SOP - Right Way To Start !!: Timelines

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SOP - Right Way to Start !!

Name of IR

Referror Name

Date of Sign up
IMMEDIATE: One to one within 48 hrs
Attended Welcome Module of Sign up, Group Welcome to swtich Yes/No
on mandatory
Handed over Books & DVDs At the time of Welcome with Sequence Yes/No
First 4 Weeks take new IR along, Call a
Plugged in Weekly System & Vcell Yes/No
day before to confirm
Dream List Short-mid-long term Yes/No
Name List Hot-warm-cold separate Yes/No
Hot Zones - Act 48 (Within 48 hrs of Sign Zig - Zag & Importance of Hotzones &
up) Position
MOST IMP - Meet CTC/ISB Uplines for
Switch On Session - Connect Session with
get right mindset & getting the bigger Yes/No
Uplines picture
To be in communication & be plugged
Has min 3 uplines Names & Numbers Yes/No
3 uplines
Sat through 5 plans Ask New IR to sit Quietly & listen Yes/No

Message on 1st Plan/1st Sign up/1st Small achievements - Recognise to

Cheque/1st 1000 USD sent/ L1 Message build the culture

Timelines Particulars Date of

Watch - Welcome DVD
1st 24 hours
Watch - The Secret DVD

Watch - 8 Basic Building Blocks DVD

Meet with working partner for
Within 48 hrs
orientation (Welcome)
Act 48 Min 1 Left+1 Right as Hot Zones

Dream list Min 20 Dreams

Within 72 hours
Name list Atleast 300 names

Plug into support group - Infiniti

1st week

1. Empty your Cup

Watch all remaining DVD's 2. 8 Business Building Blocks
3. Bio Disc (India)
Read all Email attachments Links about the company and others
1. Parable of the pipeline
2. Business School
3. Copycat Marketing
15 days Read all 6 books
4. Questions are the Answers
5. Talk the Talk (India)
6. Who stole the American dream
Sit with the IR and help him with these
Show atleast 10 plans
Product trainings Bio Disc/ QVI / Brill
Work with targets Min 1 cheque / wk

Show another 10 plans min Earn $1000 in a week atleast once

Show the road map - L1/L2/L3 with
1st month Master the plan
S1/S2/S3, Edify Camps

Show plans Self & Team

15 Plan per Month Personal
2nd month onwards
Watch as many DVD's as possible again 8BBB/ Rule 3 MUST


To BUILD ur organization you have to continuosly BUILD YOURSELF, Everything starts with YOU

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