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Weekly Practice Report (LAB5) LAB5:


Student ID B1809707
Name Nguyen Chi Hoang Minh
Email address
Class DI18V7F1
Browser Firefox
OS Window


① View – packet details

It shows the protocols and protocol fields of the packet selected in the “Packet List”
pane. The protocols and fields of the packet shown in a tree which can be expanded
and collapsed.
② Analyze – display filters

Wireshark provides a display filter language that enables you to precisely control which
packets are displayed. They can be used to check for the presence of a protocol or field,
the value of a field, or even compare two fields to each other.
③ Analyze – expert information

Wireshark keeps track of any anomalies and other items of interest it finds in a capture
file and shows them in the Expert Information dialog. The goal is to give you a better
idea of uncommon or notable network behaviour and to let novice and expert users
find network problems faster than manually scanning through the packet list.
④ Statistics – capture file properties

This dialog shows the following information:

Notable information about the capture file.
General information about the capture file, including its full path, size, cryptographic
hashes, file format, and encapsulation.
The timestamps of the first and the last packet in the file along with their difference.
Information about the capture environment.
Information about the capture interface or interfaces.
A statistical summary of the capture file. If a display filter is set, you will see values in
the Captured column, and if any packets are marked, you will see values in the Marked
Capture file comments
Some capture file formats (notably pcapng) allow a text comment for the entire file.
⑤ Statistics – protocol hierachy

This is a tree of all the protocols in the capture. Each row contains the statistical values
of one protocol.
⑥ Statistics - I/O graph -100ms- time of day

This window contains a chart drawing area along with a customizable list of graphs.
⑦ Statistics – Flow Graph- Tcp flows[three way hand shake]

The Flow Graph window shows connections between hosts. It displays the packet
time, direction, ports and comments for each captured connection.
⑧ Statistics – ipv4 statics- all address/ destination & ports

Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is a core protocol for the internet layer. It uses 32-bit
addresses and allows packets routing from one source host to the next one.

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