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Week 7 - Assessment Point 2

You are assigned to prepare an assignment that shows evidences of the

understanding on how to promote innovation and creativity within an
organization by describing a new product/service that it is promoted into
the organization you work.

Benson Gilbert Odo

Business Methods and Procedures (MBA714)
Dr. Maged Mustafa Mahyoub Al-Dubai

Table of Content
Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................. 3
How to promote an idea internally........................................................................................................................... 4
Internal idea promotion.................................................................................................................................... 5
Balanced scorecard model................................................................................................................................6
Actions which are used to build innovation..................................................................................................... 7
Acceptability of new product/service.......................................................................................................................8
Product innovation........................................................................................................................................... 8
Other fields which can be innovated................................................................................................................ 8
Process innovation....................................................................................................................................9
Marketing innovation............................................................................................................................... 9
Organizational innovation........................................................................................................................ 9
Change management........................................................................................................................................ 9
Project management....................................................................................................................................... 10
Competitive advantage of new item....................................................................................................................... 11
Cost of dispatching new item......................................................................................................................... 11

This paper portrays the significance of innovation and creativity by exhibiting how
innovation and imagination can be advanced inside an organization.In the current era of
information, the accomplishment of vital destinations of an organization is connected to the
creation, organization and circulation of information (Lin, 2014).
Innovation is considered as one of the success features in the economic companies, it’s
regarded as the basic element to reach customer satisfaction and to realize their desires.
It means finding a new idea which will be implemented for realizing the competitive
advantage to the companies.
As Lord Kelvin (William Thompson) once said ‘I often say that when you can measure what
you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when
you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is meagre
and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your
thoughts advanced to the stage of science whatever the the matter may be.’ (Swann, 2009).
Since you can only control and/ or reward something which you can measure then managers
of organizations must always be awake to assess /measure the potential profits resulted form
their goods or services, potential customers for the business as well as processes, products
and services which are to be upgraded or removed.
The world economic environment is characterized by rapid changes in all frameworks,
especially the technological sides which become the most important discussion axe that
affects the economic company’s strategies.
Under this new atmosphere that features the external and internal company's
environment, it becomes necessary for company to fit itself in these changes in order to
maintain its market place, and to face the aggressive competition in such an open world
market. Under such a situation, companies are imposed (compiled) to carry out research and
development in all fields through innovation and creativity.
There are many types of innovation such as: Product innovation, Process
innovation, Marketing innovation, Organizational innovation, Paradigm innovation…etc. All
these types and others allow companies to realize a competitive advantage and economic

There are five areas in which companies can introduce innovation
-Generation of new or improved products;
-Introduction of new production process;
-Development of new sales market;
-Development of new supply market;
-Reorganization and/ or restructing of the company.

This paper makes reference to scholarly materials to help substance and setting in which
organizations influence on imagination and innovation to keep a competitive advantage in the
market utilizing different correspondence techniques, models for managing creativity,
innovation and tools to energize change in an organization.

How to promote an idea internally

An idea can just be promoted if an organization has a mechanism to advance creativity and
innovations. Innovation is a result of creativity, where creativity is a way of thinking and act
so that to emphasize new ideas, Hence innovation is the value added outcome of creativity.
Imagination is by large an idea creation or the ability to produce ideas. Imagination is
consequently a deduction cycle to concoct brilliant ideas which for a company can mean
staying ahead of the contest, fostering another item/administration or improving an existing
product/ service.We are in the information age where the world has great digestion for data,
for information examination and profiling, yet as an impetus for inventive reasoning that
produces incredible and changing ideas. Most current organizations have committed
capacities inside the organization that practice on innovative work. This capacity preferably
thinks of ideas and commits assets in changing the ideas into items or administrations.
Innovation then again is the capacity to carry out ideas or set up ideas as a regular occurrence.
Innovation increases the value of an idea by changing it from an intuition cycle to a useful
interaction. Innovation is along these lines vital in an organization since it empowers an
organization to be viable in the market to drive income innovation and guarantees that an
organization keeps on running proficiently by bringing down costs (Fry, Stoner and Hattwick,
2000). Innovation will help an organization to make new products and services, improve

existing products and services, penetrate existing new business sectors, assemble new
business models, make new market classes and develop brand sovereignty.
A creative organization keeps a competitive advantage and ought to imbed the culture of
innovation inside the organization to keep up it’s seriousness. Regardless of whether the
innovation be impacted by powers inside to the organization, for example, the need to
develop portion of the overall industry or powers outer as featured by Fry et al (2000) when
wavers that social-economics can prod innovation.
This paper accordingly proceeds with the creative results of Tanga city family and corporate
fitness presented in task 1 (week 4 assignment). The four weeks package is a result of many
clients especially women to claim not to lose weigh permanently as they regain weight
sometime after they have stopped attending to the fitness center. This can be caused by many
factors but mainly it is due to unhealthy food diet. The four weeks package program main
cause was the external factor but the internal factors such as the need for the company to
offer a permanent solution concerning the overweight problem. Since this can give us a
competitive advantage which can last for a very long time and as well as innovation is
concerned, the company knows it ought to be responsible for the internal and external
available opportunities then the developers of the four weeks package program were allowed
to present the idea after finishing their research upon the overweight topic. So the four weeks
package program makes sure that the range of core exercises withing the four weeks as well
as the food diet and health education will permanently overcome the overweight burden. This
four weeks program package can be considered as the competitive innovation of the Tanga
city family and corporate fitness in the fitness market/ industry.

Internal idea promotion

Ideally,promoting a four-weeks package exercise idea inside will be done through various
means and procedures. This is on the grounds that there are different activities for building
innovation which all require various strategies for communication.Our organization advances
innovation through the following activities which have been talked about underneath:
encouraging and considering experimentation and taking of risk, gaining from mistakes,

taking into consideration free progression of data/information, accepting /embracing diversity,
putting resources into training and nonstop/continuous learning, Employ/using creative
personalities and keeping up customer relations. These will bring outcome in our
organization of having organized individuals/employees, processes, systems, techniques and
models to promote innovation.
Each of these may utilize a particular specialized strategy or a blend of a few correspondence
channels. For example, Tanga city family and corporate fitness will utilize the accompanying
models and correspondence channels to guarantee that the idea is accepted internally.

Balanced scorecard model

This model assists with being discerning of the way that innovations or value made is
adjusted to the objectives that we set. It hence brings balance by guaranteeing that all
methodologies set by the investors and supervisors are adjusted to the vision by guaranteeing
that every driver has clear defined objectives and proportions of achievement that all fit to
organization methodology and vision. The drivers as separated by Kaplan (1992) are
monetary point of view, client perspective, innovation and imagination, representative
viewpoint and quality and worth viewpoint. These drivers include taking estimations of cost
and non-cost oriented measures just as interior and outside estimations. It is accordingly
significant that data is communicated through gatherings where managers meet groups to
examine the innovation and guarantee that arrangement to procedure and vision is kept up. A
gathering will along these lines be called to introduce the four-week center exercise in mix
with a PowerPoint presentation. This is important because the PowerPoint presentation offers
both visual and a systematic summed up type of conveying the significant focuses contained
in the definite item and advertising plan. The gathering setup further accommodates eye to
eye connection in this manner getting quick criticism from the group.

Actions which are used to build innovation

Further, hierarchical designs exist that guarantee that formalized cycles and models are used
to advance ideas inside. Such models incorporate change the board and task the executives.
ideas flash innovation which as a rule brings about change internally and externally. If an
organization does not oversee ideas and innovations through a formal foundational structure,
projects cultivated by creativity will undoubtedly fall flat and workers are bound to oppose
the change. It is certainly insufficient to have the correct culture that guarantees that
administration is open to novel ideas, and all employees in the organization keep a receptive
outlook. Administrations' mindfulness that workers are not censured for attempting new
techniques for getting things done or making mistakes.they represent learning focuses for
future endeavors. Therefore, the different activities our organization considers to help and
carry out change which discover that ideas are advanced and dispersed incorporate;
i.Risk and experimentation encouragement
Innovation is concerned with taking a leap of faith into unfamiliar markets,introduction of
new untried and untested products. That is to say innovation to a larger extent is synonymous
with experimentation and risk taking to determine how the innovation will work or
how internal and external stakeholders will respond to the change
ii.Learning from previous mistakes
Our organization ensure that mistakes made are logged to present a learning point for future
iii.Permits diversity and free flow of information
Organizations that eliminate unnecessary barriers to information have a free flow of ideas and
produce more effective teams for project management. This is because project teams are
drawn from different departments thereby removing horizontal barriers and promoting
diversity which helps to promote creativity in team work as different experiences and ideas
are shared to solve a common issue.
iv.Believes in customer - management relations
It is important that an organization maintains client relationship because uptake of our
products and services is dependent upon customer satisfaction

v.Using creative personalities
It involves identifying people in the organization that are adaptors and innovators. Adaptors
improve on existing systems and products or add value to create something new (Amabile et
al, 2016). Conversely, Innovators create all new ideas and challenge the existing systems.
vi.Invest in training and continuous learning
Business leaders agree that organizations have become learning organizations. This is a
proactive response to continually learn and be adaptable to change through research of better
ways to operating and meeting customer needs.

Acceptability of new product/service

Product innovation

The continuance and the persistence of any company depends on its capacities to
maintain its market place and face the competition which spreads rapidly and aggressively
with the globalization and the expansion of the new technologies, and while product reflects
the company's image its whole success depends also on the product success through realizing
(compliance) consumers desires and needs, and developing new products.
Product innovation definition
Product innovation is the development of new products, making changes in the current
product design or using new techniques and means in the current production methods, in
other words, it focuses on existing markets for existing products, differentiating through
features and functions that current offers do not have . We can look at the product
innovation from two sides; internal side where it depends on knowledge, capacities, resources
and the technologies used in the company, however; from the external side product
innovation focuses on the consumers needs and the owners expectations.

Other fields which can be innovated

Apart from the product itself, here are other fields within an organization where innovation
can take place and explained below are some of them;

Process innovation: is the adoption of new or significantly improved production
methods. These methods may involve changes in equipment or production organization or
both. The methods may be intended to produce new or improved products which cannot be
produced using conventional plants or production methods, or essentially to increase the
production efficiency of existing products.

Marketing innovation: is an innovation that satisfies customer needs and develops a

competitive advantage through differentiation along one or more of the following :
Desired Product Features and Design, Size, Usability, Quality, Time, Price ,Cost
savings/ Incremental Revenues, in other words is the implementation of new marketing
method involving significant changes in product design or packaging, product placement,
product promotion or pricing.

Organizational innovation: is the implementation of a new organizational method in

the firm's business practices, workplace organization or external relations. It can be intended
to increase a firm's performance by reducing administrative costs or transaction costs,
improving workplace satisfaction

Change management

New products are only adequately accepted internally if change is well oversaw in the
organization. An organization ought to have a framework that guarantees that whatever type
of progress whether arranged so the organization moves from a current state towards a future
state or impacted by either inside or outside powers has aggregate purchase in by all
employees. There ought to be no protection from change which is a way of thinking to
maintain the status center basically in light of the fact that individuals are not convinced to
change, dread of losing status or position, absence of comprehension of the change thus close
they are better off without the change, fear to fail by doing something new and diminished
resistance to change because of the need to stay away from vulnerability and firmness.
Our organization utilizes the way of thinking of Lewin which states that individuals need to
go through thawing before change can happen. Thawing guarantees that people cease their

current idea patterns and behaviors which restrict them from understanding that there might
be elective practices and ways to deal with arrive at put out objectives and success. The
subsequent stage including moving individuals to embrace the new perspectives, qualities and
ways to deal with getting things done. This is the genuine change and is difficult to
accomplish is thawing was not done effectively.
Lewin's way of thinking calls for refreezing which is building up the groundbreaking ideas or
innovation with vivid evidence of guaranteed benefits.

Project management

It includes the arranging and organization of assets in a company fully intent on propelling a
particular task or occasion towards fulfillment. It includes the way toward starting, arranging,
executing, controlling and shutting crafted by a group to accomplish characterized objectives
at a predefined time. This is reliable with what Kerzner (2017) says when he portrays
significance of the venture supervisor to be viable at using time productively to diminish
wastage of resources.There are fluctuated procedures and models to project the board such as
benefits acknowledgment the executives, basic chain project the board, procured esteem the
executives, iterative and steady project management, lean project the board, staged
methodology, measure based management, product based arranging, project creation the
Every one of these approaches and models guarantee that innovations are appropriately
figured out how to bring about better productivity, improved and increment consumer loyalty,
adequacy in the conveyed service,improved innovation in the undertaking group, openings
for extension and better adaptability, expanded danger evaluation and oversaw organization
learning. Project management in a manner helps in employees tolerating change since they
feel a vital part of the innovation through their inclusion through the venture life cycle. This
is on the grounds that a task has an organized administration from the undertaking backer to
project lead, project chief, project group and in certain occasions client divisions.

Competitive advantage of new item
Competitive advantage doesn't imply that an organization delivers a superior item or
administration yet rather the organization can create equivalent worth merchandise at a lower
cost or in a more alluring way (De Massis, Frattini,Pizzurno, and Cassia, 2015). To keep up
competitive advantage our organizations guarantees that; our expense structure is practically
identical to none. This is on the grounds that our Blade Tech organization has a little staff
supplement and low overheads contrasted with contenders that are to a great extent banks and
versatile organization administrators with gigantic working and overhead expense. Marking
depicts the picture the organization conveys and we are the solitary organization that is
digitizing the reserve funds gatherings.
Nature of our item is extraordinary and is explicitly for our specialty which is the banked and
under-banked populace. In spite of the fact that there are numerous different players available
that are focusing on this gathering with computerized monetary administrations like portable
cash wallets, none of the players are offering our digitized item for investment funds
Client care that guarantees that we give our customers a true serenity by offering security of
their cash and furthermore on boarding them into the financial field, which they were
officially rejected, to get to items like credit, speculations, reserve funds and protection on
their versatile devices.Our organization accordingly doesn't enjoy a relative benefit on the
grounds that there is no contender offering our item and administration to empower for the
creation of a comparable item and administration at a lower cost than contenders.
However,we do enjoy a differential benefit on the grounds that our item is viewed as
exceptionally special comparative with those of expected contenders.

Cost of dispatching new item

In deciding the expense of launching this new service our organization guarantees that the
sum total is the composition of development cost, creation cost and promoting expenses.

This paper has featured a case why innovation is critical to an organization and the
advantages it offers. It has shown that innovation should be overseen utilizing characterized
cycles and models to guarantee that there is acknowledgment of the change that it might
bring and guarantee that imaginative ideas that achieve innovation are adjusted to
organization objectives.
It is universally accepted that innovation is the key to ensure the future growth and survival
of any firm. Innovation allows organizations to coordinate themselves with the changes of the
environment, market and costumer demand. It is found that there is a relationship between
organizational culture innovations and the adoption of information system. The innovation is
described as a critical factor in organization performance and survival of the firms in a
competitive environment. The importance of product innovation for good long-term company
results is now widely recognized and has been extensively reported in the literature.. In result,
because of the importance of innovation, many researchers have analyzed its antecedents,
hoping to determine what a firm must do if it hopes to become more innovative. Innovation
was the subject of organizations for long times.
Innovation is one of the most important and most complex issues organizations faced with
today. Innovation is the success key for organizations.


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