Offshore Wind Turbine Environment, Loads, Simulation, and Design

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Advanced Review

Offshore wind turbine

environment, loads, simulation,
and design
Fabian Vorpahl,1 ∗ Holger Schwarze,1 Tim Fischer,2 Marc Seidel3
and Jason Jonkman4

In the design, certification, and optimization of offshore wind turbines, extensive

loads simulation is inevitable to develop reliable and cost-effective turbines. De-
scription of the marine environment is based on a variety of techniques taking the
stochastic nature of both, the wind and the water waves into account. The wind
turbine is a highly dynamic system including effects of heavy rotating machinery
and other significant nonlinearities leading to static, cyclic, transient, and stochas-
tic loads. Due to the nature of the external loading, the system properties and the
turbine design lifetime, offshore wind turbines are prone to fatigue-driven fail-
ure. For loads assessment, aero-hydro-servo-elastic tools are used including the
coupled effects of the environment and the turbine to simulate the overall life-
time of the turbine in the harsh marine environment. These tools are constantly
further developed and adapted to the needs of a fast-growing industry and newly
arising turbine concepts. Engineering approaches to allow for certification and re-
liable design are summarized in extensive guidelines and standards supporting
engineers in daily design work.  C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

How to cite this article:

WIREs Energy Environ 2012. doi: 10.1002/wene.52

INTRODUCTION Terms describing the components of OWTs are

used based on international electrotechnical commis-
O ffshore wind turbines (OWT) are complex
machines that are strongly influenced by the
surrounding environment. They are designed and cer-
sion (IEC) definitions as shown in Figure 1. OWT
refers to the system as a whole, including the rotor-
nacelle assembly (RNA) and the support structure.
tified based on load assumptions gained from exten-
Extensive experience exists in the onshore wind
sive simulations. Loads simulation is a complex task;
industry. However, important differences concerning
however, the effort is necessary as high availability
global dynamics and loads occur in the variety of sup-
and cost-effectiveness are only achievable when (1) all
port structures available for offshore systems and the
significant loads are predicted in advance to guarantee
addition of hydrodynamic loads on these structures.
a reliable design, and (2) the loads are not massively
The offshore oil and gas industry is a source of knowl-
overestimated as this leads to high reserves, that is, a
edge, but differences (comparing offshore wind struc-
design that is not cost effective.
tures to oil and gas structures) such as the larger wind
loading contribution, the influence of dynamics and
∗ Correspondence to: nonlinearities, shallow-water sites potentially leading
1 Fraunhofer
Institute for Wind Energy and Energy Systems Tech- to breaking waves, and the fact that wind turbines are
nology IWES, Bremerhaven, Germany ‘low risk structures’ (unmanned, low pollution haz-
2 Rambøll Offshore Wind, Hamburg, Germany ards) compared to oil and gas structures need to be
3 REpower Systems SE, Osnabrück, Germany taken into account for OWTs.a
4 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO, Offshore wind energy (and wind energy in gen-
USA eral) is a young industry and its serial production
DOI: 10.1002/wene.52 is immature compared to other industries producing

Volume 00, September/October 2012 

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1
Advanced Review

F I G U R E 1 Parts of an offshore wind turbine according to IEC. (Figure 1 of IEC 61400-3 (edition 2009), licenced by VDE Verband der
Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V.—Department DKE. Please take care to always use the latest edition you can get at and

large quantities of one type of machine, for exam- DESCRIPTION OF THE MARINE
ple, the automotive industry. Larger series production ENVIRONMENT
and local and system-wide optimizations will improve
the design, manufacturing, and economics of OWTs. In this section, the marine environment is described
However, as long as site-specific design is required, with respect to the engineering requirements for OWT
the economies of scale cannot be applied, at least not simulation. For information on corrosion,1, 2 light-
to the structure as a whole. Production costs com- ning protection,3 ship collision risk,4, 5 seismic loads,3
bined with the financial and technical risks in the off- ice loads on the blades and support structure,6, 7,b ma-
shore wind sector (compared to onshore wind) must rine growth, soil properties and scour,8, 9 currents,10
be considered. Even for series with only a few struc- and water level variations, it is referred to the re-
tures, this justifies higher loads simulation efforts that spective literature. A comprehensive summary of the
result in lower safety factors and, therefore, more op- marine environment is given in Refs 11 and 12.
timized products. The main mechanical loads on OWTs result
This article summarizes the state-of-the-art in from wind loads on the rotor and wave loads on the
OWT loads simulation, describing the environment, support structure; therefore, those load sources are
the OWT system, the tools that are used, and the stan- described in more detail in sections Wind and Waves.
dards that are applied. The focus is on the aero-hydro-
servo-elastic, coupled, or fully coupled approach for
OWT simulation that includes the entire system in Wind
one numerical model, and the respective aeroelastic Wind speed and direction are fluctuating at different
tools. The importance of this approach—that is more scales in time and space. The range that is of interest
elegant and more accurate compared to the formerly for loads simulation falls between several days and a
used sequential approaches that simulate the RNA few seconds and is shown in Figure 2.
and the support structure separately—has continu- The spectral gapc between the high-frequency
ously grown in recent years and this development is oscillations on the right-hand side of the spectrum and
expected to continue. the low-frequency oscillations at the left-hand side,

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 00, September/October 2012
WIREs Energy and Environment OWT loads and design


4.5 Synoptic peak


Spectrum, f.S(f) 3.0
Turbulent peak

Diurnal peak




10 days 4 days 24 h 10 h 2 h 1 h 30 min 10 min 3 min 1 min 30 s 10 s 5 s
Frequency, log (f)

F I G U R E 2 Wind speed fluctuation spectrum from days to seconds modified from Ref 13 the original published in Ref 14. (Modified with
permission from Ref 14. Copyright 1957, American Meteorology Society.)

showing the low energy content in this range of fre-

quencies, is directly visible. The synoptic peak results
from changes due to crossing weather phenomena.
The diurnal peak represents night and day changes
and the turbulent peak represents high-frequency fluc-
tuations. To describe the random nature of the wind,
( )

time series with a given average wind speed Vw and

a length of 10 min ≤ Twind ≤ 1 hour are usually used,
as this length range lies in the spectral gap. Due to

that, the error, when assuming a stationary stochastic

process is minimized and the wind may be described
separately for the lower-frequency range (Long-
Term Wind Statistics) and for the higher-frequency
range (Short-Term and Small-Scale Wind Speed
Fluctuations). W ( )

F I G U R E 3 Bar chart of average wind speeds and Weibull fit.

Long-Term Wind Statistics
In the lower-frequency range it was found, based on
measurements, that a Weibull function fits the dis- tween accuracy and effort. However, the bin size may
tribution of the average wind speeds over the wind be halved in special cases.
speeds relatively well at most sites. Figure 3 shows a
bar chart giving the average wind speed probabilities Short-Term and Small-Scale Wind Speed
and the respective Weibull fit. Site-specific measure- Fluctuations
ment data or the Weibull distribution are, therefore, Looking into smaller sizes in space, the wind speeds
used to describe the distribution of the average wind at heights that encompass the turbine rotor are rel-
speeds for loads simulation. evant for loads simulation. These wind speeds in-
With each of the bars shown in Figure 3, a direc- crease with height due to the atmospheric boundary
tional distribution is associated that can be visualized layer (wind shear). The shape of the wind shear pro-
in a wind rose. In Figure 4, each of the wind roses file is highly dependent on the surface, characterized
that are shown represents a wind speed range (bin) by its roughness, and the temperature distribution.
of b = 2 m/s. The values in the figure next to the For loads simulation, the profiles are approximated
respective wind rose give the median of the bin. This with logarithmic or power law functions as shown in
is a commonly used bin size, a useful compromise be- Figure 5. The figure gives four wind shear profiles:

Volume 00, September/October 2012 

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 3
Advanced Review

F I G U R E 4 Wind roses for wind speed ranges (bins) of a size of b = 2 m/s for average wind speeds of 0 m/s ≤ Vw ≤ 11 m/s at a Dutch
North Sea site (Reproduced with permission from Ref 16. Copyright 2010, SWE.)

100 tions (as already shown in Figure 2). In wind turbine

90 log onshore (WT) loads simulation, different spectra are com-
80 power law onshore monly used with the basic input parameters Vw as
70 log offshore described above, and a standard deviation σ or tur-
power law offshore
bulence intensity Ti = σ/Vw . Generally, σ increases,
Height (m)

50 and Ti decreases with increasing Vw . When detailed

40 measurements are not available, the spectra are used
to generate generic time series.13
Above, single-point time history data or spec-
tra are described; however, variation of this speed
across the rotor disk is important for turbine load-
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
ing. So, a grid of points over the rotor disc is typ-
Standardized velocity (-) ically applied. Because the described air flow is a
F I G U R E 5 Logarithmic and power law wind shear profiles for an fluid, the wind speed at a given time at each point
onshore site and for an offshore site. is correlated to the wind speeds at the other points in
the described area. The correlation decreases with in-
Two profiles with a typical surface roughness for an creasing distance between the considered points and
onshore site with flat terrain (short dashes: power with increasing frequency. The mathematical formu-
law; long dashes: logarithmic) and two profiles with lations of the coherence functions (i.e., the correlation
a typical surface roughness for an offshore site between two points on such a grid) are commonly
(dots: power law; solid line: logarithmic). The re- given in the appendices of the standards, such as
spective equations are given, for example, in Ref 10, for the three-dimensional and fully correlated Mann
Section 3.65). model17 that is given in Annex B of Ref 3. The
Based on measurements with high resolution in current approaches lead to acceptable results; how-
time and space, the random small-scale variations of ever, in complex terrain, such as hilly forests and in
wind speed and direction (or wind velocity as a three wakes of other turbines, the methods have limitations
dimensional vector) were analyzed extensively in the (for details on wind field simulation and current de-
past. Such time series may basically be described in velopments concerning turbine wake simulation, cf.
the frequency range based on a spectrum giving the Aero-Hydro-Servo-Elastic Tools for Offshore Wind
frequency-dependent energy content of the fluctua- Turbine Simulation).

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 00, September/October 2012
WIREs Energy and Environment OWT loads and design

Extreme wind speeds and gusts lead to extreme structure based on these kinematics. The kinematics
loads on wind turbines. These events are treated sep- calculation is limited to regular, that is, deterministic
arately because of the vital importance in WT design. (linear and nonlinear) and irregular, that is, stochas-
This is particularly true for extreme load calculation tic (linear) waves or sea states. Nonlinear irregular
of gusts that typically have durations of a few sec- approaches are discussed in Ref 20.
onds to minutes and are not covered very well in the
aforementioned approach. Those incidents occur ran- Wave Theories
domly and can be described with so called n year wind Water waves can simply, and with relative accuracy
speeds, which give the maximum average wind speed be approximated with a linear water surface elevation
over a given time interval that is statistically exceeded in the case of small-amplitude waves in deep water.
once in n years. With increasing wave height and/or decreasing water
As measured data over the necessarily long time depth, the wave shape becomes steeper—the wave
periods are rarely available, extrapolations can be shape becomes nonlinear—until the wave brakes.
performed using extreme value distributions. In the The linear wave theory, also called Airy wave
respective guidelines, sites for wind turbines are classi- theory or small-amplitude wave theory, is an easily
fied and the values, for example, 50-year wind speeds, applicable analytical theory based on a further sim-
are given for each class (see, e.g., Ref 8.) plified potential flow theory to describe wave particle
Gust wind speeds over time are simplified and kinematics. It leads to a sinusoidal surface elevation.
described with different approaches. A ‘one-minus- The maximum velocities and accelerations occur at
cosine’, or a ‘Mexican-Hat’ gust shape,8, 11 are com- the water surface, their magnitudes are decreasing
mon. Other shapes and combinations with wind with depth following hyperbolic functions. The ba-
direction changes may be found in the respective sic formulation of Airy wave theory does not pro-
standards.10 vide any kinematics above the still water line, this is
accounted for with so called stretching methods ex-
trapolating the kinematics to the actual elevation (see
Ocean Waves Ref 21 for the so called ‘Wheeler Stretching’). For
The ocean waves considered herein are wind-induced deep-water waves, the water particles move in closed
(water is deflected due to wind by friction) gravity circles. Due to the boundary condition at the bottom
(restoring force) waves. Constant wind over suffi- that sets the vertical motion to zero, the circles be-
cient time and length (fetch length) theoretically leads come more and more flat ellipsoids approaching the
to unidirectional waves (long-crested waves), with bottom in shallow water. With the linearization used,
heights correlated to the respective wind speed (fully a high water depth-to-wavelength ratio is postulated.
developed sea states). Wind direction changes, inter- Therefore, strictly spoken, linear wave theory is only
secting wave systems, different water depths, different valid for deep-water waves.
natures of the sea bed, the influence of the coastlines, Airy wave theory is widely used. This is mainly
and interactions between single wavelets lead to a due to its simplicity, and the linear formulation that
short-crested irregular sea surface in reality. allows for superposition of Airy waves (or wavelets)
Herein, the field of water–wave description and to irregular sea states.
resulting loads is strongly compressed while focused Stream function wave theories were developed
on the needs of OWT loads simulation (for details and for a numerical description of highly nonlinear waves.
a wider focus (see, e.g., Refs 18 and 19). Effects from These theories describe the water surface elevation us-
breaking waves and higher order effects such as ring- ing a linear term and the superimposed harmonics of
ing and springing are not described here. For details the fundamental wave frequency. The resulting sur-
on directional wave spreading leading to short-crested face profile is symmetric vertically through the crest,
waves, it is referred to Annex B5 of.10 Structures are with a higher and steeper crest and a flatter trough
assumed to be hydrodynamically transparent (slen- than a linear wave. Using high-order stream function
der structures, small structural diameters relative to wave theories, water waves near the breaking limit
the wave length); feedback from (moving) structures can be described.
to the wave field (reflection, refraction, diffraction) is The water particles of ocean waves have an av-
not taken into account. On basis of that, the problem erage velocity—associated with a mass transport—in
of wave loads is divided into the description of the the direction of wave propagation, called the Stokes
water particle movement (see sections Wave Theories drift. Consequently, the orbital particle paths as de-
and Short-Term and Long-Term Stochastic Sea-State scribed are open. Wave theories such as the linear
Description) and the calculation of the load on the theory, or the stream function wave theory in the

Volume 00, September/October 2012 

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 5
Advanced Review

basic formulation, do not take this into account, but 4

by superimposing a slow constant current, this error
may be corrected.
Small-amplitude waves in deep waters may be 3
described with linear wave theory, but with increasing 2.5

S (m²s)
ratio of wave height to water depth, the more com-
plicated nonlinear theories are applied. Big shallow- 2
water waves can only be reasonably described us- 1.5
ing a higher-order stream function wave theory. See
Ref 22 for other wave theories such as Stoke’s expan- 1
sions or the Boussinesq approach. The applicability 0.5
of the different wave theories is given in the respec-
tive standards and guidelines (see, e.g., Ref 8, Figure
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
4.G.1, p. 4–63). f (Hz)

Short-Term and Long-Term Stochastic F I G U R E 6 JONSWAP spectra for Hs = 4 m and Tz = 6 s with

Sea-State Description γ = 1 (blue) and γ = 3.3 (red).
Measuring water surface elevation at a fixed position
leads to a random time series and cannot realistically
be described with a single periodic wave. Still the
(unmodified). With such spectral descriptions, generic
frequency-dependent energy content of such a time
time series can be generated for simulation purposes.
series can be described in the frequency domain with
To simulate an OWT during its entire design
a wave spectrum (short-term statistics). This leads to
lifetime, long-term wave statistics are used (compara-
a realistic energy distribution over the range of wave
ble to the wind speed distribution shown in Figure 3).
A common approach to describe these statistics is by
Two common wave spectra, the Pierson–
the use of wave scatter diagrams giving the probabil-
Moskowitz (PM) and the JONSWAP spectrum are
ity of pairs of Hs and Tp in a two dimensional matrix
characterized herein (see Ref 18 for others). For both
or by including a wind speed bin as a third dimension.
spectra, the significant wave height Hs and a period,
Figure 7 shows an excerpt of a three-dimensional scat-
for example, the mean zero-crossing period Tz are
ter diagram.
used as input parameters. Hs is defined as the mean
The long-term wave direction distribution can
height of the highest one third of waves in a sea state
be visualized in wave roses, that are similar to the
(traditionally estimated as mean wave height in vi-
wind roses described in Long-Term Wind Statistics.
sual observations). It is four times the standard devia-
The long-term statistical oceanographic properties de-
tion of the wave heights in a narrow-banded sea state
scribed herein are well documented based on long-
(Hs = 4σ ). Tz is the mean period between two zero-
term measurements for many sea areas.d
crossings with positive slope in an irregular sea state
Extreme waves may lead to design-driving ex-
and can be determined directly from the time series.
treme loads and are therefore treated separately (com-
For a given spectrum and given Tz , the peak period
parable to wind gusts, cf. Short-Term and Small-Scale
Tp of the spectrum, that is the period associated with
Wind Speed Fluctuations). Usually, a regular 50-year
the highest energy in the spectrum (the spectral peak)
wave is derived based on the respective 3-hour ex-
can be derived. Tp and Tz are interchangeable as input
treme sea state.
The PM spectrum23 was developed based on
measurements in the Atlantic ocean in stable weather
conditions. It is basically a one parameter spectrum SYSTEM PROPERTIES OF OFFSHORE
with Vw as the input parameter, but it can be modified WIND TURBINES AND RESULTING
to allow for use of Hs and Tz .
The JONSWAP spectrum was developed for
regions where usual sea states are not fully devel- This section provides properties that are relevant in
oped; it is a PM spectrum modified mainly with a the loads simulation context for common three-blade,
peak-shape parameter γ to get a more distinct peak. pitch-controlled, upwind turbines with a horizontal
Figure 6 shows JONSWAP spectra, including a JON- axis. For other concepts and more detailed descrip-
SWAP spectrum with γ = 1, which is a PM spectrum tions, refer to standard text books such as Ref 13.

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 00, September/October 2012
WIREs Energy and Environment OWT loads and design

Tp [s]
Vw = 9–11 m/s
< 0,5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 >11,5
9.5 0.00000
9 0.00000
8.5 0.00000
8 0.00000
7.5 0.00000
7 0.00000
6.5 0.00000
6 0.00000
5.5 0.00000
5 0.00000
Hs [m]
4.5 0.00002 0.00002
4 0.00002 0.00003 0.00002 0.00002 0.00002 0.00009
3.5 0.00006 0.00020 0.00005 0.00002 0.00033
3 0.00008 0.00044 0.00039 0.00009 0.00100
2.5 0.00003 0.00208 0.00205 0.00062 0.00003 0.00482
2 0.00002 0.00306 0.01031 0.00358 0.00047 0.00002 0.01745
1.5 0.00092 0.02380 0.01464 0.00117 0.00011 0.00002 0.00002 0.04066
1 0.00078 0.02377 0.02700 0.00366 0.00033 0.00005 0.00002 0.00002 0.05561
0.5 0.00002 0.00871 0.01423 0.00244 0.00039 0.00012 0.00002 0.00003 0.02596
<0,25 0.00026 0.00026 0.00008 0.00061
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00002 0.00975 0.03920 0.05642 0.03116 0.00776 0.00188 0.00028 0.00005 0.00003 0.14654

F I G U R E 7 Part of a three-dimensional wave scatter diagram for a Dutch North Sea Site and a range of wind speeds of
9 m/s ≤ Vw ≤ 11 m/s (Reproduced with permission from Ref 16, p. 78. Copyright 2010, SWE.).

Support Structures and Respective Load Effects on the Rotor

Properties The rotor is a large and heavy rotating part of the ma-
Monopiles and gravity-based structures are widely chine meant to produce torque from the wind based
used. A small number of branched steel structures on aerodynamic lift. This results in massive aerody-
such as Jackets,e Tripods, or Tripiles were built in namic loading of the slender and compliant blades,
recent years and two (large scale) floating wind tur- mainly in blade flapwise direction f depending on the
bines have been installed as prototypes. In Refs 25 local wind vector (cf., Wind). Local aerodynamics in
and 26, overviews of support structure concepts are the rotating system are complex and rotational lift en-
given. See Refs 27 and 28 for details on floating wind hancement and stall delay can play important roles.30
turbine concepts and loads. This includes spar buoys, Mainly due to unsteady inflow, dynamic stall effects,
barges, tension-leg platforms, semi-submersibles, and that is, flow separation and reattachment behavior
solutions combining aspects of these concepts. Sta- differing from the quasistatic phenomena, may lead
tionkeeping of floating wind turbines is realized using to significantly changing blade loads. Aerodynamic
catenary or taut mooring lines. Even if the dynamic tower effects, that is, a local wind velocity dip in front
behavior of an OWT depends strongly on the support of the tower, produce a dip in aerodynamic loads as a
structure type, an attempt is made to list the general blade passes the tower leading to significant periodic
characteristics herein. excitations (3-P excitation in the fixed frame). The ro-
The structure of an OWT is generally slender tor spinning through a turbulent wind field, where a
and heavily loaded on top. Due to the importance of blade passes a local gust several times (eddy slicing),
cost efficiency, support structures are relatively light leads to excitation of the 3-P frequency (and higher
weight and compliant and are, therefore, prone to vi- harmonics) as well.
brations from the structural side. The structures are As an example, due to rotor imbalances, the ma-
exposed to significant ocean loads such as regular and chine is excited once per revolution (1-P excitation).
irregular waves and currents (cf., Ocean Waves). The Wind shear leads to periodically changing loads once
first eigenfrequency of current support structures is per revolution for each blade, with higher wind speeds
below 0.4 Hz, close to the wave frequency range, experienced when the blade points upward leading
which has most of its power below 0.3 Hz. The de- to additional loads compared to those experienced
scribed properties may lead to vibrating structures by a downward pointing blade. Yaw errors cause a
and couplings between the moving structure and the comparable effect as the blade moves into the wind
water-induced load (see influence of relative veloc- for half a rotation and out of the wind for the sec-
ity in Support Structure and Hydrodynamic Loads ond half in these cases. The rotation itself leads to
Calculation). Coriolis loads, centrifugal loads, centrifugal stiffening

Volume 00, September/October 2012 

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 7
Advanced Review

of the blades, and gyroscopic loads during yaw and ever, the edgewise damping may be small or
pitch movement. Gravity of the blades changes sign even negative. At overrated wind speed, the
once per revolution leading to, for example, periodic thrust force decreases with increasing wind
blade bending moment changes that are significant in speed, possibly leading to negative damping
amplitude and number of cycles and increasingly im- that increases the amplitudes of the respec-
portant for larger and heavier blades. The example tive blade vibrations. Torsional flutter, that
of the ‘NREL 5-MW baseline turbine’31 at the ‘K13 is, the effect of periodically changing angles
Deep Water Site’16 in the Dutch North Sea with a of attack and therefore aerodynamic loads,
lifetime of Ttot = 20 years and a turbine availability of leads to increased motion in a coupled blade
Av = 90% (all realistic values), leads to the following mode (bending and torsion) and may lead
values for the edgewise blade root bending-moment to a significant nonlinear increase of blade
amplitude (Mroot ) and the number of cycles (N20 ) loads.33, 34
due to gravity. r The dynamic properties of the system depend
Mroot = 3.6 MNm N20 = 9.4 × 10 . 7 on the turbine status. Blade bending eigen-
modes and frequencies, for example, depend
As a comparison, the average of the flapwise on rotor speed due to effects such as the
blade root bending moment (the main aerodynamic aforementioned centrifugal stiffening. As a
load due to rotor thrust) is Mroot, fl ≈ 7.5 MNm for result, dynamic amplification factors change
the same turbine at rated speed. and system answers to excitations with the
same amplitude and frequency are different
for different rotational speeds.35
Coupled Effects, Important Nonlinearities r OWTs have nonlinear ‘components’. A grid
and Summarized Loads loss, for example, leads to an abrupt torque
The system properties of an OWT include the follow- loss. In so-called Fault Ride Through (FRT)
ing nonlinear effects: situations, turbines run through grid errors
r Blade-pitch (and therefore aerodynamic without shutting down, even if certain loads
loads) and generator-torque are actively con- increase significantly. Short circuits lead to
trolled turbine parameters. This means that, peaks in generator torque resulting in heavy
for example, generator-torque cannot be de- rotor loads. The soil, in which OWTs with
scribed as a simple function of an input pa- piled support structures are fixed, provides
rameter such as instantaneous wind speed. large uncertainties. However, it is commonly
r Aeroelastic effects are of a highly nonlinear
accepted that force-displacement relation-
ships for embedded piles are not linear.
nature. In partial loading operation, the ro-
r Rotor blades are usually fiber-reinforced
tor thrust force increases with the wind speed.
A blade vibrating in a flapwise bending mode composite structures allowing large deflec-
that is moving into the wind experiences a rel- tions. For large deflections, second-order ef-
ative wind speed that is the sum of the global fects in bending may become significant lead-
wind speed, the blade ‘rigid body movement’, ing to nonlinear force-displacement relations
due to the rotor rotation, and the velocity due in blade-bending directions.
to the elastic deflection (blade and support
structure). The instantaneous relative wind Summing up, OWTs are loaded (1) statically
speed experienced by the blade is higher than due to mean wind and mean currents (horizontal
it would be for a rigid blade and the aero- loads) and gravity on nonrotating components (verti-
dynamic thrust increases as a result. This in- cal loads). Furthermore, (2) periodic loads occur due
creased thrust against the bending direction to gravity on rotating components, regular waves,
decelerates the blade. When moving back, wind shear, tower disturbances, and yaw errors;
the blade is decelerated again for the same and (3) stochastic loads result from irregular waves
reason. This aerodynamic damping may lead and turbulent wind. Finally, (4) turbine start-ups and
to a turbine that is switched off experienc- shutdowns, gusts, extreme waves and meandering
ing higher support-structure fatigue loads, wakes of neighboring turbines lead to transient loads
than an operating turbine, as in case of the with significant absolute values and gradients. Com-
nonoperating turbine, wave excitation is not bined with compliant structures and the turbine life-
reduced by aerodynamic damping.32 How- time, this leads, in many cases, to highly dynamic

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 00, September/October 2012
WIREs Energy and Environment OWT loads and design

the total loading for very large turbines mounted on

jacket structures. See Ref 38 for details on fractions
of the total load resulting from wind and waves for
several types of loads.

Coupled Simulation Using the Respective Tools de-
scribes how OWTs are typically modeled in coupled
tools. Each tool features (slightly) different levels of
detail modeling the different components, and a large
variety of tools are available. However, Capabilities
of Currently Available Tools provides an overview
that is mainly based on Task 23g (Offshore Code
Comparison Collaboration project, OC3) and Task
30h (Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration Con-
tinuation Project, OC4) of the Wind Implementing
F I G U R E 8 Calculated coupled vibration mode (strongly
Agreement of the International Energy Agency (IEA
exaggerated) including blade bending and support structure modes
(global bending and local bending at lowest brace). Wind).
Aeroelastic tools are constantly adapted to meet
the arising needs of a developing offshore wind sec-
tor. Therefore, verification and validationi are contin-
systems with fatigue loads being design driving for uously needed (see Tool Verification and Validation)
several components. and work is done on new developments (see Current
Support structure and blade natural frequencies, Developments).
as well as the main rotor excitation frequencies, are in
a comparable range for current OWTs. The proxim-
ity of eigenfrequencies of different components leads Coupled Simulation Using the Respective
to coupled structural effects that are visible in cou- Tools
pled vibration modes, for example, including different Coupled simulation in general is described herein with
component modes (shown in Figure 8 again for the a special focus on the main load sources wind (see Ro-
NREL 5-MW design on a jacket support structure36 ). tor and Aerodynamic Loads Calculation) and waves
Due to the importance of dynamics, the first (see Support Structure and Hydrodynamic Loads Cal-
global natural frequency of the system is a key de- culation). Figure 9 shows the system OWT as it is typi-
sign parameter for the support structure. On the ba- cally modeled in an aeroelastic tool using the example
sis of the value of this frequency and the rotor ro- of a turbine on a piled jacket-type substructure. The
tational speeds of the turbine, the support structures subsystems are shown in boxes, the arrows represent
are grouped as soft–soft structures (first natural fre- interactions.
quency under 1-P excitation), soft–stiff (first natu- Soil and foundation are usually implemented in
ral frequency between 1-P and 3-P excitation) and one module. In the simplest case, the foundation be-
stiff–stiff structures (first natural frequency over 3-P low mudline is assumed to be rigid. If the structure
excitation). Excitation frequency ranges, natural fre- below mudline, that is, piles and soil, are included in
quencies, and resulting resonance areas are usually the model, this may be realized using linear elastic or
visualized in a Campbell diagram (see, e.g., Ref 37, nonlinear soil models j usually combined with linear
p. 47). elastic piles.
Wind loading is much more important and com- The control system component in general al-
plex in OWTs than for oil and gas structures. How- lows for direct setup of simple pitch controllers (PI-
ever, the magnitude of loads resulting from wind, control). For the use of more sophisticated operation
waves and currents is highly dependent on which sup- and control routines, interfaces may be provided. An
port structure and turbine type is used and hydrody- interface to a dynamic link library of the type that
namic loads may contribute 50% to the total loading is used in the software Bladed41 might be seen as a
for smaller turbines on monopiles or less than 10% to standard by now. For simulation of modern wind

Volume 00, September/October 2012 

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 9
Advanced Review

are common (cf., Capabilities of Currently Available

Control system Tools).
Aerodynamic loads are calculated using lift and
Rotor Drivetrain Grid
drag coefficients usually provided in tables that are
Wind Structure nacelle based on two-dimensional wind tunnel airfoil testing
Rotor nacelle assembly combined with a simple aerodynamic theory.
The blade-element momentum (BEM) theory is
developed in Ref 42 to describe the aerodynamics of
airplane propellers and was applied to WT rotors in
Ref 43. It became a standard in engineering aerody-
namic calculation and is described in many definitive
books on WT (see, e.g., Ref 13). The theory com-
bines the blade-element and the momentum theory. In
Water Substructure the blade-element theory it is assumed that the blade
aerodynamics can be described with two dimensional
airfoils (blade-elements) that are independent of the
Soil Foundation neighboring elements for calculation of aerodynamic
forces based on local flow conditions. These forces
Support structure are then integrated over the blade length. The mo-
mentum theory assumes that the loss of momentum
F I G U R E 9 OWT model in a coupled tool with boxes for through the rotor area is the work that is done by the
components and arrows for interactions. air flow on the rotor. On the basis of this, the local
flow conditions can be calculated that are the input
for the loads calculation with blade-element theory.
turbines, a control system, including at least blade- Combining both, a simple static theory to iterate the
pitch and generator-torque control, is common. aerodynamic forces is described. To overcome its ba-
The drivetrain may be separated into mechan- sic restrictions, BEM theory is extended with modifi-
ical and electrical subcomponents. At minimum, a cations to account for hub and tip losses. A correction
drivetrain rotational stiffness and damping summed for yaw errors and the so called turbulent wake state
in one rotational degree of freedom (DOF) and a (me- are included (originally described in Refs 42 and 44).
chanical) generator in terms of a rotational speed– During fast changes in inflow conditions, dynamic
torque relationship needs to be taken into account. stall occurs. This nonlinear and unsteady separation
The grid influences the turbine behavior, espe- and reattachment of the flow is usually accounted for
cially if grid errors occur, (cf., System Properties of using semiempirical corrections.45
Offshore Wind Turbines and Resulting Loads) and is A more general theory for the description of
therefore included. the pressure distribution over a rotor is the potential-
flow-based generalized dynamic wake (GDW) Theory
Rotor and Aerodynamic Loads Calculation as described in Ref 46. It includes three-dimensional
Wind is described in three-dimensional wind vectors and unsteady effects and the respective equations can
at discrete positions minimally over the rotor swept be solved directly (non-iterative). Aerodynamics of
area over time stochastically (cf., Short-Term and wind turbines are described in more detail in Ref 13
Small-Scale Wind Speed Fluctuations). For purposes and summarized in the context of wind turbine tool
of this article, this is the same as a three-dimensional development in Ref 47.
grid in space, sliding over the wind turbine because With the relative velocities at the rotor, aeroe-
Taylor’s hypothesis is accepted. Constant wind speeds lastic effects (cf., System Properties of Offshore Wind
or simple functions over time (gusts) and space (wind Turbines and Resulting Loads) are included in the
shear) can be simulated. The wind speeds at posi- simulation. Ref 48 gives a detailed overview on wind
tions (or time steps) between the given points are turbine aerodynamics.
The rotor is modeled flexible because rotor Support Structure and Hydrodynamic Loads
blades are compliant structures allowing large deflec- Calculation
tions that need to be taken into account (cf., System The substructure and tower are modeled as flexi-
Properties of Offshore Wind Turbines and Result- ble structures that feature possibilities for loads cal-
ing Loads). Several structural–dynamic approaches culation on the submerged members based on the

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 00, September/October 2012
WIREs Energy and Environment OWT loads and design

Morison approach49 and on a simple drag force cal- OWT provide interfaces to Matlab for controls de-
culation from wind for the structures parts above the velopment. Structural modeling is based on Multi-
waterline. Buoyancy loads and load effects that re- body formulations (MBS), modal reduced systems,
sult from marine growth, as an example, need to be the finite element method (FEM) or combinations
taken into account. In the case of floating wind tur- of those. The (catenary) mooring system of a float-
bines, at least a simple mooring line model needs to ing wind turbine may be simulated in some of the
be included. tools using user-defined force–displacement relation-
Regular (cf., Wave Theories) and irregular (cf., ships or quasistatic catenary equations. For further
Short-Term and Long-Term Stochastic Sea-State De- information on the tools, refer to the publicly avail-
scription) water wave kinematics are used as in- able manuals (e.g., HAWC2, Bladed, FAST), the
put in the semiempiric Morison approach. Herein, Web pages of the software developers (e.g., Ansys,
the total load per length is a superposition of Adams, SIMPACK), and publications presenting the
an acceleration-dependent inertia component and a tool development to the scientific community (see,
velocity-dependent drag component. Morison loads e.g., Ref 53 for Flex5-ASASNL, Ref 54 for Flex5-
depend, among others, on the hydrodynamic added Poseidon, Ref 33 for ADCoS, the basis for ADCoS-
mass (i.e., the water mass that may be interpreted as Offshore).
moving with the structure through the water), an in-
ertia coefficient cm and a drag coefficient cd . Surface
effects are not taken into account. There is no damp- Tool Verification and Validation
ing due to wave radiation, for example. The Morison Code-to-code verifications allow for simplification of
approach leads to an inertia component with a phase load cases and models and, therefore, make it possi-
shift of ϕ = 90◦ and a drag component in phase ble to trace back differences to the underlying sources.
with the water surface elevation. A code-to-code comparison may get close to a vali-
The basic formulation of the Morison equation dation for newly developed codes if those are tested
is extended, for example, with terms for tangential against tools that were extensively validated in ad-
drag along a member or using a modified inertia term vance. In contrast, during a validation process, load
to account for larger diameter members.50 However, cases, which means in this case the influence from
it is still an approach with strong restrictions and em- the physical environment, cannot be simplified, even
pirical coefficients that have to be derived from tank if ‘simple’ external conditions may be selected from
testing, for example. See Ref 51 for a comprehensive long-term measurements. Furthermore, it is hard to
critique of the Morison approach that is widely used analyze the extent to which a difference found be-
primarily due to its simplicity. tween simulated and measured data is due to mod-
eling errors, measurement errors or resulting from
limitations of implemented theories. In practice, it is
Capabilities of Currently Available Tools often a challenge for researchers to get detailed design
Developersk and modeling capabilities of several tools data for a given turbine and structure due to confiden-
are shown in Table 1. Aerodynamic calculations are tiality limitations. Obtaining offshore measurements
based on BEM and GDW (cf., Rotor and Aerody- is costly. However, after gaining a certain confidence
namic Loads Calculation) including dynamic stall in a newly developed code, validation is inevitable.
corrections in most of the tools. Some tools use very In the aforementioned OC3 project, the NREL
simple methods to include dynamic effects in the 5-MW baseline wind turbine on a monopile with fixed
aerodynamics calculations also called GDW. How- foundation, a monopile with flexible foundation, a
ever, this is not differentiated herein. Hydrodynamic tripod and a floating spar buoy were simulated in
loads are calculated basically with Airy wave theory, four subsequent phases. The results are summarized
stream function wave theories, or user-defined kine- in Ref 55. More details on tripod modeling in phase
matics combined with the Morison equation. Other III is provided in Ref 56.
wave theories are not detailed here. The relatively In Phase II, three simplified linear soil models
new approach that allows for embedding an ex- were used: An apparent fixity (AF) model, a cou-
treme wave into an irregular sea state52 is not in- pled springs (CS) model and a distributed springs (DS)
cluded in the table. Methods based on potential flow model.l A set of load cases with increasing complexity
are implemented in a few tools. Most of the tools was defined and run.
provide interfaces to include controller DLLs and In Figure 10, results from a load case including
simple algorithms are usually directly implemented. the fully flexible OWT on the monopile with flexible
Alaska/Wind, FAST, HAWC2, and and MicroSAS- foundation under loading from stochastic wind and

Volume 00, September/October 2012 

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 11
Advanced Review

T A B L E 1 Overview of Aero-Hydro-Servo-Elastic Modeling Capabilities

Code Developer Aerodynamics (aero) Hydrodynamics (hydro) Control (servo) Structure (elastic)
ADAMS-WaveLoads MSC + NREL + LUH BEM or GDW + DS Airy or UD + ME, Airy + PF DLL or UD Turbine: MBS,
+ ME Moorings: QSCE,
ADCoS-Offshore ADC + IWES BEM + DS Airystr. or UD or Stream + ME DLL or UD FEM
Alaska/Wind IFM BEM or GDW + DS Airystr. or UD or Stream + ME DLL or UD or SM FEMP + Modal /
ASHES NTNU BEM Airy + ME to be developed FEM
BHawC RisøDTU + Siemens BEM or GDW + DS Airystr. or UD + ME DLL or UD MBS / FEM
Bladed GH BEM or GDW + DS Airystr. or UD or Stream + ME DLL Turbine: FEMP +
Modal / MBS,
Moorings: UDFD
Bladed Multibody GH BEM or GDW + DS Airystr. or UD or Stream + ME DLL or UD MBS
FAST NREL BEM or GDW + DS Airystr. or UD + ME, Airy + PF DLL or UD or SM Turbine: FEMP +
+ ME Modal / MBS,
Moorings: QSCE
FAST-Ansys NREL, Ansys, ABS BEM or GDW + DS Airystr. or UD or Stream + ME DLL or UD or SM FEMP + Modal /
Modal / MBS,
Moorings: FEM
FEDEM WindPower Fedem BEM or GDW + DS Airystr. or Stream + ME DLL or UD FEM + Modal / MBS
FLEX5 RisøDTU BEM or GDW + DS Airystr. or UD or Stream + ME DLL or UD FEMP + Modal /
FLEX5-AQWA RisøDTU + Ansys + BEM or GDW + DS Airy +PF + ME DLL or UD Turbine: Modal /
REpower MBS, Moorings:
FLEX5-ASAS(NL) RisøDTU + Ansys + BEM or GDW + DS Airystr. or UD or Stream + ME DLL or UD FEM + Modal / MBS
FLEX5-Poseidon RisøDTU + SWE + BEM or GDW + DS Airystr. or UD or Stream + ME DLL or UD FEM + Modal / MBS
GAST NTUA BEM or 3DFW + DS Airystr. + PF or Stream + ME UD MBS / FEM
HAWC RisøDTU BEM or GDW + DS Airystr. or UD + ME DLL or UD
HAWC2 RisøDTU BEM or GDW + DS Airystr. or UD + ME DLL or UD, SM
Turbine: MBS / FEM,
Moorings: UDFD
MicroSAS-OWT McDermott + NREL BEM or GDW + DS Airy or UD + ME DLL or UD or SM FEMP + Modal /
OneWind IWES BEM or GDW + DS Airystr. or UD + ME DLL or UD MBS / FEM,
Moorings: QSCE
Phatas-WMCFem ECN + WMC BEM + DS Airystr. or Stream + ME DLL FEM
S4WT Samtech BEM + DS or UD Airystr. or Stream or UD + ME DLL or UD Turbine: FEM / MBS.
Moorings: FEM /
Simo MARINTEK BEM Airy + PF + ME DLL Turbine: MBS,
Moorings: QSCE,
USFOS-vpOne SINTEF + NTNU + BEM + DS Airystr. or Stream + ME DLL or UD FEM
Virtual Prototyping
3Dfloat IFE-UMB BEM or GDW Airy or UD + ME UD Turbine: FEM,
Moorings: FEM,
BEM, blade-element momentum theory; GDW, generalized dynamic wake theory; 3DFW, free wake vortex particle method; DS, dynamic stall implementation; Airy, Airy wave
theory; Airystr. , Airy wave theory with stretching method(s); Stream, stream function wave theory; ME, Morison equation; PF, linear potential flow with radiation and diffraction;
DLL, external dynamic link library; SM, interface to Simulink with MATLAB; UD, user-defined subroutine; UDFD, user-defined force–displacement relationships; QSCE, quasistatic
catenary equations; FEM, finite-element method; FEMP , finite element method for mode preprocessing only; MBS, multibody-dynamics formulation; Modal, modal reduced systems.

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 00, September/October 2012
WIREs Energy and Environment OWT loads and design

F I G U R E 1 0 Legend for the OC3 Phase II results, Power spectra for fore-aft monopile shear force and respective monopile bending moment at
mudline under combined stochastic wind and wave loading.

waves are shown as an example. The legend on top validation of design loads for wind turbines is briefly
of the figure identifies the partner who submitted the described and the validation of simulation tools and
results,m the software used and the implemented foun- models is characterized as the first part of this design
dation model. The graphs show the power spectra for loads validation process. The paper refers to the re-
fore-aft monopile shear force and respective monopile spective IEC standards. IEC 61400-1361 gives detailed
bending moment at mudline. In general, most results information on data acquisition and processing and
compare very well among the codes. refers directly to the (simulated) load cases described
Figure 11 shows results for an OC3 Phase III in IEC 61400-13 for comparison.
load case featuring a rigid OWT model under deter- Extensive measurement campaigns were carried
ministic wave loads (no wind). The tripod structure out during the Beatrice Wind Farm Demonstrator
and the tripod load output positions, the legend for Projectq where two REpower 5M were installed in 45
the OC3 Phase III resultsn and the fore-aft bending m of water on jacket type support structures. Results
moments at positions 1–6 are shown (top down from are detailed in Ref 62 and the challenge to record suffi-
left to right). The comparisons, in general, agreed cient wind and wave data for design validation during
quite well, see Ref 55 for a detailed interpretation the campaign is described. Another example is the Re-
of the results shown in Figures 10 and 11. search at Alpha Ventus (RAVE) initiative,r a research
All model descriptions and simulation results framework accompanying the construction and op-
data from the OC3 project are available to the publico eration of the German Alpha Ventus test site with
and can be used in the OWT simulation community. p its 6 AREVA Multibrid turbines on tripod structures
The OC3 work continues in its follow-up project and 6 REpower machines on jacket structures. During
OC4, in which a jacket-type support structure and this effort, extensive measurement data is gathered.
a semisubmersible floater are simulated in combina- First results of the ongoing project were presented in
tion with the NREL turbine.57 Ref 63. During the HyWind project,s in which the
Apart from such large projects, internal code world’s first large OWT on a floating structure was
comparisons occur in many organizations. Examples installed, an extensive measurement campaign was
are the verification of Alaska/Wind against Bladed, carried out.
FAST and FLEX5 at Chemnitz University58 or veri-
fying the in-house developed coupling between Posei-
don and Flex5 against Bladed as shown in Ref 59. Current Developments
A detailed description of simulation tool and Developments are ongoing and further research needs
model validation is not the scope of this paper. In are identified in many areas including the following
this context, it is referred in Ref 60. In Ref 60, the topics.

Volume 00, September/October 2012 

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 13
Advanced Review


( ) ( )


( ) ( )


( ) ( )

F I G U R E 1 1 Tripod structure and tripod load output positions, legend for the following results and fore-aft bending moments at positions 1–6
(positions 1–6: top down from left to right).

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 00, September/October 2012
WIREs Energy and Environment OWT loads and design

r Verification and validation of tools including r Offshore wind parks usually are arrays of
wave loads simulation on branched bottom- many turbines and each turbine is heavily ex-
mounted structures is still ongoing (cf., Tool posed to the wakes of other turbines. The
Verification and Validation). More accurate result is a global velocity loss and higher tur-
modeling of these structures in coupled tools bulence. Some coupled tools already include
is being developed.64, 65 simplified wake models (see, e.g., Refs 73 and
r Tools for floating turbines66 are currently 74). ‘Wakes’ are one of key the issues for off-
being further developed, especially to ac- shore wind development carved out by the
count for higher-order hydrodynamic theo- UK Carbon Trust.u
ries for improved accuracy of wave loads. r Integration of ice loads simulation in cou-
Mooring lines dynamics are to be included pled tools is currently realized (see, e.g.,
in OWT simulation tools. In Ref 67 the Ref 75 and verification and validation of the
implementation of a dynamic mooring line respective tools is an ongoing process.
model in HAWC2 may be found as an r As mentioned in Tool Verification and Val-
example. idation, strongly simplified models are used
r It is commonly understood that BEM (cf. Ro- for soil modeling and linearized models are
tor and Aerodynamic Loads Calculation) is usually based on the p-y-approach originally
not accurate, especially for some load cases, developed for small piles in sand only.76
for example, including large yaw errors. Sev- More detailed models and measurements
eral tools already have the GDW theory im- are used to crosscheck the results. How-
plemented, other groups are working on this ever, especially damping properties of the
topic. The next level of complexity to be in- soil are subject of ongoing research (see, e.g.,
cluded in WT codes are vortex methods.68 Ref 77).
However, even more detailed aerodynamic r Current research work is realized concerning
representations (see, e.g., Ref 69) are be- so-called ‘smart rotors’ including actively or
ing developed. Some sophisticated codes use passively controlled aerodynamic modifica-
blade-element theory for the blade loads tion of the blade during operation.78
coupled with computational fluid dynamics r For design optimization of support struc-
(CFD) and a momentum sink approach for
tures, design process and tool capabilities
the induced velocities and the wake. Full CFD
are extended to include site- and structure-
around the blades and in the near wake is a
specific load mitigation systems (i.e., con-
current research topic.
trols). Recent research has shown that by
r Nonlinear blade deflection models account- including specific controls into the design
ing for loads on deflected blades (cf.,Coupled process and simulations of offshore support
Effects, Important Nonlinearities, and Sum- structures, cost-effective solutions can be
marized Loads) are a current research obtained.79 Specific load phenomena such as
topic70 ; they are already included in some of extensive sideways structural vibrations77, 80 ,
the tools.33 measurement techniques such as LIDAR81, 82
r Especially for large drivetrains, simplified or structural dampers83 are in the focus.
modeling (cf. Section Coupled Simulation Us-
ing the Respective Tools) leads to inaccurate
load assumptions. More detailed drivetrain
models may be included, for example, us-
ing interfaces as realized in Bladed for gear
box models through a defined interface to ex- System properties and loading of an OWT differ sig-
ternal software compiled as DLLs (dynamic nificantly from properties and loading of an oil and
link library).t Another approach is to extend gas structure (cf., System Properties of Offshore Wind
available multibody drivetrain libraries for Turbines and Resulting Loads, Rotor and Aerody-
global wind turbine dynamics simulation as namic Loads Calculation, and Support Structure and
described in Ref 71 using SIMPACK. In Ref Hydrodynamic Loads Calculation) leading to differ-
72 it is mentioned that existing drivetrain ent design cases. There is, therefore, a high need
libraries can be included in the OneWind for differentiated and technically feasible design and
Tool. certification procedures, taking the experience from

Volume 00, September/October 2012 

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 15
Advanced Review

F I G U R E 1 2 Part of the design load case table from IEC. (Table from IEC 61400-3 (edition 2009), licenced by VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik
Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V.—Department DKE. Please take care to always use the latest edition you can get at and

oil and gas, but also the experiences and, in some Fatigue and Extreme Loads
respect, more complex, requirements from wind en- The setup of relevant design load cases is dependent
ergy into account. Several standards and guidelines on the selected standard or guideline. The cases are
were set up in the wind energy community to face listed in a so-called design load case table as shown
these challenges. For example, the international stan- in Figure 12.
dards from IEC that define among others the design In general, there is a distinction between fatigue
and load considerations for onshore3 and OWT.10 (indicated as ‘F’ in Figure 12) and ultimate load cases
Guidelines, such as DNV84 and GL,8 are based on ex- (indicated as ‘U’, respectively) and again between op-
periences from offshore oil and gas and were extended erational, start-ups, shutdowns, parked/idling, fault,
for offshore wind purposes. The advantage of these and transportation, installation, and maintenance de-
documents is that they, compared to the ones from sign situations. Figure 12 also defines the wind (NTM,
IEC, also contain details in terms of structural analy- normal turbulence model; ETM, extreme turbulence
sis and certification, that is, specific proofs of weld model; ECD, extreme coherent gust with direction
connections in the offshore context. Finally, there change; EWS, extreme wind shear) and wave (NSS,
can be special requirements in certain countries. In normal sea state; NWH, normal wave height; SSS,
Germany, all design certifications have to follow the severe sea state) conditions to be considered, but
guidelines from BSH,85 which is in charge of giving also aspects such as directionalities (COD, codirec-
permits for projects in German waters outside terri- tional; UNI, unidirectional; MUL, multidirectional;
torial waters. However, there is a need to associate MIS, misaligned), currents (NCM, normal current
these requirements with internationally valid stan- model), or water levels (MSL, mean sea level; NWLR,
dards. The purpose of the standards and guidelines normal water level range).
is to support the process leading to the full project As an example for fatigue, the design load case
certificate and later monitor the fabrication, installa- DLC1.2 can be stated, which can result in extensive
tion, operation and decommissioning. The focus here simulations of the present aerodynamic and hydrody-
is limited to the design itself and, in particular, to the namic load effects. Here, the entire wind speed range
considered load effects in connection to the prior dis- has to be taken into account. For each wind speed bin
cussed environment (Description of the Marine En- (cf., Long-Term Wind Statistics), there are again dif-
vironment), system properties (System Properties of ferent wave conditions (both in terms of heights and
Offshore Wind Turbines and Resulting Loads), and periods) possible (cf., wave scatter diagram in Ocean
tools (Aero-Hydro-Servo-Elastic Tools for Offshore Waves). This means that there can be up to 30–40 dif-
Wind Turbine Simulation). ferent wind–wave combinations per bin. In addition,

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 00, September/October 2012
WIREs Energy and Environment OWT loads and design

for each wind and wave condition, different corre- a pitch motor sticks and therefore causes a misalign-
lations of wind and wave directionality occur. With ment among the blade pitch angles, which results in
the described multiplications, the designer may end significantly unbalanced loading. Here, appropriate
up with more than 50,000 cases just for fatigue load- supervisory control strategies also are important to
ing theoretically. However, in practice, this number is include in the simulation and the design process to
drastically reduced as described below. The loads re- reduce the loads.
sulting from the simulated time series are then extrap-
olated according to the probability of environmen-
tal conditions used in the simulations for the turbine The General Design Process
lifetime. In the wind sector, a parallel process between turbine
Depending on the support structure type, the and support structure design has been established, as
amount of load simulations can be reduced in coop- illustrated in Figure 13.
eration with the certification agency. An example is As a key element, the site has to be investigated
reduction due to symmetries. For structures with large in terms of environmental, but also geographic con-
cylindrical shapes such as monopiles, which are very ditions. This data, together with some project-specific
sensitive against misalignment effects from wind and information, is then summarized in a so-called design
waves in general, the loading differences are not too basis. This document contains all design-relevant in-
large for waves acting from 90◦ or 270◦ . The induced formation, that is needed in the design process. An
vibration is similar. Therefore, easily half of the di- example can be found in Ref 16. On the basis of the
rectionalities, and thus simulations, can be excluded design basis, the RNA and support structure is ini-
or, in other words, their probabilities can be trans- tially designed, where the RNA is mainly given as
ferred to the ones with 180◦ difference. Still, for such a standard product and certified for a typical wind
a reduction, it is important to include all specific load- class. The support structure design has to be site spe-
ing phenomena, such as effects from secondary steel cific. To obtain a site-specific design, the loads on the
components such as J-tubes or boat landings. support structure from the RNA and from the hydro-
For ultimate load calculations, the simulation dynamics have to be combined. The most accurate
amount is as extensive as it is for fatigue. Here, the solution includes the use of a coupled design tool (cf.,
combination of probable extreme load events from Aero-Hydro-Servo-Elastic Tools for Offshore Wind
wind and waves together with operational errors in Turbine Simulation). However, often it leads to con-
the turbine, and accidental risks such as ship colli- fidentiality problems between the turbine manufac-
sions, leads to a significant amount of cases to be con- turer and the support structure designer, because the
sidered. Most common environmental extreme events turbine design is confidential and thus the data can-
are wind 50-year gusts or 50-year extreme waves. not be provided to the support structure designer.
However, rated wind speed, where the rotor thrust Therefore, partly integrated approaches may still be
is highest, is also problematic what means that op- used, where loads at a predefined interface (such as the
erational conditions can lead to the ultimate loads. tower flange) are exchanged between the turbine man-
For extreme waves combined with gusts, the capa- ufacturer and the support structure designer. Commu-
bilities of simulation tools are an important factor nication between the turbine manufacturer and the
to accurately model the events. Former tool packages support structure designer is extremely important to
simulated, for example, extreme wave events in a qua- guarantee an efficient process flow during the nec-
sistatic manner and added a dynamic amplification essary iterations. The process incorporates load and
factor, because they were not able to include the dy- load-effect calculations for the complete wind tur-
namic response together with relatively flexible struc- bine comprising the support structure and RNA.10
tures and hydrodynamic nonlinearities. This induces The output of this calculation is then used as load in-
a lot of inaccuracies; therefore, the possibility of em- put in detailed FE models of the specific components
bedding an extreme wave into an irregular sea state (e.g., blade, hub, tower, or substructure) for the de-
was developed (cf., Capabilities of Currently Avail- tailed design. The design process continues until the
able Tools). Other special requirements for simula- structural integrity has been verified and the certifica-
tion tools in the context of ultimate load simulations tion agency ensures the accuracy of the design. In case
are the modeling abilities of turbine failures. This in- of the described problem, this design approach might
cludes in the most cases specifically programmed con- change in the near future, as recent developments en-
troller devices being able to simulate faults correctly. abled a further solution. Here, the turbine manufac-
Examples are errors in the yaw device, where the tur- turer provides the RNA as a black box (e.g., as DLL)
bines suddenly turn the nacelle out of the wind, or to the support structure designer, who then couples

Volume 00, September/October 2012 

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 17
Advanced Review

F I G U R E 1 3 Design process for offshore wind turbines. (Figure 2 of IEC 61400-3 (edition 2009), licenced by VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik
Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V.—Department DKE. Please take care to always use the latest edition you can get at and

it to a sophisticated tool for the design of OWT sup- ences these loads and its characteristics are described.
port structures. Such a development is currently ongo- Large and heavy rotating parts, flexible structures and
ing with the tool package ROSAP (Rambøll Offshore actively controlled components, interact with static,
Structural Analysis Programme).86 periodic, stochastic, and transient loads in a highly
nonlinear system.
As a result of external and system properties, it
CONCLUSION is required that simulation tools model the turbine as
In this paper, current approaches for the calculation a nonlinear system in a coupled time-domain simu-
of loads on OWTs are described. lation environment (Aero-Hydro-Servo-Elastic Tools
Description of the Marine Environment de- for Offshore Wind Turbine Simulation). Aero- and
scribes the environment and its stochastic nature that hydrodynamics, the flexible structure and the control
only can be described using statistical methods. Ex- system are accounted for in a large set of tools or
tensive measurements in the past led to the long- and tool combinations described herein. There is an on-
short-term wind and wave statistics used today and going need of code verification and validation that is
described herein. accounted for in many projects. Turbine component
In System Properties of Offshore Wind Tur- developments need to be accounted for in the tools
bines and Resulting Loads, the turbine that experi- (e.g., new support structure types such as floaters,

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 00, September/October 2012
WIREs Energy and Environment OWT loads and design

or current control strategy developments). The neces- h
sity for more accurate aero-, hydro-, and structural .html. (Accessed August 29, 2011).
dynamics is expressed in research projects and respec- i
Verification and validation are used according to the
tive publications. following definition in the context of this work. Val-
Design Work in the Context of Standards and idation answers the question: ‘Are you building the
Guidelines describes standards and guidelines devel- right thing?’, here this assures that the tool gives a
oped to give engineers advice on how to use the tools, valid approximation of the physics in the real world.
including the turbine and environment, ending up in This refers to comparisons of calculated results to
fatigue load cases and ultimate limit-state load cases measurement data. Verification answers the question
including normal operation of the turbine, the shut- ‘Are you building it right?’, that is, the theories or
down of the turbine in storm conditions, influences formulas faultlessly implemented as intended. This is
from damaged components, to finally design reliable realized via code-to-code comparisons usually. The
and cost-efficient OWTs. questions in quotes are directly taken from Ref 39.
See, for example Ref 40 for the commonly used
p-y-approach modeling the soil using nonlinear force–
displacement relationships.
Code developers: National Renewable Energy Lab-
The conclusion is to design OWTs, not just to mount oratory (NREL), MSC.Software (MSC), Ansys Inc.
an onshore turbine on an offshore structure. How- (Ansys), Texas A&M University (TAMU), American
ever, this topic is beyond the scope of this paper. Bureau of Shipping (ABS), McDermott International
b Inc. (McDermott) from the United States; Endowed
ice3d-cfd-software/ and Chair for Wind Energy at the Institute for Aircraft
design/lewice.html; accessed September 29, 2011. Design at the Universität Stuttgart (SWE), Fraun-
The significance and even the existence of this gap is hofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System
widely discussed (e.g., Ref 15); however, it is used in Technology IWES (IWES), Leibniz Universität Han-
engineering applications as described in the following. nover (LUH), Institute of Mechatronics at Chemnitz
d University of Technology (IFM), REpower Systems (Ac-
SE (REpower), Aero Dynamik Consult Ingenieurge-
cessed August 17, 2011).
sellschaft mbH (ADC), SIMPACK AG (SIMPACK)
‘To impress offshore people with your knowledge from Germany; Risø National Laboratory for Sus-
during a night at the bar (next to having a strong tainable Energy and Technical University of Danmark
stomach to keep all the alcohol) remember the differ- (Risø DTU), Siemens AG—Wind Power (Siemens)
ence between jackets and towers. The foundation of from Denmark; Germanischer Lloyd Garrad Hassan
a tower is connected to the frame at the seafloor, a (GH) from the United Kingdom; Institute for Energy
jacket’s foundation is formed by piles that are driven Technology and the Norwegian University of Life
through the legs and connected at the top.’ (see Ref 24, Sciences (IFE-UMB), Norwegian Marine Technology
p. 39) In the offshore wind community, both possibil- Research Institute (MARINTEK), Norwegian Univer-
ities would be called a jacket as long as legs are con- sity of Science and Technology (NTNU), Fedem Tech-
nected by braces comparable to the structure shown nology AS (Fedem), SINTEF, Virtual Prototyping A/S
in Figure 9 no matter where the piles are connected (Virtual Prototyping) from Norway; National Techni-
or even no matter if piles are used or not. cal University of Athens (NTUA), Aristotle University
Flapwise: Blade bending around the axis in the rotor of Thessaloniki (AUTh) from Greece; Energy Center
plane, perpendicular to the undeformed blade axis. of the Netherlands (ECN), Knowledge Center Wind
Flatwise: Blade bending around the local chordline. Turbine Materials and Constructions (WMC) from
Lead-lag bending: Blade bending around the axis per- the Netherlands; Samtech from Belgium.
pendicular to the rotor plane, perpendicular to the un- l
AF: The Monopile is extended using a cantilever
deformed blade axis. Edgewise bending: Blade bend- beam with adapted length and stiffness properties
ing around the axis that lies (1) in the cross sectional below mudline. CS: Coupled rotational and transla-
area of the blade and (2) perpendicular to the local tional springs are defined, that is, a stiffness matrix is
chordline (cf., see Ref 29, pages 8, 9). defined at mudline. DS: The Monopile below mudline
g (Ac- is modeled and a set of linear springs distributed over
cessed August 29, 2011). the depth to represents the soil.

Volume 00, September/October 2012 

C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 19
Advanced Review

Except Cener, the National Renewable Energy being benchmarked using the OC3 results after the
Center of Spain, the contributors are mentioned project has ended.
above. q
Two versions of Bladed and HAWC 2 were used (Accessed October 19, 2011).
here, a version with Euler–Bernoulli beam elements r
(EB) for structural modeling and a version with Tim-
(Accessed October 19, 2011).
oshenko beam elements (Timo). Leibniz Universität
Hannover (LUH) contributed with a combination of
their in house developed WaveLoads code combined NewEnergy/RenewablePowerProduction/Offshore/
with Ansys. Hywind/Pages/HywindPuttingWindPowerToTheTest
o .aspx. (Accessed October 19, 2011). (Accessed Octo-
ber 19, 2011).
Researchers at IWES already took advantage of this /TurbineDefinition.php. (Accessed September 27,
during the development of the software OneWind. 2011).
Even though OneWind was not tested within OC3
over the course of the project, the software is now (Accessed October 19, 2011).

The part of this work done at Fraunhofer IWES was funded by the German Federal Ministry
for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety. The authors would like to
thank Julia Gottschall, Gerrit Wolken-Möhlman, and Hristo Lilov for the input concerning the
offshore environment. Thank you for your support to Urs Wihlfahrt, Wojciech Popko, Sebastian
Hetmanczyk, and Mareike Strach (all from IWES).

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