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Far Eastern University

Department of International Studies
S.Y. 2021-2022 First Semester


Preliminary Period

Recitation No. 1 (20 points)

Share three takeaways that you got from the lecture regarding "History and the Birth
of Human Civilization." 
Deadline: September 4
Mode of submission: Canvas

Assignment No. 1 (20 points)

Discuss the seven stages that characterize the process by which civilizations
undergo the process of rise and fall as argued by Quigley (1979) in his book chapter,
“Historical Change in Civilizations.”
Deadline: September 6
Mode of submission: Canvas

Quiz No. 1 (20 points)

How do you think does studying literature within the context of history enrich human
knowledge? Reflect on Harlan’s Intellectual History and the Return of Literature.
Deadline: September 9
Mode of submission: Canvas

Recitation No. 2 (20 points)

Share three takeaways that you got from the lecture regarding "The Mesopotamian
and Egyptian Civilization." 
Deadline: September 18
Mode of submission: Canvas

Assignment No. 2 (20 points)

While Gilgamesh portrays the common attributes of a hero, such as strength and
valor, what do you think is Gilgamesh’s biggest weakness?
Watch this educational video summarizing the story of Gilgamesh:

Deadline: September 20
Mode of submission: Canvas

Quiz No. 2 (20 points)

Discuss three notable contributions from the early inhabitants of Mesopotamia that
up to this day are considered historical legacies of the ancient world.
Watch this educational video ( about the early inhabitants of
Deadline: September 23
Mode of submission: Canvas

Preliminary Examination (40 points)

Human civilization traces back from thousands of years ago. While the society of
today differs significantly from the civilizations of the past, there remains features of
the early civilizations that linger up to this day.
Reflect on the discussions about the birth of human civilization and the
Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilization. Afterwards, discuss one human
characteristic that you think has been passed down from the past up to the present.
Structure your paper into two sections: (1) the human characteristic in the past and
(2) the human characteristic at the present. Focus on highlighting features from
these early civilizations to contextualize your essay.
Deadline: September 25
Mode of submission: Canvas
Format specifications: Garamond, 12, 1.5 spacing
Number of pages: 3-5
Rubric for evaluation: see attachment

Midterm Period

Recitation No. 3 (20 points)

Share three takeaways that you got from the lecture regarding "The Greek and
Roman Civilization." 
Deadline: October 16
Mode of submission: Canvas

Assignment No. 3 (20 points)

Why is Virgil’s Aeneid relevant in the study of the Roman empire?
Watch this educational clip as a guide:
Deadline: October 18
Mode of submission: Canvas

Quiz No. 3 (20 points)

What are the opposing viewpoints concerning women in Athens and Sparta? Refer
to the reading of Spielvogel (2011) “The Civilization of the Greeks,” pp. 44-65.
Highlight the viewpoints of Xenophon, Aristotle, and Plutarch.
Deadline: October 21
Mode of submission: Canvas

Recitation No. 4 (20 points)

Share three takeaways that you got from the lecture regarding "The Heirs of the
Roman Empire." 
Deadline: October 30
Mode of submission: Canvas

Assignment No. 4 (20 points)

Among the nine circles of hell outlined in Dante’s Inferno, which one do you think is
the most populated by sinners? Explain your answer.
Deadline: November 1
Mode of submission: Canvas

Quiz No. 4 (20 points)

What are the manifestations of Byzantine empire’s efforts to continue and build upon
the legacies of the Roman empire?
Watch this education clip as a guide:
Deadline: November 4
Mode of submission: Canvas

Midterm Examination (40 points)

Behind a successful civilization is a strong ruler. Reflect on the different civilizations
that were discussed (Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman) and choose one
ruler/leader that you think deserves the title, "The Greatest Ruler in Ancient History."
Structure your paper into two sections: (1) a brief biography of your chosen
ruler/leader and (2) a discussion justifying why you chose that ruler/leader. Make use
of historically accurate and grounded arguments to convince the reader that the
person you chose truly stands out among all other rules of the ancient world.
Deadline: November 6
Mode of submission: Canvas
Format specifications: Garamond, 12, 1.5 spacing
Number of pages: 3-5
Rubric for evaluation: see attachment

Finals Period

Recitation No. 5 (20 points)

Share three takeaways that you got from the lecture regarding "The Asian
Civilizations of India and China." 
Deadline: November 27
Mode of submission: Canvas

Assignment No. 5 (20 points)

Select one teaching/quotation from the Analects that you think most accurately
captures the essence of human civilization. Explain your answer.
Use this link for the English translation of the Analects:
Deadline: November 29
Mode of submission: Canvas

Quiz No. 5 (20 points)

Watch this educational video (Why is Asia important to Human Civilization? -
YouTube) about the importance of Asia to human civilization. Afterwards, identify
three concrete contributions of Asia to human civilization as discussed in the video.
Deadline: December 2
Mode of submission: Canvas

Recitation No. 6 (20 points)

Share three takeaways that you got from the lecture regarding "The African and
American Civilization." 
Deadline: December 11
Mode of submission: Canvas

Assignment No. 6 (20 points)

What are the similarities of the Judeo-Christian God and the African creator god,
Doondari? Refer to the African creation myth entitled “How the world was created
from a drop of milk.”
Deadline: December 13
Mode of submission: Canvas

Quiz No. 6 (20 points)

How do you see colonialism vis-a-vis human civilization? Reflect on the impact of
colonialism on the African and American civilizations.
Deadline: December 16
Mode of submission: Canvas

Final Examination (40 points)

Human civilization can be traced back thousands of years ago. The human society of
the present has gone a long way from the ancient civilizations of the past.
Nonetheless, the present cannot be isolated from the past; how we know the world
today is a product of how ancient civilizations have developed. Against this
background, write a term paper about one civilization whose legacy you consider as
most enduring.

Structure your term paper into two sections: (1) the background and (2) your
analysis. The background must generally focus on the history of the chosen
civilization while your analysis must discuss at least three arguments that will
advance your case that the civilization indeed has the most enduring legacy. Qualify

"most enduring legacy" in terms of the contribution, influence, and impact of the
civilization to the present world.

The main objective of this assessment is to demonstrate your knowledge and

understanding of the history of human civilization by using historically accurate
information to form sound arguments.

Deadline: December 18
Mode of submission: Canvas
Format specifications: Garamond, 12, 1.5 spacing
Number of pages: 3-5
Rubric for evaluation: see attachment



No clear Responses to Responses to Responses to Responses to

response questions are questions are questions are questions are
shallow and indefinite and general, but still specific and
Nature of details unrelated muddled; may accurate and accurate;
Respons have some focused; manifests higher
e irrelevant manifests order thinking
information learning of skills

Little or no Supporting Offers some Provides Incorporates

supporting evidence is purely appropriate adequate and extensive,
evidence cited; circumstantial evidence but may suitable proofs; relevant data;
shows no and is improperly not be contextualizes the appropriate
application of used; exhibits satisfactory, or claim; shows research and
Substance critical and creative insignificant effectively thorough citations are
of Claims & thinking skills application of incorporated into application of utilized
Verifiability critical and the response; critical and purposefully;
of Evidence creative thinking some application creative thinking shows valuable
skills of critical and skills and painstaking
creative thinking application of
skills critical and
creative thinking

Answers are Ideas are Responses are Contains diverse Responses

random and recurring; some imbalanced; yet contain fitting,
weakly unified, responses are some paragraphs interdependent definite and
senseless, and confusing; shows are effective, but concepts in acceptable
disjointed; shows little structure and others are not paragraphs; transitions
no structure and an ambiguous properly consistent; some between
thesis thesis constructed; missing sentences and
some missing transitions paragraphs;
& Coherence
transitions between shows excellent
between ideas; sentences, structure and a
shows below paragraphs, or clear strong
average structure ideas; shows thesis
and thesis above average
structure and a
clear thesis

Shows a Shows some lack Shows Shows proficient Shows advanced

complete lack of of control of the satisfactory control of the control of the
control in standard English control of the standard English standard English
grammar, language as standard English language with language with
Grammar mechanics, and made evident by language but strong grammar, impeccable
& usage making the numerous major contains a few mechanics, and grammar,
Mechanics essay unreadable flaws and minor major errors and usage—yet may mechanics, and
and flaws several minor have a few minor usage—yet may
incomprehensible flaws repetitive errors have a few minor,


Output demonstrates a Output demonstrates a Output demonstrates a Output demonstrates an

lack of understanding minimal understanding general understanding in-depth understanding
Nature of and personalization of and personalization of and personalization of and personalization of

the theories, concepts, the theories, concepts, the theories, concepts, the theories, concepts,
and/or strategies and/or strategies and/or strategies and/or strategies
presented in the course. presented in the course. presented in the course presented in the course
Inputs show no Inputs show little to date. Inputs show to date. Inputs show
evidence of synthesis of evidence of synthesis of evidence of synthesis of strong evidence of
Content ideas presented and ideas presented and ideas presented and synthesis of ideas
insights gained insights gained insights gained presented and insights
throughout the entire throughout the entire throughout the entire gained throughout the
course. Arguments and course. Arguments and course. Arguments and entire course.
interpretations are interpretations are interpretations are Arguments and
missing, illogical, and/or unsupported or supported. interpretations are
unsupported. supported with flawed insightful and well
and inconsistent logic. supported.
Output shows little Output shows some Output shows an Output shows an
supporting supporting adequate amount of abundant amount of
evidence/examples that evidence/examples that supporting supporting
are accurate or are accurate and evidence/examples. evidence/examples that
connection between the somewhat supports the Most of the supporting are accurate,
Evidence and thesis and sub- thesis and sub- evidence are accurate, significant, and
Practice arguments are not arguments. Some significant, and supportive of the thesis
clear. The examples are examples are explained supportive of the thesis and sub-arguments.
merely listed and not but needs more and sub-arguments. Examples are
adequately explained or analysis. Some examples are thoroughly explained
analyzed explained and and analyzed.
Output excludes Output is missing some Output includes all Output includes all
essential components components and/or components and meets components and meets
and/or does not does not fully meet the all requirements or exceeds all
address the requirements indicated indicated in the requirements indicated
requirements indicated in the instructions. instructions. Each in the instructions. Each
Required in the instructions. Some questions or question or part of the question or part of the
Components Many parts of the parts of the assignment assignment is output is addressed
assignment are are not addressed. addressed. All thoroughly. All
addressed minimally, Some attachments and attachments and/or attachments and/or
inadequately, and/or not additional documents, if additional documents additional documents
at all. required, are missing or are included, as are included, as
unsuitable for the required. required.
purpose of the task.
Writing is unclear and Writing is unclear Writing is mostly clear, Writing is clear,
disorganized without an and/or disorganized concise, and well concise, and well
identifiable thesis. with a vague and organized with good organized with excellent
Structure and Thoughts are messy difficult to identify sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph
Style and make little sense. thesis. Thoughts are not construction and a clear construction and a clear
expressed in a logical thesis. Thoughts are strong thesis. Thoughts
manner. expressed in a coherent are expressed in a
and logical manner. coherent and logical

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