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Lab Guide for

Managing Storage With Hitachi Ops Center


Courseware Version: 1.0

Table of Contents

Lab 2 Hitachi Ops Center…………………….……..……………………………………….…… 2-1

Lab 3 Administrator………………………..……………………………………….……..……… 3-1
Lab 4 Analyzer…………………….……..……………………………………….……..……….. 4-1
Lab 5 Viewpoint…………………….……..……………………………………….……..………. 5-1
Lab 6 Hitachi Configuration API Manager REST API (optional) …………………….……… 6-1
Lab 7 Automator…………………….……..……………………………………….……..……… 7-1
Lab 8 Hitachi Data Instance Director…………………….……..………………………………. 8-1

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Lab 2: Hitachi Ops Center

In this lab, you will operate the Ops Center features.

• Activity 1
 Login into Ops Center
 Review Product Launcher and rename the products

• Activity 2
 Add a new group and user
• Activity 3
 Add a new data center

 Ops Center Documentation Library
Which includes documents for:
 Ops Center
 Ops Center Administrator
 Ops Center Analyzer
 Ops Center API Configuration Manager
 Ops Center Automator
 Data Instance Director

Lab 2: Hitachi Ops Center

Activity 1: Login to Ops Center

1. Login into the Ops Center server with details provided by the instructor.
https://Op Center IP address/portal/

2. Default credentials:
User: sysadmin
Password: sysadmin

3. The Launcher menu will display the available products.

Note: The configuration of products available in Ops Center may vary for each lab layout.

Lab 2: Hitachi Ops Center

4. The product default name is Op Center’s IP address. So, you can edit the product name by
selecting the Product Tab and then clicking the sign in the product box. Rename the Name
with the Product type (that is, Automator). Confirm by clicking Submit.

5. Repeat the step above with the remaining Products listed below.

End of Lab Activity 1

Lab 2: Hitachi Ops Center

Activity 2a Create New Group

1. From the Launcher menu select Groups tab and click the sign.

2. Enter Admin as a new Group name and the description (that is, Custom) and then click Submit.
 Now the system should have 3 groups, 2 built-in user groups and the latest Admin Group:

3. Select sign to edit the Group Role and assign Opscenter-System-Administrator role by
selecting the appropriate role and then clicking the arrow .

>>>> >>

Activity 2b: Create New User

4. Select the Users tab and create a new user by clicking the sign. Enter your credentials (that
is, your name).
5. Make sure Enable bar is selected and click Submit.

Lab 2: Hitachi Ops Center

 The system will prompt to choose new password for the user.

6. Link the new user to the Admin role previously created by selecting sign and then press the
sign to couple the operation to edit the Group Role and assign Opscenter-System-
Administrator role; select the appropriate role and then the arrow.

>>>> >>>

7. Test the new user by login in Ops Center with the new credentials.

End of Lab Activity 2

Activity 3: Create a Data Center

With the product Viewpoint, it may be necessary to create a new Data Center.
1. From the Launcher menu select the Data center tab and click the sign.
2. Enter information for the new credential including the Name, Description, Management product,
City and Location.
3. Click Submit.

Lab 2: Hitachi Ops Center

4. When you have finished with the Edit data center menu, test the newly created Data Center
(that is, Sefton Park) by selecting the name of the Data Center and then Management Product
link from the next menu (that is, Analyzer).

5. Click on the Login screen URL.

 The Ops Center Analyzer will open in new tab as shown below.

6. Close the tab and logout from Ops Center.

End of Lab Activity 3

End of Lab 2

Lab 3: Administrator

In this lab, you will perform lab activities to manage storage systems using Hitachi Ops Center
Administrator software.

• Log in to Administrator and discover resources
• Provision tasks (Parity Group, Pool, Volume, LUN)

• Administrator Documentation Library

Lab 3: Administrator

Activity 1: Discover Resources in Administrator

Note: Hitachi Storage Advisor has now been replaced by Hitachi Ops Center Administrator.

Login to Administrator
Use default credentials with Username as sysadmin and Password as sysadmin to log in to Hitachi Ops
Center Administrator.

Discover Resources

Add a Storage System

First, you will add a storage system.
1. In the Hitachi Ops Center Administrator dashboard, click Storage Systems on the left pane.
2. Click the plus sign (+) to add a storage system.

3. Enter values for the following parameters on the Onboard Storage System page.

a. SVP IP Address: Enter the IP address of the external service processor for the storage
system you want to discover.
b. Username and password: Log in as a user that has administrator privileges on this
storage system. For example, you can login as the user: maintenance.

Lab 3: Administrator

4. Click Submit.

Add a Fabric Switch (Optional)

You will now add a fabric switch as a next step.
Before You Begin:

• Verify that:
o Servers and ports are connected according to the manufacturer's instructions
o There is an active zone set with at least one dummy zone available
o The Administrator server is connected to the same IP network and has access to SNMP
broadcast of Fiber Channel switches
o Required information about the fabric switch: Virtual Fabric ID (required only for Cisco
switches), Fabric Switch Type, Fabric Switch IP Address, Port Number, Username, and
o You have the Admin role for the fabric switch
1. On the Hitachi Ops Center Administrator dashboard, select Fabric Switches to open the Fabric
Switches page.
2. Click the plus sign (+) to open the Add Fabric Switches page.

3. Enter the following information for the configuration of the switch you are adding:

a. Virtual Fabric ID: For Cisco switches, the VSAN ID. Not applicable to Brocade switches.
b. Fabric Switch Type: Select Brocade or Cisco as the switch type.
c. Fabric Switch IP Address: Enter the IP address for the switch.

4. To add or update a core switch, use the Management IP address of the switch or the Active CP
IP address.

a. Port Number:
b. Username:
c. Password:

5. Click Submit.

Lab 3: Administrator

Add a Server
Before You Begin:
• Make sure you have created a Host.csv file with the server/s name, description, IP address, OS
type and WWNs.

1. On the Hitachi Ops Center Administrator dashboard, click Servers to see the inventory of servers.
2. Click the plus sign (+) to open the Add Servers page or click the plus sign (+) to CSV Import and
then select the appropriated CSV file.

End of Activity 1

Lab 3: Administrator

Activity 2: Provision tasks

Note: Hitachi Storage Advisor has now been replaced by Hitachi Ops Center Administrator.

Create Parity Groups - Basic Method

Before You Begin:

• Register the storage system

• Identify the target storage system name
• Identify the total capacity that you expect to use. Plan to use all the available disks in the system
when you create parity groups
Important: Parity group creation is not available with Administrator for VSPG1x00, VSP F 1X00 and
VSP 5000 series
1. On the Hitachi Ops Center Administrator dashboard, select Storage Systems in the resource side
panel to see the inventory of registered storage systems.
2. Click on a Storage System to create and configure the parity groups for it.
3. Click Parity Groups to see the inventory of all parity groups in the storage system. Basic Method
is the default
4. Click the plus sign (+).
5. In the Create Parity Groups window, review the list of unused disk types in the storage system.
This information is grouped by disk type, disk speed, and disk capacity, and includes the
following details:

o Number of available disks

o Available spares detected for each disk type, disk speed, and capacity
o Number of new or additional spares to reserve. This calculation is based on the total
spares needed based on recommended best practices, and the number of existing
spares in the system
o The recommended RAID configuration for the disk type
o The number of parity groups that can be created
o The total usable capacity that is available based on the number of parity groups and the
RAID configuration

Lab 3: Administrator

6. Decide if the recommended RAID configuration for each disk type is acceptable. Choose one of
the following options:

a. Accept the recommended RAID configuration, which uses the full capacity of the
installed drives.
b. Change the recommended RAID configuration or create fewer parity groups.
Administrator shows the number of parity groups that can be created for the new RAID
configuration and the corresponding usable capacity. (Optional) Click Encryption ON, if
you want to use encryption.
Prerequisites for enabling encryption:
o The storage system must have an Encryption Disk Board.
o Encryption License Key must be installed.
o The Key Management Server must be configured on the SVP.
7. Click Submit

Create Parity Groups or Hot Spares - Advanced Method

The advanced option enables users to configure parity groups that are not based on the provided best
practices. The advanced option allows you to fully configure the RAID layout of the parity group by
selecting the specific disks and hot spares to assign for parity group creation.
Important: Parity groups on Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) models, VSP G1000, VSP G1500, and
VSP F1500 cannot be created in Administrator. They are created by an authorized service representative.
They can be initialized in Administrator. Encryption can be enabled in Device Manager - Storage
1. On the dashboard, click Storage Systems and click a storage system tile.
2. Click Parity Groups to open the Parity Groups page.
3. Then, click the plus sign (+) to open the Create Parity Groups page.

Lab 3: Administrator

4. Click Advanced.
5. Select a RAID Type and a RAID Layout.
6. (Optional) Click Encryption ON if you want to use encryption.
7. Choose available disks. Select enough disks to match the RAID Layout.
8. Click Submit.

Create a Pool - Advanced Method

You create and configure parity groups on the storage system.
1. On the Hitachi Ops Center Administrator dashboard, click Storage Systems to see the inventory
of registered storage systems.
2. Click a storage system to create a pool for it.
3. Click Pools.
4. Click the plus sign (+) to open the Create Pool page and then click Advanced.

5. Enter a pool label.

Note: Pool labels can contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores. Initial
hyphens are not allowed.
6. Click the Type list and choose one of the following: Thin, Tiered, or Snap.
7. Choose whether to enable active flash. Active flash enablement requires capacity from the
Platinum tier.
8. Click Tier Management to see the definitions of disk type, capacity, and speed of each pool
9. Select one or more parity groups to use to create the pool. You can scroll through the parity
groups to use search and filter functions.

a. For a Snap pool, select one or more parity groups with identical disk types.
b. For a Thin pool, select one or more parity groups with identical disk types.
c. For a Tiered pool, select one or more parity groups with two or three disk types.

Administrator shows the total size of the pool, using the selected parity groups.

Lab 3: Administrator

10. Set the utilization thresholds or use the default threshold settings. The thresholds are used as
the Warning and Critical thresholds for Capacity Monitoring.
11. The subscription limit can be set above 100%. Select the Subscription Limit % checkbox to set
the limit to Unlimited.
12. Click Submit.

Provision Workflows
In this activity, you create the volumes that will be attached to the server.
Before You Begin:
• Create parity groups
• Create pools
• Add servers
1. On the Hitachi Ops Center Administrator dashboard, click Servers to see the inventory of servers
2. Do one of the following to open the Create, Attach and Protect Volumes page:

o Select a server, click Attach Volumes, and then select Create, Attach, and Protect
o Click a server tile to open the Server <ID> details page.
o Click the cylinder icon in the upper right area and then select Create and Attach

3. Configure volumes for the specified storage system. You can switch to another storage system
by using the drop-down Storage System list.
4. Enter the volume label and select a suffix for it.
5. Select the number of volumes.
6. Select the size.
7. Select the volume unit: GB, TB, or PB.
8. Select the pool type: Thin or Tiered.

a. For a Thin pool, select the tier: Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze
b. If the storage system has available capacity from external storage, you can also select
the external tier.

Lab 3: Administrator

c. (Optional) Select the pool from the list of available pools.

Note: The default selection is Auto Selected, which means that Administrator selects the
best pool for provisioning the volume based on utilization and tier requirements.
9. If desired, select a type of Capacity Saving: Compression or Deduplication and Compression.
10. When you have made your choices, click the plus sign (+) to add volume row to the list of
volumes that will be created. Add more rows as needed.

11. Click Next to be directed to attach volumes to the selected servers.

Attach Newly Created Volumes to Servers

Once the volume has been created, it should be attached to the server. Follow the steps below to
perform the tasks.
1. The Host Mode is set by default to the server operating system. Select, if needed.
2. The server OS Type is provided when the server is added to Administrator.
3. The prepopulated Host Mode Option depends on the Host Mode selection. The default Host
Mode Option can be changed manually. Default values are set only for VMWARE EX and WIN EX
host modes. The default for all other Host Modes is none. Administrator identifies all host
groups containing any of the server WWNs. If all those host groups have the same host mode
and host mode options, those settings are prepopulated with the same settings in the host
4. Select the LUN Alignment.
5. By default, Administrator uses the LUN number that is common to the servers. If attachment is
to only one server, this setting has no effect.
6. The Auto Create Zone is set to No by default. You can set it to Yes to automatically create zones.

Lab 3: Administrator

7. Click Next to view options for creating and editing LUN paths.
8. In the Create Paths panel, you can view servers and their WWNs, along with ports on the
storage system. Administrator scans for existing host groups on the storage array and attempts
to reuse them by default.

The following options are available for managing LUN paths:

a. Existing paths are populated as follows: all existing host groups with one or more server
WWN and the exact same host mode and host mode options selected on the Attach
Settings panel are populated as paths. To prevent the volume from being added to an
existing path, click the path to select it and then click DELETE SELECTED.
b. Click SUGGEST to automatically populate selected paths. By default, the least-used ports
are selected. Suggest paths requires that both server and storage ports be logged into
the fabric switches in the Administrator inventory.
c. To manually create a path, click a WWN and a port to connect them with a blue
connector line.
d. Click the connector again and then click DELETE SELECTED to delete the connection.

9. When you are satisfied with the paths, click Next to view options for protecting volumes.

End of Activity 2
End of Lab 3

Lab 4: Analyzer

In this lab, you will identify and modify the profiles used for resource monitoring within Hitachi Ops
Center Analyzer.
This will allow you to understand how Analyzer is monitoring resources and how you can customize the
tool so that it fits your specific needs.
You will learn how to navigate and customize Ops Center Analyzer dashboard and you will have the
opportunity to use the Analytics tools offered in Ops Center Analyzer to get basic knowledge of how to
go through a performance analysis.

• Identify and customize Ops Center Analyzer resource profiles by doing these things:
o Explore the user resources threshold profiles
o Create your own profile
o Explore the system resources threshold profiles
o Create and customize your own profile
o Navigate and customize Ops Center Analyzer dashboard

• Use the Analytics tools offered in Ops Center Analyzer

• Analyzer Documents Library

Lab 4: Analyzer

Activity 1: Manage Monitoring Threshold Profiles

Identify and Explore User Resources Threshold Profiles
1. Log on to Ops Center Analyzer.
2. Click on the Administration tab.
3. Click on Monitoring Settings in the left frame.
4. Take time to read and explore the definitions displayed in the main window.
5. Click on the Configure User Resource Threshold Profiles button.
6. Click on Default Profile for Volume.
7. Click on the Line where the Base plan is displayed; you will get a list of metrics monitored in this
8. Click on Edit Threshold profile in the upper left corner.
9. Select the plan or create a new plan and then click on Edit Plan.
You will have a chance to display and modify the values and metrics monitored.
10. Select the metric you want to be monitored either using static or dynamic and click OK.

Create Your Own Profile

1. On the Administration tab, click on Monitoring Settings -> User Resource Threshold Profiles.
2. In the main window, click on Create Threshold Profile.
3. Give a name to your profile.
4. Select Volume as a Resource Type.
5. Select the Base plan and click Edit Plan.
6. Create a specific profile for volume, which is monitoring 24x24 7/7 days. Set the following
a. Set the response time with static thresholds of 2 ms for warning threshold.
b. Set 3 ms for critical threshold.
7. Click Ok (twice) to complete the profile creation.
8. Next, create an assignment rule for this profile.
9. Go to User Resource Assignment Rules.
10. Click on Volume Assignment Rules.
11. Click on Create Rule.
12. Give a name to your rule.
13. Select a Volume as a Resource Type.
14. Specify the conditions you want to include, a target resource into a specific monitoring profile.
Now, you to configure auto selection of resources to be monitored using specific profiles.
15. Select the profile you have created form the Assignment Destination.
16. Click OK to complete the rule creation.

Note: You can also specify manually the target resources to be monitored by a specific profile by editing
the profile and go to Target Resources tab.

Lab 4: Analyzer

Identify and Explore System Resources Threshold Profiles

1. On the Administration tab, click on Monitoring Settings -> System Resource Threshold Profiles.
2. Click on Default Profile for Storage.
3. Examine the content of this profile.
4. Click on Specify Threshold and see how you can customize the profile.
5. Click Ok to complete customization.

Create, Customize Your Own Profile

1. On the Administration tab, click on Monitoring Settings -> System Resource Threshold Profiles.
2. Click on Create Threshold Profile.
3. Add a new Monitoring profile named Development.
4. Then change the threshold values as if you were monitoring a development environment which
is less critical than the production environment.
5. Specify different target resources.
6. Click OK to complete the profile creation.

End of Activity 1.

Activity 2: Navigate and Customize Ops Center Analyzer Dashboard

1. Go to the Dashboard tab.
2. To review the dashboard and explore every report that you find, click on each available link.
3. Drag any report and rearrange the position of the dashboard. You can arrange it the way you
4. Click on Dashboard Settings in the upper right corner.
5. Click on Custom Settings.
6. Explore the available default reports; set some of them to be included in the dashboard by
clicking ON in the Display column and click OK to see how the dashboard is changing.
7. Again, click on Dashboard Settings in the upper right corner.
8. Click on Create Report.
9. In Copy From listing, select a report to be used as a template.
10. Choose the type of report (when appropriate).
11. Click on Set Report Definitions.
12. Here you can customize the way the report is displayed.
13. Click on OK and then click OK again.
14. Visualize your report in the Dashboard.

End of Activity 2.

Lab 4: Analyzer

Activity 3: Use the Analytics Tools Offered in Ops Center Analyzer

1. On the dashboard, see if any alert has been triggered (status Warning or Critical).
2. Click on the link and try to get as much information as you can from the dashboard.
3. Then click on E2E View.
4. Have a precise idea of the configuration by looking at the E2E View and use the correlation tool
by clicking on a resource and see what other resources are highlighted in blue.
5. Try the different tools Ops Center is offering to you by right-clicking on the resource you want to
analyze and choose:
a. Identify Affected Resources
b. Identify Related Changes
c. Analyze Shared Resources
Note: Think of changing the Base Point, because it can help for selecting resources.
6. Discuss your observations with your instructor.
7. Select several resources of the same type (that is, Volumes or hosts/VM) and run the Sparkline
8. Explore this screen and customize it by adding or removing metrics to compare in the upper
screen part and adding resources to compare in the lower screen part.
9. Think of how you could use this tool in a real use case.

End of Activity 3.

End of Lab 4.

Lab 5: Viewpoint

In this lab, you will navigate the Hitachi Ops Center Analyzer Viewpoint to learn steps to perform a
health check on your storage systems.
You will have the opportunity to carry out a performance analysis starting from Analyzer Viewpoint so
that you can put altogether the performance tools available in Ops Center Analyzer and Analyzer

• Navigate Ops Center Analyzer Viewpoint dashboard
o Examine the viewpoint approach
o Explore different available reports

• Carry out a performance analysis using Analyzer Viewpoint

o Perform a health check on a storage system
o Go deeper in the performance analysis

• Viewpoint Document Library

Lab 5: Viewpoint

Activity 1: Navigate Ops Center Analyzer Viewpoint Dashboard

Examine the Viewpoint Approach
Let’s start examining the Ops Center Analyzer Viewpoint approach by following the procedure given
1. Log on to Ops Center Analyzer Viewpoint.
2. Locate the reports displayed in the Global View.
3. Move over the mouse on the Data Center and launch the Datacenter View.

4. In the Data Center View, explore all the displayed reports.

As you can see, every key metrics is shown including capacity, usage and performance for the
main storage array component.
5. Notice that you can change the time window on the right upper corner.

Lab 5: Viewpoint

6. To observe a specific array, select the specific array from the list.

7. Take some time to explore all of the reports and think of the advantage you can take from them.
8. To launch the Storage View, click on the Dashboard Name in the upper left corner.

Explore Different Available Reports

1. In the Storage View, take some time again to explore all the available reports.
• Some of them have an in-context launch icon to open a more detailed report.

Lab 5: Viewpoint

2. To further experiment, launch every available dashboard and explore them in detail:
• Cache View
• Port View
• Processor View
• Parity Group View
• Pool Capacity Details View
• And more…

End of Activity 1.

Activity 2: Carry out a Performance Analysis Using Analyzer Viewpoint

Perform a Health Check of a Storage Array
1. From the Datacenter View and Storage View, use the reports you have just explored and
perform a heath check of the storage array.
2. Take note of what is exceeding thresholds and what is in normal state.

Go Deeper in the Performance Analysis

1. Using the notes you took in the previous lab activity, try to drill-down to the root cause of the
performance problem by exploring the different dashboards and reports and follow the Warning
or Critical status with in-context launch.
2. Finally, launch the E2E View from the storage array or from any component you identified for
being causing problem.
3. Share your observations with your instructor.

End of Activity 2.

End of Lab 5.

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

In this lab, you will use CM REST CLI for storage and host provisioning.

• Activity 1: Register Storage to the REST API Server
• Activity 2: Parity Group Management
• Activity 3: Volume Allocation
• Activity 4: Pool Management
• Activity 5: External Storage Management

• Hitachi Ops Center API Configuration Manager Reference Guide


• Server IP Address, Parity Groups, LDEV ID, Ports, Pool and other resources used are for
explanation purposes only. Replace these values based on your assigned lab environment.
• The instructor will provide lab environment details

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

Activity 1: Register Storage to the REST API Server

To start the storage operation from the REST API, register information about the storage system to the
REST API server. If information (such as the IP address and port number) about the target storage
system is changed, delete the information about the storage system, and then register the storage
system again with the new information. For this API request, specify the user ID and password for
accessing the storage system in the Authorization header. The specified user information is registered to
the REST API server as information about the storage system.
To perform this activity use the array, parity group and LDEV information assigned to your group.

1. Get information about the version of the CM REST API

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -X GET http://<IP-Address-of-

2. Get a list of the storage systems that can be operated from the REST API. You can check information
about storage systems, such as the storage device ID and the serial number of the storage system.
curl -H "Accept:application/json" -X GET http://<IP-Address-of-

You may not see any storage information if it is a freshly installed Configuration Manager. You need
to register a storage system.

3. Register a Storage System

a. Create an input file with Storage Parameter (storageParameters.json):
"svpIp": "<IP-Address-of-SVP>",
"serialNumber": <5-Digit-Serial#-of-Storage>,
"model": "<Model-of-Storage>",
"changeNotificationSetting": {
"isNotifiable": false}

A sample parameter file looks like this:

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

b. Request to register storage system:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X POST --data-binary
@./storageParameters.json http://<IP-Address-of-

c. Verify registered storage system:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -X GET http://<IP-Address-of-

Note the storageDeviceId, which is 800000050424 here.

4. Generate sessions: The following request generates sessions and manages the sessions on the REST
API server. A maximum of 64 sessions can be generated for each disk controller. When the number
of sessions exceeds the maximum number of sessions, the HTTP status code 503 is returned. In this
case, wait a while and then run the request again.
curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X POST http://<IP-Address-of-
ions/ -d ""


• Set user authentication information (for authentication by using a user ID and a password, or for
authentication by using session-based authentication)
• In this lab, you will use authentication by using a user ID and a password of storage system.

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

Activity 2: Parity Group Management

1. Obtain information about all parity groups.
curl -H "Accept:application/json" -u maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

2. Get information about a specific parity group by specifying the parity group number. You can get
detailed information about individual parity groups.
curl -H "Accept:application/json" -u maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

Activity 3: Volume Allocation

1. Get volume information: The following request obtains information about multiple LDEVs. You can
get information about consecutive LDEVs by specifying the LDEV number of the first LDEV and the
count of LDEVs. You can also get information filtered by LDEV conditions (attributes) or resource
curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET "http://<IP-Address-of-

• You will see the details of 4 LDEVs.

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

Display specific LDEV information.

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET "http://<IP-Address-of-

2. Get available LDEV: Get information about LDEVs that are not implemented.
curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET "http://<IP-Address-of-

Record the LDEV addresses available: _________________________________

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

3. Create a volume: The following request creates a volume by using the specified parity groups or
pools. Specify a parity group for creating a basic volume, an external parity group (external volume
group) for creating the external volume, and a pool for creating a virtual volume (a DP volume or a
virtual volume for Thin Image).
a. Create an input file with LDEV parameter (ldevParameters.json):
"ldevId": 25,
"parityGroupId": "1-4",
"byteFormatCapacity": "5G"
b. Request to create a volume:
curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X POST --data-binary @./ldevParameters.json

A job object is returned, here the Job ID is 3. Check Jobs Status:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET http://<IP-Address-of-

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

c. Display created LDEV details (verify):

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET "http://<IP-Address-of-

4. Allocate volume:
Step1 - Create host group for the port
a. Create an input file with Host Group Parameter (hgParameters.json):
"portId": "CL1-A",
"hostGroupName": "DEMO_HG",
"hostModeOptions": [40],
"hostMode": "WIN_EX"

Note: Check the Lab details for the PortId and hostmode.

b. Request to create a host group:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X POST --data-binary @./hgParameters.json

A job object is returned, note the job-id. Check Jobs Status:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET "http://<IP-Address-of-

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

c. Display information about the created host groups:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET “http://<IP-Address-of-

Note the hostGroupNumber of the Host Group you have created; here it is 1.

Step 2 - Add HBA WWN: Register the HBA WWN for the host group of the specified port.
a. Create an input file with Host Group Parameter (hbaParameters.json):
"hostWwn": "210003e08b0256f9",
"portId": "CL1-A",
"hostGroupNumber": 1

Note: Check the Lab details for host WWN.

b. Request to register HBA WWN:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X POST --data-binary @./hbaParameters.json

c. Display information about the WWN registered for the host group.
curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET "http://<IP-Address-of-

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

Step 3 - Add LUN path: The following request sets the LU path by mapping the LDEV with the LUN in the
host group of the specified port.
a. Create an input file with Host Group Parameter (lunParameters.json):
"portId": "CL1-A",
"hostGroupNumber": 1,
"ldevId": 25,
"lun": 1

b. Request to add LUN Path:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X POST --data-binary @./lunParameters.json

c. The following request gets information about LU paths defined for the host group for the
curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET "http://<IP-Address-of-

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

Activity 4: Pool Management

1. Get pool information: The following request gets information items such as the pool status, the pool
usage rate, and the pool threshold.
curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET http://<IP-Address-of-
If no pool exists, you may get blank output. Then you need to create a pool.

2. Create a pool: The following request creates pools by specifying the LDEV. In the REST API, you can
create DP pools and Thin Image pools. You can specify LDEVs by specifying LDEV numbers or a range
of consecutive LDEV numbers.
a. Create an input file with Host Group Parameter (dpParameters.json):
"poolId": 0,
"poolName": "pool_for_oracle_DB",
"startLdevId": 0,
"endLdevId": 4,
"poolType": "HDP"

Note: startLdevId and endLdevId should be identified from the list of available LDEVs. In the
example above, LdevId 0 to 4 are added in the pool.

b. Request to create pool:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X POST --data-binary @./dpParameters.json

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

c. Display information about the created pool:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET “http://<IP-Address-of-

3. Create a DP volume from a pool.

a. Create an input file with LDEV parameter (dpvolParameters.json)
"ldevId": 26,
"poolId": 0,
"byteFormatCapacity": "25G"

b. Request to create DP volume:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X POST --data-binary @./dpvolParameters.json

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

c. Display created LDEV details (verify):

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET "http://<IP-Address-of-

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

Activity 5 – External Storage Management

You should complete the following steps before setting up external storage virtualization:
1. Ensure the port attribute on Internal storage is set to External for the desired ports (e.g. CL1-B/CL2-B)
2. Initialize external storage
3. Ensure external storage is connected to Internal storage
4. Create required Parity Groups and LDEVs on external storage
5. Allocate LDEVs on external storage to the Ports connected to Internal storage

(In this Lab setup, we are using Hitachi External Arrays therefore, you can use native storage
management application such as SNM2 or SN2, to perform the above steps.)
Workflow for External Storage Virtualization:
• For storage systems of the VSP 5000 series, if the port on the local storage system is a target port,
you need to change that port on the local storage system to a bidirectional port.

• If you are using VSP G1000, VSP G1500, VSP F1500, Virtual Storage Platform, or Unified Storage VM,
you need to change the port on the local storage system to an external port.

Get the List of the ports of

the external storage systems

Get the List of LUs of the port

of an external storage system

Get information about the

external Path Group

Map the external volumes

Create volumes (ELUN)

Making the external paths


Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

1. Display the list of the ports of the external storage systems: Get information about the ports of the
external storage systems that are connected. The obtained information will be used to map external
curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET http://<IP-Address-of-

Note the externalWwn parameter value. Here it is 50060e80101aedb8.

2. Get the list of LUs defined for the port on the external storage system: Get information about the
LUs that are defined for the ports of the connected external storage system. The obtained
information will be used to map external volumes.
curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET "http://<IP-Address-of-

You should see the volumes allocated from the eternal storage as shown above.

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

3. Map the external volumes: Create external parity groups and register information about the
external volumes of the external storage system that you want to map. Check the registered
mapping information with the API function for getting information about the external path group to
which the parity groups that you created belong.
a. Create an input parameter file (mapextvolParameters.json)

b. Request to create external path group and parity group:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X POST --data-binary
@./mapextvolParameters.json "http://<IP-Address-of-

c. Check Job Status:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET "http://<IP-Address-of-

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

d. Display external path group information:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET http://<IP-Address-of-

4. Create external volumes: Create external volumes from the external parity groups that have been
created in the local storage system. The created external volumes can be allocated to the host or
used as pool volumes (this is the same as other volumes in the local storage system).
a. Create an input parameter file (externalvolParameters.json)
"ldevId": 31,
"externalParityGroupId": "1-1",
"byteFormatCapacity": "all"

b. Request to create external volume (from external parity group):

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X POST --data-binary
@./externalvolParameters.json "http://<IP-Address-of-

A job object is returned. Check jobs status:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET http://<IP-Address-of-

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

c. Display external LDEV information:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET http://<IP-Address-of-

5. Making the external paths redundant: You can make the access routes to the external volumes
redundant by setting multiple external paths between the local storage system and the external
storage system. To set multiple external paths, add the paths to the external path group. The
external path group is created automatically when external volumes are mapped.
a. Display existing external path group information:
curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET "http://<IP-Address-of-

b. Create an input parameter file (extpathParameters.json)

"parameters”: {
"portId": "CL2-B",
"externalWwn": "50060e80101aedb0"

c. Request to add additional path to existing path group (id=1):

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X PUT --data-binary @./extpathParameters.
json http://<IP-Address-of-

Lab 6: Hitachi Configuration Manager REST API (Optional)

A job object is returned. Check jobs status:

curl -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u
maintenance:raid-maintenance -X GET "http://<IP-Address-of-

End of Lab 6.

Lab 7: Automator

In this lab, you will perform lab activities with Hitachi Ops Center Automator software.

• Login and navigate through the Dashboard features
• Add Configuration Manager
• Create a Service

Automator manuals and documentations are included in the Ops Center complete documentation, see
the link below:
Ops Center 10.0.X Documentation Library

Lab 7: Automator

Activity 1: Automator Overview

1. Login into Hitachi Ops Center with the default credentials: Username as sysadmin and Password
as sysadmin.

2. On the Launcher tab, select Automator.

3. When logged into Automator, you will be presented with the dashboard. The dashboard gives a
global view of the process of Automator. There are total of 5 reports along with an on-screen
guidance help.

Lab 7: Automator

• Guidance Menu: - Used for typical Automator functions

• Most Frequently Failed Service: - Includes services name, number of times failed, the
data and the time of the failure for each service.
• Most Frequently Used Services: - A representation of the services ran within the last 7
or 30 days

• Task Waiting for Action: - A report showing which services have failed, have run for a
longer time than expected and if any services require user input
• My Tasks: - Services that have been initiated by your user

• My Favorite Services: - Most common services used by you. From here you can directly
select and run that service.

End of Activity 1

Lab 7: Automator

Activity 2: Web Service Connections

In this lab activity, we will add a new Configuration Manager (CM) profiles within the Web Service
Connections. Configuration Manager is installed by default in the Ops Center VM server

1. In Automator, click Add under Administration tab to add the CM REST server.

2. Complete the fields requested:

o Category: ConfigurationManager
o Enter a Name
o IP Address of the server (usually is the same for the Ops Center VM Server)
o Change to HTTP (HTTPS as default)
o For Port, change to 23450 (HTTP), default is 23451 (HTTPS)
o User ID for accessing the storage is maintenance
o Password for accessing the storage is raid-maintenance
o Assign Infrastructure as IG_Default Service Group
o Leave the remaining fields with default values
3. Click Test to check the connectivity and then submit by clicking OK.

Lab 7: Automator

The Configuration Manager status should become green under Connection Status

4. Configuration Manager must be added in the Infrastructure group as shown below.

Note: In this environment a Device Manager has been pre-configured, but it won’t be used for
this activity.

5. Click Assign and then select the Configuration Manager configuration previously defined.
6. Next, click on the Add arrow button.
7. Now click OK to confirm.


8. Now ConfigurationManager should be listed as available Web Service Connection

Note: In this environment a Device Manager and BNA have been pre-configured, but they won’t
be used for this activity.

Lab 7: Automator

9. Storage System must register, for the new Configuration Manager. In Configuration Manager
Settings, check the new Configuration Manager and then click Register button below

10. Complete the field for the appropriated Storage System to be registered and click OK to confirm

This is example for a new G1000

Lab 7: Automator

11. Now all the Storage System needed for Automation should be listed and with a green status

Click Refresh if the status remains as

End of Activity 2

Activity 3: Service Management

In this activity, you will use the Allocate Like Volumes with Configuration Manager service template
and modify the template to create the new service. The Allocate Like Volumes operation allow the user
to select an existing allocated Volume to a server and duplicate to a new volume with the same
characteristics of the original volume.

Before You Begin:

Before starting the activity, open Administrator and make sure the storage system discovered has
volume(s) attached to the Server(s).

1. In the Automator, select the Services Template tab.

2. Then select Allocate Like Volumes with Configuration Manager from the existing service

Lab 7: Automator

The Service Template information is displayed in a panel.

3. Change the name and description of the Service.

Service Name: Allocate Like Volumes with Configuration Manager_yourname

4. Click Save and Close.
5. Select Services tab and then select the Service called Allocate Like Volume with Configuration
Manager_ yourname.

Lab 7: Automator

6. Click Create Request.

7. On the initial screen; select the Configuration Manager required for the service to run.

The Storage System panel in the Settings frame will show the Storage Systems already
registered for the Configuration Manager:

Lab 7: Automator

8. Select the desired Storage System to run the service and then click Volume Settings window: or
the link below:

A list of volume will be display for selection

9. Next, click Submit or Submit & View Task.

10. Verify that the service is completed successfully in Task ->Debug.

Lab 7: Automator

11. Open Hitachi Ops Center Administrator and make sure the Storage System has new volume(s)
attached to the Server(s).

End of Activity 3

End of Lab 7

Lab 7: Automator

This page is intentionally left blank.

Lab 8: Hitachi Data Instance Director

In this lab, you will identify the steps to access HDID from Ops Center, Launcher. It will help you to
identify steps to create HDID resources and to install HDID client.
Note: The instructor will provide IP addresses and user credentials to the students to complete this

• Create HDID resources
• Install HDID client

• Hitachi Data Instance Director User Guide

Activity 1: Create HDID Resources and Install HDID Client

1. Logging into Hitachi Ops Center Launcher page

a. Logon to Ops Center server using the default credentials

b. Check the HDID status



Lab 8: Hitachi Data Instance Director

2. Check the HDID product details


3. Check the installed license keys

4. Logging into the Client Node (CCI server)

Note: The instructor will provide IP addresses and user credentials to the students to complete
this activity.

5. Install HDID Client (software available from share folder)

o Software folder shared by the instructor

6. On HDID master (Ops Center Sever) perform the following tasks:

a. Authorize a node (Client)

b. Create a policy for SI (ShadowImage)
c. Create a Data Flow
d. Activate a Data Flow

End of Activity 1

End of Lab 8


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