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Throughout my studies as a major in public health, I believe I have found the niche part I want to play in

this large and overarching field. The primary population I want to interact with are doctors, physicians,
and other medical practitioners. I want to be able to be able to promote access and knowledge to new
medications and treatments coming into the market. Therefore, my ideal public health focus will be in
pharmaceutical marketing, representation, and education. I feel that with all the scientific research
being conducted, newer and better drugs are being developed to treat or cure many maladies, illnesses,
and conditions. I hope to be able to play a role in getting knowledge of these new medications out to
various practitioners, who can then offer them to their patients.

What initially drew my interest into the field of pharmaceuticals was my friend’s eczema. His eczema
would come in bouts and caused him much discomfort and irritation. He began suffering from the
condition at age 9 and he had visited several dermatologists in search of treatments. However, nothing
seemed to provide him with adequate relief. Finally, at the age of 17, his pediatrician had met with a
pharmaceutical representative for lunch that same day, and the representative discussed a new topical
ointment for eczema. They had brought some “trial packs” and to my friend’s great surprise, the
ointment worked!

Therefore, what question draws me to public health? Nearly anyone who knows me would say that I am
a very social individual. I’m a people-person, an extrovert, and I’ve always been that way. I knew I
wanted to have a career where I was constantly working with people. What drew me to the public
health in particular was when I saw how much good one can do. As I mentioned above, a large passion
of mine is getting the best information and medications available to the most people. Public Health plays
a major role in developing methods to educate, disseminate, and provide the appropriate tools,
knowledge, and guidelines to improve the health and livelihoods of various populations. Throughout my
courses, I came to see significant health disparities amongst minority populations and realized that there
is an important need for public health officials to take on these challenges. A right to health should be
considered a basic human right, and I believe that there is a lot of work needed to make that happen.

Given today’s rapidly changing economic, social, and political setting, planning has become difficult to
say the least. First and foremost, I plan on becoming adaptable. I believe this time in human history
requires this and those that are the most adaptable, will be the most likely to succeed. However, in
more concrete terms, I plan on reaching out and networking with people to see if I can begin working in
some sort of medical sales position. Ideally, I want to work in pharmaceutical sales/ equipment, but as a
new grad, I will accept what is available. As I mentioned I want to use my people skills to make
connections between the physicians and the companies I represent. As a long-term goal, I would like to
eventually head a team or district. Hopefully, with the networking and connections I make, I can
establish a name for myself and develop a steady clientele.

In general, society benefits from progress. What I intend to do is get progress into the hands of those
who can give it to those in need. For example, a new drug for blood pressure, or an emerging approach
to treating AIDS are examples of medical progress. I want to make sure the latest treatments are
available to the largest amount of people. Public Health should be any nation’s priority, and I hope to
play my part with the skillset and interests I have as an individual. Utilizing my people skills, curiosity,
passion for health, and salesmanship, I want to bring awareness and accessibility to the best treatments

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