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September 4-8, 1930—Fifth International Congress on Applications must be in the hands of the Secretary

Physiotherapy. Complete notice appears on page 906, at least one week previous to date of examination.
issue of October 31. Owing to inability to engage the Roxbury Masonic
Apartments on the last Tuesday of the month, such meet-
DISTRICT MEDICAL SOCIETIES ings as will be held in the Roxbury Temple will be held
Essex North District Medical Society Monday evenings as per the dates above.
January 8, 1930—Wednesday—Semi-annual meeting at FRANK S. CRUICKSHANK,
Centre Church Vestries, Main Street, corner of Vestry Secretary, Norfolk District Medical Society.
Street, opposite City Hall, Haverhill, (Telephone 548) at
12:30 sharp.
May 1—Thursday—Censors' meeting at Hotel Bartlett,
95 Main Street, Haverhill, (Telephone 3430) at 2 P. M.
sharp. Candidates should present their diplomas to the
Secretary one week in advance. The Climacteric (The Critical Age). By Gregorio
May 7—Wednesday—Annual Meeting. Maranon, Professor of Medical Pathology in the
Madrid General Hospital, Member of the Royal Na-
Essex South District Medical Society tional Academy of Medicine. C. V. Mosby Co. 1929.
Wednesday, December 4, 1929—Salem Hospital. Clinic Price $6.50.
5 P. M. Dinner 7 P. M. Speaker: Dr. Howard B. Sprague,
of Massachusetts General Hospital Heart Clinic. Sub-
ject: "Recent Progress in the Diagnosis and Treatment This is an interesting book on a difficult subject.
of Heart Disease." General Discussion from the floor. In the preface Professor Maranon states the impor-
Wednesday, January 8, 1930—At the Beverly Hospital.
Clinic 5 P. M. Dinner 7 P. M. Speaker: Dr. Harry H. tance of hypothesis and clinical knowledge in de-
Germain, Boston. Subject: "Some Aspects of Cancer veloping his thesis, and he
of the Colon." General Discussion from the floor. certainly uses both to a
Wednesday, February 5, 1930—Council Meeting, Bos- large degree. It is quite true that books on the sub-
ton. ject of the menopause are very badly needed and,
Wednesday, February 12, 1930—Danvers State Hospital, therefore, this book should have
Hathorne. Clinic 5 P. M. Dinner 7 P. M. Speakers: a niche, but un-
Dr. Winfred Overholser. Subject: "Criminology and fortunately it mixes theory and fact in such a way
Psychiatry." Mr. Clark, District Attorney for Essex
County, who will speak on the legal aspect. that it is very difficult to determine one from the
Wednesday, March 5, 1930—Lynn Hospital. Clinic 5 other. In the vast accumulation of scientific facts
P. M. Dinner 7 P. M. Speaker: Dr. R. S. Titus, Boston. in
Subject: "Some Aspects of Caesarean Section," illustrated regard to internal secretions, there are certainly
with Moving Pictures. General Discussion from the floor. more specific data available than found in this
Wednesday, April 2, 1930—Hotel Hawthorne, Salem I and the continuous use of loose diagnoses in
Dinner at 7 P. M. Speaker: Dr. Timothy Leary, Boston. regard
Subject: "Diagnostic and Therapeutic Pitfalls in Intra- to changes which occur at this period of one's life
cranial Pyogenic Infections."
seems unfortunate. The menopause is considered a
Thursday, May 1, 1930—Censors meet for Examination
of Candidates at Salem Hospital at 3:30 P. M. complicated manifestation in which many glands play
Tuesday, May 13, 1930—Annual Meeting. The Tavern, a rôle, and in which the sex glands are but a part.
Gloucester. Speaker: Dr. C. Macfle Campbell, Director This is
of Boston Psychopathic Hospital. Subject to be an- obviously an interesting and logical view-
nounced later. Ladies invited. Dancing. point, but the evidence which establishes these re-
R. E. STONE, M.D., Secretary.
lationships is often inadequate and unconvincing. At
Franklin District Medical Society the same time, the reviewer must admit that the book
The meetings of the Franklin District Medical Society is
will be held at the Weldon Hotel, Greenfield, Mass., on exceedingly well written and has an interesting
the second Tuesdays of January, March and May, at and instructive point of view.
11 A. M.

Hampshire District Medical Society Endocrine Disorders. By Hans Curschmann, Direc-

The meetings of Hampshire District will occur at 11 tor of the Medical Clinic, University of Rostock.
A. M. the second Wednesdays of December, February,
and April and will be held at the Dickinson Hospital, Oxford University Press. 1929. Price $4.00.
Northampton. The annual meeting will be held in May.
LUTHER O. WHITMAN, M.D., Secretary. This book of Professor Curschmann summarizes in
Middlesex East District Medical Society 188 pages the various clinical disturbances of the in-
ternal secretions. There are many interesting
January 15—At Boston, Harvard Club. pic-
March 12—At Melrose. tures of the various endocrine abnormalities. No
May 13—At Unicorn Country Club, Stoneham. attempt is made in this short book to discuss the
ALLAN R. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. recent advances made in these subjects in the labora-
Middlesex South District Medical Society tory. There are, therefore, a certain number of in-
Winter meetings—jointly with Suffolk District. correct viewpoints in regard to the cause of some of
April 16, 1930—Annual meeting. Commander Hotel, these diseases. Were the physiological viewpoint more
Cambridge. Program to be announced.
May, 1930—Censors' meeting.
stressed, the book would be more appealing, but it
ALEXANDER A. LEVI, Secretary. certainly must be considered one of the superior
books now being published in regard to these very
Norfolk District Medical Society
January 27, 1930—Roxbury Masonic Temple. "Recent difficult diseases. The clinical descriptions are clear
Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Syphilis." The and the interpretation and treatment
speakers will be Drs. C, Morton Smith and Austin W. and concise. On conservative
Cheever. the whole, this is a book which will
February 24, 1930—Roxbury Masonic Temple, 8:00. Dr. strongly appeal to the average general practitioner
Edwin H. Place has been invited to read a paper and has and
been given carte blanche in the selection of his subject. student who are anxious to know the present
March 24, 1930—Roxbury Masonic Temple. Dr. Burton conception of these most interesting diseases, and the
E. Hamilton. Subject to be announced. book is highly recommended to them. It is a strik-
May 6, 1930—Annual Meeting. Program to be an-
ing fact that diabetes is not included in this book on
The Censors meet for the examination of candidates, endocrine disorders. It seems obvious that this dis-
May 1, 1930, in the Roxbury Masonic Temple, 171 Warren ease should certainly be included.
Street, Roxbury, at 4:00 P. M.

The New England Journal of Medicine

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