment shakes, it is
highly probable, in spite of the fact that such negligible shakes pose no danger, that he is
going to feel panic and hasten to take shelter in a tent, merely through his recollection of
the tragic night of the past 6th of April.
Muscular tensions, too, are purely reminiscences of significant events which have
become “embedded” in the body, in the light of the fact that a tension of the body might
correspond to some mental tension.
The said study has been carried out by inducing a state of fear in some volunteers who
chose to be tested. That state of fear was engineered by showing them some coloured
squares and by associating with them a light electrical shock by their wrists, a shock
which was merely annoying without being painful.
During the subsequent day, fear was recalled to any such patient’s mind by showing him
the coloured squares once more. Thereafter, within the space of a few hours from the
creation of the said stimulus, the researchers showed them the squares quite a number of
times, but now without accompanying them by the electrical shock. At the end of this
training, fear is removed.
The disappearance of the symptom only takes place if the action which is engaged in so
as to extirpate it takes place within a short period from the moment when the patient is
presented again with the scary symptom; if such symptom is not reintroduced, or if the
‘fear-erasing’ training is conducted many hours later, the volunteering patients retain a
trace of the fear. Put it in other words, they retain their fear of having to see the squares
again. According to the researchers, this fact is explainable on the basis that when the fear
is recreated, the memory associated with it crystallizes once more, precisely at that very
moment where the memory is fragile and can be removed.
It is important to observe the fact that the transcending of the ego which activates the
fascination is an even more powerful tool, as it not only frees and eliminates a symptom,
but, in several cases, makes room for a total rebalancing. If we want to express it in
simpler terms, we might define the therapy of the look as “the positive fascination which
chases away the negative fascination derived from life experiences”.

The origin of problems

It is the fears and anxieties which are intrinsic to man that create the “negative
fascination”. Man in fact possesses an ancestral fear of the unknown, which thing pushes
him into creating thought mechanisms aimed at concealing and overcoming this fear. Pag. 58
The fear, however, is still there in his underlying being. Essentially put, therefore, man, in
order to try and release himself from fear, becomes captivated by external concepts.
Usually, the moments in which such fascination is born are interpersonal moments. The
human personality is made up of a fear to lose the objects of its own fascination.
The personality of the average man is a blend that is founded on the fear to lose one’s
beloved, money, the house, etc. All the psychological categories we are able to discern
grow out of some fundamental fear.
Through the medium of fascination, therefore, we give birth to a state of void in which a
spontaneous self-reorganization can occur, one that is facilitated by no longer
concentrating on the outside, but rather on the inside and on the operator who then turns
into a resource.

Further comparisons with Eastern techniques

The usefulness of being detached from involvement and from external “fascination” is
something evidenced even by the comparison between the technique of fascination and
some techniques of Trataka (that is, the prolonged staring at an object without flapping
one’s eyelids) which are practiced in the East in order to engender a mental void. We can
observe that sometimes, in the course of such practices, an image gets crystallized,
thereby allowing one to appropriate its qualities.
These practices have the further result of distancing one, even physically, from being
involved with the outside. One of these techniques, for example, consists in fixing the so-
called third eye. Another, preparatory technique is based on staring at one’s nose. It has
been noticed by some people that, given the excessive closeness of the point thus fixed,
adjustment generally proves insufficient to enable a clear vision, notwithstanding the
contraction. The surrounding objects end up occupying only the peripheral part of the
retina, due to the central part of the retina being already occupied. Peripheral sensations
are weaker than those that are felt at the centre. In those conditions, the subject turns
almost blind to the outside world, and the more the internal deflection of the eyes is
increased, the more the process gains effectiveness.

The void
One might be tempted to ask why so much effort should be put on casting the outside
objects out of one’s focus. It is however possible to detect a useful aspect in that
endeavour. It paralyzes one’s will. It also paralyzes the attention which, if it happens to
settle on one object only, is inclined to forget the others.
Through the assistance of ocular concentration, the yogi is not just able to remove the
vision of external objects, but also to empty his thoughts, whereupon it becomes easy for
him to meditate in the void.
In an analogous manner, when fascination is resorted to, the subject enters a state of void
where an automatic rebalancing might occur, and where one can rid himself of limiting
thoughts. The process is as mental as it is physical, so much so that one can fascinate
even while he is standing quite far from a person.

A quantum view
And finally a quantum view of the healing process of Prof. Erminio Di Pisa. Pag. 59
We could use the quantum metaphor to easily describe the process. As he ask the subject
to recall where he feels pain, he is doing a “measurement”; he and the subject are
together observing something, and touching the point, he entangles himself with the
As the subject get fascinated, he and the subject go very fast through a moment of “no
thought” and “no “reality”. In this moment he/she is outside ordinary reality in the
implicate level.
Here the intention get full meaning. The operator want to see the subject well. As the
operator fascinates the subject there are no more two distinct realities. Both realities
merge. As both come back to the ordinary reality, something got changed. Is as a stronger
force manifest itself in this moment. In fact quantistically every intention is an act of
creation that modifies reality. Here we see the reality changed.

Mental attitude
This type of therapy encompasses an inward dimension as well. In order to achieve the
best possible results, it is imperative that, first and foremost, your inner being should be
open. Your intention plays a very important role. Your client will feel it more than ever as
you are looking at him.
The following are a few simple exercises which help develop Prof. Erminio Di Pisa’s
magnetic power:
1. Lie down on your back and relax your muscles completely.
Draw in air from the nose slowly and gradually, in so doing trying to expand your
abdomen as much as possible. Thereafter, hold the air you have thus inhaled for a few
seconds, and breathe it out slowly. This exercise should be carried out as slowly as you
You will interrupt the exercise three or four times by switching to your normal mode of
breathing. This exercise has the effect of de-congesting the «solar plexus», which is the
hub of all kinds of emotions and impulses. After some ten days or so, timidity and
dejection shall disappear.
2. In the event that you are jolted by sudden noises, such as the ring of the telephone, you
should get used to control your nerves every moment of your day, and repress every
unconscious motion of yours, staying still so as to prevent the nervous movement of your
legs, avoiding gestures as you talk, etc.
The present exercise results in you conferring order on your nervous forces, thereby
averting dissipations which are harmful to the organism.
3. Daily strive, for a quarter of an hour, to focus your thought on one thing only by
consciously excluding any other one.
Etch firmly in your mind the fact that the aforesaid preparatory work has been rationally
studied and combined in such a way as to enable the deep development of your hypnotic
Nothing is achieved without effort. The training demands an amount of self-straining, but
at the end your endeavours shall be crowned by success. Pag. 60
This second series of three exercises is beneficial to one’s health. It will greatly avail
whoever suffers from insomnia, neurosis or amnesia.
In addition, these exercises improve the circulation of blood and help one endure cold
We set out here three compound exercises aimed at securing magnetic look and positive
speaking for your persons.
1. While in a half-lit room, let your look fall upon any point whatsoever, provided it is at
the same level as your eyes, and stare at it intensely, without beating your eyelids, for
some fifteen minutes.
You must practice this exercise on a daily basis, so that you can progressively extend its
NB: You will accomplish your goal more rapidly if, when you read or write, you refrain
from beating your eyelids.
2. Every day you must read a few pages, speaking slowly as you do so and getting
accustomed to stress every syllable gravely, without however straining your voice.
You should remind yourselves that an exact, energetic, firm and resolute word which is
uttered properly produces very strong reactions in other people’s minds.
3. When you are alone, place yourself in front of a mirror which is able to reflect the
image of your whole person.
At that stage, verbalize a suggestive formula (e.g.: ‘Look at me in the eyes ...’).
Imagine yourself in front of a subject, and accompany what you say by gestures. Try out
several possible formulas, so that you are finally able to choose the one suiting you the
Repeat this exercise many times, scrupulously and attentively, until you experience the
sensation your action would have to produce on the subject.
The more you attain calm and emotional control, the more it will be possible for you to
reduce the number of exercises and concentrate solely on the ones you feel are most
beneficial for you. Never neglect, however, the exercises based on the look and the
acquisition of control over your mental chattering. Prof. Di Pisa did not stop training his
look daily even after years of assiduous practice, despite being always well trained in that
regard. Pag. 61
8 – PRESENCE – The endpoint in Eastern and
Western traditions – The Egyptian Tradition –
Cagliostro, Kremmerz, magnetic therapy and
presence-based therapy

A common thread and tradition bind together some of the best healers in Western history,
such as, inter alia, Paracelsus, Mesmer, Cagliostro and Kremmerz. This cementing bond
is encountered in a number of exercises and stages and, above all, in a shared discipline
of life, the goal of which is to nurture inward development.
The said unifying vein consists in an ancient alchemical tradition of Egyptian origin. It
carries in its central nucleus an attentive emphasis on the concept of presence. This
concept of presence is understood in an active sense.
It is, in other words, “presence to the action”, that is, a kind of reintegration of one’s
abilities, which ought to take place at each and every moment of one’s day rather than as
a mere perception whilst in a static state.
It takes the shape of the endpoint both in the Eastern and the Western traditions.
Various organizations, such as the Rosicrucians, have acted as vectors to convey such
traditional approach centred around focusing one’s work on presence.
The tradition is nevertheless still unified and clearly discernible in the background. The
tradition has in itself remained unchanged and unchangeable over the centuries. One can
thus read classic works written more than a thousand years before this age and find
therein reference to the same concepts and intermediate stages.
The Western variant of the Egyptian tradition endured even after the fall of the Roman
Empire in Europe, specifically in Naples, where several Egyptians had relocated, and
where they had founded their own colony. Until the present day, there is in Naples a place
called “Nile’s Little Square”. It hosted the headquarters of one of the main branches of
the so-called “Egyptian Rite”.

The said Rite, apart from pursuing alchemical practices targeting man’s improvement,
encompassed also a therapeutic dimension which found expression on more than one
historical occasion.
The list of those who developed the therapeutic side of the Egyptian Rite included the
renowned Cagliostro, who transformed its contours, spreading one specific variant
thereof which he had personally elaborated in Paris. From 1776, he healed many sick
people in respect of whom official science had acknowledged its incapacitation to find a
cure. Another member of the Egyptian Rite was the famous Count of Saint Germain. Pag. 62
Giuliano Kremmerz
More recently, one who was linked to the main branch of the Rite was Giuliano
Kremmerz, who spread his own brand of “Hermetic Brotherhood”, the objective whereof
consisted in healing and occasioning people’s well-being.
Mesmer, too, had contacts with the Egyptian Rite. We have reason to believe that some of
his ideas originated precisely in the teachings of such Rite.
“Presence” means in fact “to be in the reality”. We are too often victims of our thoughts,
which have the effect of causing us to live in a virtual world. We think we perceive
things, though, in actual fact, when we turn restless, we get angry, we envy, and so on, all
of that consists in our reactions to the work.
We must learn to be present. Negative emotions are banned from presence. Besides, it
represents a level wherein we can naturally perceive what are called “energies”. Energies,
indeed, only exist in the now. One part of us must be in the now if we want to fascinate,
magnetize and so forth.
We must disengage ourselves from the world of our thoughts.
F.A. Mesmer, too, provides us with the account of a similar practice, albeit one he
possibly reached purely through intuition. He does so when, as part of the story of his
life, he recounts to us the time when he stayed three months without any internal
dialogue, able thereby to perceive reality directly.
While in France, I came to know Count Jean Pierre de Giudicelli, a legitimate
representative of such brotherhood in that country, and likewise a member of its
innermost circle.
The meeting with him occurred by chance, as he took part in one of the courses I was
running in that country on hypnotic techniques. We have been in touch with one another
since then.
Count J. P. de Giudicelli was and still is an unconditional researcher, one who has
explored the entire gamut of French traditions. It was precisely this individual who
channelled my attention towards the importance of presence as one of the essential
elements behind the accomplishment of the best results.
He has an extremely vast erudition, and his book “De la Rose Rouge et de la Croix d’Or”
describes structures and organizations, the mere existence of which, before he cast off the
veil from them, was hitherto unknown.
In addition, he possesses a deep culture in the field of literature and the classics.
He also see the strong tie existing within the concepts elaborated by modern quantum
sciences and ideas existing from hundreds of years. He strives to adopt a pragmatic point
of view and finds that to many people get lost in thoughts instead to look toward the real
thing, that is very technical and at his core, very simple.
Since a young age, he felt the urge to develop an interest in esotericism.
His life is punctuated by many rare anecdotes, and is seemingly traversed by a design
tending to proceed along the path of reawakening.
He boasts hundreds of filiations, and is highly respected in France.
His extensive experience has availed him a capacity to find his way, amid a number of
often peripheral traditions, to the comprehension of what is ultimately the quintessence of
every thing: Presence.
This is, to many people, a novel concept. The truth, however, is that one comes across
numerous traditions which speak of it. Gurdjeff’s work mentions presence, Yoga has
presence as its goal, and the same holds true of Taoist alchemy. Pag. 63
If the most spectacular instances of healing were to be analysed, we would notice that the
key lies there, i.e. in restoring man to his own self.
The cause of most sicknesses and problems is in fact the circumstance that average man
is distant from himself, caught as he is in a life guided by material and contingent values
which can often generate both internal and external conflicts.
The main key to solve them is a full return to presence, where problems cease to exist. At
that point, we would be operating at a higher and reinvigorating level.

Jean Pierre de Giudicelli had the additional chance of meeting in Corsica a most potent
magnetist, a certain Pastor, who was able to accomplish very powerful results in the field
of healing. The town doctor used to lend him his study in order for him to work from it,
such were his plainly discernible abilities. Pastor supplied Jean Pierre de Giudicelli with
the essential keys for his method. One exercise he would recommend, and which he
deemed essential, was one based on breathing. In order to achieve curative results, it is in
fact necessary to know how to develop within oneself a special kind of enthusiasm and
energy. That exercise is also part and parcel of our courses, and takes its place alongside a
variety of exercises of Egyptian origin which make use of mirrors and which lead in a
short period of time to reawaken the Hermetic caduceus, a.k.a. the kundalini, if one
prefers to borrow the Indian terminology.
Naturally, magnetic healing is only deemed by a person intent on pursuing the path of
presence to represent one stage of the overall itinerary.
There is indeed a higher level. In this connection, Count Jean Pierre de Giudicelli has
also explored other traditions, such as Bon, from Tibet, and the Egyptian one, for the sake
of attaining higher states of presence.
When he was invited to our school, the Count held there a number of seminars more than
once, and then exhorted us to go ahead with them and run them on our own, seeing that
he is actually more concerned with the last phase of development than with teaching as
The more one progresses, the more he is alive to the recognition that presence represents
the absolute key, which we allude to in our books “The Mystery of Time” and (even more
so) “Magnetism and the Energetic Ascent”.
In these books we draw also a parallel between modern quantum technology and these
millenary teachings. We do also comparison with eastern teachings.

This type of “presence in the action” has in fact a methodological set of indispensable
techniques which are peculiar to it. It is undoubted that presence is reached and inward
changes occur in the course of a practitioner’s progress along this path.
The final state is more definible in quantum terms, with consciousness at the centre, than
in physical habitual terms.
Presence in the action accordingly shows itself to be the central key to man’s evolution. It
can only be learnt as part of a practical seminar, preferably one held in a natural
The mere act of setting out on this path allows one both to feel better in himself and to
heal others and perceive energies in a natural way. Pag. 64
The following are the first advices for taking the initial steps on the way to develop an
increased presence:
1 – Start from the “consciousness of the body”. That is in fact the very first part the
average man’s perception becoming “anesthetized”. We live, fine, and yet we are not
conscious of having a body. In order for you to develop the said consciousness, you
should choose a fixed physical reference point. You might for instance become conscious
of your hand or your foot.
2 – Maintain such consciousness for as long as possible. You will gradually add attention
to your eyesight or hearing. Make sure, however, to always preserve a bodily
consciousness. Do not conceptualize.
3 – If the said first two points are carried out well. they help create a more enlarged
consciousness. That is where it starts. At a later stage, you should strive to become
progressively more conscious in each and every activity of your life. You are going to
discover that, by doing so, you will slowly tend to “feel a center”, and perceive
yourselves as having a stronger balance.
4 – If possible, it would convenient to implement such exercises in a group, thereby
assisting each other to develop consciousness. Even though a precise technical
methodology and a multi-phase progression are involved in this path, a group is more
capable of facilitating the accomplishment, within a short term, of results which would
otherwise consume weeks or even months should the exercises be carried out
individually. The development of an increasingly greater presence has a tendency to
reduce psychosomatic problems and gradually eliminate them altogether, to let you attain
greater emotional balance, nay, to enable you to fully transcend the phase wherein you
are dependent on emotions, whereupon you live life better and experience wonder each
and every moment of it. Pag. 65
9 – Concentration, creativity, study – Quantum
Is it possible to guide our mind to an increase of its power and to the discovery of new
solutions almost automatically? The LuxMind methodology, which in our courses is
naturally wedded to the magnetic methodology, enables of course the accomplishment of
such results.
It might avail the following:
• Better school results
• Concentration
• Development of attention
The same methodology, aided by a few modifications, is also shown to be useful in the
event of:
• Dysgraphia
• Dyslexia
It additionally allows the results obtained by any magnetic technique to be enhanced
Lastly, again in conjunction with magnetic techniques, we can arrive at:
• Greater intuition
• Creativity
• Increasingly more prolonged flashes of clairvoyance.


Use of light and reflections are critical components in the mesmerist’s path.
Light is a key element. We can use it for enhancing change. It is used from times
immemorial as a tool for taking our mind to a different level.
Ancient alchemists worked on fire.
Alchemical fire shares many things with the Tibetan Buddhist notions of Primordial Field
and Clear Light.
As Johaness Helmond says: “It is a fire, solar by nature, yet a little coarser than that, (the
fire) of the heavenly Sun. This is why it is also called the Son of the Sun. He is the
archeus of nature who moves and digests the matter, when he is given his Freedom; he
does all the work in her (nature). In the interim, the Central-Fire lies hidden under a hard
shell, still weak and unable. It is only a Fire in potentia that will show its power as soon
as it is awakened through the external Fire. The Alchemists call it Ignis, or at times, call it
their red Lion or Gabritius. It is the fire of thegold, the true gold-sulphur, the soul of the
elements, and the light of nature. Without its influence, the intelligence would be weak,
the power of the imagination would be dead, the spirit would be unfruitful, and the body
would be lifeless”.
Apollonius of Tyana was born around 4 BC at Tyana, in Cappadocia, and is last heard of
in Ephesus over 100 years later. Philostratus frequently mentions Apollonius’ prayers to
the sun, something for which we do not find antecedents in the Pythagorean literature.
“For he said that, whereas other men only make conjectures about the divinity and make
guesses that contradict one another concerning it, -- in his own case he said that Apollo Pag. 66
had come to him acknowledging that sun was the God in person” (Flavius Philostratus,
The Life Of Apollonius Of Tyana).
Either at sunrise or at noon, Apollonius would say the following prayer: “O thou Sun,
send me as far over the earth as is my pleasure and thine, and may I make the
acquaintance of good beings, but never hear anything of bad ones, nor they of me."

Looking at light
Sun-gazing is the ancient practice of deriving nutritional energy directly from the sun
by simply gazing at it intently for one hour, at either sunrise or sunset. Objectives vary
from person to person, but most sun-gazers seek better mental and physical health, along
with a higher level of spiritual awareness.
We do not however advise to look at the soon, as its light is too strong.
In our school, we utilize light to create the same type of stimulation, and we recommend
using artificial light in order to avoid any eye damage.

Use of artificial light

Following the researches of Dr. Lefebvre, we also recognize the incredible power of light
in increasing psychic gifts. He also used it as a help for improving concentration in
students, and put it in writing that people would have better results. Starting from some of
his ideas and from other ideas of people equally working with light, we have seen that
combining magnetism with light can give wonderful results.
We can put away phobias in a few seconds and we don not know of other methods as
effective as that.

Why is light so important?

In order to understand the power of light, it is necessary to know something about the
physics of light. If we cause the white light of the sun or of the electric arc-light to fall
through a prism, the result is a splitting up of the light into its component rays.
Technically, the arrangement of the component rays of white light is known as the solar
spectrum. It has been shown that the spectrum of the arc-light is practically identical with
that of the sun, the difference in the light being one of intensity and not of kind. The
physical and therapeutic attributes of the solar and arc-light can reasonably be supposed
to be the same. Clinical and spectroscopic observations have confirmed the correctness of
such supposition.
The seven different colours or rays of light are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo
and violet.
These rays are known as the visible rays in contradistinction to numerous forms of
invisible light-energy situated beyond either end of the spectrum (infra-red and ultra-
violet rays). Some of the rays, notably those emanating from the red and more especially
from the infra-red fields of the spectrum, produce heat and are, therefore, known as
thermic rays.
Light has a striking effect on the mind

Quantum Physics
Light is a superposition of different colours.
A white photon does not exist. Pag. 67
According to Heisenberg, when a quantum particle is not observed, it exists as an
ensemble of “possibilities” (which in physics are called a virtual state), wherein it has a
likelihood of existing simultaneously at all points of space; when however, an
observation is performed, the quantum particle makes a discontinuous jump (called a
quantum transition) to a state with some definite position, and is said to be in a condition
of “actuality” (in physics called a physical state). The transition from the possible to the
actual takes place the moment the quantum particle comes into contact with a measuring
This “superposition” eventually reaches the brain:
Quantum models of the mind associate consciousness with coherent superposition of
states in the brain. Different works on the brain and mind problems have used quantum
theory to explain the emergence of consciousness. There are, both in quantum theory and
in statistical physics, collective phenomena which cannot be reduced to individual
components of the system. The conjecture is that collective quantum phenomena produce
coherent states in the brain.
Some authors consider consciousness to be the result of a kind of internal quantum
measurement process in the brain.
Likewise, fire shows this process of quantum superposition in different way.
The colours of fire range from white to blue.
Waves, unlike most particles, can be in the same place at the same time. This is a
phenomenon called superposition. What is happening in fire is not that the colours are
going from blue to red, but rather that they are going from blue to white as more and
more waves are emitted with slightly lower and lower frequencies, all being superposed
on top of each other.
We can therefore think that light has to do with consciousness. More light takes the visual
cortex to its highest level.

Quantum Mind effects of light

If a person observes a light and afterwards closes his eyes, he might observe a
physiological trace of light. This trace will modify itself due to psychological
predispositions, and will
correspond to different degree of activation of the visual cortex, which changes its shape
in a completely unpredictable way.

What are the other effects of light?

In considering light as a health-preserving and health restoring factor, it befits us, in a
general way, to try and understand its enormous importance in conjunction with different
phases of physical life, and more especially to appreciate its influence upon those
changes in the animal economy which are included under the heading “Metabolism”. If
the absence of light is capable of causing disease, it is not unreasonable to assume that
the presence of light will prevent disease. We may begin our reasoning by stating that the
human body requires light for its sustenance. The most vital of all physiological
processes, namely, respiration, both cutaneous and pulmonary, is directly affected by the
presence or absence of light. The quantity of oxygen which is taken up by the tissues is
directly dependent upon the relative amount of light to which the body surface is Pag. 68
exposed. When the sun, the great source of light, approaches the horizon and leaves the
world in darkness, consigning it thereby to the analyzing physicist, it seems as though the
whole of nature were lulled to sleep. Its voices are hushed, and man and beast are slowly
rocked to rest in the cradle of universal silence. The evidences of activity gradually
disappear. Darkness supervenes, and with it a desire to rest becomes manifest throughout
the living creation. The human organism, which is a part of living creation, shares in this
general depression of vitality. Its machinery works under lower pressure. Physiological
respiration becomes more superficial, assimilation less active, and excretion more
sluggish. The more finely organized the structure, the more characteristic the change
which comes over it in the absence of light. Only the lower forms of life, the fungi and
other varieties of micro-organisms, thrive, as their greatest antagonist, light, has
temporarily withdrawn from the field of contest.

We have devised specific techniques where fear, anxieties, and every types of emotional
problem, can be “washed out” by a joint use of magnetism and light. Pag. 69
9 – Psychic research

Magnetism opens up a path to the new and the unexpected.

Our friend, Count Jean Pierre de Giudicelli de Cressac, who has already been mentioned
by us in connection with the Egyptian Rite, and who is an active collaborator of our
school, encompassed in his surname, “de Cressac”, his role as successor to the old Count
de Cressac. The latter carried out in France, in the castle of Lussac, a remarkable
sequence of experiments in the metapsychic field (which some people call
parapsychology), thanks to a specific association, AFEM, which boasted the
collaboration of university professors and high-ranking exponents of French scientific
research from the 1960’s. We have made a number of issues of its magazine available
over the Internet.
In order for us to understand this type of research on the world of the unknown, we need
to go through the history of magnetism a bit.
As soon as Mesmer left France in 1785, animal Magnetism moved onto a new phase, one
which had just been adumbrated by the said founder of the doctrine. By magnetizing his
valet, the Marquis of Puysegur discovered that his patient would become “lucid”, that is,
he would shift to a special type of sleep wherein he would show an unexpected ability to
practice telepathy and clairvoyance.
Under Mesmer, magnetism had a purely therapeutic function. It had already been
correctly observed that one’s look was capable, on its own, of producing certain states,
even a person’s will, but this particular field of inquiry had not been sufficiently
As a result of the discovery of magnetic somnambulism, the aspect of clairvoyance and
the exaltation of intellectual abilities were given greater impetus and attention. As one
magnetist put it:
“The soul lands like an eagle on top of the clouds, at the time when the external senses
are asleep. As it then towers over all the actions engaged in by matter, it can
simultaneously embrace the entire gamut of physical possibilities”.


Such a form of magnetism, too, discloses a therapeutic side. To say it

in the words of Deleuze 18: “«No doubt there are somnambulists who
are gifted such a degree of lucidity that, when they are confronted with
a sick person, provide a clear explanation of the origin and cause of
his illness, and accordingly prescribe the best treatments, in so doing

Joseph Philippe François Deleuze: A French naturalist, born on 31 October
1835 in Paris. He recommended to the Academy of Sciences that it should
conduct a study of animal magnetism. Pag. 70
indicating the effect which such treatments are meant to produce and the crises which are
going to befall the patient. They foretell an ailment which is only going to develop after
some months, and list the precautions which ought to be taken once the first symptoms
materialize; they are likewise capable of discerning the moral condition of the sick
patient, by penetrating his thought and extending beneficial advices to him. This category
of somnambulists is however rare. Moreover, the very same people who have proven
themselves to be in possession of such inexplicable clairvoyance can only master them on
certain occasions».
The well-known Georget had firm conviction in the same truth, i.e. that the perfect
medicine can only be the one somnambulists possess in respect of what is relevant to
their own persons, while it is possible to use their admirable instinct for the benefit of
other people as well.
Abbot G. B. Loubert, in his lovely work “Magnetism and Somnambulism”, mentions
therein what he stated to the knowledgeable bodies, the Rome-based court, and the
theologians (Paris, 1844), namely:
«It is possible to question a magnetized person, either verbally or mentally, concerning
his own sicknesses (thereby achieving the best results) or those affecting distant persons,
nay, even people who are totally unknown to him. In the latter instance, the magnetized
person almost invariably asks for a handwritten letter of such individuals or some object
they have personally touched, so as to be sure of establishing communication with those
distant persons.
Regardless of how ignorant he might be in his normal state, when he finds himself in the
somnambulist state such individual far exceeds medical doctors, not in the field of
erudition, but due to his exquisite nervous sensibility and the ability to perceive with
greater ease sensations and impressions, which in such a state react inside his brain with
superior vividness. At that stage, in fact, the soul of such person might turn into a faithful
interpreter of the things he examines, the presence of which stirs up his sensibility,
regardless of whether such examined things come from his body or from that of another
person, or even from medicinal substances.
In this regard, he frequently provides anatomical descriptions characterized by thorough
These effects transcending the senses made a strong impression on Schopenhauer and the
German “Naturphilosophie” (Natural philosophy), which in turn influenced those
German and Danish experts of physics who, as is the case of Bohr and Schroedinger, lie
at the root of modern quantum theory. In essence, these experiments opened up the way
not only to new therapeutic dynamics, but even to the research which lead to quantum
mechanics, the same which, in its last phase, through such works as Fritjoff Capra’s “The
Tao of Physics”, comes back to man, thereby bringing a perfect circle to completion.

Further researches about mystery: Presence and success

AFEM pushed forward with a number of researches in the course of the last century.
When it comes to its reports, we find an interesting range of examinations of magnetic
factors. Special relevance is attached to an array of experiments which have been
conducted on the topic of psychokinetic action. The said experiments provide in their
conclusive results some keys which one can use to achieve success as well. These
researches have enjoyed vast resonance, so far-reaching indeed that that they were even Pag. 71
quoted by Dr. Lefbure in one of his books. They consisted in experiments carried out
under the monitoring eye of a sizeable number of contemporary university professors.

Here under we reproduce some of the salient

points from a conversation held with Count
Jean Pierre de Giudicelli “The eventual
outcome consists in the fact that, oftentimes,
those persons who show the strongest effects
are people who, in their lives, have indeed
attained a substantial degree of success, as
managers, chairmen and directors”. Everything seems, therefore, to confirm the point that
the gift of success, leading life, that is, to one’s intended direction, has clear links with the
well-known “magnetic force”, which is difficult to subject to empirical evaluation and
which is nevertheless present, outwardly manifest in a plurality of ways, including
psychokinetic action.
Finally, the observations of Count Jean Pierre clarify that a “state of presence” is needed
in order to produce a greater effect.
Essentially that means having the necessary desire first, followed then by entry in a state
of presence.
This is an essential key.
As stated by Dr. Bruno De Michelis, a former vice-champion of the
world in Karate and an international researcher well-versed in
states of presence, when he referred to techniques aimed at
attracting good fortune in one’s life, such as the techniques set out
in the book “The Secret”: “This book explain what has to be done,
but, prior to that, we must learn to be present”.

Dr. Bruno De Michelis

It is worth noting that Bruno de Michelis, just like Jean Pierre de Giudicelli, is one of the
few people who succeeded in reaching states of extreme presence wherein ordinary forms
of perception become peripheral.
Although the path to presence is an individual one, the study of magnetism, more than
any other method, grants the opportunity of investigating such experimental situations. It
is precisely during attendance at our courses that one can observe a number of most
interesting phenomena.
Developing an interest in experimental phenomena is in fact a valid pursuit not only
because of the phenomenon per se, but also because it sharpens one’s sensibility and
pushes the mind to accomplish more.
All our students with a knack for experimenting recount to us successful situations they
have encountered and new discoveries they have made while being participants at such
courses. Pag. 72

The poles and the body ...................................................................................................5

Magnetism and its practice – Du Potet – Durville – Maitre Philippe..............................7
The Durville brothers.......................................................................................................8
Maitre Philippe de Lyon and his spectacular bouts of healing ....................................... 9
Some exercises practiced by Baron du Potet.................................................................12
Non-verbal communication........................................................................................... 16
Prof. Benemeglio........................................................................................................... 16
Additional concepts....................................................................................................... 17
CAMPANELLI’S METHOD SIMPLIFIED................................................................. 33
9 – Concentration, creativity, study – Quantum Methods............................................. 66
Further researches about mystery: Presence and success.............................................. 71 Pag. 73

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