Erosion of Icy Interstellar Objects by Cosmic Rays and Implications For Oumuamua (9/13/21 Draft)

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Draft version September 13, 2021

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Erosion of Icy Interstellar Objects by Cosmic Rays and Implications for ‘Oumuamua
Vo Hong Minh Phan ,1 Thiem Hoang ,2, 3 and Abraham Loeb 4

1 Institutefor Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology (TTK), RWTH Aachen University, 52056 Aachen, Germany;
2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon 34055, Republic of Korea;
3 Korea University of Science and Technology, Daejeon 34113, Republic of Korea
4 Astronomy Department, Harvard University, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA, USA;
arXiv:2109.04494v1 [astro-ph.GA] 9 Sep 2021

We study the destruction of icy interstellar objects by cosmic rays and gas collisions. Using the
cosmic-ray flux measured in the local interstellar medium as well as inferred from gamma-ray observa-
tions at the different galactocentric radii, we find that cosmic-ray erosion is significant for interstellar
objects made of common types of ices. Interestingly, cosmic-ray heating might destroy icy interstellar
objects very efficiently such that the initial size of an N2 fragment as suggested by Jackson & Desch
(2021) to explain the composition of ‘Oumuamua should be at least 10 km in size in order to survive
the journey of about 0.5 Gyr in the ISM and might be even larger if it originated from a region with
an enhanced cosmic-ray flux. The erosion time due to cosmic-ray heating and gas collisions also allows
us to set approximate limits on the initial size for other types of icy interstellar objects, e.g. composed
of CO, CO2 , or CH4 . For a given initial size, we constrain the maximum distance to the birth site for
interstellar objects with different speeds.

Keywords: Cosmic Rays (329) — Comets (280)

1. INTRODUCTION proposed the scenario where ‘Oumuamua is accelerated

The first interstellar object (ISO), 1I/2017 U1 by radiation pressure as a thin lightsail. The acceler-
(‘Oumuamua) has provoked many discussions ever since ation anomaly could also be resolved by assuming a
its discovery by Pan-STARRS (Bacci et al. 2017). The porous object (Moro-Martı́n 2019) or an icy object of
light-curve modeling of Jewitt et al. 2017 suggests that unusual composition (Fitzsimmons et al. 2018). In fact,
‘Oumuamua has an elongated shape with an extreme Füglistaler & Pfenniger (2018) and Seligman & Laugh-
axial ratio of & 5 : 1 (see also Gaidos et al. 2017; lin (2020) have argued that ‘Oumuamua is made of H2
Fraser et al. 2018; Mashchenko 2019). It has been pro- ice. However, the level of outgassing required for the
posed that the bizarre shape might be due to ablation acceleration excess might result in a rapid change of
induced by interstellar dust (Domokos et al. 2017) or ro- ‘Oumuamua’s rotation period which has not been ob-
tational disruption of the parent object by mechanical served. More importantly, Hoang & Loeb (2020) has
torques (Hoang et al. 2018). More recent studies involve shown that the sublimation rate of H2 ice might be too
also planetesimal collisions (Sugiura et al. 2019) or tidal severe such that a multi-km H2 object might be com-
fragmentation of the original body close to a dwarf star pletely destroyed within less than 108 years.
(Zhang & Lin 2020). Recent studies by Jackson & Desch (2021) have pro-
Another enduring mystery of ‘Oumuamua is the non- posed that ’Oumuamua is a fragment of N2 ice since
graviational acceleration, which is closely related to the an object of this type is more likely to survive the in-
discussion about its composition (Micheli et al. 2018). terstellar journey owing to a much lower sublimation
It is believed that the acceleration excess could be ex- rate. The authors have examined also other destruction
plained by the outgassing of volatiles typically observed mechanisms including the one due to Galactic cosmic
for comets. Deep observations the Spitzer space tele- rays (CRs) and provided the erosion rate of about 6 to
scope (Trilling et al. 2018) and Gemini North telescope 60 m/Gyr depending on their assumptions about the CR
(Drahus et al. 2018), however, found no cometary ac- density. This corresponds to an erosion time of approxi-
tivity of carbon-based molecules. Bialy & Loeb (2018) mately 100 to 1000 Gyr for a ten-kilometer N2 fragment.

We argue in the following that CR impulsive spot heat- where nice is the number density of ice molecules, Eb is
ing might result in an erosion time of about 2 to 3 orders the binding energy of molecules making up the ice, and
of magnitude smaller than the previous estimate. As a ξCR WCR is the energy flux of CRs in the Galactic disk.
result, the initial size of ‘Oumuamua should be larger Above, we have calibrated approximately this energy
than roughly 10 km if it is made of N2 and has been flux using the dimensionless parameter ξCR and the local
travelling in the interstellar medium (ISM) for the last CR energy flux
0.5 Gyr. This seem to pose even more serious challenges Z Emax
to the large mass budget and the high formation effi- WCR = 4πjLISM (E)E dE, (2)
ciency required to explain ‘Oumuamua as an N2 iceberg Emin
of an exo-Pluto surface (Desch & Jackson 2021; Levine
where E is the kinetic energy of CR particles and
et al. 2021; Siraj & Loeb 2021).
jLISM (E) is the intensity of Galactic CR protons in the
The Letter is organized as follows. In Section 2, we
local ISM.
derive the destruction timescale for CR heating and gas
For the local CR intensity, ξCR = 1, but its value is
collisions that are applicable for ISOs made of different
expected to change across the galaxy. Indeed, obser-
types of ices including N2 , CO, CO2 , or CH4 . This
vations of diffuse gamma-ray emission reveal a higher
timescale is then compared with the travel time for ISOs
density of GeV CRs than the local value for the inner 5
of different sizes in Section 3 providing some insights
kpc from the Galactic Centre (Acero et al. 2016, Yang
into the composition and the origin of ‘Oumuamua. Our
et al. 2016; see also Gabici et al. 2019 for a review)
main findings are summarized in Section 4.
which agrees relatively well with models of Galactic CR
2. DESTRUCTION OF ICY INTERSTELLAR transport (see e.g. Recchia et al. 2016). Recent analy-
OBJECTS IN THE INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM ses of gamma rays from giant molecular clouds (GMCs)
also suggest a spatial variation of GeV CR density but
There are many different destruction mechanisms for
instead for regions with galactocentric distances from 4
icy ISOs in the ISM. It has been shown that thermal
to 8 kpc (Aharonian et al. 2020). We expect also CR
sublimation is efficient only for ices with low binding
density fluctuations on smaller scales due to the discrete
energy, e.g. H2 and Ne ices (Hoang & Loeb 2020; Jack-
nature of CR sources (Phan et al. 2021). Even though
son & Desch 2021). In fact, for other types of ices, spot
the spatial variation of CR density is still uncertain, an
heating by CRs and interstellar gas is more important
enhancement of CR flux by a factor of a few might be
and shall be addressed in details below. We note that
important for the destruction of ISOs. For simplicity,
erosion due to photodesorption, CR sputtering, or col-
we might take into account this effect by varying the
lisional heating by dust grains are also discussed in the
values of ξCR (see Section 3).
literature but they are, in general, less efficient than the
Assuming V = 4πR3 /3 for a spherical ISO, the CR
processes considered in this work (Hoang & Loeb 2020).
erosion time could be esitmated roughly as
2.1. Cosmic-Ray Impulsive Spot Heating
V nice Eb R
We will estimate the rate of destruction of icy ISOs tCR ' = , (3)
dV / dt 3ξCR WCR
due to impulsive spot heating by CRs following the
method as presented in Hoang & Loeb (2020). Since Recent studies of low-energy CRs by Voyager provide us
the stopping length of 10 GeV CRs is either much larger with the spectrum down to kinetic energy of around a
than or of order the ISO size considered, we shall limit few MeVs (Cummings et al. 2016) and, thus, we shall
ourselves to CRs of energies up to Emax = 10 GeV and choose Emin = 1 MeV. Note that using lower values
assume that these particles deposit all their energies into for Emin would not alter the results significantly. In
heat for transient evaporation of the ISO ice molecules. the following numerical estimate, we adopt the form of
The contribution CR electrons and heavy nuclei will be jLISM (E) as provided in Phan et al. (2018), which has
neglected as their deposited energies are subdominant been obtained by fitting observed data from Voyager
in comparison to CR protons within the energy range 1 (Cummings et al. 2016) and AMS-02 (Aguilar et al.
considered. We shall first approximate the ISO to a 2015). From Eq. (2), the corresponding local CR energy
spherical shape of effective radius R. The effect of a flux is WCR ' 1.3 × 1010 eV cm−2 s−1 .
non-spherical shape will be discussed in Section 3. The It is worth mentioning that the CR erosion rate ob-
rate of change in volume due to CRs is given as (Hoang tained in this way might be much larger than the previ-
& Loeb 2020) ous estimate by Jackson & Desch (2021) where the result
has been inferred by considering only the destruction
nice Eb = 4πR2 ξCR WCR , (1) due to CR sputtering. In fact, CR sputtering is caused

mostly by low-energy CRs and this process is believed provided the best-fit shape for ’Oumuamua to be either
to be dominant only for small ice fragments such as ice an oblate (pancake-shaped) ellipsoid, with axis ratios of
mantles of dust grains. Since ISOs are much larger in 6:6:1; or a prolate (cigar-shaped) ellipsoid, with axis ra-
size, we expect CRs to form deep tracks inside these ob- tios 8:1:1. In both cases, the surface-to-volume enhance-
jects where transient evaporation due to impulsive spot ment factor could be estimated roughly as ε ' s/2 with
heating is the main mechanism for their destruction. In s being the ratio of major to minor axis, assuming R
reality, some of the evaporated ice molecules might not in Eq. (3) and (5) corresponds to the major axis of the
manage to escape the tracks formed by CRs of energies ellipsoid. We shall adopt ε = 3 as in the oblate case for
close to or much larger than Emax = 10 GeV since these the following numerical estimate.
particles could penetrate very deep inside the objects. The erosion times for different types of ices including
However, this effect may not alter significantly the re- N2 , CO, CO2 , and CH4 with the ice densities and bind-
sults as the range of particle energies that contribute the ing energies collected from Jackson & Desch (2021) are
most to heating of ISOs should be around a few GeV and presented in Fig. 1 for an object with speed vobj ' 10
we relegate the details to future works. Note also that km/s. We note that these results have been obtained us-
the CR energy range relevant for ISO heating is much ing ξCR = 1 and the erosion time could be much shorter
larger than the one for dust grains (Ivlev et al. 2015) for ISOs originated from regions with an enhanced CR
because of the large difference in size. flux; e.g. ξCR ' 5 has been inferred from gamma-ray
data of GMCs in certain regions (Aharonian et al. 2020).
2.2. Collisional Heating by Interstellar Gas
Icy ISOs could also be destroyed as they collide with
the ambient gas in the ISM. The rate of change in vol-
ume might be estimated by balancing the energy flux
due to collisions and the one required to evaporate the
ice (Hoang & Loeb 2020),
dV 1
nice Eb = πR2 nH vobj µmH vobj
, (4)
dt 2
where nH is the density of hydrogen atoms in the sur-
roundings, µ ' 1.4 is the average atomic mass of the
ISM gas, and vobj is the ISO’s speed. We could then
obtain the evaporation time as follows
V 8nice Eb R
tgas ' = 3 . (5)
dV / dt 3nH µmH vobj

It is clear from Eq. (5) that heating due to gas collisions

is more important in dense environments or for objects Figure 1. Erosion time for various types of ices including
with relatively high speeds. Note that, since we are N2 (solid red line), CO (dashed green line), CO2 (dotted blue
interested in the interstellar journey of ISOs, we shall line), and CH4 (dash-dot magenta line) given ξCR = 1 and
restrict ourselves to the ISM gas density nH ' 1 cm−3 ε = 3 in comparison with the suggested travelling time of
in our numerical results. around 0.5 Gyr for ‘Oumuamua (solid black line).


Now let’s consider an ISO created at a distance D
from the Solar System. The minimum initial size of this
The combined destruction time due to both CR ero- object could be constrained by balancing the traveling
sion and gas collisions is time ttrav = D/vobj with the destruction time, yielding
(t−1 −1 −1
CR + tgas ) 3
nH µmH vobj
τ= . (6) εD
ε Rmin = ξCR WCR + . (7)
nice vobj Eb 8
where we have introduced also ε as a surface-to-volume
enhancement factor relative to a sphere. This allows us Equation (7) might have interesting implications for
to approximately take into account arbitrary shapes of ‘Oumumua as Jackson & Desch (2021) had suggested
ISOs. For example, the analysis of Mashchenko (2019) that it could be an N2 fragment originating from the

Perseus arm about 0.5 Gyr ago. This means that the
initial size of ‘Oumuamua should be between about 10
to 50 km, depending on the value of ξCR , in order for it
to survive the interstellar journey (see also Fig. 1).
We could also turn the argument around and provide
constraints on the distance to the birth site of an ISO for
given values of R and vobj . For an object to survive the
interstellar journey, we expect R & Rmin which, from
Eq. (7), could be re-written as a condition for D

Rnice vobj Eb
D . Dmax = 3
!. (8)
nH µmH vobj
ε ξCR WCR +

If the initial size R of an object is known presumably

from a particular formation mechanism of ISOs, Eq. (8)
allows us to set the limit of the maximum distance Dmax
Figure 2. Maximum distance to the birth site versus speed
for different values of the object’s speed vobj . Since col-
in the case where ξCR =1 (red solid curve) and ξCR =5 (red
lisions with ISM gas are the dominant erosion mecha- dashed curve) for a ten-kilometer N2 ice fragment with ε = 3.
nism for high-speed ISOs, we expect Dmax to be inde- The green vertical line marks vobj = 10 km/s comparable to
pendent of the CR density above a characteristic speed, the speed of ‘Oumuamua (see text for more details).
vc,obj = [8ξCR WCR /(nH µmH )] . Objects moving too
slowly, on the other hand, would be destroyed by CRs scenario (Siraj & Loeb 2021; Levine et al. 2021).
before they could reach the Solar System and, thus, One might expect an even larger value for Rmin in
Dmax for vobj < vc,obj should be sensitive to the value of the case where the ice fragment originates from a
ξCR . This is illustrated in Fig. 2 where we present Dmax region with a higher CR density than locally ob-
for ξCR =1 (red solid curve) and ξCR =5 (red dashed served.
curve) given a ten-kilometer N2 ice fragment with ε = 3
for different values of vobj . At a speed of vobj ' 10 km/s
2. For ISOs created at a distance D = 5 kpc with
as in the case of ‘Oumuamua (Mamajek 2017; Meech
ε = 3 and vobj ' 10 km/s, their minimum initial
et al. 2017), D & Dmax ' 4 kpc (D & Dmax ' 0.8 kpc)
sizes should be between Rmin ' 3 to 10 km for
for a ten-kilometer N2 ice fragment to reach the Earth
common types of ices such as N2 , CO, CO2 , and
for ξCR = 1 (ξCR = 5). It is also clear from this exam-
CH4 assuming the CR flux similar to the local one.
ple that a more detailed study of the spatial profile of
If the CR density is higher by a factor ξCR which
Galactic CRs might help to shed light on the origin of
could be between 2 to 5 in certain regions (Aha-
ISOs passing through the Solar System.
ronian et al. 2020), the values of Rmin should be
4. CONCLUSIONS scaled accordingly.
We studied the destruction of icy ISOs and identified
the conditions for these objects to survive their inter- 3. The relatively short erosion time due to CR heat-
stellar journey as follows: ing and gas collisions also allow us to limit the po-
tential range of the maximum distance to the birth
1. Cosmic-ray heating and ISM gas collisions are site for ISOs given the initial size R and the speed
both important erosion mechanisms for icy ISOs. vobj . For example, if ‘Oumuamua is composed of
In fact, the destruction rate of CRs might be N2 ice, it should have formed within 4 kpc from
more efficient than previously suggested by Jack- the Solar System given vobj ' 10 km/s and R = 10
son & Desch (2021) such that the initial size of km. Note again that this limit is set for ξCR ' 1
an N2 fragment involved to explain many peculiar and higher CR density might provide a more strin-
properties of ‘Oumuamua should be larger than gent upper limit for D. It would be interesting to
Rmin ' 10 km for the surface-to-volume enhance- incorporate a detailed modeling of the CR distri-
ment factor ε = 3 if its travel time in the ISM bution in the Galactic disk to set more rigorous
is about 0.5 Gyr as proposed by these authors. constraints on the birth site of known ISOs and
This exacerbates the mass budget problem of this this might help to better clarify their origin.

We would like to thank the organizers of VLLT for reading the manuscript and provding helpful com-
Joint Seminar Series, especially Le Ngoc Tram, Chi ments. T.H. acknowledges the support by the National
Thanh Nguyen, Hoang-Dai-Nghia Nguyen, and Nhat- Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by
Minh Nguyen. The series has brought about many fruit- the Korea government (2019R1A2C1087045). A.L. was
ful discussions which started this project. V.H.M.P. supported in part by a grant from the Breakthrough
would like to thank Philipp Mertsch and Stefano Gabici Prize Foundation.

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