NETIQUETTE / Internet Etiquette or Network Etiquette / Are Guidelines For Courteous Communication in The Online Environment

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NETIQUETTE / Internet etiquette or network etiquette / are guidelines for courteous communication

in the online environment.

1. Be careful with your tone. Please do not use capital letters. Do not be sarcastic. When you’re online,
you’re safe behind a screen, but that’s not an excuse to be ill-mannered or say things you would never
say in public.

2.. Read instructions carefully. Search first, then ask questions on the comment section below the post.

3. Be as polite as you are in person. Treat everyone like you want to be treated. Respect begets respect.

4. Use appropriate language. If possible, we will only use Filipino and English during discussions. Review
what you wrote and try to interpret it objectively.

5. Stay on topic. Do not add anything that are not related to the topic.

6. Remember that nothing is private online so please think before you click.

7. Make clear and brief points. If possible, please go directly to the point what you want to ask or
emphasize so it will be easier for us to read and discuss your concern/s.

8. Respect people’s privacy. Do not give details such as emails and phone numbers without asking
permission to the person. No photos will be taken during online class simulations ( i.e. zoom / google
meet without the consent of everyone. ) and avoid photo grabbing.

9. Respect others’ opinions and no to cyber bullying.

10. Don’t overuse the chat box. Don’t take advantage of your connection with the other students in your
online classroom to forward emails and links regarding your political/spiritual beliefs or to sell your

11. Submit assignments carefully. Make sure to submit on or before the given deadlines. Ask questions
immediately after the post if instructions are not clear.

12.In our class, we will maximize module-based scheme and lesser virtual – based interactions ( google
meet, zoom etc. ) This means that we are going to have a flexible time reading handouts, modules,
watching videos etc. that will be posted or uploaded earlier.

13.Announcements will be given as to when we will have our virtual interaction or online class
simulations. Always be updated.

14.Since we are not going to the campus, you are also advise to visit the university/ campus website for
announcements, instructions and proper guidelines.

15.If you need to consult with your teacher, address them properly at a proper time ( office hours ). Do
not expect an answer immediately.

16.Comply first before you complain. All of us are adjusting to this kind of learning environment. Let us
help each other adjust and learn things.

The International Center for Academic Integrity defined academic integrity as “a commitment to
fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility and from these values flow
principles of behavior that enable academic communities to translate ideals into action.”

Honesty: “adhering to standards of truthfulness and integrity”

Trust: participating in “an environment of confidence”

Fairness: abiding by the “standards, practices, and procedures” outlined by your instructors and

Respect: “encouraging a wide range of opinions and ideas”

Responsibility: assuming personal accountability and accepting sanctions in cases of


Online students are responsible for adhering to these standards in all academic activity and refrain from
all forms of academic dishonesty which include:

Plagiarism: taking credit for work that is not your own like copying and pasting from the
internet, failing to cite sources of information, failing to attribute direct quotes to their original author,
or submitting your work from another course without prior permission.

Cheating: includes copying another student’s work during an exam; using notes, books, or
electronic devices during an exam without prior permission; taking an exam for another student; and
communicating with or helping another student during an exam.

Collusion: this is any collaboration with another student/s without the permission of the

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