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2114 Madison Road
Suite #2
Cincinnati, Ohio 45208
+1(513) 218-6103

Mr. Daniel Klingler

Executive Director
OTR Adopt

Date: September 11, 2021

Subject: First Lutheran Church | Bell Tower Structure | Site Observations Summary

Dear Mr. Klingler,

At your request, Julie Cromwell & Associates, LLC performed additional site investigations and
observations of the Bell Tower structure and sandstone masonry façade of the First Lutheran
Church (“FLC”), located on Race Street in the heart of Over the Rhine in Cincinnati, OH. JCA
was on site September 2, 2021, and September 9, 2021, to further assess the condition of the
existing Bell Tower structure and facade, validate JCA proposed repair details and to identify the
existing structural components and systems utilized to resist both gravity and lateral forces
imparted on the Bell tower. The purpose of this summary is to share our findings related to the
Bell Tower’s existing structural system.

It is important to note after two additional days on site, inside the steeple structure observing
the wood framing components and connections, surveying the brick and sandstone masonry
shaft, investigating the steel structure from Sanctuary attic to basement, that there were no
obvious signs of distress related to the overall structural integrity of the main gravity and
lateral support systems of the Bell Tower. As reported previously by JCA, there are several
isolated components that will require repairs, including limited degradation of the steel girders,
lower wood tension ring repairs, and masonry façade remediation that includes tuck/point,
replacement and rebuilding isolated areas of the sandstone masonry facade.

The additional site visits allowed JCA to extend the condition assessment of the Bell Tower
structural components. Several more deficiencies were noted including degraded wood rafters,
inadequate support of the wood posts at the Bell Level, various items related to the wood-framed
platforms, cracks in the masonry arch of the west dormer at the Bell Level and sandstone
masonry without proper backup along the west elevation at the Attic Level. JCA will provide a
complete list of deficiencies and recommended repairs related to the FLC Bell Tower structure
in a subsequent report and detailed remediation documents and specifications.


Mr. Daniel Klingler | First Lutheran Church | Bell Tower Structure
September 11, 2021

Observations & Findings

Existing Structural Systems Summary
Below is a summary of existing structural components and systems that support the FLC Bell
Tower. The summary below does not consider current conditions of the members or repairs
required to bring the structure back to the original condition, only how the Bell tower was
constructed, performs and continues to stand tall today.

 Upper rafters, that lean into one another at the peak, are connected to lower rafters with
wood framed upper tension ring; several diagonal bracing (horizontal/vertical)
components noted at the upper tension ring.
 Lower rafters are connected to lower wood framed lower tension ring supported by posts.
 Both upper and lower tension rings counteract the inherent thrust (lateral force) due to
gravity loads and the weight of the rafters supported roof system.

Upper Tension Ring Connection with Upper/Lower Rafters

 The base of the steeple is square and gravity loads are balanced across the tension the
 Wood posts at the perimeter provide gravity support (vertical) for both the tension ring
and the rafters.


Mr. Daniel Klingler | First Lutheran Church | Bell Tower Structure
September 11, 2021

 The wood posts are supported by the Bell Level wood joists, which are supported and
anchored to the Bell Tower masonry shaft brick walls through pockets in the brick

Bell Tower Masonry Shaft

 Four-sided multi-wythe brick and sandstone masonry walls providing both gravity and
lateral support of the steeple, FLC bell and interior wood platforms. The mass masonry
walls perform as both bearing and shear walls. The shaft is square, symmetric, and
inherently strong. There are rowlock courses of brick that extend into each wythe
connecting the layers of brick together. Steel anchors lock the sandstone façade back to
the brick wall.
 At the Sanctuary Attic Level, all four mass masonry walls are supported by steel plate box
 It is important to note that at the Sanctuary Attic Level, the south masonry wall of the Bell
Tower supports the northern rafters of the Sanctuary dome, interconnecting the two
structures – both vertically and laterally.

Sanctuary Rafters Supported by South Wall of FLC Bell Tower

 Both the north and east masonry walls of the Bell Tower extend to foundations below the
steel box girder. Currently there are no significant penetrations of the north wall. There
are several door/window openings that penetrate the east wall in levels below the
Sanctuary Attic.


Mr. Daniel Klingler | First Lutheran Church | Bell Tower Structure
September 11, 2021

 The south mass masonry wall stops at the top of the steel box girder in the Sanctuary
 The west masonry shaft wall shortens below the steel plate box girder and stops
approximately 9 feet from the outside face of the north wall. The west masonry wall does
not extend to the foundation but is supported below the Gallery floor in the ceiling of the
first floor. The structural support is unknown but assumed to tie to the structural steel
support of the curved Gallery mass west masonry wall at the north end. There are no
obvious signs of distress in the ceilings below the support of the west wall. Removal of
the first-floor ceiling would provide further insight as to the support mechanism.

Shortened West Wall of Bell Tower

Bell Tower Steel Frame

 Four steel plate box girders provide perimeter bearing support of the Bell Tower masonry
shaft. The steel plate box girders are 30” deep and 18” wide, with double webs fastened
to the top and bottom flange plates with steel angles and rivets, creating a steel tube that
is inherently strong for vertical, lateral and torsional forces imparted on the steel frame.
The north and south box girders sit on top of the east and west box girders.


Mr. Daniel Klingler | First Lutheran Church | Bell Tower Structure
September 11, 2021

Connection of Stee Plate Box Girders

 Four cruciform steel columns support the steel plate box girders. The steel cruciform
column has a flange on all four sides, eliminating concerns of a weak axis as found in
modern W-shape columns. The east steel plate box girder cantilevers over the southeast
column, as the column is set back from the corner. All columns, except for the southwest
column, are wrapped with brick. The southwest column (exposed inside the Gallery) is
wrapped with approximately 2” of plaster, creating a circular shape.
 The cruciform column is topped with a steel collar and cap plate that connects the steel
plate girder to the column.
 It is important to note that the Sanctuary Attic truss, spanning across the Gallery, is
supported by the southwest FLC Bell Tower column, interconnecting the Bell Tower and
Sanctuary structures. The steel bracket supporting the wood truss was visible from the
Attic Level. The steel bracket appeared to extend below and was visible at the Gallery
 It is also important to note that there were no obvious signs of structural distress with the
Gallery. There were no visible cracks in the plaster ceiling or walls.


Mr. Daniel Klingler | First Lutheran Church | Bell Tower Structure
September 11, 2021

Sanctuary Truss Supported by SW Corner Column of Bell tower



Bracket Between Sanctuary Truss and SW Corner Column


Mr. Daniel Klingler | First Lutheran Church | Bell Tower Structure
September 11, 2021

Evidence of Bracket Below Ceiling at Southwest Bell Tower Column

 Two horizontal ties, connect the southwest column to the southeast column and the west
mass masonry wall at the Gallery Level. The structural tie shape is not known, as plaster
covers the tie completely. However, based on all other components found on site at this
Level, the tie is assumed to be a structural steel component. The tie braces the south
west column in both directions laterally.
 Just below the Gallery floor framing horizontal x-bracing was found connecting the four
cruciform columns; providing a brace for each column at this level and presumably
included in the original construction to prevent the steel cruciform columns from buckling
 It is important to note that there were no obvious signs of structural distress in the steel
frame of the FLC Bell Tower, other than the degradation noted on the exterior face of the
steel plate box girder at the Sanctuary Attic level, due to water infiltration.


Mr. Daniel Klingler | First Lutheran Church | Bell Tower Structure
September 11, 2021

Southwest Column Below Gallery Floor Double Angle X-Bracing

Double Angle X-Bracing Connection to Southwest Column


Mr. Daniel Klingler | First Lutheran Church | Bell Tower Structure
September 11, 2021

Location of Double Angle X-Bracing at Southeast Column

FLC Bell Stamped with ‘Buckeye Foundry 1895’


Mr. Daniel Klingler | First Lutheran Church | Bell Tower Structure
September 11, 2021

 Additional connections between the FLC Bell Tower and Sanctuary structures are likely
at the First Floor Level. Though there were no obvious signs of distress, indicating a
structure that is performing well. However, further investigation through selective
demolition could be performed to validate those components and connections.

Though the FLC Bell rings via hammer today, the bell remains seated on the same platform and
supported by the original Bell Tower structure constructed in 1895. The rope pull for the FLC
Bell hammer remains in place at the Gallery and continues to work today.

As noted above, the purpose of this summary was to document the additional findings through
JCA’s site investigations and observations related to the existing structure of the FLC Bell Tower
and provide additional insight as to how the Bell Tower, now more than 125 years old,
mechanically works, continues to resist both gravity and lateral forces (wind/seismic) and stand
tall. JCA continues to stand by our report issued June 30, 2021, the lateral force resisting system
upgrades proposed by THP Limited are not necessary for the stability of the existing Bell Tower
structure and are not required by the Ohio Building Code.

Observations made during the site visits were visual, based on limited access and
framing materials visible at the time of the site observations.
This Report is based on apparent conditions existing at the time of the site visits
only. Latent and concealed defects and deficiencies may be present and as such
are not addressed in this Report. The conditions of the Property may change due
to factors such as additional wind events, actions taken by the Owner or others, or
the passing of time itself. Julie Cromwell & Associates, LLC does not offer or imply
any warranties or insurance to address possible errors or hidden defects.
Julie Cromwell & Associates, LLC has made every effort to perform a
comprehensive and thorough assessment based on the focused scope. Julie
Cromwell & Associates, LLC reserves the right to amend the conclusions and
recommendations of this report upon further evaluation of the existing structure
including but not limited to additional onsite testing (destructive, investigative,
material). Further assessment of the upper steeple rafters and tension ring is
recommended prior to release of final repair recommendations.



Mr. Daniel Klingler | First Lutheran Church | Bell Tower Structure
September 11, 2021


Paula J. Dombrowski, P.E., REWC, LEED AP

Director of Forensics and Restoration
P.E. Registrations: OH, PA, KY, NC, SC, VA
Julie Cromwell & Associates, LLC
+1(513) 814-3121


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