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● School: Instituto Superior Roque González

● Course: 3 I “A”
● Date: September 20th 2021
● Teacher: Romina Reyna
● Trainee: Lucas Baron
● Timetable: 14:00 to 14:40 - 14:40 to 15:20
● Length: 80 min


By the end of the class the students will:

⮚ have revised and practised the use and grammatical structure of reported speech,
used in sentences and questions.
⮚ have completed the reading and listening activities from the workbook, unit 8A
Language skills:

⮚ Listening to the trainee’s instructions.

⮚ Reading the tasks to solve activities.
⮚ Writing to carry out tasks.
⮚ Speaking to answer the trainee’s questions.
⮚ Discussing their opinion with their classmates
Language system:

⮚ Grammar: Reported Speech – Sentences and Questions

⮚ Vocabulary:

Target sentences:

⮚ Retell to another person what someone else said or asked.
⮚ Vocabulary:

Teaching material:

⮚ Blackboard
⮚ Markers
⮚ PowerPoint presentation (Laptop – Projector)
⮚ Photocopies
⮚ Speaker

Detailed plan

Warming-up: 5’

The trainee will greet the students, write the date and nº of lessons on the board, and then ask
some questions in order to recap the topics they have dealt with the previous class, in this case
reported speech: “What can you see in the picture? What did she tell him?”

Then the trainee will make a brief summary of the reported speech theory, so students can
work on the activities.
First production: 15’

The trainee will ask the students to go to page 50 on their workbooks and to work in Exercise 2
Reported speech: sentences and questions (a – b), they trainee will explain how to solve the
activity using sentences 1 and 2 as an example. Students will work on the activities either alone
or in pairs, and finally they will check the activities orally as well as on the board using the
projector. The trainee will help them in case they have doubts.


Second production: 10’

The trainee will write some nouns on the board: “ “ and then will ask the
students which suffix can we add to those word in order to transform them into different

Then he will ask the students to go to page 50 on their workbooks, and to complete activity B –
Making nouns from verbs. They will check the activity orally, as well as on the board using the
projector. The trainee will help the students in case they have any doubts.

Third production: 5’
Third production: 20’


Time left activity

If there is time left, the trainee will clear out the doubts the students may have regarding
reported speech or the short story.

Anticipatory problems

-There is no internet connection – projector is not working

-Some students do not have their books or materials

Possible solutions
-The trainee will copy the sentences and exercises on the board

-Students will work on their folders, or in pairs with a classmate that does have the material.

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