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The centipede is a speedy predator and has more legs

than most other creatures. They can have a varying
number of legs from under 30 to over 300.
Centipedes belong to a family called arthropods
which means 'jointed feet'. There are about 3,000
Quick facts
different kinds of centipedes and about 10,000 kinds
of millipedes. They can be found in woodland areas in
Size: 3 - 30 cm
soil, leaves, and rotten wood. They can also be found Life span: Up to 3 years
in tropical rainforests and deserts. Type: Arthropod
Centipedes, like the long scolopendra centipede of
Africa and Asia, can grow up to 30 cm in length. Their
poisonous bite is dangerous so they are best left alone.
Bites from a centipede are usually very painful and may cause swelling, fever, chills, and
The giant banded centipede eats worms, slugs and insects. It has two long antennae
(feelers) on its head and long clawlike fangs. These fangs are actually legs that it uses to
inject poison into its prey.
The common centipede can be found in gardens. They are a rusty-brown colour and have
15 pairs of legs. It will attack any animal of its own size including other centipedes.
Most centipedes lay their eggs in soil and leave the young to hatch and look after
Centipedes can crawl backwards almost as easily as forwards. Their long back legs are the
same size as its antennae, making it hard to tell which is the front end.
Centipedes are prey to toads, shrews, badgers and birds. They are also hunted by beetles
and spiders.
Did you know that if a centipede loses a leg it can grow another one to replace it?

© Primary Leap Ltd. 2012 - Primary Resources


Name: Subject: Themes

Date: Sheet: Centipede

Read the information sheet about centipedes on the previous page and then
answer the questions.

a) Do all centipedes have 100 legs? ___________

b) What does arthropod mean? _______________________________

c) Name two places you could find a centipede?


d) Underline the correct answer. Centipedes start their lives as an:

1. adult 2. egg
3. pupa 4. larva

e) What are the symptoms of a centipede bite?


f ) A common centipede has 15 pairs of legs. Is this sentence true or false?


g) What is another word for 'antennae'? __________________________

h) Unscramble the word below.

o p d a t h r r o __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

i) Name three predators of a centipede? _______________________________________

j) What happens if a centipede loses a leg?


© Primary Leap Ltd. 2012 - Primary Resources

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