The Project Paper (1st Semester, Year 2020-21)

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The project paper

(1st Semester, Year 2020-21)

This semester, as your topic, you will have to choose “Evolution of” or “The
history of”. After that, you will have to choose from five fields: Construction,
Technology and IT, Sports, Video games and others.
The “others” field is dedicated to the subjects that have no connection with
the first four fields (ex. The evolution of spiders, etc.).
The presentation must contain at least 9 slides and the maximum limit is

When you write your project you have to respect 7 base rules. The rules are:

1. Pick a suggestive name for your project.

2. When you start to write your project, first say what the subject you want
to present is in the modern days (ex. Football is a team sport played all
around the globe…) (1-3 slides)

3. Talk about how the subject first appeared (1-3 slides)

4. Talk a bit about the one(s) who came up with the respective idea (1-2

5. Talk about the rhythm that the things evolved in (1-3 slides)

6. Talk about some revolutionary things that happened to the subject you
are writing about (1-3 slides)

7. Add the bibliography at the end of your presentation (the text and photo
sources in the order that they are added in your presentation) (1-2 slides)


Slide 2:

Wikipedia – Football (text)

Soccer – Football Origin (foto)

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