Assignment 2 Oil and Gas

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Accounting and Economics

in Oil and Gas

Assignment 2 - Brief & Guidelines

(50% of the Total Course Grade)

 This an individual work.

 The total number of words for this report should be 3000 (-/+10%). This
does not include the reference list and any appendices the assignment
may include.

 This report should be your own work and properly referenced
according to the requirements of the APA Referencing System. Marks
 will be deducted for inaccurate referencing.
 The passing grade of this examination is 70%.

 This examination must be submitted on the due date (Sunday) by
11:59 p.m. (23:59 hours) VLE (UTC) time at latest.

*Please note: In order to get full marks, you need to show your calculations.
Marks will be deducted for answers without calculations.

which will include your Essay Questions Answers.
Accounting and Economics
in Oil and Gas

Assignment 2

While predictions are all over the map, the oil price environment is imposing major change
and difficult decisions within the Oil and Gas Industry. Low supply and high demand of
hydrocarbons, environmental concerns and high costs associated with developing
unconventional resources, are all challenges that put undeniable pressure on industry players
to search and pursue technological innovation and cost reduction, while bolstering safety and
driving efficiency.

Discuss the uncertain future of oil and gas industry.

Main areas of discussion to be considered:
-future planning

-limited reserves
-price volatility
-crude oil trends
-oil and gas industry trends

Students will decide on the appropriate structure and content but we should expect to see the
following elements:

1. Introduction: setting the context, addressing the question, the approach to

answering the question.

2. Main body of the assignment: essay content, analysis and review of literature. All the
elements that are included in the assignment must be adequately analyzed and
supported with material that is properly cited, paraphrased and referenced from a
wide variety of external sources.

3. Conclusion: bring together your main points; address the main question and
adequately summarize the findings of your assignment.

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