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Se ha posicionado a nivel nacional como una de las empresas líderes del sector de Logística
y Comercio Exterior en Colombia.
It operates en Buenaventura, Yumbo (Valle del Cauca), Madrid y Cartagena
Presta diferentes servicios logísticos como transporte de mercancía de punto a punto,
incluyendo embalaje y desembalaje de contenedores

Operamos el volumen de importantes líneas marítimas generando servicios basados en sus
requerimientos y en los altos estándares de los exportadores colombianos.

En más de 50.000 metros cuadrados, atendemos a los clientes del sur occidente del país que
requieren de una solución completa para sus operaciones de logística.

Basados en una red internacional de agentes ofrecemos transporte de mercancía de punto a

punto, incluyendo embalaje y desembalaje de contenedores, tracking de la mercancía desde
el momento de la entrega por parte del exportador, manejo de la mercancía en puerto de
embarque y puerto de destino e intermediación de servicios logísticos para la carga aérea,
marítima y terrestre.
It has positioned itself nationally as one of the leading companies in the Logistics and Foreign
Trade sector in Colombia. Through its service lines, Logistics Center and Container Yardsprovides
different logistics services to the most important companies in the country and in various
economic sectors.

With its own infrastructure in Buenaventura, Yumbo (Valle del Cauca), Madrid and Cartagena; with
presence in the main ports of Colombia, ensure the provision of a complete and efficient service
for its customers.

CONTAINER YARDS: We operate the volume of important maritime lines generating services
based on their requirements and the high standards of Colombian exporters.

LOGISTICS CENTER: In more than fifty thousand square meters, we serve customers in the
southwest of the country who require a complete solution for their logistics operations.

Based on an international network of agents we offer transport of goods from point to point
including packaging and unpacking of containers, tracking of the goods from the moment of
delivery by the exporter handling of goods at the port of shipment and port of destination and
intermediation of logistics services for air, sea and land cargo.

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