Sindura-Jasthi Resume

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Sindura Jasthi

AWS Cloud/DevOps Engineer

Professional summary:
 7+ years of experience in IT industry with major focus on Software Configuration, Build/Release
Management, DevOps Engineering, Delivery Management Design, Cloud, Linux and UNIX system
 Managed servers on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform instances using Ansible Configuration
 Strong experience working with AWS Cloud platform and its features which includes EC2, VPC, EBS, AMI,
SNS, RDS, CloudWatch, Lambda, CloudFormation, Autoscaling, IAM, S3.
 Experienced in setting up Amazon EC2 and setting up security groups.
 Experienced in managing Nexus and Artifactory Repositories for the maven artifacts and dependencies.
 Experienced in using Build automation tools like ANT and MAVEN for building of deployable artifacts from
source code.
 Experienced in writing Ansible playbooks to launch and automate AWS instances on Ubuntu and Amazon
 Experienced in installing and configuring Apache, Tomcat, Java and SQL and web hosting administration
 Experienced with container-based deployments using docker and a good knowledge on working with
docker images, Docker Hub and Kubernetes.
 Good knowledge in working with source code management tools like GIT and SVN and continuous
integration management using Jenkins and Bamboo.
 Expertise in deploying applications on to the servers using shell, ruby, bash and groovy scripting.
 Experienced in development and configuration experience with software provisioning tools like Ansible,
Chef and Puppet.
 Extensive experience with Version Control Management, Project Management, Work Item Customization,
Build Services, Release Management, Reporting using TFS.
 Good Knowledge on chef cookbooks to manage configurations and automate installation process and
developed automation scripting using chef to deploy and manage applications across Linux servers.
 Experienced in setting up backups, restorations automatically using Cron jobs.
 Versatile in dealing with Azure IaaS & PaaS – Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, Resource Groups, Express
Route, VPN, Load Balancing, Application gateways, Auto-scaling, Traffic Manager, Azure Web Apps, Wed
Roles, Worker Roles, Azure SQL and Azure Storage.
 Experienced in working with deployment of applications to Apache Tomcat, WebSphere, Web Logic, JBOSS
 Automated repetitive admin tasks including logging, monitoring, log rotation, and backups. Built custom
RPMs, mirrored YUM and application repos.
 Experienced in managing cloud software deployments, with a focus on continuous integration and
deployment using, GitHub, Jenkins, GIT and Maven which requires developers to integrate code into a
shared repository several times a day.
 Monitor and maintain the automated build and CI process to ensure correct build execution and facilitate
resolution of build failures using ticketing tools like JIRA, Rally.
 Daily activities included, delivering daily/nightly builds for the scrum teams, supporting teams with SCM
requests, maintaining code stability using CI methodologies, code merging, deployments and
troubleshooting other day-to-day issues.
 Elevated Network Systems such as Servers, Switches, Firewalls and Routers. and resolved network issues
and skilled in Network protocols such as TCP/IP, and DNS, DHCP.
 Experienced in Installing, Configuring, Tuning and troubleshooting of Red Hat EL 5.x, 6.x,7.x and VMware
ESX environment and extensive knowledge of Multiple Client Operating Systems such as Windows, UNIX
and Linux.
 Good team player with interpersonal skills, dedicated and self-motivated, understanding the demands of
24/7 maintenance with good customer support experience.

Technical Skills:

Cloud Environment Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure.

Infrastructure as code Terraform and Cloud Formation.
VPC, IAM, S3, Elastic Beanstalk, CloudFront, Redshift, Lambda, Kinesis,
AWS Services DynamoDB, Direct Connect, Storage Gateway, DMS, SMS, SNS, and
Linux (Red Hat, CENTOS & SUSE), Ubuntu, Solaris, DEBAIN, HP-
Operating Systems
UX, Windows.
Scripting Shell Scripting, Groovy, Python, Ruby, Perl and Power Shell.
Version Control Tools GIT, GITHUB, TFS, Subversion (SVN), and Bitbucket.
Build Tools Maven, JFrog, Nexus, and Ant.
Containerization Tools AWS ECS, Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos.
Application Servers WebSphere Application Server, Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, Nginx.
Automation & Configuration
Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins, Bamboo.
Orchestration Tools Kubernetes, Docker swarm.
Networking Protocols TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, NAT, WAN, LAN, FTP/TFTP, SMTP, LDAP.
Monitoring Tools  AWS Cloud Watch, Splunk, and ELK.
Bug Tracking Tools JIRA, Rally.

Work Experience:
Conocophillips, Houston, TX. Jun 2019 – Present
Role: Azure Cloud Operations Engineer
 Responsible for Creating efficient automated deployment workflows supporting development through
testing and staging deployments.
 Closely worked with the Network and Storage teams to ensure smooth operations and communicate
effectively to avoid unexpected outages/downtime.
 Propose and create system design models, specifications, diagrams, and charts to provide direction to
development teams.
 Creating automated workflow capabilities and removal of bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
 Working directly with users of the cloud to support failures in the automation or Azure portal usage.
 Reviewing the problem to identify known issues.
 Responsible for working on tickets that are opened by automated alerting (Service now) as well as
opened by various groups that relate to server network\Azure storage issues.
 Assisting the Operations Manager to ensure the team prioritizes and responds to work orders and
incident tickets, documenting issues and resolutions, and maintaining appropriate logs.
 Created new Alert rules in Azure Security Center and timely reviewing those alerts and redirecting
them to the concerned team.
 Worked on creating Azure Private link for Azure resources to be with in the restricted IP’s.
 Successfully configured RSS Feed for Azure status update and Azure Health Services and discuss of any
outrage issues or alerts in daily scrum meeting.
 Responsible for creating policies and monitoring Alerts in the Redlock and reporting them to the cloud
 Experinced in working within a Microsoft environment and Active Directory.
 Worked on command line interface (CLI) and application programming interface (API) scripting,
 Good Understanding of Azure Internal and External Load Balancers and Networking concepts.
 Worked on creating Azure Virtual Network (VNETs), storage containers and load balancers and
Created Azure wed application projects, updated and deployed ASP.NET web apps, web jobs using
visual studio, TFS and Azure Resource Manager.
 Created dashboards in VSTS for CI/CDpipelines, Work items and bugs.
 Responsible for Configuring Blob storage services in Azure for storing large amount of unstructured
object data which can be accessible via HTTP and HTTPS.
 Responsible for using Azure Internal Load Balancer to provide high availability for IaaS VMs & PaaS role
 Managed major architectural changes from single server large software system to a distributed system
with Kubernetes orchestration.
 Responsible for creating fully automated CI/CD process for multiple projects using Jenkins, Maven,
Ansible & GitLab also responsible for deploying, monitoring and maintaining the workflow using
Jenkins, GIT.
 Responsible for designing and configuring Azure Virtual Networks (VNets), subnets, Azure network
settings, DHCP address blocks, DNS settings, and Security policies to provide high-secure environment
for running Virtual Machines (VM’s) and applications.
Environments: Python, Powershell, Redlock, Azure cloud services, Azure Private link, Maven, Jenkins,
Ansible, GitLab, Docker, Kubernetes.
Goldman Sachs, Dallas, TX. Aug 2017 – May
Role: AWS Cloud/DevOps Engineer
 Responsible for maintenance of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipeline for
developing an application environment and to manage AWS resources in cloud.
 Designed, configured and deployed Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a multitude of applications using
the AWS stack (EC2, Route53, S3, RDS, Lambda, CloudWatch, EFS, S3 Glacier, Resource Access
Manager, IAM), focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling.
 Managed and maintained highly available EC2 Instances using Terraform and wrote plugins that
supports new functionalities in Terraform.
 Created and managed S3 buckets for storage and used Glaciers to Archive data.
 Successfully configured AWS IAM policies for users, using Multi-Factor Authentication service for login
authentication and used Transport Layer Security Protocol to protect data at transit.
 Created Lambda function to monitor the log files which will trigger the Lambda code when there are
changes in log files.
 Maintained edge location to cache data with Amazon CDN (Content Delivery Network) using Cloud
Front to deliver data with less latency.
 Worked on IPv4, IPv6 addressing, fixed length & variable length & subnet masking (VLSM), ARP, RARP,
PING concepts, OSI and TCP/IP models.
 Worked in branching, tagging and maintaining the version across the environments using SCM tools
like GIT on Linux, Mac and windows platforms.
 Worked on Kubernetes for creating new projects and services for load balancing, managing Docker
containers with multiple namespace version and adding service to routes by accessing from outside,
creating pods through new application and controlling, scaling and troubleshooting pods through SSH.
 Implemented a production ready, load balanced, highly available, fault tolerant, auto scaling
Kubernetes infrastructure and microservice Container Orchestration.
 Deployed and maintained multi-container applications through Docker, orchestrated containerized
application using Docker-compose and Kubernetes.
 Wrote Ansible playbooks with Python SSH as wrapper to manage configurations of AWS nodes. Used
Ansible and Ansible Tower as configuration management tool to automate repetitive tasks, quickly
deploying critical applications.
 Installed and configured Jenkins for Automating Builds and Deployments through integration of Git
into Jenkins to automate the code check-out thus providing an automation solution.
 Enabled continuous delivery through Deployment into several environments of Development, Test and
Production using Maven and SonarQube.
 Created Maven Pom.xml to automate the build process for the new projects and integrated them with
 Created tickets for bug stories and feature stories in JIRA with co-ordination of QA/BA team
respectively and issued it to developers to fix bugs and include necessary feature add.
 Implemented Blue/Green pattern deployment methodologies and roll backs with zero downtime to
deploy process in Tomcat using Ansible YAML scripts.
 Deployed, maintained and administrated QA and production application servers, including Apache,
Nginx and Tomcat. Monitored applications using Splunk.
 Installed Kafka manager for consumer logs and for monitoring Kafka metrics also this has been used for
topics, partitions etc.
 Successfully generated consumer group lags from Kafka using their API.
 Successfully did setup a no authentication Kafka listener in parallel with Kerberos (SASL) listener. In
addition, I tested non-authenticated user (Anonymous user) in parallel with Kerberos user.
 Managed the Maven Repository using Nexus tool and used the same to share the snapshots and
releases of internal projects.
 Worked on JIRA Customization with workflow schemes, workflows, permissions, User/Group access
controls, notifications, screens, fields, issue types, various other scheme settings, post functions/
validators with workflow transactions, custom configurations with add-ons/plug-ins.
 Developed DevOps scripts in Python/BASH to automate the collection and analysis of MySQL.
 3Participated in the on-call rotation, monitoring and troubleshooting day to day operations on AWS.
Co-ordinated with the Offshore and Onshore teams for Production Release.
 Resolved system issues and inconsistencies in coordination with quality assurance and engineering
Environments: Git, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, Terraform, Python, Bash, Apache
Tomcat, MySQL, JIRA, AWS Cloud, Splunk, Kafka, AWS (EC2, ECS, S3, EFS, IAM, Security groups, RDS, Lambda,
S3 Glacier, Resource Access Manager).

Wayfair, Boston, MA. Aug 2016 - Jul 2017

Role: Azure DevOps Engineer
 Created and maintained containerized micro services and configurated private container registry on
Microsoft Azure for Hosting Images and using Windows active Directory.
 Developed automation system using PowerShell and JSON templates to remediate the Azure services.
 Configured VMs availability sets using Azure portal to provide resiliency for IaC based solution and
scalable sets using Azure Resource Manager to manage network traffic.
 Developed automated scripts using .NET framework in Visual Studio VSTS.
 Managed Azure Security groups and attached them to VM’s and Subnets using Azure Portal and
PowerShell scripts.
 Designed the Azure Data Factory Pipelines to move the data from On-Premise SQL Database servers to
Azure SQL Database servers using the Azure Data Factory Copy tool and Self-Hosted Runtimes.
 Migrated the Micro Service Based applications from Virtual Machines to Docker containers and
managed the clustered containers using Kubernetes.
 Developed the Pipelines in Jenkins to automate the .NET and java builds and to update DynamoDB
during the releases.
 Worked in advocating, maintaining and monitoring of Active Directory (AD) services infrastructure and
Azure Active Directory (AAD) infrastructure, incorporated with periodic auditing, troubleshooting and
 Established Azure Virtual Network (VNETs), storage containers and load balancers and Created Azure
wed application projects, updated and deployed ASP.NET web apps, web jobs using visual studio, TFS
and Azure Resource Manager.
 Worked on creating the Kubernetes Pods, Services, ConfigMaps, Deployments and Rollouts by writing
the yaml's and creating the resources using kubectl.
 Evaluated testing of Chef Recipes - Concept of Test-Driven Development for Infrastructure as a Code.
Implemented Chef Cookbooks for OS component configuration to keep AWS server's template
 Administered databases using RDS and DynamoDB in AWS and executed the DML and DDL scripts.
 Worked with layout of project workflow/pipelines using Jenkins as CI tool, performed cleanup of file
system using Shell scripting and configured various Cron jobs.
 Branching, tagging, Release activities and resolved conflicts using version control tool like TFS.
 Performed Continuous Integration by merging code into a central repository like Bitbucket and used CI
server Jenkins to build and validate code with a series of automated tests.
 Worked on Jenkins to implement Continuous Integration and deployment into Web Logic Application
 Created user stories and resolved user tickets using Rally.
 Dealt with a Web-app, Key vault, SQL Server DB, Storage Account, Redis Cache, Automation Account,
Scheduler and Notification Hub.
 Used Nagios as a monitoring tool to identify and resolve infrastructure problems before they affect
critical processes and worked on Nagios Event handlers in case of an automatic restart of failed
applications and services.
 Supervised and worked with a team of DevOps engineer for infrastructure support on Azure, by using
various automaton scripts that enable management of the Azure environment.
 Worked on JFrog repository management, created the maven repos and local repos to store custom
artifacts built from Jenkins and VSTS.
 Developed Terraform scripts to build, change and version infrastructure as code using Azure as
provider and launch multi-tiered stack to be provisioned and configured with Terraform scripts.
 Supervised and worked with a team of DevOps engineer for infrastructure support on Azure, by using
various automaton scripts that enable management of the Azure environment.

Environments: Microsoft Azure (Including ASP, VNETs Web & Mobile, Blobs, Resource groups, Key Vault, Azure
SQL, CouchDB, RabbitMQ), Bitbucket, Chef, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Maven, JFrog, Terraform, .Net, Ruby,
Oracle Web Logic, Rally, Nagios, DynamoDB, PowerShell.

Anthem Inc., Indianapolis, IN. Mar 2015 - Jul 2016

Role: DevOps Engineer
 Created continuous integration/deployment with Application Release Automation by integrating and
improving client's existing infrastructure and build pipelines, largely aiming for autonomous
automation when possible.
 Worked on Multiple AWS instances, set the security groups, Elastic Load Balancer and AMIs, Auto
scaling to design cost effective, fault tolerant and highly available systems.
 Worked extensively with AWS services like EC2, S3, VPC, ELB, Autoscaling Groups, IAM, CND, Cloud
Trail, CloudWatch, NAT and RDS.
 Administered databases using RDS and DynamoDB in AWS and executed the DML and DDL scripts.
 Used JIRA as defect tracking system and configure various workflows, customizations and plugins for
JIRA bug/issue tracker, integrated Jenkins with JIRA, GitHub.
 Performed JIRA administration, setting up new projects, creating new workflows, adding users to
 Worked with layout of project workflow/pipelines using Jenkins as CI tool, performed cleanup of file
system using Shell scripting and configured various Cron jobs.
 Created the branches in Git to perform the simultaneous development process to support quarterly
 Developed and maintained Cloud Formation JSON Templates and automated the cloud deployments
using Chef, Python.
 Prepared projects, dashboards, reports and questions for all JIRA related services and generated scripts
for effective integration of JIRA applications with other tools.
 Involved in setting up builds using Chef as a configuration management tool and managed the
configurations of servers and Installed Chef Server on the workstation and bootstrapped the nodes
using Knife and involved in writing Chef Cookbooks and recipes to automate the deployment process.
 Created tickets for bug stories and feature stories in JIRA with co-ordination of QA/BA team
respectively and issued it to developers to fix bugs and include necessary feature add.
 Installed Nexus repository tool to manage artifacts/dependencies jars. Actively worked with DEV
team and SQA team for product release.
 Generated Ant, Bash scripts for build activities in QA, Staging environments.
 Worked with Ant and Maven build tools and implementing it with AWS services.
 Provisioned the highly available EC2 Instances using Terraform and cloud formation and wrote new
plugins to support new functionality in Terraform.
 Installed, configured& administered Bamboo on Linux machines along with adding/updating plugins
like GIT, ANT, Sonar, Check style, Build Pipeline etc.
 Implemented a continuous Delivery Pipeline with Bamboo and GitHub and worked in designing and
implementing continuous integration system using Bamboo by creating Python and Perl scripts.
 Worked with Terraform key features such as Infrastructure as code, Execution plans, Resource Graphs,
Remote State.
 Used Bamboo, Build forge for Continuous Integration and deployment into Tomcat Application Server.
 Developed installer scripts using Python, Groovy and Linux for various products to be hosted on
Application servers.
 Wrote Groovy script to call the function from the pipeline by writing pipeline in the job.

Environments: AWS (EC2, VPC, Subnet, ELB, NAT, CND, Beanstalk, CloudTrail, S3, RDS, Cloud watch,
DynamoDB), Jira, chef, Ant, terraform, Tomcat, Git, Groovy Script, Nexus, Bamboo.

GATI Transport, Hyderabad, India. Jan 2013 – Feb 2015

Role: Build and Release Engineer:
 Worked with Java build/automaton tools such as ANT and Jenkins. Worked in conversion of the source
code from the SVN to GIT. Worked closely with other Configuration Management teams, which was
migrating from SVN to GIT.
 Used Shell/Python scripts to automate the deployment process.
 Built utilities like ANT, Maven and Performed necessary day to day Subversion support on various
projects. Enforced development policies using Subversion hooks and other metadata.
 Installed/Configured/Managed Puppet Master/Agent. Wrote custom Modules and Manifests,
downloaded pre-written modules from puppet-forge.
 Provided reinforcement to developers in resolving problems. Submitted the build on time and
following it up the testing team on posted builds until the specified release goes live.
 Installed, configured and managed CI/CD tool Jenkins to automate various test cases like rally.
 Automated deployments to QA and Staging servers with one-button-click using Jenkins and bash. This
gave a lot of flexibility to QA folks to deploy any build on their own.
 Hands-on establishment of Puppet manifest files to install JBOSS Web Servers. Deployed JAVA/J2EE
applications on to the JBOSS and configured it to the host websites.
 Developed Puppet modules to automate deployment, configuration, and lifecycle management of key
 Created Puppet Manifest files to install WebSphere and to manage configuration files for multiple
applications. Deployed application packages on to the WebSphere Server by collaborating with
software development teams and QA teams.
 Supported and developed tools for integration, automated testing and release management.
Environments: J2EE, Ant, GIT, Jenkins, Python, Puppet, Subversion, Bash, Shell scripting, WebSphere.

Aurobindo pharma, Hyderabad, India. Nov 2011 - Dec 2012

Role: System Administrator
 Performed system administration of UNIX servers by using Operating Systems of Solaris 2.7/8
Managing SUN Solaris, Compaq and Linux workstations and servers.
 Created groups, added Users ID to a group as a primary or secondary group, removing Users ID
from a group as well as adding users in Sudousers file.
 Responsible for Installation, Configuration, Capacity Planning and Administration of SQL Server
database servers cluster
 Served as a subject matter expert for functionality within assigned applications and stayed current
on new and upcoming enhancements within assigned applications.
 Configured and maintained NIS, NFS, DHCP and DNS Servers on Solaris.
 Utilized VMware to setup and configure RedHat Enterprise Linux Server, Virtual Machines used
different scripting languages to build Kernel and format several unique packages on command-line
interface terminal.
 Developed a Mail Archiving/Extraction application utilizing Microsoft SQL Server with a web front
end written in Perl and JavaScript.
 Worked with Troubleshooting Linux networks resolve security related issues by using tools such as
IP tables, firewall, TCP.
 Expanded file system using Logical Volume Manager.
 Designed a secure, highly scalable, Highly Available and cost-efficient data center network to
support the micro services application running on a private cloud solution (OpenStack -
Havana/Juno/Liberty releases).
 Created Python scripts that backed up a Linux server to a Windows 2003 Server and administration
Environments: Open stack, SQL server, RedHat Linux, Python, WAN/LAN, Apache Web Server, Shell, Logical
Volume Manager, SUN Solaris.

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