Blues Communications Report

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Executive Summary

Blues Communications Formed with a combination of experienced and young recourses, Blues
Communications started its journey in 2012. In the business to set new milestones in the field of
event and entertainment management, Blues strives to put in that extra bit into everything. Blues
strives to bring international standards into local execution. Challenging current norms, practices
and limitations in event planning and execution is only the tip of the iceberg for us. The vision is
set towards culminating a seamless global standardization in terms of infrastructure,
professionalism and workstyle in a local context. Holding the name of Bangladesh high in the
sector has always been a chasing story for Blues Communications. This effort resonates from the
East to the West, with artists from home and abroad adorning the stages created and perfected by
Blues. Blues strives to be a part of the global music scene, attending international conferences
like Womex and Jazzahead on a regular basis.



For our HRM report, we have collected data from both Primary source & Secondary Source. So,
as a primary source of our research we interviewed an employee of Blues communications. He
helped us collecting the necessary information of HR process of Blues Communications.Such
as, recruitment process, training & development, performance appraisal, and strategic HRM. For
secondary source we collected data from various online sources and Blue commications website
which helped us to find all the information.

Company background

It is basically an event management organization, which is dedicated to bring the best shows in
town. It provide services such as, brand understanding and planning, value creation, logistics,
,led , truss& tent.It is one of the largest event organization in Bangladesh. It organizes events like
Jazz & Blues festival , Big Rock day,get blown away by fusion ecstasy ,Sufi festival etc. They
have their own event. Client event and artist management. The company is also popular for their
own sound system. Their vision is to bring international standards into local execution The
vision is set towards culminating a seamless global standardization in terms of infrastructure,
professionalism and workstyle in a local context.

Current HR activities



Recruitment is the overall process of attracting, shortlisting, selecting and appointing suitable
candidates for jobs within an organization. Recruitment is a core function of human resource
management. By this process organization collect their necessary employee .It is very important
for every organization because employee is one of the most important resource for an
organization and recruitment is most important steps to collect employee. Recruitment can be
internal or external and centralize or decentralize.

Blues collect their employee from both internal and external sources and they follow
decentralized recruitment.

Forecast HR needs : By this organization measure how many people need to achieve their
strategic goal .

Blues communications is an organization which main work is event management and they need
different numbers of people for achieve their goal depending the size of the event so they use
ration analysis for forecasting their HR needs.
Job Specifications : Blues communication recruit different types of people depending the needs
of the organization. They mainly focus on taking creative and hard working people.

 Good communication skill

 Hard working

 Creative and can handle any situation properly

 Minimum SSC certificate

Internal recruitment: Internal recruitment is filling any post from the existing employee by
promoting or changing their post. Organization use internal recruitment mainly for higher post
of the organization by promoting the employee who is qualified and fulfill the requirement of
those post. For internal recruitment which employee get promotion those employee become
motivated and goes an extra mile for the organization and for recruitment from existing
employee they don’t need extra training because those employee already know about those
organization. Which impact is very good for the organization. But there may have some bad
impact of internal recruitment which is some employee can think that those employee also
qualified for promotion and for not getting promotion those employee can demotivated and may
leave the organization and for internal recruitment we don’t get and new employee so we can’t
get any new and creative employee.

Blues communications main work is event management and for that they need creative
employee and new idea so they mainly focus on external recruitment but they have succession
planning for the upper level of positions. Succession planning is a process for identifying and
developing new leaders  who can replace old leaders when they leave, retire  or die. Succession
planning increases the availability of experienced and capable employees that are prepared to
assume these roles as they become available. For that they can get people for their managerial
position and higher position from internal sources who already know about blues
communications mission ,vision and goal and can run the organization properly .
External recruitment: External recruitment is recruit people from outside of the organization.
Mainly organization use external recruitment for the lower position of the organization and
some organization also recruit from external source for getting creative and new idea from new

Blues communications main work is event management so they mainly use external sources for
getting creative and new idea from the new employee. They try to recruit talented , creative and
hardworking people who can give some amazing and creative idea for the organization .They use
many sources for getting their employee They collect their necessary employee from different
agencies depending on their needs.


Choosing the right candidate is one of the difficult tasks for HR functions. It is a lengthy
process. If it is not done correctly then it can be very costly for the company. It plays a
significant role for the organization.

Holding the name of Bangladesh high in the sector has always been a chasing story for Blues
Communications. This effort resonates from the East to the West, with artists from home and
abroad adorning the stages created and perfected by Blues. For that they need convenient and
expert employees to run further more and that is why they select right candidate for the
organization because wrong decision and wrong selecting can be dangerous for a company so
their selecting and testing of employees are well changed

Review and Screen the CVs:

After giving advertisement in the several places to collect CVs from the people. After that they
review the CVs to select the correct candidates as the candidate’s qualification and personality
matches with the job description or not. Some certain things that they checked mainly is given

From where he/she graduated.


 The candidate is experienced or not.

 Other quality that s/he put on the CV that matches with the job description.

All these requirements they scrutinize on the basis of job description

Why Careful Selection:

Careful selection is needed for any organization and foe that

 Cost

 Performance

 Legal obligation

Panel Interview:

The interview panel used to consist of one HR person, another member is from the vacant
department and some of them are from top managements. They always try to select the active
candidates who have some knowledge’s about event managements basically and other corporate
work though and who are more active. And there is a chance that this sort of people do not
switch job easily. They also think that, this type of people is more creative. They also focus on
some communication skills, and IQ of the candidates in the interview.
These are the basic four steps that they followed in case of select and testing people generally.

 Personality test: A test, usually involving a standardized series of questions or tasks, used
to describe or evaluate a subject’s personality traits.

 Intelligence test:  measure learning and/or ability in a wide variety of areas and skills.
Scores may be presented as an IQ (intelligence quotient), as a mental age, or on a scale.

 Aptitude test: assume that individuals have inherent strengths and weaknesses, and have a
natural inclination toward success or failure in specific areas based on their innate

 Achievement test: achievement test is a standardized test developed to measure skills and

knowledge learned in a given grade level

Big Five Model:

The test consists of some items that you must rate on how true they are about you on a five point
scale where 1=Disagree, 3=Neutral and 5=Agree.
Training and Development

Training is the process of teaching new or current employees the basic skills they need to
perform their jobs. Training is necessary for every organization. If an organization does not train
their employee, then the employee will not not work properly because they have no skill and
knowledge about their work. New and old people both need proper training. But for new
employee training is must because they don’t know about the organization. So, training enhance
the chance to develop their skill and give feedback. Training is two types: on the job training and
off the job training.

In Blues, they also give their employee training so that they can perform well. Basically Blues is
an event management organization. In Blue there I no off the job training. They provide on the
job training for their employee. On the job training is having a person learn the job by actually
doing the job.

On the job training:

Apprenticeship training
A structured process by which people become skilled workers through a combination of formal
learning and long term on-the-job training. In blues employee learn by apprenticeship training.

Informal learning

The majority of what employees learn on the job they learn through informal means of
performing their jobs on a daily basis. In blues the employee people learn by informal learning.

Job instruction training (JIT)

Listing each job’s basic tasks, along with key points, in order to provide step-by-step training for
employees. Because it’s an event management organization they provide step-by-step training.

Coaching/Understudy approach

The trainee works directly with a senior manager or with the person he or she is to replace; the
latter is responsible for the trainee’s coaching. It is most important for Blues trainee. Because
they learn from their senior lot.

Performance Appraisal of Blues communications

360 Degree appraisal:

360 degree appraisal requires feedback from the manager, supervisor, team members and any
direct reports.In this method of appraisal, employee’s entire profile has to be organized and
assessed. In addition to evaluating the employees work performance and skills,appraiser again
assess an in-depth feedback of the employee.

Management by objective:

This is an objective type of evaluation which depends on updated approach of performance

appraisal. In MBO method of performance appraisal, manager and the employee agree on
specific and attainable goals with a set deadline.

Psychological appraisals:

This evaluates the employee’s intellect, emotional stability,

analytical skills and other psychological traits. This method makes it easy for the manager in
placing the employees in appropriate teams.

Benefits Packages

Blues Communication maintain a specific salary scale for each level of employee. The top
managers being paid the most and goes down the order. Employees get different types of benefits
throughout their work life. Blues Communications provide various types of work benefits to their
employees. Such as:

Maternity leave:

The company provide maternity leave for 4 to 6 month on the basis of the employees need.
Because they understand the hardship that the females have to go through during this time.
Holidays / Vacations leave:

The company provides holidays as per as Government holiday and also employees also receives
vacation leave from the company. But if they have any event on the holiday/ vacation day
employee need to work on those day.

Study leave: Once an Executive has been in the organization for at least one year, he/she may be
granted study leave with or without pay. The maximum period of study leave is up to 2 years.

Sick leave:

Blues Communications offers sick leave for 10 to 12 days in year. Whenever they need they
have to submit their medical documents and then the company granted them for leave.

Festival bonus:

Blues Communications also offers festival bonus to their employees there are many festivals in
our country. For Muslims “Eid- Ul- Fitr” , “Eid-Ul-Azha” for Hindus “Durga Puja” and so on for
Christians ”Christmas” and others. Employees get 25% to 30% bonus of their basic salary. The
company also provide bonus on “Noboborsho” the first day of Bangla month.

Medical Benefits for the Executive Staff: The organization will compensate the cost of
authorized medical treatments in Bangladesh like childbirth, surgery, hospitalization and other
medical issues subject to the conditions mentioned.

Car Purchase Scheme: The Company will also pay all the related cost of the vehicle like fuel
cost, Driver’s salary and other necessary maintenance and administrative cost.


This company also provide medical insurance and health insurance to the employees. Employees
also get free of cost treatment whenever they fall sick during their job.

Pension plan:

Blues Communications Company don’t have any pension plan for their employees. They provide
provident fund to the employees which is a special retirement saving plan. In this provident fund,
also Blues Communications contribute the same amount of money that employees save from
their monthly income.




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