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Hi Lucille:

Yesterday was a really nice day. I got up early, brushed my teeth, made breakfast and cleaned my

house all before 8:30. Then I worked until noon. After lunch, I listened to the weather report, and

the weather was warm. I invited all my grandchildren here. They came here in the afternoon. We

talked together for a while, and then the younger children took a nap. The older ones went to the

park and played soccer. At the end of the day, I cooked dinner for all the children. They loved the

dinner because it was pasta. The kids ate everything and wanted more.

- Brian.

 What time did Brian clean his house?

 How was the weather report?

 When did Brian’s grandchildren go to his house?

 Why did Brian’s grandchildren love dinner?

 Where did the play soccer?

Complete the conversations using Simple past.

A: Where (your family /go) _________________ on Saturday?
B: (We/go) _________________ to the movies. (We / see) _________________ a good family
A: (You/go) _________________ out to eat afterwards?
B: Yes, we _______. (We / eat) _________________ Indonesian food. (It/ have) _______________
a lot of pepper.
A: But (I /think) _________________ (your husband / not like) _________________ peppery food.
B: Actually, (he/eat) _________________ a little and (he/say) _________________ it was good.
A: (who/take) _________________ out the garbage this morning?
B: Actually, Laura _________________.
A: And (who/do) _________________ the laundry?
B: I’m not sure. But I think (Laura/do) _________________ the laundry this morning too.
A: That’s great, but (you/do) _________________ any household chores?
B: Me? Last week (I/do) _________________ all the chores: (I/go) _________________ shopping,
and (I/come) _________________ home early, and (I/make) _________________ dinner every


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