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Yasir Rahim


Create a Positioning Statement for your chosen target persona

and identify the key themes that should be emphasized in the
messaging for the PickDeck service to this segment.

Answer 2:
Taking into account the necessities of dedicated young white collar for a basic and effectively
accessible picture sharing arrangements that can assist you with making the separation you
need with the smooth customer correspondences, PicDeck by Ontela is your confided in
objective for picture move whenever, anyplace and to any organize area without making
additional issue.

What are the risks of using qualitative personas to select target

customer segments?

Answer 3:
the organization probably won't accomplish its goals on the off chance that they totally based
their focuses on the characterize personas. There may be an absence of quantitative
information as the evaluations in regards to the market and clients probably won't be
addressed appropriately. This will prompt and superfluous venture by the organization on a
little extent of its focused on client populace which can lead to low profits from speculations.
Their subjective personas portrayed for the situation study don't have sufficient data about the
particular objective clients and the market. The objective client division along with their
latent capacity may be deceiving as the personas characterized for the situation study don't
show total or appropriate data about the objective portions. Our total objective fragment can't
be addressed by a few client personas post operation this will eventually distort the
information and lead to disregarding the real objective portion market for the organization.

Based only on the cluster analysis data, which preference-

related variables are most useful for segmentation
identification and evaluation? Which variables are least useful

Answer 4:
The principle motivation behind playing out the cluster analysis was to guarantee that the
administrations and contributions given by the PicDeck are appropriately conveyed and
significant data is appeared in the examination of this information. As I would see it the
factors which are generally significant and helpful during division recognizable proof an
assessment of clients inclinations incorporate Q1 and we can likewise see that the
conceivable utilization of these administrations is featured in Q2 and Q4. We can see in Q2
and Q4 that the administrations of the organization are profoundly valued by the customers
where they discover it helpful to share photographs and move them without any problem. I
believe that buyer eagerness to get advantage from the administrations given by PicDeck is
profoundly compelling and it is portrayed genuine factors in Q10 also, Q13. The most un-
valuable factors given in the purchaser bunch examination information R Q7 and Q9. The
outcomes from these bunches are hard to separate just as they are hard to decipher. Q5 and
Q3 are likewise least helpful factors as they generally manage the equipment details and not
with the administrations given by the organization.

7. Which segment(s) would be recommended as a target for

PicDeck? Explain the logic behind your choice.

Answer 7:
As looking at analysis of cluster from two exhibit, we can suggest that it is better to target
group one and bunch 3 for PicDeck. My decision of bunch one and group three are
fundamentally founded on the idea of individuals present in those bunches. As we can see
that these the two groups contain most extreme number of clients who are early connectors
and have extraordinary taste for mechanical headways. They need simple entry with regards
to transferring of photographs just as they need a simple and advantageous technique for
moving their information. The measure of time devoured by any item or administrations is
their definitive appeal and they need to pay a normal expense for the administrations which
day profit. Another significant territory of chance for PicDeck is ethnography of group one
and three. We can see that practically half individuals in these sections R snappy students and
extremely dynamic on social media stages which makes them profoundly worthwhile
business targets who can spread the credibility and comfort offered by any item or
administrations. The vast majority of these individuals are youthful furthermore, continually
searching for something you which can oblige their requirements.

Develop a positioning statement for your selected target

customer(s) that defines the key benefits of the PicDeck
service and how the service is differentiated from alternatives
that customers might consider.

Answer 8:
Ontela offering more noteworthy comfort with nature of information move with speed to all
tech devotees and to any individual who is searching for solid and reasonable imaging
arrangements through PicDeck.

Develop a positioning statement for wireless carriers that

Ontela can use to communicate the value of PicDeck service
for wireless carriers

Answer 9:
Are you hoping to furnish your clients with unparalleled imaging administrations that are
definitely not just helpful and solid for your supporters yet in addition have ability of easy
picture moves to far finishes of the systems administration region: at that point come and join
Ontela's PicDeck as your business accomplice for one quit imaging solution
Suggest a media plan that you feel would be most effective in
promoting the PicDeck service to your selected target
customers(s) and to convert them to paying customer.

Answer 10:
The recommended media plan for PicDeck comprises of catching the profoundly educated
and IT progressed client fragments through online media showcasing just as versatile
advertising. I would recommend that Ontela should connect with web-based media activists
and bloggers as well as expert photographic artists and give them a preliminary of their items
and administrations and at that point get some information about their experience. upon a
more noteworthy fulfillment Ontela ought to request that they compose audits a grandstand
their assessment on PicDeck administrations on their web journals and sites. Versatile
showcasing will be another integral asset in elevating the administrations to the chose target
clients as these portions contain the vast majority of the versatile clients who invest a ton of
their energy looking at their cell phones. The organization ought to put more in portable
showcasing and advance their administrations through short computerized messages. Online
media sites like Facebook and Instagram ought to be picked as another compelling medium to
advance PicDeck. The investigation of the two groups of our objective clients showed that
email is one of the top correspondence media for our focused on crowd. The organization
ought to likewise pick this channel in regards to their advertising exercises.

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