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1)Read through unit 11 (attached ) and review the rules 11a to 11e ,then correct the story on pages
344/ 345 (top)

Read the following fable from west Africa ,find and correct the errors in nouns clauses and
quoted and reported speech

Ananse lived with his family ,one year there was no rain ,so the corps did not grow .Ananse Knew
that there would not be enough food to feel everyone , One day his wife asked would it rain at all
next summer ?

I don’t believe so he replied you know ,he prefered to die than to see his children starve .
therefore he would allow himself to die so that there would be enough food for the family

Ananse then told his wife that he wanted the family to bury him on the farm and put into his coffin
all the things he would need for his journey, into the next world .He said it was critical that they
left his grave open .he wanted his soul to be free to wonder ,and he insisted that no one visited the
farm for three months after his death

The last morning ,Ananse ‘s family had found him dead ,but Ananse had been only pretending the
farm .One day his son Ntikuma , had realized that there wasn’t much food in the house and that he
must visit the farm had to feed the family ,where was all corn and millet ? he said to himself when
he had gotten to the farm .His mother told him the food had been disappearing at night .It was a
thief exclaimed Ntikuma I wanted to know who was he

Ntikuma had carved a statue from wood and covered it with tar ,then he had placed the figure in
the field ,that evening ,Ananse came out of his coffin and saw the figure .good evening he said ,I
don’t know you ,please tell me who you are ? the figure hadn’t replied

Ananse had gotten angry ,so he had slapped the figure ,his hand stuck fast Ananse shouted if
you didn’t let of my right hand I would hit you with my left ! he hit the figure felt .He had been
stuck had been very clever

The next day, Ntikuma and others had gone to the field ,I wondered Ananse caught the thief
someone asked then they , found Ananse ,he had been so ashamed ,he didn’t know what to do ,so
he turned into spider and climbed up a tree where he could not be seen

2)Read through 11c _ 11e _ 11h and correct the story # 4 on page 345 (word file attached )Find
and correct the errors in noun clauses and quoted and reported speech

He wanted more excitement “said one traveler

He wanted different things to do said another

When asked ,many travelers have insisted that they didn’t want to do just one thing while they were
on vacation In response, many tour operators now offer combination packages or “ Combos “
.David Rose of High Roads Traveled said we offered Combo packages that mix several activities in
one outing Mr Rose recommended that a traveler will take a Combo if he or she likes fun and
adventure, people love these trips are very clear , he added

Combo packages mix hiking ,cycling ,biking ,climbing ,rafting ,horse back riding or other activities.
Ron Clair of ways Traveled said “ Combos were his most popular trips “

Sunbathing at the beach all week was a thing of the past ,said Margret Erikson ,author of your
adventure ,can I tell you why were Combos so popular ? she asked .she continues today travelers
demand tour operators that will give them a variety of adventures .will this trend continue ? I
believe so .sometimes I wonder of or not they would be a superior athlete to take a Combo

Top athletes did things on their own said Mary Miller of High Mountain Bike Tours .she added
that my company was oriented towards vacations for the average person she said that I talked to a
client first and advises he or she prepare ,she said “ it ‘s important that you are doing some cycling
or hiking before you go on any adventure vacation ,but I urged that every client remembered that
our tours were designed to be enjoyed at your own pace and in your own style

Do you know where are you doing on your next vacation ? if you are into major thrills a Combo
adventure just may be what are you looking for

3)Complete the self test on pages 347_8 write down your answers as 1A ,2C …

A) Choose the best answer A,B,C or D to complete the sentence .then mark your
answer by darkening the oval with the same letter.

1 ) I wondered where …he came from 1= A

2) My mother said don't come in with your dirty shoes

My mother warmed me ……not to come ………… with my dirty shoes 2=B

3)I don’t know ………if this is ……………. the right place 3 =c

4) Ed : is Jim in his office ?

Kathy : …… I think so ……………… ……4 =c….

5)“I ‘ll see you soon” she said ,but we didn’t see each other for long time .

She said … …… she would see me soon ……5=B……………

6)Don't drive too fast

he told……us not to ………………. to drive fast .6= B

7) He asked where do you want to go ?

He asked where ……I wanted to go 7= C

8) It is urgent that she makes decision right now. 8= A

9) can you tell me what time ……the train arrives ? 9 =A

10) Have you finished your exams ? he asked yes I answered

He asked ……if I had finished my exams 10= C

B) Find the underlined word or phrase A,B,C or D ,that is incorrect .Mark your answer by
darkening the oval with the same letter

1) The teacher warmed us that not to cheat during the test 1=c


2) The interviewer asked to me when I wanted to start working .2=B


3)Can you tell me where can I get information about trains and where I can buy tickets 3=c


4)Paul asked if did they told me when they were leaving .4=A


5)Do you know if or not we need to get a Visa to enter the country. 5=c

6) Ted said that he hadn’t fill out the application form yet . 6= D


7) It is imperative that I fail not any of my courses this year ,if I want to apply to a University. 7=


8) Tony called from Boston yesterday and told me that it was extremely cold here .8= D


9) I don’t know what did happen to him after I left school . 9=c


10) He invited us to going to the theater next Sunday . 10= C

4)Review unit 14 attached and correct page 430.

Find the errors in verb forms and correct them

Anita : I wish you hadn’t taken me to the party. It is boring ,I wish we could have left right now

Louis : well I wish you stopped telling me that , I wish we went to the movies instead ,but there is
nothing we can do about it now

Anita : if only you listened to me earlier

Louis : If only I know you was so difficult you are acting as if this was all my fault

Anita : well ,without your invitation ,I wouldn’t be here

Louis : Ok ,ok if more people come ,we will leave all right?

Anita : Then I wish hundred people came through that door right now

Louis : I wish I hadn’t told Mark that I had the night off , if only I had kept it to myself. I usually
work on Fridays ,the truth is that when Mark first invited me to this party ,I said no .then I felt as
though I hurt his feelings “ I know you were working “ he said ,but I sure wish you could come to
my party .that ‘s when I broke down . I wish I wasn’t so softhearted ,if someone asks me a favor I will
not refuse

Anita : well that ‘s what makes you such nice person ,if I don’t like you so much ,I will not come .

Louis : Thanks Anita ,if I see Mark I will tell him that we need to leave .If only we had a good excuse.
If we had a reason to leave ,I could feel so much better

Anita : never mind .he ‘s your friend ,let ‘s stay ,if we ‘re lucky more people will come soon

Louis : yes that ‘ s right .and if it were early enough ,we could go see a movie .and if you ‘re
hungry .I will buy you some popcorn

Anita : that ‘s sounds great ,I wish I hadn’t said those things to you earlier ,I’m sorry without your
friendship ,my life was not the same

Louis : thanks you Anita ,I feel the same way ,well it looks as though we were about to get our wish
more people are starting to arrive ,let's say good bye to Mark

5)Complete the self test on pages 432 /3 as explained in 3

A) Choose the best answer A,B,C or D to complete the sentences ,then mark your answer by
darkening the oval with the same letter

1)You wouldn't be so hungry if you had eaten breakfast .1= A

2)I ‘ll see her at the meeting if she comes 2= D….

3) I don't know what Will do if he couldn’t work there anymore .3=B

4) If you…hadn’t….warmed us ,we would have stayed at that hotel 4= B

5) If only I…had known………… his phone number ,I would call him unfortunately ,I never wrote it
down . 5=A

6 ) I don’t know how to do this exercise, I wish I…had asked the teacher about it .6= B

7) There are clouds in the sky ,it ,looks………as if ……it is going to rain .7= B

8) If I……were ……… you ,I wouldn’t quit your job . 8= A

9) I’m really tired ,I wish I ……… could go . on vacation now .9= A

10) If you… …are tired ,you should rest 10=B

B) Find the underlined word or phrase A,B,C or D that is incorrect .Mark your answer by
darkening the oval with the same letter

1) Unless I read the book ,I will be able to answer the question about it .1=C


2 ) I could had finished ,if I had had more time .2=A


3)I would mail the application now if I am you 3=D


4)Tina wishes she had a better job and can get a higher salary. 4=C


5)When should you go to New York ? if you don't like hot weather ,the best time to go was

in May or June 5= D A B C D

6) I wish I could taken guitar lessons when I was younger 6=B


7) If you will mix oil with water ,the oil sits on the top 7=B


8) If only Tom told us earlier we wouldn’t have gotten an extra ticket for him 8=D


9) Where you would go if you had the opportunity ? 9=A


10) I could have gone for a swim if I brought my swimsuit with me 10=D


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