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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2002, 16(4), 530–538

q 2002 National Strength & Conditioning Association

The Acute Effects of Heavy Loads on Jump Squat

Performance: An Evaluation of the Complex and
Contrast Methods of Power Development
School of Human Movement and Sports Science, University of Ballarat, Mt. Helen, Australia 3350;
Performance Enhancement Center, Queensland Academy of Sport, Wooloongabba, Australia 4102.

ABSTRACT achieve the greatest benefits from power training it

The purpose of this investigation was to examine power per- should be performed in a fatigue-free state and there-
formance in jump squats when using the complex and con- fore should be performed at the beginning of an ex-
trast training methods. Eleven (n 5 11) women participated ercise session or on a separate training day (18). The
in a familiarization session and in three randomly ordered best results are attained when a combination of heavy
testing sessions. One session involved completing sets of and light loads are implemented within the 1 workout
power exercises (jump squats) before sets of half squats (tra- (24). By performing heavy loads before light power
ditional method). The second session involved sets of half exercises there is greater activation and preparation for
squats before sets of jump squats (complex method). A third maximal effort in the lighter load (24). The heavy re-
session involved the alternation of sets of half squats and
sistances are an attempt to bring about adaptation in
jump squats (contrast method). No significant difference in
jump squat performance between each of the training meth-
tension-dependant neural mechanisms that inhibit the
ods was found. There was a significant difference (p , 0.05) excitation of motor neurons in voluntary maximal con-
in the first set of each session, with the complex method tractions (10).
having a significantly lower peak power. Further, there was The use of heavy resistance exercises and lighter
a significant difference (p , 0.05) in performance changes resistance exercises within a session has repeatedly
between the higher and lower strength groups, with the been referred to as ‘‘complex training’’ (5–7, 9). Chu
higher strength group having a greater improvement in per- (6) claimed, ‘‘the power increases achieved through
formance using the contrast training method compared with complex training are up to three times more effective
the traditional method. It was concluded that contrast train- than conventional training programs!’’ Fleck and Kon-
ing is advantageous for increasing power output but only for tor (10) described complex training as a series of sev-
athletes with relatively high strength levels.
eral exercises performed in succession, designed to in-
Key Words: neuromuscular activation, jump squat, crease the ability to produce power quickly. To add
strength confusion, the terms ‘‘complex training’’ and ‘‘contrast
training’’ have been used interchangeably to define the
Reference Data: Duthie, G.M., W.B. Young, and D.A. use of heavy and light resistance loads within the
Aitken. The acute effects of heavy loads on jump squat
performance: An evaluation of the complex and con- same workout. For the purpose of this investigation
trast methods of power development. J. Strength Cond. ‘‘complex training’’ defines various sets of groups/
Res. 16(4):530–538. 2002. complexes of exercises performed in a manner in
which several sets of a heavy resistance exercise are
followed by sets of a lighter resistance exercise. The
term ‘‘contrast training’’ refers to a workout that in-
Introduction volves the use of exercises of contrasting loads, that is,

T he order of exercises within a resistance training

session is an important factor when establishing a
resistance training program (11). Power training is
alternating heavy and light exercises set for set. Per-
forming lighter resistances before the heavy resistanc-
es will be termed the ‘‘traditional training’’ method.
commonly conducted using lighter resistances that are It has been repeatedly demonstrated that there is
performed explosively because it was previously an increase in twitch tension after high-intensity vol-
shown that performance gains will be optimized untary contractions (12–14, 23), and it has been stated
through the use of a training load that maximizes the that the use of maximal voluntary contractions
mechanical power output of an exercise (26). To (MVCs) results in short-term increases in explosive

Acute Effects of Heavy Loads 531

force in the upper and lower body that can be attri- ground reaction forces after the heavy bench press.
buted to ‘‘an improved neuromuscular activation due However, no direct measurement of the medicine ball
to neuronal Post Tetanic Potentiation (PTP) effects’’ power drop performance was measured. Further, it
(14). This potentiation effect predominates in FT fibers was not stated whether the maximal force achieved
(3, 4, 12, 13, 17) implying that strength- and speed- was a result of catching the ball or the force generated
orientated athletes would demonstrate greater poten- in the pushing movement of the exercise. Because of
tiation due to these sports using predominantly fast no significant differences in the results, complex train-
twitch (FT) muscle traits. ing does not result in a decrease in performance and
Radcliffe and Radcliffe (20) integrated power- and therefore may provide an organizational advantage to
strength-orientated exercises into a standard warm-up the performance of heavy resistance training and ply-
routine to establish any improvement in peak power ometric exercises.
output in a single response jump task. Men improved Verkhoshansky and Tatyan (25) examined if there
standing long jump (3.9 cm), when the warm-up in- was any significant difference in power development
cluded 4 sets of 4 power snatches at 75–85% of 4RM when manipulating the order in which exercises are
(4 repetition maximum) compared with a warm-up conducted within a single training session. Novice
without high-intensity exercises. track and field athletes were subjected to a 12-week
Young, Jenner, and Griffiths (27) examined the program that included 36 sessions. One group per-
acute enhancement of power performance using heavy formed speed-strength exercises after strength exercis-
load squats. Power performance was measured from es. A second group used the opposite order of exer-
jump squat height, and heavy load 5RM squats were cises. A third group used only 1 method of training,
used to stimulate the neuromuscular system. Men DJs, and this was referred to as the control group.
were required to conduct a familiarization session to Compared with the second and control group the
establish a 5RM load for the squats and also to famil- complex method had the least improvement in speed-
iarize subjects with the jump squat exercise. On a sep- strength. Therefore, an increase in the training effect
arate day, subjects performed 2 sets of 5 jump squats of speed-strength exercises performed after heavy
(19 kg), then a set of 5 half squats (5RM), and then loaded exercises was not supported. This investigation
another set of 5 jump squats (19 kg). Four minutes of used novice track and field athletes, and the authors
rest was observed in between all sets, and there was highlighted that such training methods may be bene-
a statistically significant 2.8% increase in jump squat ficial to highly strength-trained athletes.
height after the set of half squats. Young et al. (27) Although intense exercise results in a potentiation
suggested that this difference occurred because of the of power performance (27), and this was because of
squats producing an acute potentiation. increased neuromuscular activity (14), the effect of
Gullich and Schmidtbleicher (14) reported that 3 several sets of a heavy loaded exercise on power per-
MVCs of the leg extensor muscles produced a 3.3% (p formance, as in a typical weight-training session, has
, 0.05) increase in counter movement jump (CMJ) not been examined. If such an effect could be main-
height for men and women athletes. Drop jump (DJ) tained during an entire weight-training session, then
height also increased, even though contact time re- a greater training stimulus could occur (14, 27). This,
mained the same. Also, after 1–3 upper-body MVCs, over time may lead to greater adaptation and therefore
a purely concentric bench throw had a reduction in greater improvements in performance. The purpose of
the maximal force achieved; however, there was a this investigation was to establish if the use of complex
trend for the rate of force development to increase. or contrast training methods could improve power
Consequently, explosive force and movement velocity performance throughout an entire weight-training ses-
were greater. One important factor noted by Gullich sion.
and Schmidtbleicher (14) was that speed-strength po-
tentiation has high general validity within populations Methods
of trained speed-strength athletes. It was suggested
that ‘‘if during specific speed-strength training, max- Experimental Approach to the Problem
imum performances are achieved under conditions of To examine the effects of combining heavy resistance
improved neuromuscular activation (after MVCs), par- exercises with a lighter exercise, 3 different weight-
ticularly high adaptations are to be expected as more training sessions were conducted. The half squat was
FT-units are recruited by the training stimulus’’ (14). used as a heavy loaded exercise, whereas jump squats
Ebben, Jensen, and Blackard (8) examined motor were performed as the lighter load exercise. Both ex-
unit recruitment, using electromyography (EMG), in ercises are commonly used by athletes for the devel-
the upper body of men during the medicine ball pow- opment of strength and power. Three sets of both the
er drop exercise after 1 set of heavy bench press (3– half squats and the jump squats were performed dur-
5RM). During the medicine ball power drop there ing each session because the subjects were currently
were neither changes in EMG activity nor in the peak using this protocol in their resistance training pro-
532 Duthie, Young, and Aitken

grams. This number of sets is also recommended for half squat exercise. A 5-minute rest was imposed be-
the development of both strength and power (11). Sub- tween all trials to allow subjects adequate time to re-
jects were required to attend 4 sessions. A familiariza- plenish energy stores and also allow recovery of the
tion session in which the subjects fully practiced the nervous system (21).
procedures of the study was first conducted. Each of All subjects were required to refrain from any
the other sessions examined the traditional, complex, high-intensity exercise on the day before testing to re-
and contrast training methods for power development. duce the possible effects of decreased performance be-
The training sessions were performed in a balanced cause it had been reported that fatigue negatively af-
randomized order with each session being approxi- fects neural activation responses (14). A standardized
mately 1 hour, with a minimum of 3 days and a max- warm-up that preceeded every testing session re-
imum of 5 days separating each testing session for quired subjects to cycle on a stationary ergometer for
each subject. The testing sessions were designed to be 4 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of light static stretch-
part of the athletes current training program, and the ing of the lower extremities. Subjects then performed
subjects were given verbal encouragement throughout several sets of submaximal half squats (60 and 80%).
each session. Within each session, power performance A 1-minute rest period was used between all warm-
in the jump squat was determined by jump height, up sets. Although submaximal sets of half squats were
peak power output, and maximal force achieved dur- performed in the warm-up, it has been shown that
ing a jump squat movement. submaximal contractions of less than 85% do not in-
duce potentiation of the nervous system (14). Submax-
Subjects imal and maximal sets of jump squats were performed
Eleven women (n 5 11), aged between 19 and 31 years to prepare the subjects for the explosive nature of max-
participated in the investigation. The participants reg- imal effort jump squats. Because all sessions involved
ularly undertook resistance training of approximately the same warm-up, the final set of maximal jump
5 hours per week, along with training for their selected squats in the warm-up was performed under the same
sports (hockey and softball) for a total of approxi- conditions; therefore the interday reliability of the test-
mately 20 hours per week. All had been involved in ing procedures was established.
high-intensity resistance training, aimed at increasing The traditional training session involved the order
strength and power, for more than 2 years. During the of exercises in which the light loads (jump squats) are
6 months before testing, the resistance training pro- performed before heavy loads (half squats). This ses-
grams of the participants had involved both the half sion also acted as a control because no 3RM half squats
squat and jump squat exercises. The participants were were performed before the jump squats; however, the
accustomed to performing explosive exercises, and half squats were performed after the jump squats to
such training forms a large part of their physical prep- simulate a conventional training session. The complex
aration. Previous experience was a perquisite for par- testing session involved the completion of all sets of
ticipation because of the testing involving a 3RM load- heavy resistance exercises followed by sets of the ligh-
ing for the squat exercise. The subject’s mean (standard ter exercises. The contrast training method involved
deviation, SD) age, weight, and height were 23.7 (3.2) contrasting heavy half squats with the lighter jump
years, 64.5 (5.5) kg, and 168.2 (4.9) cm, respectively. squats in an alternating fashion.
After thorough explanation of the procedures and
risks of the study, subjects read and signed a consent Testing Procedures
form that fulfilled the University of Ballarat’s ethics The jump squats were performed in a modified Smith
requirements. machine (Plyopower Technologies, Lismore, Australia)
positioned over a force plate (ONSPOT 2000-1). The
Testing Sessions Smith machine is 3 m high and allows for safe com-
All subjects first undertook a familiarization session pletion of the jumps. The bar is fixed using low-friction
that allowed subjects to practice the testing proce- linear bearings so that it can only slide vertically. The
dures, establish the positioning in the Smith machine 1RM was calculated by multiplying the 3RM value by
that set the knee angle at 908, and established a 3RM 1.06 (2). Thirty percent of the 1RM half squat was used
load for the half squat exercise. A 3RM load was used as the loading for the jump squats because it has been
because this load aims to develop maximal strength previously found to produce maximal mechanical
(11), and it was also a load that was commonly used power outputs (26). Subjects were instructed to keep
in the training of the subjects. The half squat exercise the bar in contact with the shoulders, with any loss of
required subjects to descend to a 908 knee angle in the contact being deemed a false trial.
squat position. To establish the 3RM load, subjects at- The Smith machine used in this investigation has
tempted 3 repetitions of a load and if successful, in- adjustable brackets that do not allow the bar to travel
creased the weight in increments of 5 kg. All subjects past a set point. During the familiarization session, the
had previously been exposed to 3RM testing for the brackets were positioned to allow each subject to attain
Acute Effects of Heavy Loads 533

a knee angle of 908 for the jump squat position. Sub- a cable-extension potentiometer (distance transducer)
jects were required to position themselves under the that produces a variable voltage output in relation to
bar, firmly grasping the bar and supporting it upon the extension of a cable. An analog to digital card (Na-
their shoulders. Subjects were then instructed to lower tional Instruments, AT-M10-16EZ, Austin, TX) then
themselves, flexing the hip, knee and ankle joints, captured the voltage data, with customized software,
while maintaining a neutral position of the spine. Both sampling at 500 Hz, converting the voltage data into
heels were required to maintain contact with the displacement data. The position transducer accurately
ground throughout the squat movement. Knee angle tracked the movement of the bar during the jump
was then evaluated by a manual goniometer, with the squats with 4 repetitions being recorded as 1 set of
brackets then positioned below the bar to prevent any data. The BMS system was calibrated against known
further descent below the specified 908. The position distances for the range in which the jump squats were
of the brackets was recorded for subsequent testing performed; this calibration was performed before all
sessions. testing sessions.
The jump squat was chosen as a procedure for A force plate was used for the kinetic analysis of
measuring the explosive strength of the leg extensors. the jump squat. The kinetic system comprised a force
The jump squat was undertaken from a stationary po- plate, instrument amplifier, and a personal computer
sition with the knees flexed at an angle of 908. Thus, (INTEL Pentium 166) using customized software sam-
the jump squat involved a purely concentric action and pling at 500 Hz. The software synchronized both the
eliminated the influence of muscle prestretch, which BMS and force plate data for comparable analysis. The
exists in other jumping tests such as a countermove- force plate and the BMS data were filtered using a
ment jump. Also the stationary position eliminated the fourth-order dual Butterworth filter, with the cut off
influence of different knee angles and different speeds frequency set at 50 and 10 Hz, respectively. The force
of dip that can occur with a countermovement jump, plate was calibrated with known masses before each
which can significantly influence jump performance (1, testing session. Customized software then allowed the
16). The 908 knee angle had been previously used in resulting force-time curve to be cropped for analysis
the testing of the strength-power qualities of elite ath- of individual jumps. Individual jumps could then be
letes (28). The bar rested on the shoulders and the displayed, with the force analysis commencing at force
jump was performed with the hands on the bar, there- application during the jumping movement.
fore eliminating any influence of impulse produced by The maximal force applied for each jump was es-
an arm swing. tablished from the force plate data. Acceleration was
After lowering the bar under control until it derived by subtracting the mass of the subjects and
stopped on the preset brackets, subjects were instruct- the 30% loading (system mass) and then dividing by
ed to lightly hold the bar on the brackets while main- the system mass. This acceleration data was then in-
taining the weight of the bar on their shoulders. After tegrated with respect to time to determine the velocity
a pause of 2 seconds they were instructed to jump ex- of the jump squat movement. Power was determined
plosively for height. After completion of the jump, sub- by the product of instantaneous force and velocity
jects regained their balance and repeated the above with peak power being the maximal value before toe
process for 4 repetitions. All subjects were given ver- off in the jump squat movement. To determine the
bal encouragement to attain the highest possible jump jump height achieved in each jump squat, the point at
height for each repetition. which the subject leaves the ground in the upward
The half squat exercise was selected because of the movement of the jump was ascertained from the force
mechanical relationship to the jump squat and also be- data. Because the BMS and force data were synchro-
cause it is a common exercise used for training nized, the same point was then extrapolated to the
strength and power. Because both exercises are per- displacement data provided by the BMS. The peak dis-
formed in the Smith machine, the travel of the bar was placement was calculated from the BMS, and the dif-
similar and therefore it is assumed that any muscle ference between the points was the displacement be-
activation that occurred in the half squat could have tween leaving the force plate and the peak height
potentially affected performance in the jump squat. achieved, this being the jump height.
During all sets of half squats, including warm-up sets,
subjects were encouraged to attain a knee angle of 908. Statistical Analyses
Subjects were also instructed to raise the weight as fast To establish the reliability of the testing procedures a
and as explosively as possible. 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted
on the jump results from the final set of the warm-up.
Jump Squat Analysis This data was termed the reliability set and was used
The ballistic measurement system (BMS, Optimal Ki- to establish that there was no significant difference be-
netics, Muncie, IN) was used to collect bar displace- tween methods at the beginning of each session. Also,
ment data during the jump squats. The BMS comprises the reliability established the ability of the testing pro-
534 Duthie, Young, and Aitken

cedures to discriminate small changes in performance Table 1. Mean squat strength.*

across different testing days. The mean values for the
set were calculated and both the intraclass correlation Mean SD
(ICC) and the technical error of measurement (TEM)
were established using the procedures from Pederson 120.5 12.8
Half squat 3RM (kg) 127.7 13.6
and Gore (19).
Predicted 1RM† (kg)
The mean of the jump height, peak power, and Relative strength (1RM/body weight) 1.98 0.18
maximal force for each set within a testing session Jump squat load (30% of 1RM, kg) 38.3 4.0
were calculated. These variables have also previously
been used to measure the explosive capabilities of the * SD 5 standard deviation; 1RM 1 repetition maximum.
leg extensor muscles (28). Statistical analyses consisted † 1RM 5 3RM 3 1.06 (2).
of a repeated measures multiple analysis of variance
(MANOVA) to determine
jump height, peak power, or maximal force for each
• (a) If there was a significant difference in the depen- of the sessions. There were also no significant differ-
dent variables between the training methods exam- ences in the mean jump height and maximal force be-
ined for the entire session, that is, the mean of all tween each method when examined by individual sets.
repetitions of the jump squat within a session. However, there was a significant difference in the
• (b) If there was a significant difference in the depen- mean peak power of sets, with the mean peak power
dent variables between the training methods exam- for the complex method being 74 W lower than the
ined for the first, second, or third set between ses- traditional method.
sions. This analysis was aimed at determining the When comparing the changes in jump height with-
influence of the heavy load squats on jump squat in a single session, there was no significant difference
performance for individual sets between sessions. in the mean jump height between sets within the tra-
For example, the first set of 1 session may differ sig- ditional, complex or contrast training sessions. When
nificantly from another session; however, this differ- comparing the changes in peak power within a single
ence may not persist in further sets. session there was a significant difference in the mean
• (c) If there was a significant difference in the depen- peak power between sets within the traditional train-
dent variables between each set within a training ses- ing session. The second set of the traditional training
sion. By examining the performance for each set method had a significantly lower peak power (247 W)
within a method any changes in the power perfor- than the first set of the traditional training session.
mance were monitored. Factors such as fatigue were There was no significant difference in the mean peak
monitored for any change during the entire session. power between sets within the complex and contrast
In the presence of a significant F value for the in- training sessions.
dependent variable Pairwise LSD Comparisons were Comparisons in maximal force within a single ses-
conducted to compare each level of the independent sion revealed that there was no significant difference
variable with each of the other levels. Because previous in the mean maximal force between sets within the
research indicates that stronger individuals benefited traditional and complex training sessions. Within the
more than weaker subjects (27), the sample groups contrast training session there was a significant differ-
were median split into higher strength (n 5 5) and ence in the mean maximal force between set 1 and set
lower strength (n 5 5) groups on the basis of their 2, and set 1 and set 3 (Table 2). For individual subjects,
predicted 1RM squat. The 2 groups were then com- the difference between the session mean of each vari-
pared using a repeated measures MANOVA with be- able in the traditional and the session mean in the
tween subjects contrasts to determine if differences be- complex and contrast training methods was estab-
tween training methods existed as a function of leg lished. The resulting values were then correlated to the
strength. For all statistical analysis the level of signif- predicted 1RM strength in the half squat exercise.
icance was p # 0.05. There was a significant correlation between an indi-
vidual’s absolute strength level and changes in peak
Results power (r 5 0.66), and maximal force (r 5 0.76), in the
contrast training session. A positive correlation meant
The strength results of the subjects are presented in that stronger individuals had an improvement in jump
Table 1, and all jump squat results are presented in squat performance in relation to the traditional train-
Table 2. For each variable tested there was no signifi- ing session.
cant difference in the reliability sets between each of Because of the difference in power performance in
the testing sessions. The TEM and ICC for each vari- the traditional and contrast training methods being
able tested are presented in Table 3. Statistical analyses significantly correlated with strength levels, the 11
revealed no significant difference between the mean subjects were median split (median value removed)
Acute Effects of Heavy Loads 535

Table 3. Interday reliability.*



Jump squat (cm) 0.4 3.29 0.94
Peak power (W) 84.7 2.93 0.95
Maximal force (N) 28.5 1.53 0.96
Maximal force (N)

* TEM 5 technical error of measurement; ICC 5 interclass

1,849 correction.


Peak power (W)

Figure 1. Maximal force for lower and higher strength





relative to predicted 1RM strength levels. This resulted

in 2 equal groups of 5 that were termed the higher and
lower strength groups. An independent samples T-test



revealed a significant difference in the mean predicted

1RM strength of these 2 separate groups with the low-

er and higher strength groups having a mean 6 SD

† Significantly different (p , 0.05) to contrast set 1 maximal force.
* Significantly different (P , 0.05) to traditional set 1 peak power.

predicted 1RM of 116 kg 6 10.0 and 139 kg 6 5.8,

A Repeated Measures MANOVA with Between

Subject Comparisons was then conducted to examine


the interaction between changes in power performance


between the traditional and contrast training methods

and strength levels. Maximal force demonstrated a sig-
Jump height (cm)

nificant interaction between strength levels and the

difference in maximal force for the traditional and con-

trast training methods. For the lower strength group


the mean 6 SD maximal force achieved in the tradi-


tional training and contrast training methods was 1815

Table 2. Jump squat results.

N 6 105 and 1802 N 6 126, respectively. For the high-

er strength group the mean 6 SD maximal force


achieved in the traditional training and contrast train-


ing methods was 1837 N 6 158 and 1874 N 6 152,


respectively. Figure 1 illustrates that the lower strength

group had a decrease (21%) in maximal force between
the traditional and contrast training methods. Con-
3 set mean

versely, the higher strength group had an increase

Set 1
Set 2
Set 3

(12%) in maximal force between the traditional and

contrast training methods.
536 Duthie, Young, and Aitken

Discussion tance exercise, this finding was not investigated for an

entire weight-training session. But it is important to
The reliability results indicate that all the measured note that although maximal effort was required for all
variables were reliable as established by the ICC and jumps, this investigation required subjects to complete
the TEM. This indicates that the measurement proce- further sets of jump squats to examine the effect for
dures had the ability to detect small changes in per- an entire weight-training session. Also, although po-
formance. Also, there was no significant difference be- tentiating effects have been demonstrated in women
tween methods for any of the measured variables in after MVCs (14), improved performance after heavy
the reliability set, indicating that individual subjects loaded resistance exercises in women has not been
attended each session in a similar physical state. shown and requires further investigation. But muscle
When all subjects’ data were pooled, no training hypertrophy and fast fiber type conversions in heavy
mode was significantly different from the traditional resistance-trained women have been shown to have
training method for all the variables tested. It can similar characteristics to those of men (22), which may
therefore be concluded that no method was superior suggest that potentiating effects within muscle would
to another. There was a trend, although not significant, also be similar. One possible explanation for the failure
for the contrast training method to have superior re- to increase performance may have been the strength
sults on all variables tested. levels of the athletes. Young et al. (27) found that the
During the first set the complex training method 5RM half squat of 10 men with at least 1 year of ex-
subjects had a significantly lower peak power than the perience in the half squat exercise was 152.2 kg 6 30.1.
traditional training method, demonstrating that the When comparing this with the current investigation,
complex training method had a decrease in perfor- 120.5 kg 6 12.8 for a 3RM half squat, it can be con-
mance for the first set. One possible explanation is a cluded that subjects in the current investigation had a
fatigue effect from the 3 sets of 3RM squats. Although lower absolute strength than the subjects in the study
this did not result in the entire method being signifi- of Young et al. (27). But because the mass of the sub-
cantly different from the traditional training method, jects was not reported, no comparisons of relative
there was also a trend for the complex training method strength can be made.
to have the poorest results for the training session. Ver- Subjects in the current investigation were national
khoshansky and Tatyan (25) found that performing and international women hockey and softball players.
heavy loads before speed-strength exercises resulted The training program of the athletes in the current
in the poorest improvement in ‘‘explosive strength’’ investigation does not solely focus on the development
during a 12-week training program. A 3RM loading of strength and power; rather aerobic conditioning,
was also used; however, only 2 sets were performed speed and agility training, and rehabilitative resis-
before the speed-strength exercises (25). tance training are also conducted. The results of this
The comparison of sets within each method re- investigation are therefore specific to the subject pop-
vealed some significant differences. There was a clear ulation and cannot be generalized for athletes from
trend for the values to decrease during the training different populations.
session (Table 2), regardless of the nature of the or- A significant correlation was established between
dering of exercises, indicating a fatigue effect during predicted 1RM strength levels and the difference be-
each of the training sessions. Although there was a tween the traditional and contrast training methods
trend for performance to decrease during the training for peak power and maximal force. The correlation in-
session, it should be noted that the subjects regularly dicated that subjects with greater strength levels were
performed this volume of sets, or greater, in their re- able to benefit from the contrast training method com-
sistance training programs and were therefore accus- pared with subjects of a lower strength level. This find-
tomed to the demands of this investigation. When ing is in agreement with that of Young et al. (27), who
comparing each of the sessions, the contrast training showed that stronger subjects had greater gains in
method had a smaller decrement in performance and jump squat performance after 1 set of heavy 5RM half
this may be due to a potentiation effect occurring to squats. Similarly, Gullich and Schmidtbleicher (14) dis-
counterbalance with the fatigue. It has been suggested played a significant potentiation response in the H-
that muscle twitch responses after MVCs are the net reflex for highly trained strength athletes but not in
result of force-potentiating and force-diminishing ef- physical education students.
fects (15). It is therefore possible that during the con- When subjects were split into higher and lower
trast training session there was a potentiating effect strength groups based on predicted 1RM strength lev-
from the 3RM squats that decreased the influence of els, for maximal force, stronger subjects had a greater
the fatigue in the jump squats. performance in the contrast training method com-
Although Young et al. (27) and Gullich and pared with the traditional training method. Converse-
Schmidtbleicher (14) demonstrated a potentiation in ly, the lower strength subjects had a declined perfor-
power performance for a single set after a high-resis- mance in the contrast method compared with the tra-
Acute Effects of Heavy Loads 537

ditional method. This may suggest that stronger ath- icant improvement in performance in the contrast
letes were able to benefit from manipulating the order training method. Although mean values demonstrated
of exercises in the contrast training method. Because a trend in favor of the contrast training session, all
of the coexistence of fatigue and potentiation after vol- subjects did not demonstrate this. Given the designat-
untary contractions (15), it is possible that the stronger ed rest period between all sets for all subjects in the
athletes had a greater potentiation than fatigue, where- current investigation, some subjects may have missed
as the opposite occurred in the lower strength subjects. their ‘‘window’’ of potentiation and were therefore in-
Therefore it could be recommended that athletes de- capable of demonstrating an augmentation in power
velop a sound strength base before undertaking the performance. Indeed, because of their high interindi-
contrast method of power development. For example, vidual differences, Gullich and Schmidtbleicher (14)
the results indicate that women hockey and softball concluded that generalized instructions to athletes
players with a mean predicted 1RM half squat of 116 would be inappropriate. Therefore, in the development
kg were unable to benefit from contrast training and of training programs for athletes, the time period be-
had a decrease in both peak power (21%) and maxi- tween performing heavy loads and lighter loads
mal force (21%) in the contrast training session com- should be determined individually.
pared with the traditional session. Subjects with a It can be concluded that the contrast training meth-
mean predicted 1RM half squat of 139 kg were able to od for power development may lead to greater im-
benefit from contrast training with an increase in peak provements in power performance than the traditional
power (14%) and maximal force (12%) when com- method of training. But significant strength levels are
pared with the traditional training session. Possible required before benefits will be seen from this training
mechanisms behind this difference may be that lower method because the contrast training method provides
strength athletes were not able to lift a load that rep- little advantage to athletes of lower strength levels. The
resented their maximal capabilities and therefore did complex method of power development resulted in a
not achieve the stimulation required to induce a po- significant decrease in performance during the first set
tentiating response (14). of the training session. It is therefore concluded that
It therefore appears that higher level strength ath- this method results in a reduced performance that
letes may benefit from the contrast training method over time may lead to the impairment of power de-
and that to benefit from contrast training, athletes velopment. Individual experimentation is necessary
would be required to have high maximal strength lev- for athletes to develop their own training program
els. To trigger a potentiation response, a high propor- consisting of the optimal weight-training practices that
tion of FT units, maximal stimulus intensity (100%), will lead to significant gains in power performance.
and considerable stimulus duration (several seconds)
are necessary (14). It is theoretically possible that only Practical Applications
highly trained strength athletes are capable of pro-
ducing such an intense stimulus during a resistance Any practical application requires careful implemen-
training exercise. tation and individual experimentation. The most im-
It should be noted that there were limited subject portant finding in this research is that significant
numbers, and therefore these suggestions should be strength levels are required for an athlete to use the
treated with caution. Also, previous research into po- contrast training method effectively. For example,
tentiating effects in women is limited. The results within the current study, women hockey and softball
demonstrated that stronger athletes benefited from the players who had a predicted 1RM half squat in excess
contrast training method using a 3RM load for the half of 135 kg were able to benefit from the contrast train-
squats. A 3RM loading was used in this investigation ing method. Therefore, it could be suggested that ath-
because a load of 3RM may cause a potentiating re- letes that have undergone an intensive strength train-
sponse. Young et al. (27) found that a 5RM load caused ing background and have developed a high level of
a potentiation of power performance, as measured by strength may have the capability to benefit from such
countermovement jump height. Although MVCs training methods. The results of this investigation sug-
would be expected to provide a higher force output, gest not performing exercises in a complex training
and therefore a greater potentiating response, half method as several sets of a heavy strength exercise re-
squats are commonly used in the strength condition- sulted in a decrease in performance for the first set of
ing of athletic populations and are more realistic in the the jump squats.
training of athletes. It could be suggested that over a period of time,
The results of the current investigation demon- training with the contrast might result in greater im-
strate that the benefits of the so-called ‘‘complex train- provements in performance than the traditional or
ing methods’’ cannot be assumed to be general to all complex methods of training. But this suggestion is
athletic populations. But individual experimentation is purely speculative and was not examined in this in-
recommended because stronger subjects had a signif- vestigation.
538 Duthie, Young, and Aitken

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