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Tatmadaw holds
second coord
meeting on
THE second coordination meet- Tun Oo, Commander-in-Chief
ing to protect, treat and provide (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San,
other necessary services to the Commander-in-Chief (Air) Gen-
public, Tatmadaw personnel and eral Maung Maung Kyaw, and
families regarding COVID-19 was Tatmadaw officers.
held at the office of the Command- The Senior General first de-
er-in-Chief (Army) in Nay Pyi Taw livered a speech. The meeting
yesterday. then discussed preparations to
Present at the meeting were test people suspected of COV-
Commander-in-Chief of Defence ID-19, quarantined persons and Senior General Min Aung Hlaing chairs the second coordination meeting to protect, treat and provide other
Services Senior General Min accommodation arrangements, necessary services to the public, Tatmadaw personnel and families regarding COVID-19.   PHOTO: C-IN-C DEFENCE
Aung Hlaing, Deputy Command- treating emergency patients and SERVICES
er-in-Chief of Defence Services virus-positive patients in Tatmad- There are currently no COV- ents, 161 Tatmadaw men in home Yangon, 242 in Nay Pyi Taw and
Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice aw hospital and other buildings, ID-19 positive patients in the Tat- quarantines, 88 dependents, 44 they are all in stable health condi-
Senior General Soe Win, Union and acquiring necessary medical madaw. There is one Tatmadaw Tatmadaw men facility quaran- tions, according to news released
Minister for Defence Lt-Gen supplies. The Senior General re- men in hospital isolation, two tine, 55 dependents. by the Commander-in-Chief of
Sein Win, Chief of General Staff plied to the discussion and deliv- dependents, 14 Tatmadaw men As of 8 April, there are 132 Defence Services office.—MNA
(Army, Navy, Air) General Mya ered the closing speech. in hospital quarantine, 14 depend- civilians for facility quarantine in (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)

Local staff found guilty in Transit centres receive

sharing rice ration of IDPs to AA more persons under
investigation for
A combined team of security to the AA group. Rakhine communities through
forces and local authorities con-
fiscated 150 rice bags carried
According to investiga-
tions, about five members
WeChat. He arrived back to Ra-
khine State in February this
COVID-19 infection
by a clerk of Nyaungchaung of AA group went to the IDP year amid the outbreak of COV- TRANSIT centres in Nay Pyi people are now at Transit Cen-
village-tract and 14 young peo- camp with the former local ad- ID-19. Taw and Yangon are keeping tre in Hlaing Township and 284
ple on a truck which was head- ministrator and instigated the While he was taking shel- more persons under investiga- common people at the Transit
ing to Thayettapin village from persons there, saying that they ter at the Nyaungchaung IDP tion for COVID-19 virus infection. Centre in Nay Pyi Taw, according
Kyauktaw Township on 4 April. were not the IDPs, but just the camp, he helped U Ohn Naing A man and a woman who to the report from the Office of
The Office of Commander revolutionaries. in carrying the rice bags. returned from China arrived at Commander in Chief of Defence
in Chief of Defence Services U Ohn Naing failed to re- Further investigations the centre in Hlaing Township Services.
reported that the bags were tak- port this case to the authorities showed that 7 young men, out in Yangon on 8 April, while the Local medical teams in Nay
en for the internally displaced although he was responsible for of the 14 suspects, got basic Transit Centre in Nay Pyi Taw Pyi Taw Command and Yangon
persons at Nyaungchaung doing so as a civil service staff, military trainings from the AA accommodated a man who ar- Command are providing food
camp from Kyauktaw Township even helping in it. at the forest camps in 2019 and rived back from China, and 32 and medical services to these
Administration Office which is Out of 14 suspected young 2020. men and 9 women from border persons who are in good health
sharing the rice for the IDP people, Kyaw Kyaw Naing said The remaining young men towns Laukkai, Tachileik, Muse, conditions, the report said.—
camp every month. he raised funds for the AA from were said to be threatened by Kengtong, Kalay, Myawady, Mon- MNA
Former local administra- the migrant workers in Thai- U Ohn Naing for carrying the gyu and Maungtaw.
tor U Than Aye was reportedly land based on racial motivation rice bags on that day. Up to date, 134 common (Translated by Aung Khin)
asked to local clerk U Ohn Na- while he was working there in The report also said that
ing, aged 55, to take out the rice. 2014 as he was organized by an legal actions are being taking
However, only two-third of
the rations went to the camp,
AA member, namely Kyaw Gyi.
In 2018, Kyaw Kyaw Naing
against them.—MNA
Authorities seize ARSA,
and one-third of them were sent also collected funds for AA from (Translated by Aung Khin)
AA sites
THE Office of the Commander- UNHCR-issued card for refugee

Correction in-Chief of Defence Services re-

leased news that they discovered
camps in other countries.
Similarly, security forces
an ARSA post 2,500 metres to seized a temporary site of AA
Please read “conspiring” instead of “aspiring” in the third line of 4th paragraph of the
the west of Kamaung Seik Vil- located 7,000 metres to the
Directive No 1/2020 “ Compliance with the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of
the Crime of Genocide” body text appearing on the page-2 of 9 April 2020 issue of the Global lage, Maungtaw Township with southwest of Ponnagyun Town-
New Light of Myanmar. The GNLM regrets it. — Ed two huts that contained small ship. They discovered trenches,
firearms, walkie-talkies, camou- gunpowder, accessories and ra-
flage uniforms and shoes, cook- tions donated by NGOs to IDP
ing oil, rice and potatoes, a bag camps. —MNA

Call Thin Thin May, 09251022355, 09974424848 full of medicine, a hand-phone,

a binocular, plastic bags and a (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)

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