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Name: Olaco, Meliza C.

Course/Level: 2nd year BEED


1. Watch - – and answer the question below.
A. What word, phrase or sentence that struck your attention. Explain your understanding
about it in line to school leadership.
There are two words that struck my attention, and they were staff and student. It may
seem like random words, but it had a huge effect on me and my view on leadership. School
leaders really focus on their constituents and strives to connect with them to have a
harmonious relationship inside the school. It says on the video that school leaders should
also encourage their staff to leaders, and it is true because this can make decision-making
and perform even better if they feel empowered and feel supported by the administrator.
School leaders puts their staff and students’ wellbeing to ensure that they get an experience
that is beneficial to them and enriches their character and knowledge more.

2. Watch - – and answer the question below.

B. List as many suggestions you can on how the teacher could have been better in her
classroom management. What are the things she should have done or must do?
First and foremost, I noticed that the teacher was already aggressive in reprimanding
her students and it did not look welcoming for the students. As a teacher, attitude towards
the student will impact how they will behave throughout the rest of the class and even the
entire year. I think the teacher should show a warm and welcoming persona that the
students will feel comfortable with and in turn will act better with the teacher. Secondly, the
teacher, in my opinion did not look enthusiastic in the way she presented the instructions,
simple gestures like a raise in voice and a change in facial expressions will impact the
behavior of students greatly because if the students can feel that the teacher is not
interested, then that is what they will feel as well. Lastly, it was captioned that the teacher
did not know what to do, it is important for a teacher to be prepared for scenarios like the
one in the video and know how to mitigate it, being unprepared is like going into battle
without a sword.

 Search and explain.

3. Search for Republic Act No. 10912, otherwise known as the “Continuing Professional C.
Development (CPD) Act of 2016” and explain how it will help teachers as professionals.
R.A No. 10912 ensures that teachers, despite passing the LET and being a professional, is
still improving themselves and updating their knowledge. It is easy for a teacher to graduate
and teach students but is also for themselves as a learner to continuously acquire knowledge,
as well as for their students. Being stagnant is not advantageous for a teacher and this act
will help them in regaining their desire to learn more than what was taught to them and
achieve higher learning, it can be from formal learning, informal, elf-directed learning, online
learning activities and professional work experience. Learning is a lifelong experience and
does not necessarily stop once an individual graduate and have a job, especially for teachers
who must keep up with students in different points in time and conditions.

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