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Courthouse Square

510 King Street, Suite 340

Aiexandria, Virginia 22314
P 703,566.3041
Global liberty alliance F 703.566.3972

September 14, 2021

Cardinal Sean Patrick O'Malley, OFM CAP.

Archdiocese of Boston Pastoral Center
66 Brooks Drive
Braintree, Massachusetts 02184

Dear Cardinal O'Malley,

Thank you for your continued support for the plight of the people of Cuba as
they work towards securing liberty, justice, truth, and reconciliation. I am writing to
share a few thoughts related to your blog post about your most recent trip to the
Caribbean gulag.

First, Cuba unlawfully detains and imprisons dissidents, political activists, and
religious leaders of various faith and belief backgrounds. While underreported in the
media, the Catholic Church continues to suffer the brunt of the attacks. We have
advised or represent several Catholic religious, other Christians, Jewish, and various
FoRB communities such as the Free Yorubas. I have alerted you in the past to such
matters, including the case of Father Jose Alvarez Devesa. He was beaten and rounded
up after the July 11 uprising and remains under legal watch. Unfortunately, religious
persecution is increasing, not decreasing. The Office of Religious Affairs, the
Communist Party's Religion Police, continues to threaten, intimidate, and persecute
members of FoRB communities throughout the island, infringing on their right to
religious freedom.

Second, regarding Cuba's medical brigade program. Global Liberty Alliance

(GLA), working for several years in Latin America, has counseled former Cuban health
professionals who defected from the program. The Cuban Communist Party does not
respect the labor rights of its people at home nor when they export them, some by force,
to provide health services as part of medical brigades. Last month the government of
Uruguay announced it would cancel one Cuban Medical Brigade program due to
contract irregularities that were investigated after GLA uncovered forced labor and
human trafficking issues in Uruguay. GLA casework is ongoing in Uruguay as well as
Brazil, Guatemala, and Honduras.

Finally, American citizens are imprisoned in Cuba, including Ms. Alina Lopez
from Miami, Florida, who has been unlawfully detained for close to five years.

A part of The Global Rule of Law & Liberty Legal Defense Fund

According to U.S. government sources, nineteen Americans may be unlawfully

detained or imprisoned in Cuba. The U.S. Congressional Task Force on American Hostages
and Americans Wrongfully Detained Abroad, led by Rep. Ted Deutch (D-Fla.) and Rep.
French Fhll (R-Ark.), has highlighted and is following Ms. Lopez's case, among others.
We can think of no more critical issue between the United States and Cuba than the
release of all Americans unlawfully imprisoned in Cuba, starting with Ms. Lopez. We
have consulted several experts on Alina's matter, including Mr. Elizardo Sanchez,
Cuban Commission for National Reconciliation and Human Rights, who has repeatedly
stressed that Ms. Lopez should be released as her matter is political, not legal.

Thanks mainly to the July 11 uprising, the Biden administration has a unique
opportunity to impact U.S.-Cuba relations in a way no other President has since the end
of the Cold War. Before any humanitarian assistance is shipped to Cuba, the Cuban
regime must resolve urgent matters addressed in this letter, among other issues of
concern to Americans. If and when humanitarian exports to Cuba from the U.S. or from
U.S. persons are allowed, under no circumstances should Catholic Charities or any
entity connected to the Catholic Church, such as Caritas Cuba, be required by Cuba to
store or distribute assistance via Cuban government-controlled warehouses,
distribution systems, or with the pre-approval of Cuban officials. Please do all you can
to ensure humanitarian aid is not politicized. The Catholic Church has the political and
moral clout to ensure this does not happen.

The American people have always supported the people of Cuba, unlike other
nations and companies, who for more than a generation have propped up the system or
engaged, directly or indirectly, in forced labor and other non-market-based practices in
various money-making sectors such as remittances, tourism, biotechnology, and
medical services. The Cuban people are counting on responsible stakeholders such as
the Catholic Church to support the people's efforts to advance the cause of liberty,
wellbeing, justice, truth, and reconciliation.


Cardinal 0 'Maliey/Cuba/September 2021
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