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Reported Questions

Direct questions Reported Questions

Are you married? She asked him if he was married.
Yes / no
Did she phone? He asked me if she had phoned.
What’s your name? I asked him what his name was.
Question word
Where do you live? They asked me where I lived.

 When you report a question, tenses change as in reported statements. (Present > Past
- Will > would, etc)
 When a question doesn’t begin with a question word (what, when, etc) we add if /
whether. “Do you want a drink?” > He asked me if I wanted a drink.
 You have to change the word order: subject + verb
 Do not use Do / did. “Where do you live?” > They asked me where did I live.

Reported Questions

Direct questions Reported Questions

Are you married? She asked him if he was married.
Yes / no
Did she phone? He asked me if she had phoned.
What’s your name? I asked him what his name was.
Question word
Where do you live? They asked me where I lived.

 When you report a question, tenses change as in reported statements. (Present > Past
- Will > would, etc)
 When a question doesn’t begin with a question word (what, when, etc) we add if /
whether. “Do you want a drink?” > He asked me if I wanted a drink.
 You have to change the word order: subject + verb
 We don’t use Do / did. “Where do you live?” > They asked me where did I live.

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