Fred White - Guide To Astrology

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Advice to Students.

T o one who is beginning the study of Astrology and is so situ-

ated that they cannot receive oral instructions, I will offer the-fd: .
!ow lilg suggestions : Begin at the beginning and go slowly, have
paticncc and lean1 thoroughly as you progress; do not omit any
of the simple and what seems to be quite unimportant reading
matter. 'i'his book has been arranged for the beginner, and you
nlust not forget that you are learning to read from SIGNS only,
ant1 often some slight indication may lead to a vast amount of in-
formation. I advise each one to take the lessons in the order
that I give them here, commit to memory each one before yon
pass 011 to the next, by missing even a small part of each lesson
you lnay overlook the most important indications of the horoscope.
Commit to memory the signs of the Zodiac, their nature, what
planet ruled by, notice the date on which the sun enters each sign
of the Zodiac. Study page I carefully, and read carefully the first
thirteen pages. You should become very familiar with the
signs, and sun's influence in each sign, and should know how t o
make the symbols of the signs and lanets before going to lesson
two. P
Read carefully and become familiar with pages 14, 15, 16
and 17.
Learn the motion of the planets, their houses and aspects, on
page 18. Refer to page I when learning aspects.
Learn the exaltation and fall of the planets, or, page 19.
Learn to exect a horoscope as given on page 20, and commit
to memory the signification of each house of the horoscope as
given on pages 21-22, and place the planets as given on pages
Study carefully pages 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30.
Read the influence of each planet in each sign as given on
pages 31 to 40.
Take your own horoscope and judge what it shows, according
to the radix on pages 40-41, judgingeach characteristic
Date of Birth.
Year, Month, Date of Month,

Hour, M. Sex, Place,

Siderial Time at Noon,
Time since Noon,
Time before Noon,

-- -- -
- - - -
--- --

The Zodiac.

Before you a t t e m p t t o form a n y opinion whatever from a horo-

scope, you bhould commit to memory the nature of c aah sign of the
Zodiac, what planet it is ruled by, what month the S u n 1s in each
sign. Learn how to make the symbols of the planets and signs.
T h e following chart shows all of these. Thus:-
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. I t is a cardinal, masculine,
equinoctial, fiery sign and is ruled by Mars. T h e E a ~ t henters
Aries on Srpternbor %2nd, each year, and passes into Taurus, tile
second sign of the Zodiac, on October 22nd. T h e S u n is in t h e
center of our solar system, b u t as we look at t h e Sun, it appears t o
b e in exactly the same d e g r e e of the sign opposite the sign t h e
E a r t h is in, therefore, we say the S u n is in such a sign simllly
for convenience. Thus: W h e n t h e E a r t h enters Aries, t h e S u n
appears to enter Libra, or, as t h e Earth enters Taurus. thc: S u n
pnters Scorpio. T h e dates given in t h e outer circle show approxi-
mately, o r within a few hours when t h e Earth will enter each s i g n
o r t h e S u n enters t h e opposite s i g n of the Zodiac.

Aries:-The Ram.
Aries i s a Fiery, Masculine, Movable, Equinoctial sign, is ruled
b y Mars, t h e ' ( G o d of War." T h e S u n enters A r ~ e ons March 21st
a n d passes into T a u r u s on April 22nd.
Those born whi!e i h e S u n is in Aries a r e of a persistent, deter-
mined nature, somewhat inclined t o be fiery or quick in temper,
very independent and more inclined t o lead rather than t o follov.
T h e y have a natural dislike for a master, and always wish t o govern
themselves; they admire scientific thought o r philosophy, and desire
to excel in whatever e n g a g e s their attention; they are generally
qyjte fearless a n d ambitious, and d o not become discouraged easily.
Although quick in temper and quick t o resent abuse o r imposition,
they are very forgiving, a n d d o not hold a g r u d g e against one f o r
a n y length of time.
Aries people have excellent vitality, and generally a very s t r o n g
constitution; d o not give u p t o sickness easily and recover quickly
from disease. T h e y have a very sharp and penetrating will-power,
which, when properly used will influence others very quickly.
Aries people harmonize best with those who a r e born with t h e
S u n in L e o o r Sagittarius, and fairly well with Gemini or Aquarius.
T h e ruling g e m s for Aries are t h e R u b y a n d Sardonyx.
F o r Employment o r Profession. Those born under t h e influence
of this sign succeed best in vocations requiring a quick, active tem-
perament, with power of execution a n d skillful touch. P e n sketch-
ing, engraving. model making. all mechanical work. Much
depends upon the hour of birth, often a good configuration of t h e
planets will entirely change t h e generalities a s indicated b y the
position of the Sun, although there is no question b u t t h a t the Sun's
influence is g r e a t e r than t h e combined influence of all t h e o t h e r

F o r a location. Aries people succeed best and enjoy life more

when located in prominent cities, o r w l ~ e r ethere is much excite-
ment. Capitol or RZetropolitan cities, and i n t h e cities they a r e
more prosporous, if located in corner houses.
T h e Aries characteristics a r e expressed very forcibly in t1:e fol-
lowing people. who were born while the Srin was in their sigr :
H e n r y Clay, Gcorqe Francis Train, Thomas Jefferson, Rob(.rt
Bruce, Mohamed, Prince Bismarck. T h e typical Aries person is
tall, slender, l o n g neck and sharp chin, b u t must have this sign
ascending t o have t h e description.
---- --- - - - - .- -- -- ---- -

Taurus:- The Bull.

T a u r u s is a Fixed, Feminine, Cold, Dry, E a r t h y sign; is ruled b y
Venus, t h e "Goddess of Love." T h e S u n enters Taurus on April
22nd a n d passes into Gemini on May 22nd.
Those born while t h e S u n is in Taurus a r e of a self-reliant dispo-
sition; slow, careful, plodding, g e n t l e when unprovoked, b u t furious
when a n g e r e d ; they have much patience a n d will await a l o e g time
for their hopes a n d aspirations; they are inclined t o b e headstrong
a n d unyielding, a r e very cautious, and have an a b l ~ o r a n c efor pain;
a r e curious and very inquisitive, solnewhat inclined t o bo medclle-
some. They love music, a r t and literary worlr, b u t a r e more i n ~ l i n e d
t o b e imitators rather than originators; t h e y have excellent reasoning
faculties, a r e of a s t r o n g a n d healthy nature b u t more subject to
chronic diseases than t l ~ o s eborn in moveable signs. T a u r u s people
harmonize best with those born while t h e S u n is in Caneer, Libra,
Capricorn o r Pisces.
T h e r u l i n g g e m s a r e t h e Emerald and Topaz.
F o r a business o r profession, T a u r u s people succeed best a t
something requiring artistic talent a n d ideality; they make g o o d ,
designers, sculpters, photographers, milliners o r d r a u g h t s m e y
T h e typical T a u r u s person is of medium height, broad shoulders,
round, full form, large mouth, bushy hair, short, thick neck, short
hands and f e c t ; b u t to have this description one of t h e fixed signs
must b e on t h e horizon a t t h e time of birth.
F o r a location: These people love best a q u i e t a n d shady place,
country o r village homes, away from excitement. I n t h e city, away
from t h e business center, and for a dwelling place, will generally
choose the middle of the block. a n d in the house, a center o r s i d e
Such character5 a s U. S. Grant, Oliver Cromwell, RTilliam Cow-
per, D u k e of Wellington, David H u m e , were born with t h e S u n i n <

This sign, a s well as Scorpio a n d Aquarius, is t h e most favorable

for producing occult stuclents. W h y they should is bald to say, a s
T a u r u s is earthy, m h i ~ himplies selfishness, ~naterialism and as f a r
from ~ ~ i r i t u a l i ast y c,ln b c ; hawever, T a u r u s people a r e fond of
good living, and enjoy tile luxuries which e:~rthycontiitions afford,
and were i t not for their idealism, they woultl probably ignore the
' ~ s ~ i r i t u a lo"r occult talent.

Gemini-The Twins.
Gemini is a Masculine, Barren, Airy a n d H u m a n e Sign, is ruled
b y Mercury, t h e "Messenger of t h e Gods." T h e S u n enters
Gemini on May 22d, a n d passes into Cancer on J u n e 21st.
People born while t h e S u n is i n Gemini a r e sympathetic, kind-
hearted, affectionate, fond of home and children, a r e very easily
influenced b y kindness, even t o their detriment a t times. T h e y '
are very sensitive and intuitional and often have a very large h a g -
ination, are quite idealistic; they a r e also very fond of scientific
knowledge, consequently are very studious; they have an activa
mind, a n d are generally busy with their hands; a r e rmbiticus a n d
aspiring, curious, given t o investigation and experimenting, excel-
lent reasoners, and generally good writers; a r e often q u i t e change-
abla, their main fault b e i n g a lack of continuity; a r e very liable t o
g o t o t h e extremes and imagine they can d o much more than they
a r e really able t o do.
T h e ruling g e m s of Gemini a r e t h e Topaz a n d Carbuncle.
F o r a business o r profession, they require something which i s
clean and easy; they make good writers, book keepers, model
makers, jewelers o r manufacturing small articles; they a r e often
inventive a n d very ingenious. Ladies born in this sign make good
teachers, editors of childrens' papers, governesses, etc.
T h e typical Gemini person is quite tall and slender, d a r k haired,
a bright sparkling eye, b u t t o havc this description, Gemini, L i b r a
o r Aquarius must bo o n t h e horizon a t the time of birth.
F o r a location: Gemini people enjoy high places, on the moun-
tains o r in a hilly country; in the home they love the rooms in t h e
upper p a r t of t h e building, where they m a y look over t h e city.
S u c h characters a s Dante, R a l p h W. Emerson, W a l t Whitman,
Pope, Brigham Young, Thomas l\Ioore, Socrates. was born while
t h e S u n was in Gemini.
Gemini people harmonize best with those born with t h e S u n in
Libra or Aquarius, fairly well with those born i n L e o or Aries.
T h e sign Gemini is said t o rule t h e United States, a n d t h e typi-
cal yankee is a fair specimen of a Gemini character; quick witted,
ingenious, generous and charitable, first in war a n d first in peace,
a kind word and helping hand for every one.
Mercury was called t h e Messenger of t h e Gods, and i t falls t o
t h e lot of the American people t o lead i n science a n d invention.
T h e time may come when a gigantic statue of Mercury may adorn
some prominent park of t h e United States, a s t h e Goddess of Lib-
e r t y now holds a prominent place in New York harbor.

Cancer is a W a t e r y , Cold, Moist, Feminine, Movable sign, is

ruled b y t h e Moon. T h e S u n enters Cancer on J u n e Zlst, a n d
passes into L e o on J u l y 22nd.
People born while t h e S u n is i n Cancer are of a retiring, patient,
sensitive disposition, k i n d a n d g e n t l e , averse t o discord o r inhar-
mony; p u r s u i n g their course in a quiet, tenacious manner. T h e y a r e
quite p r o u d a n d n e e d encouragement a n d approbation t o make
them h a p p y ; arc: somewh:~tinclined t o b e jealous; a r e quite subject
t o gloomy periods a n d often g e t downhearted q u i t e easily; a r e also
easily frightened, a r e very conscientious a n d very easily influenced
b y their surroundings; often extremely mediumistic. T h e y a r e very
industrious, p r u d e n t a n d frugal, soruetimes over anxious i n acquir-
i n g t h e g o o d s of life. T h e y a r e g r e a t l y attached t o home a n d
T h e sign Cancer is very changeable, a n d a s the Moon is placed,
i t takes t h e nature of t h a t s i g n in which it m a y be. Thus: In

Aries, t h e native is martial; i n Taurus, of Venus' nature, foncl of

9 pleasures; in Gemini, i s a mercurialist a n d a traveler.
F o r a business o r profession, they succeed best in vocations re-
q u i r i n g persistent effort combined with patience, such a s manage-
ment of hotels, restaurants, laundries. Females born under this
sign make excellent nurses, cooks, etc.
F o r a location, Cancer people love to b e near a l a r g e b o d y of
water, in shacly places, a r e not a d a p t e d t o a noisy city; t h e y should

LI Cancer people harmonize beet with those born while t h e S u n is in

Virgo, S c o r p ~ oo r Pisces, or fairly well with Aquarius o r Taurus.
T h e ruling gems of Cancer are the Emeralds a n d Moonstone.
T h e typical Cancer person is of medium height, quite chubby
I built, round forrn and features, dark,hair a n d complexion, very soft
flesh, a low, suppressed voice. T o have this description, this sign
I must ascencl, Other s i g n s ascending o r tlle Moon in a fiery sign,
may change .the general make-up.
Cancer is said t o rule all Africa, Holland, Scotland, Constantino-
pie, Amsterdam, Venice, N e w Yorlr a n d Milan.
Such characters a s J u l i u s Cresar, H e n r y W a r d Beecher, P. T.
Barnum, St. Paul, J o h n Calvin, were born while t h e S u n w a s in

Leo:-The Lion.
Leo is a Fixed, Fiery, Masculine and Barren sign, is ruled by the
Sun. The Sun enters Leo on J u l y 22d, and passes into Virgo on
August 22tl.
People born while the Sun is in Leo are active minded, fearless,
good naturc~la nd generous, slow to anger but furious when their
temper is aroused, which may happen but very few times in tlitair
life; they are very determined and persistent, seldom become dis-
couraged, are natural leaders among their associates, will not bo
driven by any one, are quite independant and inclined to keep their
affairs to thbmselves, particularly those which refer t o finance and
love, they are quite industrious, honest and conscientious, they
make friends easily on account of being very magnetic; Leo peo-
ple will always look well to their own interests and are more fortun-
a t e in t h e long run than the average person.
The ruling gems of Leo are the Sapphire and Diamond.
F o r a business or profession, they are well adapted for vocations
ruquiring sympathetic and magnetic force, with Mercury well as-
pected, they make good qrators, elocutionists, lecturers and inspira-
tional speakers; if Mars is powerful in the figure, they are leaders
in tho Army, and may hold a high office.
The typical Leo person is of good height, well built, broad shoul-
ders, full face and blue eyes, to have this description, one of tho
fixed signs must ascend, otherwise the description may correspond to
the ascending sign.
Leo people harmonize best with those who are born while the Sun
is in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius or Aries, they d o not agree a t all
with those born with t h e Sun in a watery or earthy sign.
F o r a location; Leo people resemble the lion in their choica of
location, they enjoy country life, plenty of fresh air, and lots of
room, in the city they ~riusth ave a shady place during the day, and
void of shade a t night.
The average length of life of a Leo person is 58 years, as a rule,
they have a strong constitution and good vitality, but often die sud-
denly from over exertion.
The follon ing people are good expressions of Leo; Robert G.
Ingersoll, Xnpoleon Bonaparte, Sir Walter Scott, Mary Anderson,
John Dryden.
Leo is said to rule France, Italy, Bohemia, Sicily, Rome, Bath,
Philadelphia, Ancient Chaldea.
Virgo:-The Virgin.
Virgois a n Earthy, Changeable, Feminine, Cold a n d barren sign.
Rules t h e Bowels a n d is ruled b y Mercury.
T h e S u n enters V i r g o on A u g u s t 22nd a n d passes from Virgo
into Libra on September 22nd.
People born with the S u n i n Virgo a r e modest, thoughtful,
contemplative, industrious and refined. Often a r e very changeable
in opinion and very sensitive; they have a s t r o n g love nature and
very s t r o n g likes and dislikes, are often very persistent a n d incon-
sistent, very discriminating and choice in their eating. W h e n dis-
pleased o r angered their appetite is lost and they wish t o b e alone.
T h e y have a g r e a t love for wealth b u t no ability for saving or
sccumu'lating money, they very often criticise the faults of others;
consequently create enemies; they are not easily discouraged, are
very industrious, seldom contented, they learn easily and quickly,
they have good endurance a n d d o not show their age. Their g r e a t -
est faults a r e lack of confidence, quick temper a n d dissatisfied feel-
ing. V i r g o people are more liable t o bowel trouble a n d indigest-
ion than other diseases.
T h e y harmonize best with those born with t h e S u n i n Capricorn
o r Taurus and quite well with Scorpio or Cancer people.
T h e typical Virgo person is of average height, medium built, in-
clined t o b e slender, with brown or d a r k hair. T o have this des-
cription t h e s i g n Virgo must b e o n t h e eastern horizon a t the time
of birth, a n y other sign ascending wocld change this description t o
that of t h e s i g n ascending, but the characteristics would remain
practically t h e same.
T h e fortunate g e m s for a Virgo person a r e t h e Diamond o r Topaz
o r both. T h e Sapphire is said t o prevent worry and anxiety when
worn b y one born between A u g u s t a n d S e p t e m b e r 22nd,
A s a rule, Virgo people succeed best in occupations requiring
very little hard work; when p u t t o t h e test they can apply them-
selves t o almost anything, b u t prefer s o ~ e t h i n gwhich is neat and
not requiring physical labor. T h e y succeed best i n Literary work,
W r i t i n g , Painting, Decorating, etc. Many born under this sign
have unusual talents a n d inventive genius, and are especially fond
of scientific studies, consequently they make natural physicians
a n d have t h e best of success i n this profession on account of b e i n g
unusually intuitive.
' T h e y enjoy life more and have much b e t t e r health if located
a w a y from t h e large cities, in fact, are naturally fond of mountain-
o u s countries, and t h e beauties of nature.

Libra:-The Scales.
L i b r a is an airy, movable, masculine, cardinal, equinoctial sign,
and is ruled b y Venus.
T h e S u n enters Libra on S e p t e m b e r 22nd and passes into
Scorpio on October 23rd.
People born while t h e S u n is i n Libra a r e generally very
thoughtful and contemplative, as t1.z symbol implies, they weigh
mentally all subjects which attract their attention. T h e y are very
imaginative a n d much given t o b u i l J i n g a i r castles, and also q u i t e
intuitional although seldom allowing their intuition t o overcome
their reason. T h e y are modest, neat a n d particular, disliking dirty
work of a n y kind; have a fair amount of ambition, a r e very
affectionate, often marry while y o u n g a n d often marry more than
once, a r e very fond of music, art, etc., a n d make very good
musicians if properly educated. T h e y have a very even temper,
disliking discord and inharmony, a r e generous t o excess. Libra
people a r e more subject t o kidney complaint, backache, a n d often
21 weak digestion caused b y a love of confectionery.
T h e y harmonize best with those born with t h e S u n in Aquarius o r
Gemini and fairly well with those born while the S u n is in Leo, o r
Sagittarius b u t should never marry one born with t h e S u n in Aries,
Cancer, o r Capricorn. T h e typical Libra person is of average
height, medium built, brown o r light hair. T o have this
description, they mush have V e n u s i n a n airy o r fiery sign. Should
Venus b e in Pisces, Cancer Scorpio o r Capricorn; their general
description will b e much different.
T h e fortunate g e m s for a Libra person a r e t h e R u b y a n d
Sardonyx. A s a rule, Libra people succeed best a s Doctors,
Artists, Musicians, Writers, Printers, o r a n y profession which
causes considerable travelling o r takes them into contact with t h e
pllblic, they make good lecturers.
F o r a location, t h e y enjoy cities and places where there is excite-
mlent a n d activity. T h e y are not a t all contented unless their
mind is occupied about something, they must be busy a t all t i a ~ e s .
T h e y are not naturally l o n g lived, t h e average length of life
Lbing about 48 t o 51 years.
Libra people are very easily influenced b y the minds of others,
if not careful, can often b e influenced t o their detriment in
matters p r t a i n i ~ gt o finances, business, etc.

Scorpio:-The Scorpion.
Scorpio is a Cold, F e n ~ i n i n e ,Fruitful, F i x e d sign a n d is ruled by
Rlars. T h e S u n enters Scorpio on October 22nd a n d passos into
Sagittarius o n Nbvember 22nd.
People born while the S u n is i n Scorpio a r e of a pleasant a n d
agreeable nature, kind hearted a n d sympathetic, not a s i e n e r o u s as
r l ~ a n y who are born while tho S u n is in some of t h e signs. T h e y
have acquisitiveness well developed a n d a r e fond of luxuries, a r e
quite economical and can p u t to g o o d use much which would b e
thrown away by t h e average person. T h e y are very headstlong and
stu1)born and will allow no one t o impose upon them, a r e slow t o
anger, a l t l ~ o u g hd o not forget an injury d o n e them for 3, l o n g time,
a n d when a n g e r e d a r e furious, they are somewhat emotional, some
what dignified, a n d can b e very deceitful and treacherous if their
ruling planet is evilly aspected. Females born i n this s i g n have a
tendency t o jealousy. A s a rule, Scorpio causes one t o b e patient,
very determined a n d better adapted t o accumulate wealth than t h e
average person.
Scorpio rules t h e secrets a n d generative organs, a n d denotes
weaknesws in that part of t h e body, a s well a s in t h e liver, throat
a n d ankles. A s a rule, those born d u r i n g t h e time the S u n is in
Scorpio are s u b j e c t t o kidney diseases, bronchitis and torpid liver.
T h e average l e n g t h of life is a b o u t 57 years.
Scorpio people harmonize best with those born with t h e S u n i n
Cancer o r Pisces, although they harmonize fairly well with those
born in Virgo o r Capricorn.
Tho typical Scorpio person is of medium height, broad shoulders.
round full face, d a r k hair, generally t h e l o w e r limbs not symetrical.
T o have this description, t h e s i g n must be o n t h e ascendant a t t h e
time of birth. and Mars must b e in Plsces, Cancer o r Scorpio; if i n
other signs this description will b e modified somev,~hat.~
T h e fortunate g e m s for a Scorpio person aro t h e R u b y o r A g ~ t e .
'Scorpio people often hold high positions, they a r e best ailai,ted to
work requiring much patience and perseverence. T h e y m a k e good
doctors, nurses, hotel keepers, etc.
F o r a location, they enjoy the country and places near water,
they are not as fond of excitement as many are, a n d a r e more satis-
fied to b e where i t is very quiet. Sailing o n t h e water, fishing, etc.,
a r e very entertaining t o them.
Benjamin Butler, Martin Luther, Prince of Wales, Belva Ann
Lockwood, a r e good representatives of Scorpio.

Sagittarius:-The Archer.
Sagittarius is a Hot, Fiery, Masculine, Barren a n d Common sign,
i s r u l e d b y J u p i t e r . T h e S u n enters Sagittarius on November 23rd
and passes into Capricorn o n December 21st.
Those b&n while t h e S u n is in Sagittarius are of a jovial nature,
generous a n d charitable, naturally inclined t o b e leaders a m o n g
their associates; they disliko a master and will allow n o one t o o r d e r
orclrive them around, a r e very ambitious a n d persevering, not
easily discouraged, they have good calculation aud foresight, g e n -
erally a very s t r o n g will power as well a s considerable psycl~ologic-
a1 influence; have more d i g n i t y a n d self esteem than those born in
other signs, b u t a r e seldom conceited. Sagittarius people a r e
natural mechanics and generally fond of sport a n d outdoor excercise;
they a r e a b l e t o control animals a n d a r e often vary fond of horses.
O n account of their good calculation they a r e natural prophets,
seldom m a k i n g a mistake w h e n estimating t h e outcome of some
enterprise. T h e y have various talents; w e find musicians,' artists,
writers, sculptors, mechanics, inventors a n d numerous professions
repressnted b y those born d u r i n g t h e above period, a n d w e g e n -
erally find one who is a n expert i n his profession, a s t h e y see, think
a n d a c t much quicker than t h e average person of other signs. S a g -
ittarius rules t h e hips a n d thighs; those who come u n d e r this sign
a r e more inclined t o accidents than t o other misfortunes, b u t t h e
weak p a r t s of t h e bc <y a r e rnacle s o more from diseases of t h e blood
than from other causes, although occasionally a r e subject t o weak
Sagittarius people harmonize best with those born while t h e S u n
si in Aries o r Leo, they a g r e e well with those born with the S u n in
5ibra o r Aquarius. T h e typical Sagittarius person is of good
height, medium built, brown o r l i g h t hair, blue eyes. T o have this
description, the sign must b e ascending, with J u p i t e r in a n airy o r
fiery sign.
T h e ruling g e m s of Sagittarius a r e t h e Amethist and Jasper.
Sagittarius peollle often hold g o o d positions where they have
charge over others, such a s foremen, superintendants, etc.
F o r employr11ent:- T h e y have good success a s printers, artificers,
cashiers, accountants etc. If J u p i t e r b e well placed, t h e native may
hold a prominent position.
F o r a location, they enjoy a rough, mountainous country, they
cannot bear t o crowded into small quarters.

Capricorn:-The Goat.
Capricorn is an Earthy, Xlovable, Feminine, Equinoctial, cold
a n d t h o u g l ~ t f u sign,
l a n d is ruled b y Saturn. T h e S u n enters Cap-
ricorn on December 21st a n d passes i n t o Aquarius on J a n . 20th.
Those born while t h e S o n is in Capricorn a r e of a q u i e t and
thougl-~tfulnature, very d e e p minded and very goocl reasoners,
generally very practical, they a r e dignified and have more self
e h t e c ~ nt h a n t h e average person, a r e q u i t e n e a t a n d particular,
often artistic, q u i t e ambitious a n d persevering, can work a l o n g
time without becoming discouraged. W i t h t h e d e e p mind is
much activity, often one born u n d e r this condition will have sev-
sral things which they are interested i n o n hand a t once; they have
good calculation, a n d often plan schemes of considerable magnitude.
T h e y a r e quite sympathetic b u t d o not show their s y m p a t l ~ y ,
oftcn appearing very cold a n d indifferent. T h e y a r e very curious,
a n d when once they s t a r t t o investigate a subject they go very
clecply into i t ; they are q u i t e independent and dislike very much
t o have other people p r y into their affairs.
Ladies b o r n i n Capricorn always t r y h a r d t o appear very n e a t
when in company, and always p u t t h e side out," t h e y a r e
very fond of f i n e dress. A l l Capricorn people a r e very religiously
inclined and are often more interested i n t l ~ e o l o g y than other

Capricorn people harmonize best with those born with t h e S u n

in Taurus o r Virgo, fairly well with those who have t h e S u n i n
Scorpio o r Pisces. T h e typical Capricorn person is of medium
height, slender, d a r k hair a n d small eyes, b u t t o habe this dee-
cription t h e s i g n n ~ u s bt e ascending; t h e description will b e mod-
ified when other signs ascend.
T h e ruling g e m s of Capricorn are the Sardonyx and Beryl.
Those ruled b y Capricorn have goocl success in t h e e l n p l o y ~ n e n t
of large corporationr-, a n d often rise t o high positions. T h e y make
p o d lawyers, ministers, stoclr raiiers, etc.
F o r a l o c a t ~ o n they
, enjoy a quiet place, away from 1:n-g-e cities,
or if i n the city, they m u s t b e whcrc there is little noise and no
T h e fol!on i n g proniinent people were born n ith tlie S u n in Cap-
ridorn, and a r e good examples of this sign: fien.jan~ia Franklin,
I)aniel Webster, Thonlas Paine, Isaac Newton, William Gladstone,
fiobei.t Lee, ]Edgar A. r o e .

Aquarius:- The Waterman,

Aquarius is a n Airy, Fixed, Masculine, W a r m a n d H u m a n e sign,
a n d is ruled b y Uranus, t h e Occult planet. T h e S u n enters Aquar-
i u s on J a n u a r y 21st a n d passes into Pisces F e b r u a r y 18th.
Those born with t h e S u n i n Aquarius a r e of a pleasant a n d sym-
pathetic natcre, good hearted a n d generous, have dignity b u t a r e
seldom conceited. T h e y a r e clear reasoners a n d not disposed t o
deal in theories; a r e very practical a n d usually have a brilliant
intellect. T h e y have s t r o n g likes and dislikes, a n d occasionally
a r e very radical in their ideas a n d beliefs, a r e seldom hypocritical,
generally very sincere and honest. T h e y are easily influencecl b y
liindness b u t dislike t o b e ordered about a n d will not b e driven,
a r e generally very cheerful, a r d slow t o anger, b u t very indepen-
T h e y generally have a very s t r o n g will power and a r e . very ,
magnetic, therefore a r e often found in charge over others. T h e y
I have a n active, nervous temperament a n d enjoy theatrical o r public

Aquarius people harmonize b e s t with those born in t h e fiery

eigns{or Libra a n d Gemini.

Th'e typical Aquarius person is tall, s t r o n g built b u t not fleshy.

A l o n g face, h i g h forehead, blue eyes and l i g h t hair. T o have this

description, t h e ascending sign a t t h e hour of birth must b e Aquarius

o r one of t h e Airy signs.
Ii T h e r u l i n g g e m s of Aquarius a r e t h e O n y x a n d Beryl.

T h e vocation which a n Aquarius person is beet adapted for is such
a s require strength a n d firmness combined with love for t h e sub-
lime. Explorers, travellers, engineers, surveying, mining, merchants
a n d other similar employments.
F o r a l o c a t i o n , they should live outside a city a n d on high
I ground, b u t should b e where they can mingle with many people
I1 I
d u r i n g t h e day.
T h e U r a n u s a n d Aquarius elements a n d principles will b e more
marked i n t h e coming generations than i t has been previously.
T h e entire Solar System, which moves tbrough t h e s i g n s in t h e
I opposite direction from t h a t of t h e planets i n their daily motion,
recently passed from Pisces into t h e s i g n Aquarius, where i t will
remain for 2,200 years. A s Uranus i s occult, socialistic, causing
revolutions, radical changes, and is t h e poor man's friend. We
may expect some o n e born d u r i n g t h e time t h e S u n is i n Aquarius
who will b e like Moses of Old;-and lead his people o u t of slavery.

Pisces:-The Fishes.
Pices i s a Feminine, Fruitful, W a t e r y sign, is ruled b y Neptune,

the planet of and IrlPnl.ism. The Sun enters Pisces on

Febrtary 1 9 and passes into Aries on March 21st.

Those born while the Sun is in Pisces are generally kind and

loving and inclined to be easy going, will often smile at misfortune,

they are very imaginative, are quite idealistic, will often say

things unthinkingly which they are soon sorry for. They are

quite studious, methodical, logical and niathematical in deducting

their conclusions and are very scientific when once they set out to

b e , They desire to penetrate the searet depth of knowledge and

often pursue their research with untiring energy. They often lack

pride and self esteem and will hesitate about putting themselves

forward for fear they cannot d o justice to their position. They are,

as a whole, quite timid and very modest, easily influenced to tears,

and can be fascinated with music: and beautiful scenery.

Their mind is very s t r o n g p n d when once set upon accomplishing

some object they d o not easily give up, although lack of confidence

often prevents their entering pursuits which they are adapted for.

people harmonize best with those born with the Sun in

Law or Scorpio, and well with Taurus And Capricorn peo-
ple. T h e r u l i w vems of Pisces are the_iimethvstand Jasper. 4

For Employment or Profession. They succeed best in some

employment which requires intuitive judgment or the power t o

1 -
make the best of circumstances. Councellors a t law, office holding
and trades where considerable discretion is required.
For a location. They enjoy places near the ocean, or large bod-
ies of water, or in rough mountainous country where the scenery is
grand or inspiring.
The following persons were born while the S u n was in Pisces:
George Washington, Henry W. Longfellow, Phil. Sheridan, James
Madison, ~ ~ s~ ~~f f g~ r ahVictor
a ,- Hugo,&Iichael An elo, Andrew
Jackson, Grover Clevelandp a n b William McKinley) kc-,,
The whole solar system'is moving, but i n the opposite direction
in which the planets are moving, thus;- ?'he whole solar system has
qnita recently passed from the sign Pisces into the sign Aquarius,
i t rcquires about 2,230 years to move through each sign, and while
in eaoh sign the people as a whole are influenced a great deal more
by this sign than by any other. While passing through Aquarius
the house of Uranus, the world will be more reasonable, charatable
and much more progressive, about, 1912 Uranus enters Aquarius, !:
we may expect mighty changes. rr
-1 3-
e planet which rules that sign is called t h e significator o r

mind, and a s t h e mind is. s o will b e the ability, desires, ambition
and, to a g r e a t extent, t h e success of t h e native.
T h e horcscope a t first sight, may look t o b e inferior o r of n o
particular signilication, br?t if yon analyse it, and you find t h e
ascendant in a goo6 sign, well aspected, a n d good planets in t h e
ascendant, you generally find a n excellent mind, irnd n o intellectual
person can b e k e p t down b y adveree conditions o r circumstances.
I n j u d g i n g t h e ascending sign, go five degrees back a n d forward
of the d e g r e e ascending, a s t h e five degrees back of the ascendant
still have their effect. Planets within five degrees, but back of
t h e ascendant. ( I n 1 2 t h house) should be considered on tlle
ascendant, b u t not q u i t e a s powerful as if in t h e ascendant.
T h e ascending sign a n d t h e sign in which t h e ruler of the ascend-
a n t a r e placed wiil show t h e disposition of the native, and his general
mentality. Thus: Aries ascending, with Mars in A%ies, denotes
one of medium height, inclined t o b e slender and muscular, l o n g
ncck, sharp features, red o r sandy hair. I n disposition courageous,
ambitious, intrepid, passionate, quick in temper, cannot bear t o b e
ordered around, naturally inclines t o lead rather than follow.
Should Mars b e i n Taurus, t h e build is modified a n d the native
will look more like T a u r u s than Aries; t h e Aries disposition will'

T h e following aescriptions correspond t o the different signs:

Taurus gives a middle stature, with a strong, well-set body, a
short, thick neck, broad forehead, d a r k hair, a dull complexion,
rather large mouth; i n disposition sullen a n d reserved b u t affection-
a t e ; they a r e slow t o form opinions, a r e steadfast a n d self-reliant.
Gemini usually gives a tall, straight body, a sanguine complexion,
dark hair and g r e y syes, sharp sight and quick, active movements;
in disposition scientific, with a passion for all kinds of knowledge

a n d books; they are fickle in opinion, very intellectual, b u t incon-

s t a n t in their habits and attachments.
Cancer produces a medium stature, somewhat fleshy, and t h e
upper p a r t larger than t h e lower, a rather small, round face and pale
complexion, brown hair and pensive g r e y eyes; in disposition timid,
thoughtful a n d agreeable; t h e temper is mild a n d under good con-
trol. Their chief qualities a r e sensitiveness and reflection. hence
they make fine mediums.
L e o gives a large, prepossessing stature, broad shoulders, large,
eyes, oval face, ruddy complexion and l i g h t o r golden hair; i n dis-
position high-spirited, resolute. haughty a n d ambitious; they a r e
very impulsive a n d have s t r o n g feelings a n d large ideas.
V i r g o generally gives a n ~ e d i n mstature, o r somewhat below t h e
medium height, very neat a n d compact i n form, with dark, sanguine
complexion and d a r k hair; in disposition ingenious, studious and
inclined to be w i t t y ; a rather even temper, b u t more exciteable
than taurine persons; they possess well-blanced brains and superior
mental and intellectual qualities.
Libra produces a tall, slender form of perfect symmetry, brown
hair, sparkling blue eyes a n d a fine, clear complexion; in disposition
noble, amiable, high-minded a n d affectionate, b u t h a s t y tempered;
they possess fine-grained, well-balanced mental a n d physical consti-
tutions; ancl i t is u ~ e l l to note thut very frepuenzly this s i g n gives
dark huir instead of light, and also, d a r k eyes, but alwccys ayline,
Scorpio gives a s t r o n g and rather corpulent body, medium stature
dark, r u d d y complexion, dark hair, a n d frequently a prominent
Roman nose; in disposition active, proud, reserved, thoughtful, sci-
entific and somewhat selfish and resentful; they make very skillful
surgeons and magnificent chemists and physicians.
Sagittarius usually producecl a well-formed body, above medium
height, sanguine complexion, oval face, high forehead, bright
brown hair, fine, clear g r e y or hazel eyes and genial, prepossessing
appearance; in disposition quick, energetic a n d hasty tempered;
fond of all kinds of sports and recreations, jovial, free a n d benevo-
l e n t ; they possess s t r o n g conservative qualities, a r e very prompt
a n d decisive in their actions, a n d have usually good self-control a n d
t h e ability t o command others.
Capricorn generally produces a mean stature, usually below t h e
lnedium height, spare of form and plain looking; t h e complexion is
d a r k a n d sallow, with d a r k brown o r black hair a n d eyes; frequently



they have a sharp chin a n d elender nose, with small, d e e p - s e t

piercing eyes, a n d are almost always narrow-chested; in disposition
they are crafty, subtle reserved a n d selfish, and often given to

height; they are plump, well-set, robust and well proportioned

persons, with good clear complexions and sandy or dark flaxen hair,
very preposbessing appearance; in dispositiorl elegant. amiable good-
natured, bright, and witty, very artistic, fond of cultured society.
1i~ecveouf'telafbu)zd this sign to give $ ) L C tkirk. eyes uszd durk. I~uir,
combinecl with cc beuut~lfL~l clectr cornplexion.
Pisces produces a somewhat inferior stature, below t h e medium
height, brown hair, pale complexion and limped g r e y eyes, a n d
rather fleshy body; i l l disposition negative, inclined t o b e listless
and good-natcred; they are genial and peaceable if uninfluenced
b y others, b u t being strongly rnediurnistic, they a r e greatly influ-
enced b y their surroundings. I I~ccvenoticecl that u i ~ e nx is rising
with r intercepted i n the jfrst i~ozcseand asLy plunet therein, thut

N o T E - T ~ ~disposition of t h e native is modified according to t h e

s i g n t h e ruling Planet is in, a n d b y Planets in the ascendant.
Thus: Aries ascending with Mars in Virgo, gives much of t h e
Virgo disposition mingled with the Aries disposition; and with this
will b e added t h e nature of such Planets as are in t h e ascendant.
Description Produced by Each Planet.
Cancer ascending with Moon in Aries describes one as slender
fair complexion, light hair; stature varies.
Moon in Taurus-Middle height, stout, dark complexion.
I n Gemini-Tall, slender, dark complexion and hair.
I n Cancer-Middle height, full form, stout, dark hair.
In Leo-Average height, well built, round lorm, light hair.
In Virgo-Tall, slender, dark hair and complexion.
In Libra-Average height, good proportion, fair complexion.
In Scorpio-Middle height, chubby or plump, dark complexion.
In Sagittarius-Average height, medium built, brown hair.
In Capricorn-Short, slender, dark hair and complexion.
In Aquarius--Tall, medium built, strong, brown hair.
In Pisces-Short, medium built, dark hair.
Gemini or Virgo ascending with Mercury in Aries-Average
height, slender, brown or dark hair.
In Taurus-Short, chubby built, dark hair.
In Gemini-Ta41, good proportions, slender, dark hair.
In Cancer-Short, plump built. dark hair.
I n Leo-Tall, good proportions, well built, light hair.
I n Virgo-Average height, medium built, dark hair.
In Libra-Middle height, evenly built, dark or brown hair.
I n Scorpio-Short, thick set, dark hair.
In Sagittarius-Tall, good proportions, slender, brown hair.
In Capricorn-hfiddle height, slender, dark hair.
I n Aquarius-Average height, middle weight, brown hair.
In Pisces-Medium height, chubby built, dark hair.
I (Plroets in Pisces are variable, often giving good height, slender
dark hair.

As can be seen from the descriptions of the Moon and Mercury,
in the twelve signs, each description is nearly the same as the sign
itself gives. Therefore, in giving the description of the ascending
sign, make a judicious mixture of that sign in which the ruling
planet is.
The description is modified again by any planet which may be
within eight degrees of the cusp of the ascendant; and the modifi-
cation will be according to the description of the sign which the
planet rules.

Motion of the Plaaets.

Mercury travels around t h e S u n in 87g d a y s ; V e n u s in 2 2 5
d a y s ; E a r t h in 363% days; Mars i n 687 clajs; J a p i t e r in 1 1 1
4 years;
Sacurn in 29% yrarb; Uranus in 82 Sears; N e p t u n e in 165 years.
~ r ~ on a n aver:qe of about 4 degrees a day, o r through
M v r c ~ r~:ovcs
each sign in 7 days, a l t l ~ o u g hi t s motion varies, when nearest t h e
S u n in G ~ n l i r l i t moves ncarly twice a s fast as when in Sagittarius,
farthest away from the Sun. Venus moves about 1%degrees each
d:~y, or pasbing tlri~ough each sign in 18 days. Earth, about 1
* d e g r e e a d ; ~ y . Moon, about 13 degrees a day. hlars, about %
degree a day, o r t l ~ r o u g heaoli house in about t ~ v months.
o .Jupiter,
about 2% degrees a month, o r through a house e v r r y year. Saturn,
1 d e g r e e a month, o r through a l ~ o u e ein 2% years. Uranus, 4%
degrees a year, o r through a house in sevcn years. Neptune, a b o u t
2 degrees a year, o r through each house i n fourteen years.
T h e combined influence of all t h e fixed stars of each sign has been
found t c correspond with t h e different planets. Therefore. the sign
which is of t h e nature of a certain planet, is said t o b e t h e H o u s e
of that planet.
F o r convenience we give below a list showing the signs a n d
their ruling planots:
Aries a n d Scorpio are t h e houses of Mars. Taurus and Libra a r e
t h e houses of Venus. Gemini and V i r g o are t h e houses of Mercury.
Cancer is t h e house of t h e Moon. L e o is t h e house of t h e Sun.
Sagittarius i s t h e house of Jupiter. Capricorn is the house of S a t -
urn. Aquarius is t h e ho s of Uranus a n d t h e Earth. Pisces is
t h e house of Neptune&#/$&,
T h e s t r o n g aspects of t h e planets a r e Conjunction, o r within 7
degrees of each other. T h e Opposition o r within 7 degrees of
opposite t o each other (each side'of t h e S u n ) . T h e Quadrature
o r Square. between 83 and 97 degrees of each other.
T h e weakest aspects a r e the Sextile, 6 0 degrees apart, o r within
5 degrees of it. T h e Trine, 1 2 0 degrees, o r within 7 degrees of it.
T h e Bi-Opposition, 150 degrees of it. T h e Semi-Scxtile, 30 d e g r e e s
apart, o r within 7 degrees of it.
T h e s t r o n g aspects of t h e good planets are beneficial; also t h e
weak aspects of t h e evil planets. Thus: J u p i t e r and V e n u s a r e
always beneficial; the Prioon a n d Mercury are always beneficial if in
s t r o n q aspect t o J a p i t e r and Venus; b u t having an evil influence in
s t r o n g aspect to Szturn, Mars, Uranus or Neptune.
A n Afliction is a s t r o n g aspeci of a n evil p1:~net t o a good one.
I f Venus i s in Conjunction with Saturn, Mars, U r a n u s o r Neptune,
Venus is said t o b e aflicted.

Exaltation and Fall of the Planets.

Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo; it is exalted in Virgo, has its
fall in Pisces and in detriment in Sagittarius.
Venus rules Taurus and Libra; is exalted in Pisces, in her fa11
in Virgo and in detriment in Aries and Scorpio.

aurus and Libra.

.~lted in Cancer, has his fall in

lted i n Libra, has his fall in Aries

Taurus and in d

detriment and very weak when retrograde.

A pIanet issaid to be strong or to have essential dignity when
in its own triplicity. Thus: Mars and Jupiter are fiery planets;
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are fiery signs; therefore Mars, Jupiter
and the Sun have more power in these signs than in others. Sat-
urn is Earthy and is strong in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
A planet has strong s i g w t i o n and exerts a more marked in-
fluence when located in the cardinal signs of the figure, as these +*a,zd-.
signs form the principal angles of the horoscope. A

The strength is considerably mitigated when located in common

signs-Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces-as when placed in
such signs their action in bringing about events i s sluggish and at
times fails entirely, while if located in Cardinal signs-Aries,
Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn they bring about a more prompt and
decided result, while if located in Fixed signs--Taurus, Leo, Scor-
pio and Aquarius-their influence is much more slow in culmina-
ting but more lasting when completed.
Planets located in the northern signs-from Aries to Libra-ex-
ert a stronger influence in bringing about events then when located
i n the other portion of the Zodiac, for the reason that when in
nortilern signs they aro in north declination, therefore exert a more
direct influence upon the northern hemisphere; while in southern
signs their declination is south and their influence exerted more
directly upon the southern hemisphere.
-19- * 7,
required i n t h e Ephemeris and find t h e d a y required; s e t down t h e
Siderial T i m e f o r t h a t day. If t h e time for which you wish t o find
t h e ascending sign is w, add t h e difTerence in time between
noon a n d tirne required t o t h e m e r i a l Time. B u t if t h e time is A.
s_ubtsaclt t h e difference in time between noon a n d t h e Side&f
%&e. T h u s : 4 A.M. subtract 8 hours, if 4 P.M. a d d 4 h o ~ ~ r s .
Remember t h a t when the Siderial T i m e is smaller you cannot

The Houses of the Horoscope.
T h e first house of t h e horoscope is that sign of t h e Zodiac which
y o u would see on the eastern horizon a t t h e time for which t h e
figure is made. I t is called t h e ascendant. I t rules t h e personal
appearance'of t h e native, a n d influences t h e mind t o a certain extent,
especially if any planet b e i n t h e ascendant.
~ u l e st h e ascend& is called t h e r n l u + p l m & a n d a n y planet in
t h e ascendant is called co-ruler. If a n evil planet-Saturir, Mars o r
Uranus-be in t h e ascendant, t h e native will have a mole, mark or
scar on tb0 head. M e r c u r y in t h e ascendant gives a quick, active
mind, excellent intellect. Venus gives a pleasant, affectionate
nature, love and talent for music, art, etc., and causes early m a y
riage. T h e S u n gives ambition, pride, enterprise and ability. T h e
Moon gives ambition, intellect, etc., b u t much depends on her
aspects. Mars gives quick temper, determination, mechanical
ability. Jupiter gives power t o command a e d govern, executive
ability, good business qualities. Saturn gives a d e e p mind, often
scientific, b u t often causes ill-succees in marriage. Uranus gives
persistency, eccentricities, love of travel. N e p t u n e gives a love for
t h e grand, sublime, poetical a n d ideal.
Much d e p e n d s o n t h e aspects which may b e formed between
planets in t h e ascendant a n d o t h e r planets. If t h e aspects a r e
good, t h e native will have a n excellent mind and may rise high i n
t h e world. T h e disposition will b e good a n d h e o r she will have
many friends, even though evil planets b e in t h e ascendant b u t well
aspected. I f evil espects are formed, t h e native is fickle, change-
able, unsteady, often quick tempered a n d deceitful. Therefore, t h e
s t u d e n t should consider well what ,-spects a r e formed before g-i v i n-g
a hasty judgment-
T h e second house rules t h e n a t ~ v e ' swealth a n d worldly goods,
ancl t h e planet which rules t h e second house must also b e consid-
ered. If Mercury. l t o o n o r S u n are in t h e second house and well
aspected to other planets, i t is a very goocl testimony that the native
will have a fortunate life, b u t if afflicted, no ability or success i n
accumulating money. V e n u s is very fortunate b i t causes exces-
sive generosity. Mars causes sudden losses. J u p i t e r gives excel-
lent success. Saturn prevents t h e accumulation of wealth. Uranus
acts as Mars anless well aspected, also Neptune.
T h e third house and ruling planet governs brothers a n d sisters,
short journeys, neighbors. letters, writings, etc. Mercury o r Moon -
in t h e third shows a good penman, love of the mystc?rious. V e n u s
causes short journeys. Mars shows inh:trmony between brothers
a n d sisters. J u p i t e r shows travel a n d profit thereby. Saturn o r
U r a n u s cause longer journeys, a love o r adaptability for occult
studies. Neptune causes water iourners, F o r good or evil indi
cations, jud@ somewhat from thewaspectsfor~necl.
T h e fourth house a n d ruling planet rule t h e father, i n h e r i t a n c ~ . ~
shows t h e condition a t t h e end of his or her life. l:he aspecty
which may b e formed with planets in the 4th house will modify or

increase good o r evil indications. Mercury, Moon a n d S u n d e -

pend on whether t h e aspects a r e good o r evil. V e n u s in t h e 4 t h
shows a n easy life, many friends. Mars shows much discord, many
disappointments. J u p i t e r shows a f o r t u ~ a t ea n d easy life, unless
afflicted. Saturn a n d Uranus show that t h e native will work a s l o n g
a s he lives.
T h e fifth house a n d ruling planet rules children, speculation,
games of chance. The S u n or Moon therein, wcll aspected, is a I
favorable testimony. Mars, Saturn, Uranus o r Neptune, i n t h e 5th
a r e unfavorable, particularly s o if i n evil aspect t o other?. 1
T h e sixth horrse and ruler refers t o servants, inferiors a n d t l ~ e
sicknrss t h e native is liable to. T h e S u n o r &loon in t h e bth, and
afflicted, shows treacherous servants who will r o b t h e native. Also
shows weakness i n t h e p a r t of t h e body which t h e 6 t h house rules.
Mars o r Saturn i n t h e Gth, and afflicted, shows many periods of ill-
health. If well aspected, t h e health will not b e bad.
T h e seventh house and t h e ruling planet, rules marriage, adver-
saries, partners in business, enemies, etc. Good planets in t h e 'ith,
and well aspected, a r e good testimonies for all these; evil planets
a r e unfortunate.
Tlle eighth house refers, with its ruler, t o inheritance, death, a n d
i s the house of money of t h e husband o r wife. Jupiter, Venus, S u n
o r JCoon in t h e 8th, a n d well aspected, favors t h e inheritance of
rnoney o r property. Mars, Saturn o r Uranus, in t h e 8th, shows
disputes over inheritances, t h e husband o r wife will b e poor.
The ninth hguscm~n-dLraling planet, qoverns l o n g journeys, t h e
@ :x religion of t h e native, h i s studies, etc. c ~ a n py lanets i n t h e 9th, in
a rnovable sign, shows much travel. Saturn, Uranus o r Moon in
t h e Hth, shows a stubborn nature, love and adaptability for t h e
occult. J u p i t e r in t h e 9th, shows sincerity, honesty.
Tlle t e n t h house is called t h e mid heaven. I t is t h e place in t h e
heavens directly overhead a t t h e time t h e horoscope is made. T h e
Sun, Moon o r ruler of t h e aecendant, is a fortunate testimony, if
unaffected. Saturn, Mars o r Uranus in t h e mid-heaven, is very
unfortunate, unless very well aspected; if afflicted, t h e native i s
liable t o discledit o r disgrace. J u p i t e r o r Venus in t h e 1 0 t h house,
is a most fortunate indication unless seriously afllicted.
T h e eleventh house and ruling planet, refers t o friends; .good
\\ planets therein shows many good friends; evil planets show frlencls



- --

To Place the Planets.

Before y c u a t t e m p t t o place the Planets you should be able to
make their symbols, and should know t h e signs of t h e Zodiac by

T h e position of the Planets is given far each day of t h e year, i n

the Geocentric Eyllemeris. F o r t h e firkt d a y of each month and a
chart t o calculate their places for each day, in t l ~ eEIeli~oentric
Ephemeris. If you a r e using the C+eocentric Ephemeris yGa shoulcl
remember that the position of the P l i ~ n e t sis given for Greenwich
noon; which would correepontl to 7 A. M., for N e w York, or 6 A.
M. for Chicago time.
W i t h a!l t h e Planets except the Sun, Moon a n d Mercury, you
can copy them from the Ephemeris directly into t h e printed chart
which you have for t h e purpose. W i t h t h e Mnon you will have to
calculate its place as follows : A s the Moon moves about one d e g r e e
every two hours. a n d its place is given for Greenwich noon, or
Chicago f o i 6 A. M., simply subtract one d e g r e e from t h e place of
the Moon for each t w o hours before 6 A . M. if Chicago time, o r add
one d e g r e e for every t w o hours after, Chicago time, o r t h e same for
Greenwich time. F o r example: O n Octobex 4th, 1900, t h e hfoon
is fourteen degrees in Aquarius a t 6 A. M. Chicago time o r noon
Greenwich time. X o w suppose you wish to place t h e Moon for 4
P. M. Chicago time; a s this i s t e n hours later you simply add five
degrees t o t h e Moon. o r if you wieh t o be exact, you would subtract
the position of t h e Moon on the 4 t h of October from t h e 5th of
October, and g e t its exact motion for that clay, and then divide its

/ ' \ motion into hours, and place i t accordingly. T h e S u n ancl Mercury

should ire calculated in t h e same way.
H a v i n g placed all the Planets you should notice t h e aspects,
which are a s follows:
T h e conjunction is when two Planets are within seven degrees

t h e Square, or ninety degrees ay: .-f-., within sel7e1l d e t ~ r c e sof ~ t .

T h e S q u a r e is always evil with 'LII l'lanett-, a l t l ~ o u g h you should
remember that an evil aspect of Venus and J u p i t e r to the Sun clr
Moon is better than a good aspect of the evil Planets. T h e next
strong aspect is when two Planets a r e opposite each other o r within
seven degrees, and is like the Square in effect. T h e next asprut is

t h e Sextile, and is good with all Planets. T h e n e x t i s t h e Trine, o r

1 2 0 degrees apart, or within seven degrees of it, ancl i s good with
all Planets.
T h e parallel aspect is when t w o Planets a r e within o n e d e g r e e
of t h e same latitude or declination. I t is equal t o t h e conjunction.
F o r example: A P l a n e t ten degrees in Aries a n d another o n e t e n
degrees in Gemini is i n exact Sextile; or, if one were t e n d e g r e e s
in a n y sign and the other t e n degrees t w o signs away i t is Sextile.
A Planet in Aries ten d e g r e e s a n d another in Cancer t e n degrees
are in exact square aspect; or, one t e n degrees in Aries and another 1
in ten degrees of L e o a r e in exact trine aipect; or, if one b e ten
degrees in Aries and the other t e n degrees in Libra i t is in exact
H a v i n g learned t h e aspects thoroughly you should then notice o r

begin t o stucly t h e effect of each P l a n e t in each house of t h e horo-

scope. Planets between t h e 7 t h house a n d ascendant, o r in the 'ith,

8th, Oth, l o t h , 11th or 12th houses of t h e horoscope a r e more power-

ful than if between the 1 s t a n d 7th, o r under t h e ascendant, a s i t is

called; althongh this is modified by t h e 4 t h house, a s t h e 4th and

10th houses are more prominent than a n y other of t h e houses, except

t h e 1st. T h e P l a n e t which is nearest t h e mid-heaven or cusp of the

1 0 t h house ie t h e most powerful in the figure unless a Planet be

near t h e cusp of t h e 4th house. A little judgment must b e used in

regard t o this. Thus: If J u p i t e r were in the 8th house and Saturn

in the 4th Saturn would b e t h e most powerful.

l'he influence of each Planet in t h e different houses of the horo-

scope are given under p a g e 9, of t h e " G u i d e to Astrology," b u t you

should remember that a good aspect between t w o Planets has a

s t r o n g signification when t h e P l a n e t s are not in a prominent house.

You should remember that t h e chart made from the time of birth

will show a t onse what t h e person's lift? will be, supposing hini to

live t o t h e a g e of 50 or GO pears. Of course if t h e native is t o die

y o u n g the chart will show that. All questions which may come u p

can b e cletr-t.~.l~ined a t once b y looking a t the figure a t birth without

other calculations. There may appear t o b e conflicting testimonies

in t h e horoscope, b u t you can always depend that each individual

indication will operate some time.

F o r example: I have seen 2 nt>',Aber of horoscopes with J u p i t e r

ancl Uranus in conjunction in t h e 1 0 t h house. J u p i t e r is very for-

tunate in this place a n d U r a n u s very unfortunate a s regards finances.

I n every one of these horoscopes t h e native had been considered

t ~ e a l t l l ya t one time, b u t every one has lost their wealth.

Dispositions Produced by the Signs. -
A Fiery s i g n ascending, o r t h e r u l e r of t h e ascendant in a fiery
sign, inclines one t o b e hasty, impulsive, quick tempered, revenge-
ful, proud, ambitious, hardy, rash and very persevering for a time,
b u t lacking continuity; often m a k i n g remarks t h e y are soon sorry
for, thereby involving themselves in a r g u m e n t s o r disputes; y e t
they a r e mostly ingenious; often change their opinions o r pursuits.
T h e ruling planet in a fiery sign, a n d in s t r o n g aspect t o a n evil
planet, gives a violent, rash temper, b u t if well aspected, a very
pleasant a n d sympathetic nature.
A n E a r t h y sign ascending, o r t h e ruler of t h e ascendant i n a n
earthy sign, inclines one t o b e slow a n d deliberate in all their un-
dertakings, secretive, cautious, economical, headstrong a n d even
stubborn, often covetious o r suspicious, seldom f o r g e t t i n g an injury,
quite independent, caring more for their own opinions t h a n t h e
opinions of others; generally p r u d e n t a n d careful. T h e ruling
planet i n s t r o n g a s p e c t t o a n evil planet will make one hard-hearted,
often slovenly a n d neglectful, s t a n d i n g in their o w n light. The
good aspects give neatness a n d sympathy. o
. A n Airy sign ascending, o r t h e ruling planet in a n airy sign,
inclines one to b e cheerful, affable, courteous, liberal, free-hearted,
faithful, sympathetic and loving music, art, etc.; very imaginative
a n d often visionary, y e t studious a n d very g o o d reasoners; often
ingenious a n d given t o invention, modest in manner a n d neat in all
their affairs. If the ruling planet b e afflicted, t h e native is fearful,
unstable, lacks self-confidence a n d pride, b u t if well aspected, has
many nxcellent qualities.
A W a t e r y sign ascending, or t h e r u l i n g planet in a watery sign,
inclines one t o b e dull, slow, gloomy, quite effeminate; low s u p -
pressed voice, timid, fearful, y e t often conceited and very f o n d of
flattery. T h e y a r e fond of pleasures, b u t dislike work in all forms.
I f t h e ruling planet b e in s t r o n g aspect t o evil-planets, t h e native is
slovenly, lazy, gluttenous
and revengeful, but'if well aspected, is
pleasant, good-hearted and fairly ambitious.
One should not place too much stress on t h e ascending sign and
sign t h e ruling planet is in, a s t h e dispositiou must necessarily b e
influenced a g r e a t deal b y t h e mentality, and if Mercury a n d t h e
Moon are well aspected, or we]! lapected t o other planets, t h e na-
tive may have a brilliant intellect, which would overcome to quite
a n extent some of t h e indications a s given, b u t unless many testi-
monies contradict, w e can depend upon these testimonies. B u t for

a brilliant and independent mind, the fiery and airy signs a r t
f or intuition, t h e earthy o r watery-signs a r e most favorable.

up); Life Ruling Planet.

Life Ruler, a s i t is called. is t h a t planet which forms t h e
nearest 2 n d strongest aspect t o t)e#Ssncat t h e time of birth We

may s a y S u n o r Earth, a s t h e E a r t h is aldslys i n - t h T G o s i t e s i g n

i n which t h e S u n is, therefore, when a n aspect is formed to one,
there will b e an aspect t o t h e other of equal power. I n considering
aspects, consider t h e conjunction first, square second, opposition
third, trine o r sextile fourth and semi-square o r 45 degrees fifth; if
neither of these aspects a r e formed first, choose t h e one which will
h e formed first; b u t never consider t h e Moon a s a life ruler. T h e
best indications fro? a life rulinp. planet i s w h a ~ d u p i t e or r V e n u s
a r e In their own houses a n 1 sextile, trine o r _conjunction
Sun. ' T h e square o r
".. n is not evil. b u t -does not with
give t h e
steady Zoing, patient a e d nature which t h e conjunctiob,
sextile o r trine aspect of either of these t w o planets will give.
Should either of these t w o b e the d a y rulers, then t h e indications

a r e more favorable, and again, much better if other planets are in
trine s r sextile t o t h e Sun. U r a n u s comes n e x t in o r d e r for g o o d
results if well aspected, b u t only t b e trine o r s e r t i l e must b e con-
sidered good; t h e conjunction, square o r o p p o s ~ t ~ oofn Uranus a n d
S u n makes one eccentric, headstrong a n d impatient o r nervous,
although it makes one very sensitive and generally very fond of
occult subjects a n d well adapted t o them.
U r a n u s in either of t h e three strong aspects gives a very s t r o n g

they a r e sensitive
gives persistency

quite a contented a n d philosophical nature. T h e square, opposite

o r conjunction makes one restless, dissatisfied a n d hard t o please;
inclined t o selfishness a n d often subject t o chronic diseases. A
s t r o n g aspect from S a t u r n and S u n from fixed ? i p s is a s t r o n g tee-
tirnony of consumption in a fotnale nativity, stornacl~weakness, o r
kidney complaint, if from movable signs, and defects in eyes and
hearing, if from common signs. T h e s t r o n g aspects of Mars give a
fiery temper, ambition of short duration, a s t r o n g constitution, good
- 2 6


v i t a u y , b u t liable to accidents. Venus makes one geperous

excess when in one of the s t r o n < ~ ~ s p e c t s .The conjunction of
~ e n u s ' a r i dS u h often causes one to be passionate to such an
that often chey outlive two or three marriage partners. The strong
aspects of PTeptune are not very noticeable; the trine and sextile,
however, are beneficial.
Mercury is a t his best when in trine or sextile aspect; when in
strong aspect it causes lack of motive, changeable, etc., but as Mer-
cury is considered neutral, consider his influence as i t aspects other
planets. The semi-square aspect is about half the strength of a
square is not real evil, but annoys, worries, causes impatient and
restless actions when not really feeling that way. Whenever a
conjunction of Sun or any planet takes place in the house of the
planet, although is as given, yet the native will have many of the
excellent qualities indi'cated by the good aspects of the planet.
Thus, Mars in Aries with Sun, determined, firm, ambitious, aspiring,
love of justice. Saturn with Sun in Capricorn, proud, lofty, digni-
fied. will not quarrel, is sympathetic yet cold.
anet or significator (ruler -fo an ,shows
1 % t
cter, aspirations,Ttc. from day to day, accord-
a y ruler may be aspected from day to day by direction,
uler shows what the tendencies of &whole life, the
esires, aspirations, motives etc., are.

Individual Influence of Each Planet.

Mercury governs t h e mind a n d quickens o r intensifies t h e action
of other planets which it forms a n y aspect with in t h e horoscope. I t
furnishes, t o a g r e a t extent, t h e vital force necessary f o r business
life; when favorably aspected t o Venus a n d M a r s i t gives talent for
music, a r t o r literary work. O n e must have M e r c u r y well placed
t o b e a popular a n d successful orator.
Mercury rules t h e hands, arms, brain a n d nervous system, t h e
mouth, t o u n g u e a n d eyes. hlecury is neutral o r sexless, b u t may
b e calletl convertible. If in aspect t o V e n u s o r I l o o n , i s feminine;
i n aspect t o Mars o r J u p i t e r would b e masculine. Mercury rule.,
in ones life from t h e a g e of four t o fourteen years.
V e n u s governs t h e affections, and inclines one t o art, music a n d
.the beautiful in nature. T h e influence of V e n u s is said t o be g o o d
b y all authors o n astrology; y e t this cannot b e absolutely t r u e from
its general understanding, a s often she gives a very trusting a n d
sympathetic nature, s o easily imposed upon t h a t often her subject
gives away what h e o r she really need themselves, o r if p1:rced in a
watery s i g n and afflicted b y an evil planet, t h e native is neglectful o r
given t o drink. V e n u s governs marriage, children a n d t h e mother,
a n d if i n a fruitful s i g n indicates t h e birth of several childrene; if in
aspect t o Mars, she causes a n early marriage; afflicted b y a n evil
aspect of Mars, S a t u r n o r U r a n u s causes much discord i n married
life, I n s t r o n g aspect t o Jupiter, causes excessive generosity, f r e e
and careless with money, y e t fortunate in g e t t i n g it,
V e n u s rules t h e blood, throat a n d sexual organs. By nature i s
feminine. V e n u s rules ones life from fourteen t o twenty years.
Mars governs t h e defensive, destructive and constructive faculties
Much d e p e n d s o n how placed a n d aspected. W h e n well aspected,
o r even strongly aspected, t o V e n u s a n d Mercury, t h e native often
has excellent mubical o r artistic t a l e n t ; in good aspect t o Jupiter,
causes pride a n d dignity; if in evil aspect, will causeconcei1;in evil
abpect t o Saturn o r Uranus, t h e native meets with several accidents
o r a violent death. Mars and Mercury strongly aspected,cause o n e
t o bo a notorious liar unless other testiruonies offset. Saturn evily
nspeoted with Mars, causes one t o b e hard-hearted, non-eympathetic
Mars rules occupations o r professions as rnetnl workers, engineers,
watchmakers, surgeons, dentists, butchers, etc. Mars rules t h e
external sexual organs, gall, liiclneys, muscles. B y nature is mas-
Jupiter predisposes t o the higher walks of life, governing the
business taculties, when well placed and aspected, gives very good

reasoning faculties and a broad mind. Jupiter people are natural

leaders among their associates, being confident, determined, logical
and self possessed; they are generally quite fortunate, and unless
Jupiter be debilitated, they havea comparatively easy life. Jupiter
people are found among bankers, lawyers, doctors and theologians,
o r arnong government officials. B u t if Jupiter be weak by afflict-
ion, dctriment, etc., his subject will be a clerk, cashier, assistant or
Jupiter rules the thighs and the arterial system.
Saturn-governs the religous and moral faculties, and rules to a
great extent all laborious and uncongenial works o r professions.
When well placed by sign and aspect, the native will be an excel:-
e n t reasoner, a n d often a philosopher; but if debilitated b y sign or
aspect, the native will be secretive, bigoted, miserly and stubborn,
generally disliked and always in trouble; often standing in his own
light and never contented.
H e rules professions, such as chemists, druggists, country preach-
ers, undeitakers, sewer builders, etc. Saturn rules the bones, liver,
joints, spleen, often the ears and eyes.
Uranus rules that which is out of the ordinary; he predisposes one
to the occult, the antiquated, old and curious. T h e native enjoys
employment out of the ordinary; forms his opinions regardless of
what others may think; is often very defient, independent, not
well understood, original and eccentric, often taking the opposite
side of the argument simply for amusement. The native of Uranus
often has genius, but is generally about a hundred years ahead of
his time; i s never heard of until long after he is dead.
Uranus governs such employments or professions as clairvoyants,
astrologers, explorers, travellers, students of natural laws, etc,
Uranus rules the nervous system, animal or personal magnetism;
is masculine by nature.
Neptune governs the psychic faculties, the organs of calculation,
etc., and if well placed, the native will be very intuitional, f a r see-
ing, able to estimate very quickly and accurately, prophesying on
conditions for many years in advance with the greatest accuracy; if
Mercury be well aspect ed, the native may be an inspirational spea-
ker, or if aspected to Venus, will love all things of an artistio nat-


The conjunction, square and opposition, are called the strong aspects,
with good planets, are very good, with evil planets, very evil. The trine
and sextile and semi-sextile are weak, but are good wlth all the plznets.
The semi square is slightly evil with any planet. The conjunction, square
or opposition of the Sun and Moon is evil for acculnulation of wealth, for
health or marriage. The sextile or tline is a good testimony for either
of the above. The conjunction, sextile or trine of the Moon and Mercury
gives good intellect, quick wit, good memory, good judgment and a bright
mind. The square or opposition of the Moon and Mercury causes one t o be
shallow or impatient, quick tempered, lack continuity.
The sextile, trine or conjunction, or t h e Moon and Venus, gives good
intellect, loves music, is neat and particular. \
The square or opposition causes neglect of pefional appearance, etc. I
Thesextile or trine of the Moon and Mars gives good reason, persever-
ance, endurance. *
The conjuncion, square or opposition gives quick temper, lack of patience
and continuity, subject to accidents, often impulsive or enthusiastic.
The conjunction, sextile or trine of the Moon and Jupiter is favorable for

finances, business, popularity, etc. The square or opposition shows exces-

sive generosity, lack of caution in business matters.

The conjunction, square or opposition of Saturn and the Moon is evil for

financial matters, health and general prosperity. The sextrle or trine i s

slightly good.

The conjunction, square or opposition of the Moon and Uranus shows

eccentricities, love of travel, originality, firmness. The trine or sextile is

very good for all scientific atudies.

The aspects of the Moon to Neptune are much t h e same as to Uranus.

The aspects of Mercury t o all the planets is much t h e same as the Moon.
The conjunction, square or opposition of Mercury and tl:e Sun or Saturn
causes defective memory, lack of confidence and determination.
Venus in conjunction, square or opposite Mars causes affection, passion,
excessive generosity and a too trusting nature. The sextile or trine is good
in these lines and shows musical talent.
The conjunction, square or opposition of Venus and Jupiter causes one
t o be very neat, particular, generous t o excess and not given to saving.
Venus in conjunction, square or opposite Saturn, causes one to bc neglect-
ful, not neat, unfortunate in marriage. I s evil for the mother or wife and
children. The sextile or trine is favorable for the aboke. The same aspects
of Venus and Uranus have nearly the same effect as the aspect to Saturn.
Mars conjunction, square or opposite Jupiter gives large self cstcem,
given to boastlug, careless of expense, love speculation and loose the~chy.
The trine or sextile gives dignity, caution and good judgment. Mars in
conjunction, square or opposite Saturn or Uranus make one 1i:rblc t o chronic
diseases, accidcnts, violent temper, secretlre, ctc. The sextile or trine
favors good health and prevents accidents.
Jupiter conjunction, square or opposite Saturn or Uranus causes law-
suits, disp~lte,(1~:trr~lling or loss of property, poor bLlcCeSS a t times.
trine or sexl~leis voiy good.

Saturn in aspcct t o Uranus gives intuition a n d love of the occult. The

strong aspects dccotz acclclents of chroiiic disea~cs. The good aspects
denote good health.
The Sun in good aspect to Venus, Jupiter, S n t ~ ~ orr n Uranus, gives good
judgment, good ic: tuno a ~lltY?santdispostlon. Tt'o stroiig aspects of
the Sun to these planets shows lack of continuity, impatlent, lack of caution
and discontent.
I n reading aspects never give judgment on the aspect alone, b u t notice
whethei it is offset by other good or ekil ones.
The Moon.
I n Aries, t h e Moon causes one t o b e of a changeable disposition.
fond of traveling, very restless and uneasy; fancitul, strong imagin-
ations, inclined t o be very persistent and stubborn in nature; dislikes
t o b e ordered about, generally quick tempered.
Moon in Tnuruc, t h e native is of a peaceful and obliging nature,
jolly, good hearted, c.asily influenced, intuitice, sympathetic a n d
font1 of t h c opposite sex, w11o t l ~ i n k swell of
assisted by-~osite s e x in r
-31uon in Gemini, t h e n a t i \ e
sympathetic, some\\hat secrctlve
art, etc.5 has gootl rnentsl faculties, b u t Iaclrs prudence; many
timtls is d r , l n n into e ~ u b a r r a s s i n g positions; dislikes warfare,
quzlrreling, etc.
Moon i n Cancer, qives the native g r e a t sensitiveness and superior
nature; g e i ~ e r a i l yvery sociable a n d agreeable; kind to all, will often
b e imposed upon a n d not resent i t ; often is elected t o posts of
honor if the hIoon is aspected favorably with other planets; loves
traveling, a1.o home.
Moon i n Leo, makes the native lofty in disposition, ambitious,
pelsevering, lively, a penetrating mind; inclined t o undertake
thiugs beyoud them capacity; fond of home; generally very particu-
lar in their dress; vclry orderly in their conduct; inclined t o b e
dignified, a ~ will d generally b e leaders anlong their associates.
Moon in Yirqo, malrcs t h e native fond of t h e eciences, particularly
t h e occult. T h e y a r e inclined ko b e superstitious a n d make g o o d
clairvojants; often mall< in their sleep, a n d have t h e power of
('dreanling true;" they love distinction, a r e pensive, loquacious;
often are i n ~ l ~ o s i nbgu, t meet with evil, resulting from want of expe-
rience o r forethought; often have secret sorrows i n the marriage
state; have weakness o r disease in the bowels.
Moon in Libra, makes t h e native very agreeable a n d courteous,
loving mirth a n d society of people y o u n g e r than themselves; gives
good reasoning faculties, d r y wit, ete.; quick t o j u d g e between
Fight and wrong; generally fond of bright colors.
Moon in Scorpio, is evil unless well aspected b y good planets.
T h e position makes t h e native sottish, dull and given t o evil actions,
particularly with the opposite s e x ; h e meets with d a n g e r s in travel-
i n 3'.
v . i t is an evil indication f o r t h e mother; t o a femalg i t indicates a
liability of miscarriage; causes both sexes to b e overbearing, selfisl~,
Moon i n Sagittarius, causes the native t o b e generous and kind-
hearted, passionate b u t forgiving; very ambitious a n d aspiring;
fond of children, pets, etc.; generally meet with advancement b y
t h e influence of women; denotes a n ~ a r r i a g ea n d several children; a
good indication that they will inherit money, especially if Sagit,
tarius is in the 8 t h house of the horoscope.

Moon in Capricorn, is evil in nature, unless in good a \ p e c t t o

good planets. Causes t h e native t o b e unscrupulous and hypocriti-
cal; given t o day-dreaming; disposed t o drinking, etc.; often meet
with lrlisfortune through women; v a g u e a n d iudeterminato mind;
lack of energy,
- although often ambitious.
Moon in Aquarius, causes t h e native t o b e courteous and inoffen-
sive, active, inventive; very fond of t h e occult; powerful imagina-
tion; often very fretful and striving after changeful projects;
liability of l r ~ u c h sorrow and a wandering life; unexpected g i f t s
from women; s t r a n g e and fantastic tastes.
Moon in Pisces, makes t h e native somewhat poetical in nature,
b u t generally f o n d of luxury a n d their own cornfort; dreamy a n d
phlegmatic character; inconstancy in love a n d generally many little
love affairs; often lose their wealth (if they have i t t o lose); a fruit-
f u l imagination b u t their projects never p a n out.
Mercury in Ariee, makes t h e native quick, fiery, irnpuleive, antag-
onistic o r contentious, addicted to disputes, good in an argument
as f a r a s continuity is concerned. I f Mercury is in s t r o n g aspect
t o Mars, h e o r s h e will b e addicted t o falsehood o r g r e a t exaggera-
tion, qoiclr in anger, - fluent in speech.
Mercury i n Taurus, gives a h a p p y and pleasant disposition, very
fond of t h e opposite sex, pleasure a n d recreatiou; loves music, art,
etc.; good judgment, persevering, obstinate, a n d a good reasoner,
b u t lacks energy a n d ambition, unless strongly aspected t o Jupiter.
Mercury in Gemini, makes t h e native very ingenious, sympathetic,
good natured, quick witted, a good orator, a shrewcl lawyer, fond
of reading, good a t figures; will generally meet with success in
science o r literature; loves speculation, good ability for business,
b u t loses through generosity; eccentric and fond of science, especi-
ally t h e occult, in which h e will b e very successful; loves traveling,
on t h e water.
hfercury i n Cancer, makes t h e native very discreet. faithful, p o d
natured, b u t somewhat flexible and easy influenced; very change-
able and often meets with temptation, and unless careful g e t s into
troul)le through deception or scandal; is of a very restless lr~indancl
is religiously inclined.
C> Y

Mercury in Leo, gives a mind which seeks to govern a t all costs;

very a m b ~ t i o u s ,determined, obstinate, fiery, quick tempered, b u t
diqnified a n d confident; will seldom stoop t o low actions, unlvss
Mercury is afflicted b y Saturn o r Mars; a t t h e same time is inclined
t o b e conceited. If in s t r o n g aspect t o Venus, will love music : L P ~
have a talent for rnusic and art, and will b e a good orator; the snlrc
if in strong aspect t o Mars, b u t will b e very contentious and quick
M e r c u r y in Virgo, gives t h e native good intellect and a superior
nature; taste for literature and poetry, mathematics and occultism;

inventive power a n d a splendid memory, eloquence as a n orator o r

writer; power of persuasion, a good scholar a n d linguist; capable of
any undertaking requiring g r e a t ability.
+t Mercury i n Libra, gives t h e native a just and tender disposition,
a n d aptitude for delicate mathematical work, mathematical sciences,
inventions; a good and broad mind, a lover a n d promoter of learn-
ing, having g r e a t natural abilities, often musical.
Mercury in Scorpio, gives a bold a n d reckless nature, b u t ingeni-
o u s a n d studious; very careful of his own interests; extremely fond
of t h e opposite sex; partial t o company and merry making; often
- has treacherous friends; meets with many dieappointments in life.
Mercury in Sagittarius, gives the native a passionate disposition,
inclined t o govern those whom h e comes in contact with; ambitious,
b u t lacking in e n e r g y ; h e is generally wise, capable a n d just, loves
t h e beautiful in nature; very fond of pleasure, animals, etc., a n d is
inclined t o b e of a roaming disposition, although he loves a home

Mercury in Capricorn, makes t h e native very acute, sharp and

penetrating, b u t inclined t o be pevish a n d fickle, suspicious a n d
cunning, very uneasy and restlees; conetantly busy about something;
not contented unless very active; a t t h e same time it gives scientific
ability, good in literature and in chemistry, p h i l o ~ o p h ya n d divina-
tion; is easily influenced b y kindness, etc.
Mercury i n Aquarius, makes t h e native love science in general,
especially t h e occult; very good in mathematical work; t h e y love
study, and have g o o d reasoning faculties, a n d good powers of
observation, b u t love solitude and the company of learned and a g e d

Mercury in Pisces, makes t h e native easy g o i n g a n d fond of

pleasure; he has many ridiculous a n d absurd plans, b u t considerable
good intellect, numerous capabilities; loves traveling, especially on
water; often changes his employment.

V e n u s in Aries, t h e house of Mars, causes t h e native t o b e very

passionate; easily influenced b y the opposite s e x ; often have much
inharmony in married life; they love music, art, etc.

a n d happy marriage.
Venus in Gemini? gives goodness, wisdom, inventive ability,
1 sympathetic, etc.; glves handsome children, twins if Gemini is i n
t h e fifth house.
Venus in Cancer, gives fickle affections; often marry persons
much older than themselves, unless offset b y s t r o n g positions of
.Jupiter, Mercury o r Moon; the native will b e led estray; have d a n -
g e r in love; the fifth o r eleventh house gives many children.
V e n u s in Leo, gives fortunate marriage, many friends! popularity,
success i n music, a r t or public work; very sympathetlc a n d kind
hearted, love children, have few.
V e n u s i n Virgo, gives a desire f o r quiet life; s t r a n g e ideas in
regard to marriage; quiet in nature. and d o not express their sympa-
thies, which a r e very deep. V i r g o b e i n g the house of Mercury, and
solnewhat the naturn of Uranus, V e n u s i n this house has a peculiar
influence, hard t o understand o r express.
V e n u s in Libra, gives a happy nature; fortunate relationship;
many friends; much prosperity a n d enjoyment of life, b u t a lack of
ambition a n d enterprise. If in strong aspect to Mars, Saturn, Uranus
o r Neptune, rivalry in love affairs.
Venus in Scorpio, causes a jealous nature, inclined t o b e proud;
hesitating a t nothing t o accomplish their desires: and often disap-
pointed; disagree with marriage partner; often are disappointed in
V e n u s in Sagittarrus, causes friendship with powerful people;
gives many love affairs; inclines t h e native t o public work; makes
good actors o r actresses; also gives secret love affaira.
Venus in Capricorn, hinders marriage, causes bad companionship,
liability t o b e led estray before o r after marriage; causes sterility,
fickle or dangerous loves.
V e n u s i n Aquarius, causes t h e native t o b e effeminate, lack of
ambition; gives a calm life; s t r a n g e ideas on marriage, chastity,
celebacy, religious ideas; often disappointed hopes.
V e n u s i n Pisces,,the native will m a r y y o u n g and have beautiful
children a n d many of them. If Pisces is in t h e 5th or 11th house it
gives many ohildreu, often twins; s c i e ~ ~ c wisdom,
e, good intellect,

b u t a love for wines, drink, etc.

M a r s i n Aries, causes t h e native to b e bold, fearless and doter-
mined; generally very stubborn; quick in anger, loves a r g u ~ n e n t s
a n d contention; always ready t o fight for justice; generally fond of
machinery and anything of a mechanical nature, and generally excel
i n mechanical work.
Mars in Taurus, inspires audacity; headstrong and w i l l f ~ ~fear-

less, determined, passionate, very fond of t h e opposite s e x ; can be

coaxed into good o r evil, b u t can't b e driven iuto anything.

Mars in Gemini, gives mental acuteness and prudence united

with cunning; the native will distinguish himself b y ingenuity of
mind; h e will h e ambitious a n d generous, and generally good-
hearted; make good leaders of society. I

Mars in Cancer, gives fitness for medicine o r surgery; the n a t'~ v e

is bold and fearless, b u t is very changeable, and lacks continuity;
often has weak sight and stomach o r liver trouble.
Mars in Leo, gives force of character, boldness, contempt of dan-
g e r ; the ~ a t i v eis a born leader o r commander; loves argument, etc.;
is a good reasoner, make good - lawyers.
M a r s in Virgo, makes t h e native s e r y hasty, irritable, often
deceitful a n d revengeful;.quite original in nature, and full of bold
a n d scientific enterprises in which h e is most always s u c c e ~ s f u l y, e t g
has many struggles of a peculiar nature in his life, h

Mars in ~ i b r a m
, a k e s t h e native love sciences in general, a n d is'
enterprising; often placed in a pdsition where h e rules others; makes
a good lawyer or surgeon; often meets with disappoil~tmentin love,
and quarrels with his partner in marriage.
Mars in Scorpio, v e r j favorable for t h e s t u d y of chemistry o r
medicine; t h e native has inventive ability and loves machinery; gives
success in military tactics, b u t makes him o r her very passionate a n d
rash. also a little revengeful.

Mars in Sagittarius, makes t h e native a little indisposed t h e early

part of his life. T h e y love military tactics, a n d if the chance offers
will hold military positions; they a r e generally good natured a n d
generous, b u t fond of argument, consequently make good lawyers;
they are also fond of the mechanical; make good surgeons; dislike
to b e ordered about.
Mars in Capricorn, makes t h e native quite brave and bold, loving
adventures a n d excitement; often are very heroic; they often have
deceitful enemies, b u t make friends with powerful men; on account
of recklessness they a r e liable t o many accidents, especially t o their
lower limbs.
Mars in Aquarius, makes t h e native rash, headstrong, loves a r g u -
ment, revolution, etc.; many of this class, if other testimonies show,
will be leaders in reform movements; g r e a t lovers of occultism a n d
t h e sciences in general; good reasoners, b u t generally take some
unlooked for point to reason from; love for machinery, inventive,
good in medicine o r surgery.
Mars in Pisces, gives the native friends a m o n g powerful people,
a n d success in occupations t a k i n g them a m o n g t h e middle class;
they a r e inclined to b e generous a n d very free with money, b u t
always very anxious t o accumulate wealth; they are naturally timid
and cautious, b u t if angered this timidity suddenly changes t o
audacity; they are of a very passionate nature.
J u p i t e r in Aries, gives military honors, successful enterprires,
government enlploy, protection in martial dangers; ambitious,
determination; places t h e native where h e rules others.
J u p i t e r in Taurus, gives powerful friends. favors from women,
strength of character, love of justice, benefits Ly marriage; the
native is generally a favorite anlong t h e opposite sex.
J u p i t e r in Gemini, gives success in business with sudden
reversals; good mathematical ability ; benefits from .inventior,s;
success in literature; meets with success in dealing with largo cor-

J u p i t e r in Cancer, i s very fortunate a n d offsets many e v ~ aspects


and positions; t h e native is ambitious and enterprising; meets with

g r e a t success i n investments; is very popular among his towns-

people; often inherits money o r property; if near fifteen degrees of

Cancer, this will b e most powerful some time in life.

J u p i t e r i n Leo, makes t h e native noble minded, courageous and

magnanimous, lofty, proud, ambitious; fond of contending for hon-

ors; often is intrusted with responsibilities of high order, govern-

ment positions; generally good natured; endowed with wisdom, ~ 3 1

power, prudence.

? J u p i t e r in Libra, gives a mild disposition and temper; generally

i very obliging, much esteemed a n d honored; g r e a t love of justice;
signifies a happy marriage; often help from t h e opposite sex; friends
: among powerful people; meets with success in t h e practice of medi-
, cine o r law.
J u p i t e r i n Scorpio, m a k e s t h e native very lofty and proud; one

who i s ambitious a n d who desires t o govern his equals; resolute,

covetious; liable t o many quarrels a n d law suits; has powerful ene-

mies; is successful i n t h e mechanical.

J u p i t e r in Sagittarius, t h e native i s just and noble; has a courteous

di;position, humane, affable and agreeable; very polite, fond of

sports; often receives honors; i s a leader among his associates; g e n -

crally successful i n his enterprises.

,Jupiter in Capricorn, makes t h e native ingenious, b u t inclined t o

be inactive o r indolent; loves to govern hie inferiors. Capricorn is

a n unfortunate house t o have J u p i t e r in, unless in many good

aspects t o other planets.

Jupiter i n Aquarius, makes the native very cheerful and obliging, 1

just a n d merciful, good humored, industrious; inclined t o b e scien-
tific; often very indifferent t o t h e ordinary interests of life; adverse
t o all kinds of strife, b u t when angered is furious.
J u p i t e r i n Pisces, makes t h e native studious and possessed of

many good talents; often gives h i g h occupation, some honors, good

friends; enmity of persons in high positions who d o t h e native no

Saturn in Aries, makes t h e native resolute, determined, stubborn,

' contemplative; likes contention, argument, etc.; generally good

reasoning faculties; inclined t o boast; easily angered.

Saturn in Taurus, makes t h e native quick tempered, vicious when

a n g r y ; stubborn, b u t generally kind; very fond of occultism, and, if

they a r e interested, seldom turn against it; b u t if religiously inclined


a n d have been educated in t h e orthodox faith, would believe

anything their ministers told them; t h e y a r e somewhat fond of
Saturn in Gemini, gives an ingenious nature, g o o d power of
observation, aptitude for scientific work, love of mathemat.ics, etc.;
love for occultism, magic.
Saturn in Cancer, makes t h e native jealous, changeablein opinion;
often dissatisfied with their surroundings, a n d often changing their
residence, living in many different places; unfortunate for public
w o r k ; favorable for printers a n d those who work in d a r k places.
Saturn in Leo, gives many good qualities. T h e native is gener-
ous, b u t quick tempered; dislikes a master; is somewhat cowardly
when p u t t o a test; generally very cautious, b u t with a very das!iing
Saturn in Virgo, makes t h e native inclined t o melancholly, retain-
i n g their a n g e r ; a projector of many queer o r unusual matters which
d o not amount to much; very studious, intuitive, reserved, secretive;
g r e a t lovers of t h e occult.
Saturn in Libra, makes t h e native have a very g o o d opinion of
himself; is prodigal of expense; somewhat given t o debate a n d con-
troversy; have a g r e a t love of t h e - sciences; generally have open
enemies. I n a female nativity Saturn in Libra often gives g r e a t
beauty. I n the twenty-second d e g r e e of Libra, S a t u r n is said t o
be exalted; h e will often raise t h e native very high in life only t o
cause severe disgrace later on. Make good lawyers, doctors o r
scientific men generally.
Saturn in Scorpio, makes t h e native trouble a n d anxiety all
throngh life; often quarrelsome, mischievous a n d undertake things

lent temper, and a sudden resoultion. %&q& 6,

which will result greatly t o his o r her detriment give thf
. V
a vio-

Saturn in Sagittarius, makes t h e native somewhat choleric, b u t of

a n obliging disposition, willing t o d o good t o all, b u t cannot stand
a n insult, This prevents elevation o r honors for t h e native, o r makes
i t hard work to g e t honors; often causes him t o take u p more than
."-" a t a time.
Saturn i n Capricorn, makes the native discontented a n d melan-
cholly, covetous, cautious, suspicious; retains a n g e r ; good reasoner;
d e e p thinker, of g r e a t gravity, very serioas; often haye g r e a t suc-
cess followed b y failure.
Saturn in Aquarius, gives a courteous, affable dispostion, a n d of
an excellent fancy; they are g r a v e and penetrating, slow in action
and speech; they generally become very proficient in what they
undertake in the arts and in t h e sciences.
Saturn in Pisces, makes t h e native uncertain and fickle in every-
thing; presenting a good outside, b u t often deceitful.
U r a n u s in Aries, makes t h e native headstrong and stubborn;

often travels or changes his residence; is fond of machinery, invent- ‘ ,

ive, etc., can't stand much imposition ; gives good reasoning poh7ers.
Uranus in Taurus, headstrong, determined; love occultism if led
iuio i t ; naturally intuitive; is a little evil for marriage, causing
,jealousy on tlle part of t h e partner. T i ~ i ssign, together wit13
C;rulin~and Scorpio, are the strongest houses for U r a n u s to cause
one to become an adept i n occultism.
Uranus in Gemini, makes native love reading, science in general;
lllost always inventive and introducing new ideas; very favorable
f o r the study of electricity.
Uranus in Cancer, makes t h e native eccevtric, cranky, original in
itlaas, c ~ ~ r c s s i o n etc.;
s, very much given t o travel, reatless, impa-
tient, evasive; gives success in occultism if Moon assists by s t r o n g
Uranus in Leo, makes t h e native headstrong, fiery, stubborn, ,
eccentric, can't stand i t to b e ordered about or contradletecl.
U r a n u s i n Virgo, makes t h e native stubborn, eccentric, quiet,
fond of curiosities, science, especially t h e occult; generally meet
with g r e a t success in occultism; make good teachers, n ~ e c h a n i c ~ .
U r a n u s in Libra, makes t h e native scientific, ambitious, eccentric,
quick tempered, fond of traveling, restless, gives good reasoning
U r a n u s in Scorpio, makes t h e native bold, determined, stubborn,
often a r e malicious, deceitful, very sharp and c u n n i n g ; secretive,
superstitious, etc.; gives a love for t h e mechanical, an inventive
U r a n u s in Sagittarius, makes t h e native generous and free, very
enthusiastic, cannot bear to b e ruled b y otllels; want t o b c master
on all occasions, and often are; they love science, b u t don't spend
much time studying.
Uranus i n Capricorn. makes the native proud, headstrong, very
stubborn and eccentric, r e s t l e ~ e ,uneasy, want t o b e rrloving about
and doing- something; generally a d e e p and good mind; good reason-
i n g faculties.
U r a n u s in Aquarius, makes t h r native very ingenious, fond of all
sciences and novelties, very eccentric, peculiar in their beliefs;
generally have a larqe imagination, improssional, of a pleasant and
obliging disposition; thcy succced in anything of a scientific o r
Uranus in Pisces, makes the native quiet and inclined to b e dull
: ~ n dgloomy, often look f a r into t h r future, but look on the dull side
of things; very stubborn ancl eccentric in their nature.

N e p t u n e in Aries, m:ikes t h e n a t i r e stubborn, proutl, originCL1 i n
hie ideas, of a religious nature. If the native is interested in tllingY
of a lnechanical nature he will b e inventive.
N e p t u n e in Taurus, gives love for occultism and inclines him t o a
religious nature; loves t h e old and curious; is enthusiastic in his
beliefs; rather quick in temper, b u t soft-hearted.
N e p t u n e in Gemini, very good for sciences in general, inventive,
original in ideas, good a t mathematics, quick to perceive, good at.
a n y t h i n g of a mechanical nature requlrlng fine handiwork, sympa-
thetic, tender hearted.
N e p t u n e in Cancer. fond of traveling, restless, discontented, good
imagination, fiokle and generally unfortunate, unless other aspects
N e p t u n e in Leo, dignified, ambitious, b u t inclined t o b e super
stitious, very stubborn, very intuitive, often elected t o posts of
honor, generally quiet a n d deep.
N e p t u n e in Virgo, gives s t r a n g e ideas in regard t o marriage,
eccentric, .good a t mathematics, b u t selfish and stingy, peevish; often
very deceitful.
Neptune in Libra, fond of science, especially t h e occult; lovers of
magic, both black a n d white; gives a tender heart, easily moved t o
N e p t u n e in Scorpio, persistent, quick in temper, secretive; often
given to slander, good inventive ability, love for chemistry a n d
things of that nature.

N e p t u n e in Sigittarius, g r e a t love for traveling, good reasoning

powers, far sighted, religiously inclined, determined, ambitious, etu.
N e p t u n e in Capricorn, bold, fearless, y e t careful and cautious,
inclined to fits of blueness, reverence and good reasoning powers;
g- o more on faith than demonstration.
N e p t u n e in Aquarius, L 0 ~ e - tgr a ~ e l i n g ,g r e a t lovers of nature,

dislike to b e ordered about; s_omewhat eccentric in religious ideas.

N e p t u n e in Pisces, dignified, quiet, d e e p thinkers, fond of t h e

water, often travel on the water, fond of occultism; generally very

intuitive. a n d often called superstitious.

These characteristics of the planets in t h e s i g n s of t h e Zodiac ' " i'
refer particularly t o t h e native when t h e planet is signifioator, or::
ruler of t h e ascendant and not afllicted. Should t h e planet be in'#
;' *I1
I i
/A I
s t r o n g aspect t o evil planets, then t h e unpleasant characteristics - ,j

will b e increased and good ones modified; or, if well aspected, t h e

good qualities will predominate.

The Radix.
H a v i n g placed t h e planets in t h e blank chart which is provided

for that purpose, youshould j u d g e the power which each planet will

.have according t o its place in t h e Zodiac a n d accorcling t o which

house of the horoscope, i t may b e in. Therefore you should know

at a glance whether a planet is in i t s fall o r i n i t s exalted house,

also note whether afflicted b y a s t r o n g aspect of a n y evil planet.

You must never forget that t h e radix,(the horoscope)indicates

what y o u r life WILL be. You cannot expect success i n certain

directions if t h e radix does not show it. Again, one who has a very

s t r o n g radix will never suffer t o a n y e x t e n t b y evil transits o r d i -

rections which come a t various times in his life, nsither will one who
has a poor radix ever b e benefitted b y good transits o r directions.

Each planet has a certain significance independent of t h e house

of t h e horoscope i t may rule. T h u s ; Mercury governs the mind, a n d

if afflicted b y a s t r o n g aspect of Saturn, t h e mind will b e de-

fective i n some way, it may b e--poor memory, defect i n calculation,

etc. V e n u s refers t o marriage, and if in s t r o n g aspect t g a n evil

planet there will surely b e some evil in married life, either sickness

of t h e marriage partner o r death, or more o r less inharmony in mar-

ried life.

J u p i t e r always refers t o money, power, eta., and if well aspected

i n its exalted house o r in one of t h e cardinal signs of the horoscope,

t h e native will have general good success, b u t if afflicted, then h e

o r ahe looses o r squanders their money.

T h e S u n a n d Mars show ambition, popularity, friends a n d enem-

ies according a s they may b e aspected.

Y Uranus refers t o t h e occult, travelling, and all things of an eccen-

tric nature. W h e n U r a n u s i s w e l l aspected i t indicates good fort-

according t o t h e house which i t rules. N e p t u n e refers more t o reli-

gion and all things of a spiritual nature, much depends upon how i t

is aspected a s regards his good o r evil influence.

H a v i n g placed t h e planets in t h e chart and arranged or numbered ,

t h e houses of t h e horoscope, t h e n see what effect each planet has i n

t h e house of t h e horoscope i t may b e in. This is given in T h e

: Houses of t h e Horoscope Thus, Saturn in t h e l s t , 2nd o r 3rd

houses, eto., J u p i t e r in t h e I s t , 2nd, etc. A f t e r noticing t h e houses
c?f t h e horoscope, then notice t h e aspects between t h e planets. A
g r e a t deal d e p e n d s upon this. Thus; J u p i t e r may b e in t h e ascen-
dawt which would be a very fortunate indication i n various ways,
but iJ J u p i t e r were in cvil aspect, i n conjunction square o r o p p r

7 -

sition to Saturn or Maw: the0 much of the b:.neficial infiuence of

Jupiter would be overcome. Again, s
house, a very good indication
Malts, Saturn or r nus


was in the %h@

a r r ~ a g cb, ut if in evil aspect t
e indications would be the reverse.
For judging what the health will be, you cannot be to carel'ul.
h-otice first the sign ascending, as a fiery sign gi+es good vital-
ity,.enduranoa :ete., the earthy signs indicate good health but not
the strong coustitution oc vitality which the fiery signs give. The
airy signs rank third, but have not the strong nature produced by
tho fiery signs. T h e watery signs are very meak, ~ r o d u c i n ga
weak constitution. poo;. titality. Having noticed the ascending
sign, see if the S u l and Moon are in good aspect, an eviI aspect
I '

between the Sun and Alo~nis very evil for health, particularly in a
female nativity as it causes a weak constitution. The Sun in
strong aspect to Saturn often causes consumption if i n a female
nativity. Mars in strong a s ~ e cto
t the Sun will cause severe accidents.
f u s ,if a pl
easy to road a ho
a h e n events will

The Effects of Conjunctions When One of the
Conjoined Planets is Significator.
Saturn i n conjunction with Jupiter. Hereditaments. I n t h e
tenth, church preferments and positions of trust. J u p i t e r
v.r(g .. - - - LIYI "..".^
tor, inclinat-the ministry o r religious belief; Saturn
syinificator, gravity, piety, a n d a keen appreciation -of worldly
goods. i
Mars i n conjunction with Saturn. Mars significator, t h e native i s
tenacious, malicious, and spiteful; Saturn significator, malicious,
stern, austere, distrustful, easily offended, difficult t o control.
S u n in conjunotion with Saturn. I f in a common sign, weak
chest a n d lungs, especially i n t h e sixth house; in t h e fixed signs,
1iabiIity t o accidente; i n t h e cardinal signs ( a n d especially tenth o r
second house), dircredit a n d loss in business. Saturn significator -
gives reserve, want of self-assertion a n d moral courage; S u n
significator, more courage, less reserve, and a tendency t o appear
V e n u s i n conjunction with Saturn. S a t u r n significator, makes
t h e native cunning, sly, unnaturally sensual; V e n u s significator,
gives deceit, g r e a t sensuousness, disappointments in love affairs;
sensuality is dominant, a n d leads t o scandal a n d trouble.
Mercury i n conjunction with Saturn. Saturn significator, crafty,
tenacious, austere, taciturn; Mercury significator, reserved, very
suspicious and cautious, extremely subtle a n d diplomatic.
Moon in conjunction with Saturn. Saturn significator, crafty,
tenacious, over-cautious, disconsolate, mmil a n d selfish; Moon
significator, excessively suspicious, sullen, covetous, timid and
J u p i t e r in conjunction with Mars. J u p i t e r significator, gives
courage a n d desire for military life; Mars significator, inclines t o
tho church o r law, g i v i n g g e ~ e r o s i t y a, desire t o d o good t o othsrs,
a n d a tendency t o seek applause. 3d,
Saturn in conjunction with Sun. J u p i t e r significator, pride. g r e a t
vanity, lack of independence; S u n significator, candid, straightfor-
'ward, inclined t o piety, generous and noble in disposition.
J u p i t e r in conjunction u i t h Venus. A happy and fortunate
configuration in a n y house. V e n u s significator, gives justice,
honesty, extreme good nature, generosity, much refinement, success
in t h e ministry, g r e a t popularity with females; J u p i t e r signiticator,
rnakes t h e native just, noble, pious, lofty i n ideal and inspiration,
-- - - - - --
J u p i t e r in conjunction with Mercury. J u p i t e r significator, g o o d
reasoning powers, deductive judgment, very wise a n d judicious,
, g r e a t success a s a minister, lawyer, o r judge, likely t o b e a
pioneer of humanity; Mercury significator, piety, excellent literary
) ability, especially if t h e Moon a n d Venus aspect Mercury; g r e a t
success a s an editor o r lawyer; excellent mind a n d character, if J u p i -
t e r a n d Mercury b e well aspected.
J u p i t e r in conjunction with Moon. J u p i t e r significator, gives
generosity kindness of heart, mutability; Moon significator gives
success with t h e public and in law, a sympathetic nature, much
S u n in conjunction with Mars. S u n significator, brave, rash,
bold disposition; Mars bigniiicator, less rash. If Mars b e well
dignified, t h e native possesses prudence a n d much force of
V e n u s in conjunction with Mars. Mars aignifioator, fond of air-
tation, vain, pedantic, much attracted b y t h e other sex; V e n u s
significator, marked sensuality a n d vice; if in a watery sign, a n d a
watery s i g n ascends, a drunkard.
Mercury in conjunction with Mars. M a r s significator, a schemer,
unscrupulous where his own interests a r e concerned; good mathe-
matician a n d engineer; Mercury significator, a thief, sometimes a
notctrious swindler, harsh, domineering, untruthful, unfeeling, full
of bad rlualities6
Mars in conjunction with Moon. Mars significator, rash a n d
often indiscreet, g r e a t mutability of fortune, very bold a n d quar-
relsome; Moon significator, bold, daring, self-confident, turbulent,
often in danger. I n t h e M. C., discredit a n d liable t o b e abused;
in the twelfth house, very dangerous secret enemies.
S u n i n conjunction with Venus. S u n significator, fashionable
a n d fond of society, inclined for pleasurc; Venus significator,
vain, fond of dress, extravagant. If i n watery signs, probably fond
of drink.
S u n in conjunction with Mercury. S u n significator, ingenious,
goocl business qualifications, ambitious, ~ 2 r yintuitive. I t is best
in Gemini, Libra, a n d Aquarius. If in c a n c e r , he is more shallow
and not qualified for d e e p s t u d y ; Mercury significator, well-adapted
t o scientific pursuits. I t is best in the first, third, ninth o r t e n t h
S u n in conjunction with Moon. Moon significator, a n indifferent
constitution, gain from females, quiet, amiable, and inoffensive in
disposition, mutable, and wanting in energy; S u n significator,
mutable, arnbiiious, proud, fond of show, successful with the
other sex. Near the Pleiades, this conjunction will affect the
eyesight, especially if that constellation be culminating or setting.
Mercury in conjunction with Venus. Mercury significator, a
born musician, artist, or literary man; power to acquire languages
refined, fond of the beautiful, amiable, cheerful, courteous and
kind ; Venus signifisator, excellent taste, intellectual culture
very polite, courteous, witty, ingenious, and paaeessing musical
Mercury in conjuncticn with Moon. Mercury significator, highly
intuitive and ingenious, an exceptionally active mind, good abil-
ities, lack of tenacity and continuity keep him from mastering
anything; Moon significator, a clever mathematician, a quick, active
and comprehensive mind, good a t acquiring knowledge, very fond
of change and traveling, quick in judgment,
The Effect of Squares and Oppositions When
One of the Aspected Planets is Significator.
The Sun square or in opposition to Moon. Sun significator, mu-
table, much opposed, especially by inferion, subject t:, losses and
disappointments; Moon significator, exceedingly ambitious, full of
elaborate schemes, although very liable to loss and disappointment,
reserved and conceited.
Sun square or in opposition to Mars. Sun significator, quick
tempered, furious when provoked, geneally rash and headstrong;
very fond of praise and approbation, often in money difficulties,
through precipitancy; Mars significator; very ambitious, vain. rash,
and irritable, inclined to be bold, self-willed, daring, violent, very
liable to act in haste and repenf at leisure.
Sun square or in opposition to Jupiter. Sun significator, selfish;
proud, boastful, vain, exceedingly extravagant, pedantic, elaborate
in taste, apparently open and bold; Jupiter significator, very vain,
and extravagant, desires to appear generous, honorable and candid
but not remarkable for the possession of those qualities, self-willed,
not easily moved.
Sun square or in opposition to Saturn. Saturn significator, tries
to appear daring, courageous and determined, but in reality a cow-
ard, revengeful and very cruel to those in his power, self-willed
and exceedingly ambitious; S u n significator, treacherous, untrust-
worthy, a coward with an apparently brave exterior, boastful, stub-
born and malicious.
Sun square or in opposition to Uranus. Sun significator, ambi-
tious, and ever beset with obstacles and difficulties; Uranus signifi-
cator, eccentric, liable to losses and disappointments, a thwarting
influence and causing fluctuating credit.
Mercury square or in opposition to Moon. Mercury significator,
highly intuitive, unstable, wilful, mutable, very selfish, exceedingly
vain, conceited, occasionally backbiting, wanting in tenacity, judg-
lzlent and reasoning power, unless there is a good aspect from
Uranus, Jupiter or Saturn; Moon significator, active, intuitive mind,
mutable. Much depends on how these planets are aspected, as
they are very receptive.
Mercury square or in opposition to Mars. Mercury significator,
touchy, lilrely, unless Mercury is well-aspected by Venus or Jupi-
ter, to commit a theft or fraud, rash, acute and penetrating in mind;
Mars significator, bold, ingenious, rather wilful, extrem61y active
- -
and very energetic i s mind; treacherous and cruel, unles&fercury
be well-aepected b y Venus or Jupiter, morbidly sensitive and very
Mercury square or in opposition to Jupiter. Mercury significa-
tor, lacks sound judgment and reasoning power, though if Mercury
be in an airy or fiery sign, highly intuitive and able to reason. In-
clined t o be pessimistic and unhappy; Jupiter significator, lacking
in practical judgment a n d clearness of ideas, easily embarrassed,
but very conscientious. JI
Mercury square or in opposition to Saturn. Mercury significator,
is excedingly suspicious, artful, irritable, subtle, disagreeable,
backbitingt;ntruthfill; Saturn significator, a great scheamer, ready
to impose upon e v e v one, ,treacherous, cunning, fond of mischief,
much opposed by mercurial people.
Mercury square or in opposition to Uranus. Mer~ury~significa-
tor, lacks intuitive observation and instinctive judgment, sceptical,
deficient in originality and opecness of mind, eccentric; Uranus
significator, eccentric, opposed by mercurial people, imaginative,
instinctive and possessing deductive judgment. Uranus in a fiery
or airy sign usually gives good abilities; in a watery sign a bad
memory and indifferent abilities,and in an earthy sign is very little,
if any, better.
Moon sqvare or in opposition to Venus. Venus significator, very
erratic, wanting in stability, contentious, energetic in mind, b u t
lacking in forethought; 'Moon significator, bold, self-confident, in-
genious very sensuous, mutable, impudent, fond of removing, lack-
i n g in good taste, neither sensitive nor refined.
Venus square or in opposition to Mars. Venus significator, im-
pudence is marked; sensuousness is also very strong, and unless Venus
is well-aspected by Jupiter or Saturn, i t will amount to sensuality;
extremely daring and liable to much trouble through the other sex;
Mars significator, sensual and extravagant, boastful and vain, given
up to dissipation and excesses, and, if Mars be ill-dignified, quite
Venus square or in opposition to Jupiter. Venus significator,
exceedingly proud, vain, quite alaborats in dress, and, if Venus be
ill-dignified, quite likely to be dissipated; Jupiter significator, very
conceited, lofty, extravagant.
Venus square or in opposition to Saturn. Venus significator,
very unfortunate in dealing with the other sex, cunning, deceitful,
inclined t o sensuality; Saturn significator, a rude and carnal mind,
low in taste and behavior.
- -
Venus square or in opposition to Uranus. Venus significator,
keen appreciation of natural beauty, quite a strong admiration for
what is beautiful, strong senuousness, jealousy in love affairs;
Uranus significator, fond of the other sex, but not very successful
in dealing with them, has a keen appreciation of grace and delicacy
of form.
Moon square or in opposition to hfars. Moon significator, wilful,
$elf confident, irritable, quarrelsame, unreasonable changeable, ex-
citabld, ambitious; Mars eignificator, masterful,daring, hasty,stupid,
quarrelsome, very liable to serious accidents, ungrateful, vitupera-
tive, proud, harsh and lacking in tenderness.
Moon square or in opposition to Saturn. Moon significator,
extremely euspioious, envious, seeing the world through smoked
spectacles, fretful, deceitful; Saturn significator, s warped mind,
very fearful, covetous, mean, changeable and fond of travel. These
-aspects cause apathy, melancholy, and, if S a t u r p also afflicts the
S ~ Ithe, native will be cold, very
calm, often shy and &iring,
wanting in zeal.

Moon square or in opposition to Uranus. Moon significator, fond

of change, mutable wayward, impulsive, senuous, and perhaps
sensual; Uranus significator, eccentric, fond of abstruse science,
devoted to the other sex, and, if Uranus be in Aquarius, Libra or
Gemini, the native will be clever! excelling in science, and likely to
receive new ideas.
Mars square or in opposition to Jupiter. Mars significator, the
native will be irritable, rash, furious, very vain and touchy; Jupiter
significator, prodigal, generous t o excess, bold, enterprising, vain,
self-conscioue, often in difficulty.
Saturn square or in opposition to Mars. Saturn significator,
treacherous, exceedingly malicious, very rash, selfish, vindictive,
inwardly timid; but, if Saturn be in ascendant, and the Moon also
be afflicted by Mars, the native is quite capable of deliberate mur-
der, especially if Saturn square to Mars occurs from angles; Mars
significator, dreadfully malicioue, very austere and revengeful. I f
Mars and Saturn simultaneously afflict the mental rulers, the worst
dispositions are produced.
Mars square or in opposition to Uranus. Uranus significator,
I I renders the native wayward and exceedingly precipitant, irregular,
and very impulsive; Mars significator, eccentric, rash, daring, fond
of electricity and chemistry, ambitious.
N ~ T E . - - T squares
~~ and oppositions of the malefics give consid-
arable powers of hatred and destruotivp vehemence; they make the
.-- ---- --

native cynioal and hard. These qualities are strongest when t h e #

aspects occur from t h e f ~ r s t ,third, nintl-r a n d tenth houses. T h e y

give executive power a n d intense earnestness.

J u p i t e r square o r i n opposition t o Saturn. Saturn aignificator,

constantly unfortunate, likely to embrace many different; creeds
and come-to grief in them all, meeting with much opposition from
t h e people; J u p i t e r significator, a life of continual cross purposes,
grave, serious a n d thoughtful, highly impressionable, inquisitive, a n
observer of human nature.
Saturn square o r i n opposition t o Uranus. S a t u r n significator,
makes t h e n a t i v e wayward, s t i b b o r n , ecoentric, very reserved, I
crafty, malicious a n d self-willed, backbiting a n d untruthful; U r a n u s
significator, exceedingly eccentric, subtle, selfish, very vindictive,
fond of uncommon subjects a n d mysteries, especially occult science,
mutable; very muoh i n earnest if these planets a r e angular. Of
course t h e s t r e n g t h of t h e above aspects depends largely o n t h e
houses containing t h e planets. T h e y a r e strongest from cardinal
signs and when angular.

Effects Produced by the Moon When Applying

To or Separating From the Planets.
T h e Moon a p p l y i n g to Saturn a t birth causes misfortune; t o J u p i -
ter, good fortune a n d a faithful, kind-hearted disposition; t o Mars,
a violent, .rash, indiscreet person, often t h e subject of imposition; to
t h e Sun, noble traits of character, good fortune, assistance from
others; in a male's natus, much h e l p from women; t o Venus, social
success with t h e other sex, a n d good fortune t o t h e parents.
T h e Moon separating from S a t u r n a n d applying t o J u p i t e r ,
considerable wealth a n d fortune; separating from S a t u r n and apply-
i n g t o Mars o r vice versa, ill-fortune, antagonisms, accidents,
trouble in all things ruled b y t h e houses containing them; applying
t o Uranus, a chequered life, many changes, vicissitudes, a n d temp-
tations t o liaisons.
Separating from J u p i t e r a n d applying t o the Sun, good fortune
i n various ways; separating from J u p i t e r a n d applying t o Venus, o r
vice versa, gain b y marriage, a good wife, exceptional euccess,
posts of honor, a generous disposition; separating from J u p i t e r
a n d applying t o Saturn, unstablc fortune; separating from J u p i t e r
and applying t o Mercury, o r vice versa, portrays barristers,
judges, clergymen, a n d highly fortunate persons; separating
from S u n a n d applying t o Mars, misfortune a n d much liability
t o a violent e n d ; separating from Mars a n d applying to Jupiter,
often indiscreet, b u t a powerful a n d fortunate person; separating
from t h e S u n a n d applying t o Mercury, highly intuitive and inven-
tive persons, fond of literature a n d science; separating from t h e S u n
a n d applying t o Jupiter, g o o d fortune, t h e acquisition of wealth
1 a n d happiness; separating from V e n u s and applying t o Mercury
o r vice versa, success in dealing in jewelry, ladies7 apparel, help
from ladies, proficiency i n music, art, o r science; posts of honor.

- In-
'? /

The Mental Qualities.

Mercury, t h e Moon a n d ascending sign, rule t h e mind. Should
t h e Moon be void of aspect, either with other planets o r t h e ascencl-
ant, a n d Mercury form no aspect, there is d a n g e r of insanity or a
very weak a n d shallow ~ n i n d .
If Mercury b e applying t o one o r more aspecte and form a trine
o r sextile aspcct with t h e ascendant, t h e mind is s t r o n g and u.c.11
bzllanced, t h e native learns easily and quickly, is quite fond of s t u d y
a n d has a very good memory. Good aspects of t h e Moon t o hlor-
cury o r other planets, a r e very good testimonies; aspects t o Venus
(rive neatness, j u d g e of color, etc.; t o Mars, mechanical o r construc-
t ~ v eability; t o J u p i t e r , executive force, patience, etc.; t o Saturn,
d e p t h of mind, foresight; t o U r a n u s o r Neptune, intuition. A
planet i n t h e ascendant, near t h e cusp, will give excellent logic ancl
ability, unless t h e planet b e a n evil one, o r afflicted. A n y planet
i n square aspect o r opposition t o t h e ascending degree, modifies
good qualities, causes lack of continuity, impatience. T h e M o o n
o r Mercury conjunction, square o r opposite t h e S u n o r Saturn,
causes lack of confidence, poor memory, a n d not much will force.

For Disposition.
T h e asoendidg sign, t h e ruler of t h e ascendant a n d in t h e
ascendant, a n d t h e S u n , rules t h e dispozition. F i e r y signs, ascend-
ing, denote a fiery nature y e t pleasant a n d agreeable unless a n g e r e d
o r excited. Airy s i g n s indicate a pleasant, sympathetic, modest
disposition, averse t o quarreling a n d inharmony. E a r t h y signs
denote a slow, q u i e t nature inclined t o b e very firm a n d headstrong.
W a t e r y s i g n s denote o n e who i s serious, contemplative, often sad
and gloomy. Much depends on t h e sign i n which t h e ruling p1anc.t
is placed a n d t h e sign in which t h e S u n is. T h e Sun's influence i s
greater than that of all t h e other planets, a n d under ordinary condi-
tlons, t h e characteristics a s given with t h e S u m i n t h e various s i g n s r (
will b e found accurate, b u t t o this must b e a d d e d t h e influence of
t h e sign ascending, t h e planets i n t h e ascendant, if any, and t h e
general aspects as given under effects of aspects.
T h e s t u d e n t must remember that each and every planet governs
certain faculties and according as each planet is aspected and placed
in t h e signs of t h e Zodiac and houses of t h e horoscopd, so will t h e
cllnracter a n d disposition be. -
A planet may be weak o r aMicted, y e t have a s t r o n g signification
by bcing on t h e cusp of a house. O r may b e exalted o r well aspcc- I
ted, y e t have s ~ n n l lsignificance on account t>f ruling n o prominent
house. Thus:--Jupiter nliqlit rule t h e sixth house and b e well
asI)c,ctccl a n d in t h e third, this would have little signif cance: b u t if
ruler of tho t e n t h and in t h e fourth, this would b e a most fortun;lte
indicatien. T h e ruler of t h e ascendgnt i n t h e l s t , 4th, 7th o r 1 0 t h
house is also very fortunate a s i t indicates ambition, enterprise a n d
a generally disposition.

For Marriage.
T h e Moon, V e n u s a n d ruler of t h e 7th house refer t o marriage in
a male nativity, and the S u n , V e n u s a n d ruler of t h e 7th house refer
t o and govern marriage in a female nativity.
If t h e Moon in a male nativity o r t h e S u n in a female nativity b e
in s t r o n g aspect (conjunction, square o r opposition). t o Mars, S a t -
urn or Uranus, then there will b e discord, dissatisfaction, a n d g e n -
erally poor results in marriage. Mars a n d Uranus cause discord,
quarreling, etc.; S a t u r n ill-health of a marriage partner. I f t h e
planets causing the evils are in a fiery sign, t h e evils a r e much
worse than if in t11e other signs.
Again, if Saturn, AIars o r Uranus b e in t h e 7 t h house then there
will be as much evil a s if the S u n o r Moon were afflicted o r if
either of the three evil planets a r e near t h e cusp of the 1 s t house, a s
this will b e in evil aspect t o cusp of 7th.
If the ruler of the 1 s t house b e in evil aspect t o t h e ruler of t h e
, 7 t h house there will b e disagreements. A lady born with Saturn
on the cusp of t h e 1 s t o r 7 t h house would d o better not t q marry a s
i t will be a failure.
T o j u d g e which will live t h e longer, husband o r wife, notice t h e
ruler of the 1 s t a n d 7th, a n d t h e one having best aspeots a n d digni-
ties will outlive t h e other.
T h e number of times o n e will b e married is d e t e r m ~ n e db y t h e
number of aspects t o t h e Moon a n d S u n a t t h e time of birth. If
there b e two o r more aspects a t t h e time of birth, then they will
marry twice or more, b u t a n aspect which i s past must not h e consid-
ered, a s when one is born with an aspect just leaving., they will fall
in love with one described b y t h e planet in that slgn which t h e
1 aspect is formed in. T h u s : T h e Moon in aspect to J u p i t e r in Leo,
the p a r t y would answer a L e o description. T h e planets will never
show whether a ceremony will b e performed, b u t will indicate that
there i s affection existing between t w o s t r o n g enough t o cause
T h e Moon in strong aspect t o Uranus will cause a male t o love
I others besides his own wife after lie has been married. Often t h e

I 1
S u n in strong aspect t o Uranus does the sarne in a fernale nativity.
T h e first aspect t h e S u n or Moon conlpletes after birth t o a planet
describes t h e marriage p a r t n e r ; if there are to be t n o marriages,
t h e second aspect of t h e S u n or Moon will describe him o r her.
A n early marriage is indicated when Mars o r Venus a r e very near
a n y exact aspect; also, if V e n u s b e well aspected ancl in t h e 1st.
i 4th, 7th o r 10th Ilouses. If Mars and Venu5 forrn an exact aspect
: ~ bt irth, t h e native will have a prornincnt love afl'air a t t h e a g e of
' 1'3 years, a n d one a t 38 also, if sinqle; b u t a n1arri:rga vrl~icll is
caused b y Alan, b y being in one of its periods, gcnerill!y ends dis-
astrously in a very few years.
J ,i , O n e should nr,ver marry when their significator cf marriage is
aflliutecl. Such as d u r i n g t h e time Saturn is transiting t h e ascend-
/ / ant, it11 houac o r in strong aspect t o S u n o r Moon's radix, o r of t h e

-- - - -- - - - -- . -- - - -

radix uf Venus. Good lirucs for marriage are when J u p i t e r is in

t h e lst, '7th o r 10th houses, or i n good aspect t o S u n o r Moon's
radix. Generally one who is t o be fortunate in marriage will b e
married d u r i n g one of these good periods, or if evil, will choose a n
evil time for it.
Good testimonies for marriage are J u p i t e r in t h e 7th o r 10th a n d
i n good aspect t o S u n o r Moon according t o t h e sex. T h e S u n well
aspected t o t h e Moon, if t h e S 3 n is in evil aspect t o the Moon t h e
native will have no success whatever. T h e ruler of the 1 s t in good
aspect t o ruler of the 7th modifies a g r e a t deal of evil otherwise.
O n e should t r y t o marry another who h a s their S u n , Moon, a n d
a s far a s possible, all other planets in good aspect t o their o n n .
T h e evil results in married life come when Saturn, Mars o r Uranus
transits evil aspects of t h e significators of marriage ( t h e Sun, Moon.
Venus, o r through the 7th house). If Saturn b e in t h e 7th his
transit through t h e 7th is very evil. If Mars afflict the S u n o r 3Coon
his transit over t h e s t r o n g aspect is very evil. Transits of Uranus
are very evil because h e moves s o slow.

For Children.
T h e fifth house, eleventh house, thoir rulers and t h e Moon and
Venus rule children. Indications of t h e birth of several children
are Venus and t h e Moon in fruitful signs and unaffficted. V e n u s
o r Moon, o r both in the 5th or 11th house; V e n u s and Moon in t h e
5th or l l t h houso, and this a double-bodied s i g n ; Gemini, Pisces
o r first half of Sagittarius, denotes t h e birth of twins in a female
Venus o r Moon, or both, in barren signs, shows few if a n y chil-
dren. Mars, Saturn o r Ur4nus, in the 5th o r l l t h house, shows t h a t
all children born wiil not live to grow up. Generally t h e 5th house
refers t o t h e first child; l l t h house, t h e second child.
V e n u s o r Moon in s t r o n g aspect t o Mars, S a t u r o or Uranus, is a
testimony that all children born will not live.
T h e S u n in t h e 5th or 11th house denies children.
J u p i t e r in. the 5th or l l t h house shows but few children will b e
born, b u t such a s a r e will b e a g r e a t credit to their parents. Saturn
a n d Mars indicates that they may be a discredit t o their parents.
I n a child's horoscope, Venus in t h e l o t h house, shows it will b e
t h e mother's favorite, and a source of comfort t o t h e mother. V e n u s
in t h e 4th house, shows i t to b e a favorite of t h e father a n d a com-
fort t o him.
Jupiter in t h e 10th house is s fortunate financiql testimony f o r
t h e mother, o r for t h e father if i n t h e 4th house.
Evil planets in t h e 4 t h or l o t h , a r e detrimental for t h e parents,
unless some good testimony offset. Mars, Saturn or U r a n u s in t h e
4th or l o t h , show a n early death, or hard life for t h e parents.

For Employment.
T h e trades and professions which each planet govern are s o con-
fusing that i t would b e utterly irupossible for a n y astr,)loqer to s ; ~ y
just what one a person will choose, although it is comparltively
easy t o see in what lines one could have good success.
N o author has thus far given us an accurate rule t o f o l l o ~ - ,in
deciding what business o r profession one will follow for a living,
but have given many indications to forlri a n o1)inic:n from. Thebe
indications are constantly changing, ant1 lilany of tllc old i n ~ t r u c -
tions a r e useless. I n j u d g i n q nh:lt one is adaptecl fee, t h c nnturo
and capacity of t h e mind muat be coneidered, ant1 tllis is shown by
the ascending sign a n d general aspects bctwtbc,n the ruling planet
and others, the native seldom llas a n y regular businc~ssorprofeseion,
is changing from one t h i n g to another if no aspect is formed.
Each sign of t h e Zodiac has a tendency t o produce an employ-
ment o r profession according to the nature of the sign and the slgn
in which the r u l i nn ~ulanet
is ulaced.
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius produce employ-
ment ainong metal workers, machinists, builders.
Gemini, Libra a n d Aquarius are scientitic signs and produce
clerks, w r i t e ~ and
s literary or soientific pursuits, such a s electricians,
surveyors, etc. )iI' > I .
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, produce brewers, hotel keepers,
butchers, dealers in wine, liquors, etc.
Virgo a n d Sagittarius produce dealers, booksellers, printers,
engravers, artificers, etc.
Each planet has a certain significance, and will regulate t h e busi-
ness o r profession according as i t may b e placed in t h e horoscope.
T h e Moon inclines one t o a common business, d e p e n d i n g upon
what aspects i t forms, and the nature of the planet and aspect.
Mercury inclines the mind t o literature, science, mathematical
work, such as bookkeping, o r writing, typewriting, etc.
Venus inclines t o music, art, decorating, painting, drama, dealing
in d r y goods.
Mars gives all mechanical employments. Often surgery o r
Jupiter takes one into t h e higher walks of life, such a s judges,
lawyers, ministers, doctors; or, in merchandise on a large scale.
Saturn causes one t o choose a profession requiring considerable
mental work, such as d r u p , chemicals. etc.
U r a n u s inclines t o t h e antiquarian, mystical, t h e old and curious;
all things o u t of t h e ordinary.
N e p t u n e tends to navigation, and all professions connected with
traveling upon the ocean; sea captains, those high in the navy, etc.
judging what profession the planet will produce notice care-
fully whether a planet is in i t s exalted house or in its'fall and how
aspected. Thus:-Jupiter signifies those in high places, b u t if
Jupiter b e in ite fall o r afflicted, t h e native is b u t a clerk of some
kind. S a t u r n well placed and aspected may give a fine mind a n d
prominent position, b u t if weak and afflicted, t h e native has hard
a n d dirty worli. e
T o j u d g e what t h e native is best adapted for j u d g e a s follows:
l'he ruler of ascendant, how placed a n d aspectcd, choose t h e
profession indicated b y t h e planet which i s best placed and which
t h e ruler of ascendant forms t h e best aspect with,
T h e r u l i n g planet well aspected t o Jupiter, a n d J u p i t e r in t h e
ascendant, 7 t h o r 10th house, exalted o r in i t s own house, would b e
a good indication of success a s a lawyer, public person, o r for deal-
i n g with t h e public.
U r a n u s strongly placed in the mid-heaven o r ascendant, is favor-
able for all stuclies coming under tlle head of Occultism, providing
that there a r e good aspects of t h e other planets t o Uranus. T o b e
fortun:tte financially in t h e practice of Occultism, t h e ruler of t h e
2d house should b e well aspected t o Uranus.
As a general thing, t h e planet highest in t h e horoscope o r nearest
t h e mid-heaven will indicate what t h e professional tendency is, b u t
must b e considered in connection with t h e ascendant a n d ruler.
Thus:-The author of this has U r a n u ~in t h e mid-heaven. Venus,
ruler of t h e 1 s t in 9 t h sextile t o Mars, Mercury and Moon, all placed
in t h e '7th.
l'he ruler of t l ~ c1 s t i n tho Fth, well aspected to a planet in l o t h ,
would give success a s a doctor.

The Money Prospects.

Good indications of financial success are J u p i t e r in t b e 10th o r
2nd house and well a s p e c t e d ; or, Venus i n t h e 2 n d house well
nspected b y a conjunction, trine o r sextile t o t h e S u n o r Moon; or,
in trine o r sextile t o a n y planet. If J u p i t e r o r V e n u s b e in t h e
4 t h o r 7th house and in good aspect t o other planets, it is a very
good indication of s fortunate and easp life.
T h e S u n o r Moon in good aspect t o J u p i t e r , with J u p i t e r in a n y
~ i g ne xcept Gerr.ini o r Capricorn, is a favorable tcstimong, showing
tlle native will never come t o actual want of anything.

lf w r b e in a n y of t h e above stro . o n c s u c h as &
21+&),~~ .J~J,Q& houses, and b e in r:ks$to evil planets, i t
s ows t h ~t h e native will have very good periods of financial suc-
cess, h u t :rll good periods will b e followed b y a s evil ones d u r i n g
which he niay looso all he has.
Saturn, Uranus o r Mars in t h e 2nd, 4th, 7 t h o r 1 0 t h houses indi-
cate much hard work, many annoyances, nnd no continued success;
a n evil planet in the 4th o r 10th house is very unfortunate, unless
offset b y several good aspects of other planets, b u t i t must be re-
memborecl that all good a n d evil indications will operate some t i m e
d u r i n g one's life.
T h e S u n and ilfoon in conjunction, sqria-e o r opposition; o r t h e
Moon i n same aspect t o S a t u r n , is a very evil testimony for finan-
cial success.
. --.
. - - .- -
-- - - -- -. -- --

For Health.
The Sun, Moon, ascending degree and the rulers of the 4th, 6th
and 8th house, and planets in the 6th house must be considered. If
the Sun or Moon be in the lst, 7th, loth, or first half of the 1 7 th
( house. they are called " Hyleg " or ruler of health; but if neither
the Sun or Moon are in one of these places, then the ascending
degree rules the health. Therefore, if the Kyleg be afilicted by
Mars, or Saturn, or Uranus, or the Sun or Moon be in the Gth, and
amicted, or the rulers of the 4th, 6th or 8th, are in evil aspect to
each other, the healtl~will be poor.
Mars in strong cr evil as;>oct to the Hyleg, gives good vitality
and a strong constit~ltion,E::t causes accidents or violent disease.
I n whichever sign of the Zodiac Saturn or Uranus may be, there is
weakness in the part of the body ruled by that sign.
Mars geiierally leaves a scar on the part of the body ruled by the
sign it is in.
If the Hyleg be well aspeoted, and a good sign ascend: the native
will have very good health.
i Diseases Ruled by the Signs.

1 I
All gumboils, swellings acne, small pox, hair lip, polypus, ring-
worms, epilepsy, falling sickness, apoplexies, megrims, tooth-ache,
bafdness, eruptions, measles.

The king's evil, sore throat, wens, fluxes of rheums, falling into
throat, quinsy, abscesses in those parts, croup.


Signifies accidents or infirmities in the arms,shoulders and hands,

corrupted blood, flatulency, distempered fancies, nervous diseases,
brain fever, billious complaints.

ti Produces imperfections in the breast, stomach and paps, weak

I 1 digestion, asthma, phthisic, salt phlegms, rotton coughs, dropisical
humors, imposthums, cancer, which are mostly in the breast, con-
sumptlons, and all pulmonary affections, pleurisy.

A]] sickness in the ribs and sides, as pleurisies, oonvulsione,

syncopes, pains in the back, palpitation, small pox, inflammatory
-- ---- -- - .
-- - --- - --
fevers, inoaslcs, s o x eyes, epi~lemicsand j :undiue.

T h e worms, wind, colic, all obstructions and croakipg of tho

bowels, infirmities in the tesricles, a n y disease in t h e belly, illicit
passion, d y sentory.

All diseases in the reins of t h e back and kldneys, heats in tho

loins o r haunclies, imposthumes or ulcers in t h e reins o r blatlder,
debility, weakness in t h e baclr, corruptiou of t h e blood, wasting of
the body (astrophia), syphilis.

Produces t h e gravel, t h e stone, ruptures, fistulas or t h e piles,

priapisms all affliotions in the private parts, defect in matrix, lues,
injuries, etc., t o t h e spermatic cord, t h e groin, etc.

It rules t h e thighs and buttocks. all fistulons tumors o r h u r t s fall-

i n g in those members, g o u t and generally denotes heated blood,
fevers, denotes falls o r h u r t s from four-footed beasts, also prejudice
by fire, heat, a n d intemperateness in sports, rheumatism.


I t has t h e government of the knees, and all diseases incident t o

those places, either b y strains o r fractures; i t denotes leprosy, itsh,
cautaneous complaints, hysterics, rheumatism, disorder of t h e chest
a n d lungs.
I t governs t h e legs, ankles, a n d all manner of infirmities incident '
t o those members; spasmodic a n d nervous diseases, cramps, wind,
rheumatism, and all disorder produced from corrupted blood.

Produces all diseases i n t h e feet, a s t h e gout, and all lameness

in those members, mucous discharges, itch, blotchee, b r e a k i n g s o u t ,
boils and ulcers proceeding from corrupt blood, cold, and moist dis-
eases and bowel complaints, caused b y wet feet, corns.
A n evil planet will excite o r cause t h e diseases of that sign in
which t h e planet is in, particulariy i.f afflicted b y another planet.,
- - -.
To Judge a Horoscope.
Notice in the following order, the testimonies as given:
FORDISPOSIRON.-T~~ sign ascending and ruler of ascendant,
what sign in and how aspected; then planets in the ascendant and
how aspected, then the Sun, its place by sign and aspect.
F O R MENTALQUALITIES.--T~~ cusp of arcendant, how aspected;
then Mercury by eign and aspect; then the Noon by sign end
FORMONEYP R O S P E C T S . - - Tplanet~ nearest tho mid-heaven
and how aspected; next, planets in s e c o ~ dand tenth house and how
aspected; then the gener:il aspects.
FORH ~ * ~ ~ a . - - J u d g efrom the ascending degree first; then the
Sun or Moon, if hyleg or not; then the rulers of the fourth, sixth
and eighth houses.
FOEPUBLICITY. HONORS,ETC.-Notice whether the planets are
exalted or in their detriment; whether above or below the ascendant;
whether well aspected, and if several are in one house, sign ormore
than two are in ascendant, seventh or tenth houses.

The Horoscope of Thos. A. Edison.
I n t h e chart t h e reader will notice t h e following indications:
Scorpio on t h e ascendant; Mars, t h e ruling planet, is in Sagittarius,
in sextile aspect t o Itlercnry, and trine t o Venus, square t o Saturn.
T h e Moon is sextile t o t l ~ aa x e n d i n g d e g r e e a n d t o Saturn, and
squ:\re t o Uranus. Rfercary is sextile t o Mars a n d V e n u s and in a
scientific sign. T h e sun is in a scientific sign, in sextile t o Uranus,
trine t o J u p i t e r a n d conjunction with Neptune. .Jupiter i s t h e
highest planet in t h e figure.
T h e mental qualities a r e shown b y Moon, Mercury and ascendant.
T h e fikst aspect which t h e Moon forms will b e a good aspect t o
Saturn, b e i n g well aspected t o t h e ascendant shows a s t r o n g and
well balanced mind; b e i n g i n Capricorn, shows ;I g r e a t deal of
curiosity, a very thoughtful nature, a n d a p p l y i n g t o a s t r o n g aspect
of Uranus, shows much originality a s well a s eccentricities, peculiirr
ideas a n d if o n e k n e w him personally, would probably find him t o
b e o u t of t h e ordinary a n d very peculiar. Mercury in Aquarius,
a n d first forming a good aspect with Uranus, shows a large imagin-
ation b u t not a n u~lreasonableone, a n d this also indicates genius
a n d shows mathematical ability a n d a good amount of intuition.
F o r disposition, Mars in Sagittarius, well aspected t o V e n u s and
Mercury, t h e S u n i n Aquarius well asperted t o U r a n u s and Jupiter,
a r e testimonies of a very agreeable a n d pleasant diepoeition, n lo\ e
of music, a r t a n d t h e beautiful in nature; IS very easily influenced b y
lrindness, b u t n o d o u b t b u t t h a t on close acquaintance, Mars in
s t r o n g aspect t o Saturn, would cause him t o show a good a m o u n t p f
temper and considerable persistency, y e t not of a quarzllsorne
Tllo money prospects a r e shown b y tile ruler of t h e lot11 in t h e
4 t h a n d well aspected, a fortunate indication, a n 4 J u p i t e r tlie
nloet elevattd planet in t h e figure; there can b e no d o u b t b u t t h a t
Uranus i s tht: principal cause 'of this person's financial s u c c e s , a-;
J u p i t e r in Gemini seldom gives much wealth unless assisted by
good aspects.
F o r marriage: Venus, ruler of t h e 7th l ~ o u s e ,in good aspect to
Mars, is a very good testimony. T h e Noon's goocl aspect to S a t u r ~
is also a favorable testimony.
For publicity, honors. etc.: Jupiter, t h e most elevated planet.
T h e Sun, ruler of mid-heaven a n d well aspected in a cardinal sign
of the figure, a r e all the best of testimonies.
7 - - - , . , - p :,. , - . ,
T . ! ,:.: .; I , . . . , ~


Ilioroscope of Fredrick the Great,


1 / - - . - to a conjunction of
The Sun on the mid-heaven applying
Mars shows ambition, persistency, stubbornness and-an inclina-
tion to fight to the bitter end, constantly engaped in disputes or
1 i antagonism of some kind; liable to mahy azcivdents and'narrow
g / escapes from death. The Moon in conjunction with Saturn and
opposite Mars shows secretiveness, craftyness and not hesitating
at anything to accomplish his desires, he could be and was very
abrupt and malicious with little or no provocation.
Mercury, his ruling planet opposite Jupiter and sextile to
Venus would make him witty, sharp, and at times quite sociable,
but on the whole his mind was not evenly or well balanced, but
was subject to extremes as deduced from strong aspects of planets
I in angles, the evil aspects of Moon to Mars -and Saturn-would
cause mental disturbances, indicating a half crazed, brutal nature. 1
@ m O w ~ O m O ~ ~ ~ O m O m w O w
Horoscope of Marie Antoinette.
+ m m O m O w w O ; $ 5 : O w O w w ~ @ ~ + m & ~ ~ -

Cancer ascends with Mars in his detriment, in evil aspect to

ruler of ascendant and Saturn. Mars is particularly evil in
Cancer and causes much misfortune and humiliation, especially
when afflicted by Saturn.
Saturn iu in the house of death (the 8th) and shows a violent
death by being in evil aspect to Mars and Moon. The strong
aspects of these three planets indicate a very strong will power,
and Uranus on the mid-heaven shows she had unusual traits of
character. Mercury sextile to Jupiter and Venus trine to Uranus
shows she had artistic and musical talent as well as good reason-
- qualities.
?he Moon, ruler of ascendact, placed in Libra would de-
scribe her as of prepossessing appearance.
This unfortunate lady was guillotined on Oct. 16th, 1793,
aged 37 years and I I months. On the day of her death the Moon
was in conjunction with Uranus on the mid-heaven by secondary
direction. Mars by periodical direction had returned to his radix,
the Sun was parallel with Mars and Saturn and square to Uranus
by direction.

Aries ascendin2 dcscribc.~one as slender built, sharp features, a -

long neck, light or red 11s'l 11 .;r. Ti~urrisdescribes one as plump or
chubby built, shcrt n-cli, f A l face, dark hair. Gemini describes

SbZuld the last few degrees of a sign rise, the native will gener-
ally take the description of the next sign as they mature. Thus:
The last degrees of Aries will give the Aries description, but as the
person gets to be 25 years of age, he will bo more of the Taurus
description than of Aries. Thie is the same with all the signs.
When the hour is known approximately, make a figure for that 4

-61- ,
you would move t h e meridian back, o r converse a s i t is called; b u t
if between t h e 1 0 t h and 4th houses ( g o i n g forward) then move tlie
meridian (cusp of 1 0 t h ) forward.
A n y event may b e used t o correct t h e time of birth, b u t j u d g -
m e n t must b e used a s regards the planet mhich causes t h e event,
a n d a different house of t h e lloroscope directed t o the planet; Thl:t;
; ' If from t h e death of a brother or sister, use t h e 3rd house; if tlie
, death of t h e father, use t h e 4 t h house; o r t h e 10th house for the
, mother; t h e 5 t h honse for a child. If t h e event is of a n unubual
nature, U r a n u s should b e directed t o t h e cusp of t h e house, b u t if
of a slow a n d tedious nature, Saturn is the probable cause of it.
M a r s acts suddenly and often very violently.
F o r example: After correcting a figure i n which Saturn was in
square aspect t o Uranus and Uranus in t h e 3d house, 1 inquired if a
brother d i e d a t t h e a g e t h e 3rd house came t o a conjunction of
Uranus, and found that a brother had died then; further inquiry
showed that the brother committed suicide, distillctly a U r a n u s
I n another figure, t h e father d i e d by. a n accident as Uranus b y
direction was o n cusp of 1 0 t h house (which is opposite t h e 4 t h ) ,
U r a n u s was in Gemini ( a n airy sign), t h e father was killed b y b e i n g
thrown into t h e air b y t h e belt from a pulley.
S a t u r n causes d e a t h by some slow disease.
-- --.. --

Transits of the Planets.

T h e transits of the planets is t h e daily motions of t h e m a s t h e y
z11ove through t h e Zodiac around t11e S u n ; thus: J u p i t e r moves
through the twelve houses of Zodiac i n a little lessthan twelve years
a n d will transit t h e twelve houses of t h e horoscope a n d t h e radix o r
place of all t h e other planets. O n e who has J upiter well placed
a n d aspected in their horoscope will have a very fortunate period
wheneves J u p i t e r transits t h e 10th house o r mid-heaven, t h e ascend-
: c 1 1 t o r 1 s t house, o r tho 4th o r 7th houses, b u t if J u p i t e r b e afflicted

o r either of these places have an evil planet therein, then t h e transit

of .Jupiter through either of tlienl does b u t little good.
Saturn requires thirty ?.ccrs t o tra'nsit t h e twelve houses o r go
entirely around tho rS:lri; i f 1.e i s strongly placed in t h e horoscope
t h j n there will be a psriod lk~s-ingfroru t e n t o fifteen months, every
seventh year, d u r i n g which one has reverses, o r hard luck, a s t h e y
cilll it; b u t if S a t u r n b e well aspected a n d placed, a n d J u p i t e r also
favorably placed then t h e transits of Saturn produce n o noticeable
Mars transits cause only slight annoyances, delays; you feel wor-
ried, anxious, a n d often a c t on t h e impulse; d u r i n g t h e period when
Mars is making a transit i t is b e t t e r to g o slow and b e careful a b o u t
making changes until the transit is past.
Whenever t w o o r three evil transits come together the outcome
is very disagreeable. W h e n a good and evil transit come together
you will notice. very conflicting conditions; good prospects offer, b u t
d o not materialize, o r you expect something unpleasant a n d a r e
happily disappointed. You should b e very careful and r u n no risk
at all d u r i n g t h e evil transits, b u t push y o u r affairs with confidence
d u r i n g t h e g o o d transits. -'

(1.) Mars o n hfidheaven-Affects business, causes delays annoy-
ances and frequent trifling losses. l l e f e r commencing important
enterprises while in operation.
(2.) Mars o n Ascendant-Similar t o (1) b u t less evil for busi-
ness, and affects health a n d spirits more; you a r e impatient a n d
( 3 . ) Mars in 4 t h a n d 7 t h Houses-This is similar t o (1) b u t
much less evil.
(4.) Mars in Evil Aspect t o Radix of S u n o r Mooll-Similar to
13) but rarely continues more than a week unlees bIars retrogrades
within orb. -
( 3 . ) Satllrn on hiidheaven-A long, dull period, d u r i n g :rllich
ou a r e much 111018 lilrely t o lobe than gain. Make everything t a f e
before it begins. Avoid changes and commencing new enterprises
a, much as possible. Continue regular busines.;, b u t d o not branch
o u i in new direc,tions. G u a r d :tgainst treachery and conspir;rq,
a a d bo ~ d r e f u lhow y o u t r u s t any one. L e t y o u r chief aim be to

- - --- -- -
save rather than t o gain more. You fecl dissatisfied and discouraged
and tempted t o sell o u t o r lesign your situation; d o neither unless
cornpel!~d b y circumstances.
(6.) S z t u r n on Ascentlaut-Similar t o ( 6 ) y e t less evil for busi-
ness, Lut worse for liealth and spirits.
(7.) Saturn in F o a r t h and Severith Houses--Similar t o (6) but,
f a r less evil. Tn tho 4 t h evil for father if l i l i n g ; in the 7 t h house,
evil lor husband o r wife if l i l i n g .
(8.) S a t u r n i n Evil Aspect t o 1:adix o r S u n or Moon-Similar t o
( 7 ) and usually continues about four moothi, yet 1uuc11 longer if
Saturn retroqrades.
(9.) U r a n u s o n Miclheaven-This indication is sirni1;~rto :I ntix-
tnre of t h e indications of ( 1 ) a n d ( 5 ) , b u t denotes events that occur
i n x sudden and unpleasant manlier which seem far inore evil at first
than they ultimately prove. If J u p i t e r is making a good transit a t
t h e same time, t h e event may prove partly favorable, b u t still sucl-
d e n and unexpected. Beeides. IJr:~nusis not constantly e ~ i ilc 11;s
indications, for sornetimes weeks, and oven n~orltlls cl;ipse, d u r i n g
his transit, without a n y indication, iroin this odil, b t r d n q e planet.
T h e best explanation of Uranus is: "Expsct t l ~ aUnexpe:tcd."
(10.) U r a n u s on t h e Ascendant-Similar t o (9) b u t less evil f o r
business and worse for health, and s o ~ n e t i m e saccidents occur.
(11.) U r a n u s in t h e F o u r t h and Seventh Houscs-Siniilar t o (10)
b u t much less evil. I n t h e fourth bousc tlie father often suffers, b u t
death does not always result. . I n t h e seventh klousc trouble with
t h e public, death of wife o r husband, o r separation are threatened
a n d sometimes occur.
(12.) U r a n u s i n E v i l Aspect t o Radix of S i ~ no r hloon-This is
similar t o ( l l ) ,
(13.) J u p i t e r on Rfidheaven-The most fortunate of >I1 transits.
You feel hopeful, good prospects offer, and you meet with advance-
ment. X o w is the time t o strike out bo!dly and push businrss with
confidence. Mako changes and commence new undertalricgs.
Remembcr that w11:itcver is undertaken and establishecl under this
transit will prove more permanent than :it a n y other time and
successful undor e + i l aspects, when new schemes prove uns~lccessful
o r failures.
(14.) J u p i t e r on Ascendant-Similar t o (13) b u t less fortunate
for business though better for liealth ant1 s1)irits.
(15.) J u p i t e r i n tlic F o u r t h and Seventh I-Iouses-Similar to ( 1 4 )
b u t less fortunate. I u the 4th house fortunate for father if living;
i n 7 t h house fortunate for husband o r wife if living.
, (10.) J u p i t e r in Good Aspect t o Radix of s u n o r RIoon or H i s
Own Radix-Similar t o ( I 5 ) and continues about two nlonths. b u t
much Ionper if J u p i t e r retrogrades.
- -.
A Lesson in Transits andl)irections.
The radix of a planet is t h e position of a planet in t h e horoscope
a t the tinle of birth. T h e cusp of a house is t h e d e g r e e i n t h e
zodiac which the llouee begins with; thus, if t h e first d e g r e e of
Libra is on t h e eastern horizon a t t h e time of y o u r birth, the first
d e g r e e of Libra 1s t h e cusp of t h e 1st house.
A transit of a planet is the patsing of a planet through a house of
t h e horoscope, o r o r e r the radix of its own o r other planets. Thus,
Jupiter mo>es around the S u n once in eleven a n d one-half yeaib,
arid in that tiille it will transit the twelve houses of t h e horoscope,
,a n d transit the radix of all the planets. S a t u r n requires twenty-
nine and one-half cars to p::ss entirely around t h e S u n , therefore,
will require the sarlle Lil'lc t:: ;ransit t h e twelve houses of t h e horo-
scope and t h e radix u! 3:~. p!.~:3ts.
Uefore you a t t e ~ r ~ ptot juclge t h e effect of a transit, you must
j u d g e wlietl~era planet is strong, weak o r afflicted. Thus, if t h e S u n
b e in good aspect t o J u p i t e r , (Conjunction, Sextile o r Trine), and
there are n o evil planets in s t r o n g aspect t o t h e S u n , Saturn may
transit t h e Sun's radix o r s t r o n g aspect of i t and cause n o apparent
evil, b u t if the S u n b e in evil aspect to Mars, S a t u r n o r Uranus,
then when Saturn transits t h e radix o r s t r o n g aspect of it, h e causes
much annoyance. Should J u p i t e r b e in t h e mid-heaven o r ascend-
a n t a t birth, t h e transit of Saturn through t h e same places has little
o r no evil effect, b u t if a n evil planet b e in t h e ascendant o r mid-
heaven a t birth, t h e transit of J u p i t e r through these places have
little good effect; likewise all the planets if well aepected in t h e -
radix, a good aspect of J u p i t e r o r even V e n u s will cause g o o d
events. Jupiter; in sextile, trine o r conjunction with its own place,
is very good if good in t h e radix, b u t of no consequence whatever
if Jupiter b e affi~ctedin t h e radix.
I n a female nativity, t h e S u n rules marriages, a n d if t h e S u n ia
alfiicted, a s t r o n g aspect b y transit of Saturn o r Uranus causes
g r e a t discontent in married life. T h e same with t h e Moon in a
male nativity.
If the S u n refers t o health b y b e i n g i n t h e l s t , 7 t h or 10th houses,
a n d is well aspected, t h e evil transits of Saturn will not cause sick-
ness, b u t if t h e S u n be in evil aspect t o a n y planet, especially t h e
Jloon, then all evil transits of Saturn will cause ill-health.
T h e transits of Uranus cause travel, espesially if in a moveable
sign, in one of t h e cardinal signs of t h e horoscope o r in the 3 r d o r
9th house, o r if t h e ascendant b e a moveable sign, t h e transit of
Uranus over the ascendant may cause a l o n g journey. Uranus
transiting a s t r o n g aspect of i t s own radix, o r of t h e S u n o r Moon's
ladix, causes travel if either a r e i n moveable o r common signs, o r
t h e l s t , 4th, 7th o r 10th houses of t h e horoscope a n d these not fixed
A Direction is calculating each d a y from t h e h o u r of birth as a
pear a n d moving each planet ahead one day's motion a n d j u d g i n g
iroru t h e aspects t h u s formed; b u t one must remember not t o over-

look t h e radix, for if this is good a n evil direction 11;s no more evil
influence than a n evil transit.

, Suppose t h e S u n was one degree i n L i b r a and tile planet Saturn

was twenty d e g r e e s in Capricorn, as t h e S u n moves approximately

one degree a day, on t h e twentieth day, which corresponds with t h e

twentieth year, t h e S u n will have come t o a n exact square of Sat?rr,

a very evil direction if t h e S u n b e in s t r o n g aspect to any p1ant.t t t

t h e time of birth. 13ut if t h e S u n b e in good aspect to other p!al,cis

a t birth then the evil aspect woulcl not b e s o severe.

L u n a r directions are of considcrable import:inze; tlleso a r e calcu

lated in the same way as wit11 the other planets. T h e aspects of

Moon t o Uranus cause travel, t o Saturn if good abpec:s are s l i g l ~ t l y

beneficial, b u t if evil, effects hcalth of wife or c ' . ~ l d r e n , cause

annoyances, o r if t h e Moon b e H y l e g they cause b~tl,health. LI

L u n a r direction will operate off a n d on for t ~ rr:onths o o r


ionger, before or after t h e time t h e exact aspcct i s formed.

Aspects of the Moon t o J u p i t e r a r e very beneficial, e l e n t h e evil

o r strong aspects, although one may make considerable money d u r

" i n g an evil direction of t h e Moon t o J u p i t e r ; they generally loose

i t before the aspect is past. A s Jupiler, S a t u i n and Ur..nas move

60 slowly, their aspect b y direction continues nearly all 01 one's Ill'e.

%Thisis why you must j u d g e mostly from t h e radi.&

T h e aspects which a r e formed b e t w e e x planets b y moving
them as explained, a r e called Secondary 1)irections.
, :&-iregt&psLge t h e most powerful pf EL.! TLese a r e f Po r a- by
. a s
' rrdoving t h e cusps of t h e houses either direct, a s i t is called, o r b y ,=

4tnoving them backward, or converse. According t o my observation


:there is practically no difference in t h e effect whether you move t h e

' icusp of a house b a c l ~ w a r do r forward t o form a n aspect, b u t there I
!can be n o question t h a t aspects t h u s formed between a house a n d
. $lanet is very powerful.
, T o calculate a primary direction, place t h e planets in t h e chart
('f fbr the exact time of birth, with t h e cusps of t h e houses as usual.
i &love t h cusps ~ of each house ahead one d e g r e e for each year a n d

notice what ;tepect will b e forrlled to-each planet in tho radix; d o

n-~m t ove t h e planets a t all. Thus: S L I ~ ~ theOcnsi?o^f

S ~
o^S l o t h

i l ~ o u s eis ten decrrees of Libra and J u p i t e r is placed one degree i n

I, a.

' gcorpio, by rnovlng t h e cusp of t h e 10th house one dcgrce for each
I , year, the 10th house would b e i n conjunction with J u p i t e r on t h e
i r,wenty-first year, a very fortunate direction. I n t h e same manner
you direct t h e cusps of 211 t h e houscs t o t h e square, opposition,

mxtfle or trine, t o t h e o h e r planets.

: ' T h o Directions may b e judged the same a s a transit although a r e

far more powerful. A conjun?tion, sextile o r trine aspect of t h e

, mid-heaven t o V e n u s i & & a l b causes marriage.

A n evil nrpect of ~ i u i % 1; t h e 3 r d house is evil for brothers a n d
sisters if a n y ; o r t h e 5th house in evil aspect, is evil for children
if any, T h e 7 t h housc i n evil aspect, of course, refers t o t h e wife.
A good trsnsit, such as J u p i t e r in t h e mid-heaven, o r i n t h e
ascendant, will have n o apparent influence whatever if t h e mid-
I -- (M-
iled \ e n o r ascendant b e afflzted b y a n evil direction. Likewise tl e
e l 11 transits of Saturn through the mid-heaven o r ascendant will
1 1 ~ ~ nov e evil effect if these places a r e i n good aspect b y direction to
Jupiter, Venus o r other planets.
O n e evil direction will seldom, if ever, cause death, a n c after t h e
a g e of four years, one evil transit will not cause death. Before the
a g e of four years, a direction seldom causes d e a t h a n d a transit
often does.
O n e evil d i r e c t i ~ nwith t w o o r three evil transits may cause death,
but for one to die, tho H y l e g must b e a a i c t e d b y more that1 o n e
directioi~,accl q u i t e evil ones a t that Thus, suppose t h e S u n was
H y l e g b y being in the l s t , '7111 or 1 0 t h houses. and formed a square
aspect with Saturn. Tliis alono would not cause death, b u t should
t h e Moon also forru a:1 cvil c!ircction a t t h e same time, o r following
soon after, and eithcbr l)c aD!izted b y a n evil transit, i n all probabil-
ities the native would die. B u t before y o u give judgment relative
t o length of life, j u d g e whether the figure is favorable for l o n g life,
notice t h e sign ascending principally a n d t h e aspects between t h e
S u n , Moon a n d evil planets. F i e r y s i g n s give more vitality than a n y
of t h s others.
Another powerful influence is shown b y moving t h e cusp, of t h e
houses a n d t h e planets a t t h e same time, according t o their regular
motion, b u t in this system of directions only Mercury, Venus, S u n
a n d Mars can b e considered. These a r e calculxted i n t h e following
Coulit each d a y from t h e hour of birth a s one year. Thus: S u p -
pose the horoscope is inade for J a n u a r y l:t, 9 A. M., a n d you wish
t h e direction for t h e twentieth pear. You would make a figure for
January 20th a t 9 A. A[., and place t h e planets a s they a r e on J a n -
uary 20th. This will change t b e cusps of all t h e houses, and t h e
places of all t h e planets, particularly Mercury, Venus, S u n a n d
bfars. By this system. it often happens t h a t V e n u s o r Mars form a
very strong o r powerful aspect t o the ascendant, mid-heaven o r cusp
of one of the houses, a n d has a very good or evil influence. Occa.
hionally one of these planets will move with almost t h e same motion
a s the cusp of the house, and a very good o r evil period i s continued
for quite a l o n g time.
I t will b e noticed that the personal appearance will c h a n g e some.
what. according to t h e directional place of t h e ascendant. Thus:-
O n e born with the last d e g r e e of Aries ascending will g r o w heavy
a s a T a u i u s person as they get*older.
T h e transit of a planet over the directional place of t h e cusps of
t h e various house is often very powerful.
The Parallel Aspect.
There a r e t w o kinds of parallels: t h e zodiacal a n d what a r e called
'mundane. Zodiacal ~ a r a l l e l sa r e circles which a r e equal distance
from t h e oquater. A n y t w o points of t h e zodiac having t h e same
declination, whether north o r south, a r e in zodiacal parallel with
each other. T h u s : A planet in t w o d e g r e e s of Sagittarius a n d
another in twenty-eight degrees of Capricorn would b e in zodiacal
parallel. T h e declination of a n y point in the zodiac may b e seen
from t h e declination of t h e S u n when in t h a t degree. Thus, if you
wish t o know t h e declination of t h e cusp of first o r t e n t h house, look
f o r t h e Sun's declination when in t h e d e g r e e which is on cusp of
tenth o r first. Suppose the cusp of tenth house was one d e g r e e
of Aquarius, then t h e declination would b e nineteen degrees fifty-
five minutes South.
Suppose you a r e calculating transits o r directions, you should not
overlook tliis aspect, as i t is eq;al t o a conjunction, a n d good o r
evil according t o t h e nature of t h e planet aspected, both b y transit
br direction. As each planet passes around t h e zodiac, i t must of
necessity form a parallel with t h e cusp of each house, b u t you will
notice a t once, that t h e parallel is formed b y transit with t h e cusp
of t h e house a t the same time t h e planet transits t h e house, b u t b y
direction this would b e entirely different. F o r example, one born
with eighteen degrees of Sagittarius ascending, the declination of
which is twenty-two degrees fifty-five minutes S., Uranus one d e -
g r e e thirty-five minutes in Cancer, a n d i t s declination twenty-three
degrees forty-two minutes N. W h e n t h e ascendant, by direction,
has progressed t o twenty-three degrees forty-two minutes, which
would b e in nine and one-half months, t h e ascendant would b e
parallel with Uranus.
Mundane parallels are figured from t h e angles of t h e horoscope
t h e same way as zodiacal parallels a r e figured from t h e equator. A
planet on t h e cusp of third house is in mundane parallel with a
planet on cusp of eleventh house, because equal distance from cusp
of first and seventh.
I do not consider t h e mundane parallels a s powerful a s t h e

T h e '(wise man" has declared that "there i s nothing new u n d e r
t h e Sun," a n d hence i t is almost certain t h a t t h e ancient Astrologers
were well acquainted with the discovery; although i t is not o n l y a b -
solutely unknown t o t h e present generation. LLTimesa r e reckoned
i n seven ways; viz. b y t h e space between t w o significators, b y t h e
space between their mritual aspects, by t h e approach of one t o tho
other, by the space betweeneitherof t h e m a n d the place appropiated
t o t h e proposed event, b y t h e descension of a s t a r with i t s additic n
and diminuation, by t!ro c!~onging of a significator, and b y t h e a p p -
roach of a planet t o its l)!scc."
It is t h e latter, '.c:.cnging of a significator," t o which tlle author
claims t h e reader's attention, since h e has found that in addition t o
t h e a r t of 'cdirections" each of t h e wandering stars o r planets has a
complete period of i t s own, entirely distinct from every oil:er mot-
ion which it may acquire i n t h e zodiac o r t h e Earth. T h e "chang-
ing" of these planets from s i g n t o sign, a n d t h u s forming various
configurations with their actual place a t birth, o r with t h e luminar-
ies, produce events i n many instances of equal magnitude with mLdi-
rections," a n d in some instances producing t h e most g o o d o r evil
fortune a s t h e testimonials m a y warrant, nay, t h e y frequently in-
crease, accelerate o r retard t h e time of directions. T o cause m a y
b e alsd assigned t h a t s e e m i n g power of transits over t h e places of
t h e luminaries o r other significators.
T h e Moon is a powerful significator, a n d b y h e r quiclr motion
g o i n g through three whole s i g n s p e r year, she produces those num- ,
erous inferior events of life both good or evil; which, however light
they m a y appear t o b e d o not fail t o cause much passing annoyance
o r transitory benefits; h e r effects a r e frequently anticipated nearly
three weeks, b u t seldom prolonged. This is difficult t o account
( for, except b y a rather abtruse strain of reasoning, b u t this very a n -
ticipation i s a proof of her real effects b y her periodical circuit.
T o calculate these perioclical aspects t h e student needs nothing
more than t o t a k e their distance between their places a t birth, and
their aspects o r cunjunctions with the opposing o r benefiting s t a r ;
t h u s were a native to have t h e S u n in 16 degrees in Capricorn and
S a t u r n in 16 degrees in Capricorn a t birth. A t fifteen years old,
Stlturn would b e in opposition t o t h e S u n ; a n d a t thirty years, h e 1
would pass over t h e place of t h e luminary; each of these would be
I -69-

decidedly evil.
I h e S u n is a n active significator i n every horoscope, naturally,
t h e significator of honor a n d accidentally, of life and health. He
being directed t o t h e conjunction, semi square, sqnare o r o p p o ~ i t i o n
of Saturn o r Mars by his period of nineteen years, is decidedly
clacgerons. H i s conjunction, sextile, trine t o J u p i t e r o r V e n u s i s
fortunate. Of course everyone who has t h e S u n afflicted a t birth,
every nineteen Scars has a s e r i o u ~illness or peculiar trouble, a s h e
then returns t o liis r:tdical pl:~cc.
Mercury over t h e planets o r square o r opposition t o Saturn o r
Mercury is decidedly evil, and his passing t h e places of t h e Moon
general1 causes journeys. I n otlier ~ e s p e c t st h e nature of t h e plan-
e t h e passes must b e 'judged.
V e n u s is benevolent, b u t i n a slighter nature than Jupiter; h e r ar-
pects are worthy of notice, b u t are rather transitory.
Mars produces a variety of evils, a t the tirtlo as evil a s Saturn,
b u t whereas those of Saturn are frequently anticipated and prolong-
ed, for nearly six m o n t l ~ sbefore and after t h e actual state of the di-
rection, s o those of Mars soon cease. T h e nature of his effects is
similar t o the above, except in his nativities h e causes love intrigues,
o r marriage when aspecting I'vIercury in his periodical circuit. I t is
a singular and undeniable fact, that whosoever has Mars and V e n u s
in aspect a t birth,is involved in a love affair in his nineteenth year.
This is solely caused b y Mars returning t o his own place every nine-
teen years.
J u p i t e r is, of course, as benevolent as t h e others are evil; over t h e
S u n , which is once every twelve years, lie produces eminent friends,
probperity, and honorable acquaintonce; over the Moon marriage o r
gain by a woman; over V e n u s the same, over RIercury gain b y bus-
iness; over Mars, in t h e male nativity, friends:in afeniale horoscope,
courtship o r marriage; over Saturn renewal of old acquaintance.
Hie effects are palpable, and is the cause why every twelfth year of
life is found to greatly resemble each other in beneficial effects.
Saturn b e i n g thus directed t o t h e radical place (or place a t birth)
-- 3 - - - - -

of the Sun, is decidedly evil and that period of life u ~ f o r t u n a t c ,
c ~ u s i n gc liscradit, loss of honor, iosscs of trade, a n d if tho S u n be
H p l e g , severe illncss; to the Moon the evils a r e increased, a n d in
addition t o them many deaths a n d troubles a m o n g s t relatives, a r e
certain; t o Venus g r e a t trouble through women, disappointment
through love affairs, etc., t o Mercury troubles ip business, through
\vritings, youthful persons, etc., t o Mars accidents; a n d t o J u p i t e r
losses of money.
U r a n u s always e ~ i ~ s the
e z ~::?t~xpected,a n d a c t s very suddenly,
causing journeys rn!::%t~.L"I:( c:ing t h e Moon's radix, o r in t h e 3 r d o r
9 t h house, and inh:iii::ocy i : ~ a a r r i a g e in 7th. 10th o r 1 s t house o r
i n sir0n.g aspect t o Moon in a male/nativity, o r t o S u n in a female
nativity. I n t h e 1 0 t h house b y direction U r a n u s is very much t h e
same as Saturn, b u t not apparent unless Mars b y direction i s evil.
Neptune's period is not apparent unless other prominent evil di-
rections operate, then he causes disgrace, severe losses, e t ~ .



h Planet, by Direction, takes in

forming Periodical Aspects.

Square. Trine. Oppo'tion./

. 2yrs.Om. 3yrs.4m. 5yrs.Om.
3,Tenus.,' 5 0' 43' 0 ' 3 " 4 0 " 1 4 " 2 " 0" 2 " 8 " 4 'I 0 '6

19 'i 190 o f 1 0 3 3 ' 3 ‘6 2" 4 u 9 " 6 tc 4 " g 6' "

on... 4 90" 0"7"30i 0 8" 1 " 0" 1 'L4 " 2 0

" I' " 6‘

4 " 9 " G " 4 " 9 " G "

3 '. 0

12 " 30" 0' 2" 30'. 2 " 0 " " 4 '6 0 " G 'C 0 "

Saturn.. 30 12" 0 ' 1 " 0 - 5 " 0" 7 6 6 6 " 10 " 0 " 1 5 " Q "

Uranus. 81 " '7" 0 ' 0" 30'.14 " 0 '. 21 " 0 " 28 " 0 " 42 '< 0 "
42 'I 0 56 a 0 84 1c 0 <'

Lunar Directions.
Lunar or Secondary directions are those aspects which the Moon
forms with the various planets in her daily motion around the Earth.
Like all other directions, those of the Moon are calculated the same,
starting from the hour of birth and calling each twenty-four hours
one year, or twelve hours six months, two hours one month.
The position of the Moon in the radix must be well considered,
for if well aspected, then evil directions will have little ill effect.
Likewise if badly aspected, the good directions cause little good.
If well aspected in the radix, the aspects of the Moon by direction
to Mercury, inclines one to study, and if in moveable signs. may
cause a journey. To Venus or Mars, pleasant social events; and if
single and of the proper age, the native will have a love affair and
contemplate marriage;-or, if married, the birth of a child is indicated.
T o Jupiter, increase of business, credit and honor. T o Saturn,
friends among old people. To Uranus, travel is indicated and
much mental activity. T o Neptune, original ideas, a desire to
If the Moon be badly aspected in the radix, good aspeots by
direction cause little good, and evil aspects much annoyance; gen-
erally are contrary as given above.
If the Moon rule the health, by being in the l s t , 7th, loth, or 1st
half of the 11th houee, then an evil aspect of the Moon by direction,
will cause ill health, particularly the aspect of Saturn or Mars.
Jupiter seldom, if ever, causes ill health. Uranus often causes
accidents, but there must be other testimonies to show it.
If any plnnet be in the 3rd or 9th house, and in a moveable sign
then all aspects of the Moon by direction, will cause a journey of
some liind; or, if Uranus be in a moveable sign, all aspects of the
Moon to Uranus from moveable or common signs, will cause
Should the Sun or Moon be afflicted in the radix, all evil aspects
to the Sun by direction, cause very evil results, sicknsss, loss of
money, and various ills.
The Moon on the cusp of a house of tho horoscope by direction,
has an influence according to the significance of that house; or, if
afflicted from any particular house, it refers directly to whatever
the house may. T h u ~ I\/loon
, in 3rd house afflicted, refers to broth-
ers or sisters; more so if the Moon rules that house. If in tile loth,
i t refers to the mother. or to children, if in the 5th.
A Lunar direction operates from eight to twelve weeks, and her
influence is increasd or modified by other directions.
" "'r \
1 ,

E a c h sign of t h e zodiac has its own peculiar nature, and accord-
i n g t o t h e sign on t h e eastern horizon a t t h e time of birth, so will
t h e native b e inclined.
T h e personal description depends upon t h e first house, or all t h a t
space between t h e cusp of ascendant a n d cusp of second house.
Therefore, if a n y one is born with t h e last degrees of-Aries
ascendins, h e o r s!lo will. have t h e Taurus clescription more than
of Aries.
T h e d e g r e e ascending, however, rules t h e mind, and all aspects
of t h e planets should b? WL!! considered before g i v i n g judgment
fully as t o mental ca;:c,,ity. T h e majority of authors on Astrology
claim that T31e;cury and t h e Moon govern t h e mind, b u t t h e y should
have said that all the planets govern t h e mind, a s each one has i t s
individual influence; both Mercury and t h e Moon may b e void of
aspect, a n d t h e d e g r e e ascending, well aspected b y J u p i t e r o r
Saturn, will give exceptionally good abilities a n d capacity.
I n judging aspects to t h e ascendant, d o not condemn a square o r
opposition of a n y planet, as J u p i t e r o r V c n u s may b e in the fourth
o r seventh house in square or opposition t o t h e ascending degree,
which is decidedly favorable, alth'ough Rlars, Saturn o r U r a n u s in
either of these places is decidedly evil except when well aspected.
T h e s t u d e n t will generally g e t a n idea a t first, that Saturn,
Uranus or Mars in t h e ascendant, is a decidedly evil testimony; b u t
this is not true, unless t h e planet b e in its fall o r detriment and
afllicted. Of course such a position h a s its detrimental effect, a s
either of these planets within fifteen d e g r e e s of t h e ascendant, will
cause eicbness of a marriage partner, even though well aspected.
B u t Uranus in the ascendant, well aspected, indicates genius; Mars
may give mechanical ability, a n d Saturn there often produces a n
excellent doctor, chemist or one who is a n a d e p t i n occult science.
I n j u d g i n g employment, you must consider t h e mental qualities,
a s one wit11 a good mind will choose a business which a narrow mind
would not. You should not assume t h a t because a certain sign
ascends, t h a t the native will certainly choose something which
belongs only t o t h a t sign. You should j u d g e whether t h e native
i s a p a b l e of holcling t h e position, a n d will have t h e nece_ssary atu-
aition i m fit him for such a business or profession as t h e ascendant
Generally when there are no planets in t h e : ~ n g l r s , (quarter
signs of t h e horoscope), a s t h e ruler of t h e first a n d tenth house are
. .,

separating from aspects, t h e native will have no regular b u '

o r profession.

An Example.
.lneSs I '

W e will take t h e d a t e of a female born October 5th, 1874, 7:03

A. M., in Iowa. T h e chart o n t h e oppositc p a g e shows t h e planets I

placed properly f o r that hour, a n d t h e cusp of t h e houses of t h e

T h e twenty-second degree of the sign Libra ascends, Y e n u s i s
therefore, significator o r t h e ruling planet, and is in t h e twenty-
eighth d e g r e e of t h e sign Scorpio.
FORI)ESCRIPTION.--AS t h e g r e a t e r p a r t of t h e sign Scorpio
makes u p t h e ascendant, a n d V e n u s is in t h e sign Scorpio, this per-' I
son will look more like Scorpio than L i b r a ; should b e of good ,
heighth, quite well built, with broad, full face a n d d a r k hair. As j
s h e g r o w s old should become quite fleshy, although while y o u n g f
will b e of good proportion a n d answer t o t h e Libra description.
FORD I S P O S I T I O N . - L ~ ~ascending
~~ with V e n u s in Scorpio indi-
cates a pleasant a n d sympathetic nature; quite stirring a n d ener-
g e t i c although naturally quiet a n d thouglltful a s t h e sign Scorpio is.
S h e should b e modest, fairly neat and particular, a n d quite ambi-
tious, t h e ambition being indicated b y t h e conjunction of t h e S u n
and Jupiter. T h e S u n i n Libra has considerable influence over h e r
and is very beneficial b y being in conjunction t o J u p i t e r a n d sextile
t o Uranus. U r a n u s being t h e highest planet i n t h e figure, in t h e
mid-heaven, indicates that she is quite firm a n d persistent, and not
easy t o d r i v ~ ;a n d would not b e coaxed easily t o h e r detriment.
U r a n u s would also make h e r quite particular about her likes a n d
dislikes; would b e naturally fond of occult subjects a n d would have
a s t r o n g will force if she cared t o use it. I

FORMENTAL QUALITIES.--The ascendant (ascending degree),

f k
M e r c u r y and t h e Moon, refers particularly t o t h e mental. qualities.
T h e Moon is in good aspect t o t h e S u n and Jupiter, b u t Mercury i s ij
afllic.ted by Saturn, t h e ascendant is in sextile t o Uranus. This
indicates a n average mind; she would have some eccentricities from
t h e hloon leaving Uranus and would b e quite intuitional. Mercury
in evil aspect t o Saturn indicates lack of concentration, a n d a n in-
clinatiou t o form opinions too quickly, a n d I would expect i t t o
cause either a weakness in memory o r lack of confidence in herself;-
b u t a s Mercury is in t h e ascendant i t is extremely beneficial t o t h e 1
mental faculties indicating a love of reading, and good use of
- -74-
language when interested in a subject.
FORMARRIAGE.--I first look t o t h e seventh house and its ruler,
which is Mars. a n d a s Mars is not aspected b y V e n u s o r t h e S u n it
does not indicate a very early marriage, particularly a s Venus forms
no aspects t o a n y planet. T h e S u n also refers t o marriage, a n d
b e i n g well aspected, indicates that marriage is not a failure with
her b y a n y means, o r will not b e when she marries, which I j u d g e
will not b e before her 31st o r 32d year, when t h e mid-heaven forms
a n aspect t o V e n u s b y direction, H e r husband w o ~ l l db e described
b y J u p i t e r in Libra, because this is t h e first aspect formed t o t h e
Sun, although she will no doubt have love affairs with one described
b y U r a n u s in Leo, a s t h e aspect is s o close.
Chart No. 2, shows t h e planets placed on the birth d a y of 7901,
t h e cusps of t h e houses are t h e same as a t t h e time of birth, and the
planets are placed as t h e y are on this date. You will notice t h a t
J u p i t e r and Saturn are transiting the third house of the horoscope. \

S a t u r n is nearly in square aspect t o t h e Sun,ancl Jupiter' s r a d i x .

Mars is transiting t h e second house; Uranus is near t h e cusp of t h e
third house, b u t still in t h e second.
I n j u d g i n g t h e effect of a transit one must always consider t h e

radix, a s a n evil transit will not produce evil results i n a horoscope
where t h e radix is fortunate; therefore, t h e transit of Saturn i n
square t o t h e radix of t h e S u n will cause little evil on aocouclt of 1
J u p i t e r being well aspected t o the S u n in t h e radix. I consider
t h e transits of planets through t h e third house of little importance "B
except when psssing the radix of other planets. when they cause 1i
journeys, changes, etc., or a s t h e radix indicates. 5
Chgrt No. 3, shows t h e primary directions or those which I con-
sider t h e strongest of all. I n this chart I have calculated t h e direo-
tions for the 28th year. I simply count each d a y of birth as o n e
year, and make the chart for November l s t , 7:03 A. M., as,though
t h e person was born on that d a y a n d a t t h a t hour. You will notice
that t h e cusps of t h e houses have all rnoved ahead approximately I
one degree for each year; some of t h e planets are moved considera-
ble and some of them b u t very little. I judffe t h e effect of each
aspect in this chart a s though the person was born a t that time and
would have the full effect of each aspect, except some slight modi- i
fication according t o t h e radix of birth. I
- -
..- ---
- - .- . --- - - -.

What One Can Tell From a Glance at a

By using t h e C'elestial Periods of the planets as a basis for pre-
dicting changes, good a n d evil periods, etc., one can tell a t a glance
when many of these periods will occur. I t is not necessary to refer
t o the ephemeris for t h e exact positions of t h e planets for t h e times
t h e predictions a r e m
T h e tr%fl_sitpof the Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
m d ~ y u n e a, r_ e the,
I=.- -.---- b u t $&?%$- with
Mercury, -Vanus, S u n , Moon a n d Mars. T h e Sun's a n d Mars'
periods are nineteen years; V e n u s eight; Mercury ten, and t h e
Moon's four.
If t h e S u n b e in evil aspect t o Saturn, then each seven a n d one-
half years brings a n unpleasant period, much depending upon what
t h e S u n rules in t h e iigure. If i n t l ~ efirst, seventh o r tenth houses,
i t gcverns health, and each one of these periods would bring a bad
spell of health; if in the second house, i t then refers t o finances a n d
would cause troubles in money matters o r loss of some kind, a n d s o
on, troubles with o r a b o u t whatever t h e S u n o r Saturn refers to.
Again, the Sun's period b e i n g nineteen years, and on its return
t o its radix, o r opposite t o it, a t a g e of 9 % there would b e b a d
health o r annoyance in these periods. This is why one born with
their S u n in evil aspect t o S a t u r n have s o much worry a n d annoy-
ance. There a r e innumerable evil transits o r periods a n d all evil
transits i n aspect to t h e Sun's radix will cause annoyances of
various kinds.
T h e S u n rules marriage in a female nativity, a n d d u r i n g all of
these evil periods, there will b e unpleasantness in married life, if
t h e native is married, and the S u n was afflicted a t birth b y Saturn.
Should t h e S u n b e in g o o d aspect t o Saturn, J u p i t e r o r Uranus,
these evil periods will b r i n g nothing noticeable of an evil o r tin-
p l e a ~ a n tnature.
Uranus' period is eighty-four years, and t h e twenty-first ancl
forty second year is a s important a s t h e eighty-fourth. If well
aspected and placed in the radix, events of a pleasant nature ocvur
when G r a n u s is either sestile, square o r trine t o it..= r a d i x . If in:^
common o r moveable sign t h e native will travel, have pleasure, or
may be elected t o a post of honor, b u t if Uranus b e in evil aspecr;
t o Jupiter, t h e native has losses a n d a n n o j a n c e in t h e quarter an(l
half period, a n d little benefit d u r i n g t h e sextile o r trine, will have
s a d d e n journeys in t h e quarter 211dhalf perioti unless Uranus b e in
?-P 1
tj! -77--
-- - -

a fixed sign. I n evil aspect to Saturn o r Mars, Uranus causes

enemies, quarrelling, often accidents d u r i n g t h e q u a r t r r or half
pel iods.
If the S u n in a female nativity, o r Moon in a male nakiiity, be in
evil aspect t o Uranus, the native has much discord in m:rrried life
when either U r a n l ~ so r Moon form an aspect b y Celestial Period.
1 have noticed t h a t whichever planet signifies evil in any direc-
tion, that i t is that planet which eventually causes t h e real evil.
Therefore, one should j u d g e the time of the evil event intlicatecl by
the periods of that planet.
Thus: O n e may have Uranus o r Saturn in t h e ascendant o r
mid-heaven, and void of aspect, h u t being strongly \,laced i t signi-
fies evil a t t h e proper time, even though there may h e many other
testimonies of a fortunate nature.
T h u s : U r a n u s in first, seventh o r tenth houses, [,rings unfortu-
nate oircumstances a t t h e a g e of 21, 42 and 63 yoars. I n tho first
signifies moves, changes, o r may cause such if in first, third, fourth,
seventh, ninth, tenth, if i n moveable o r c o ~ i ~ m osigns,
n but not if in
fixed eigns. I n t h e tenth, one will b e severely criticisetl, engaged
in lawsuits, fail in business, d u r i n g evil periods. T h e seventh
refers t o marriage, partnerships, etc. T h e iifth is o\il for specula-
tion, children, etc.
T h e periods of Saturn depend upon 11ow ht- is placed and ns~)t>ciecl.
1 11;rve found that Saturn in the tenth o r fourth h o u s ~ . insariably
cause a very unfortunate business period, generally total shipwreck
d u r i n g either t h e thirtieth o r forty-fifth year or thereabout; and on-
fortunate events a t 15, 21 ancl 37.
1'11e full effect of a period does not neccsbi~rilyoccur itt the ~ x i 1 c . t
tirrie of the aspect, b u t invariably witllin a f e w rltonths of that t ~ ~ n e ,
b u t t h e tendency will b e felt even before the aspect o r period is
complete. W h e n two o r more evil periods a r e complete, t h e :~spt,ct
is very severe. Thus: Jf Mars aHlict t h e S u n in t h e radix, arnti
Saturn o r Uranus tran5it a square o r opposition of S u n a t $154, 19,
28% o r 38 years, t h e outcome is disastrous according as these
planets signify b y being rulers of certain houses.
T h e good periods are as pronounced a s t h e evil ones. 'rhus
Suppose J u p i t e r is in the first, seventh or tenth houses and in good
:~spectt o Vrnus, e r i - good spec t to any pl;~net,then the periods
of .Jupiter, the half. quarter, sixth o r ninth be very good ant1 if
a~ssistedb y good periods of Venus, the outcol~leis esl)eciall\ fortux
nate. Marriage is indicated clearly b y tile coIllbinet\ 1 , r ,"cis of
Venus ancl .J~ll)ito.;b u t in judging marriage, you sllould consrdcr
- - -. - - - -- -- ----
- - -
t h e radix very well.
O n e who has their Moon separating Irom a n aspect of S u n , a n d
Venus separating from Rfars, seldom marries early; often not until
after thirty, a n d in a fernale nativity, V e n u s or t h e S u n in evil
aspect t o Uranus, will upset all your calculations relative t o
A Forecast of Future Events.
For this Irsson I will use t h e d a t e of a lady, born October 5th,
1874, '7:03 A. RI., Ipwa.
First. I j u d g e t h e Celestial Periods, and must consider t h e
radix. T h e Sun, J u p i t e r a n d Uranus being well aspected, evil
aspects to these planets will cause no apparent evil, a n d all favora-
ble aspects will cause some benefit.
D u r i n g t h e coming y e a r ( h e r twenty-seventh year), U r a n u s i s
trine t o i t s radix, and, is therefore, beneficial i n business and g e n -
eral affairs, a n d a s U r a n u s refers t o her mother, b y b e i n g in t h e
tenth house, i t is beneficial t o her, principally i n a mental way,
indicating a more contented period than usual. This period also
denotes travel, etc.
Between twenty-nine a n d thirty years of age, Saturn will com-
plete i t s period, a n d be i n conjunction with i t s own radix; a n d
being in evil aspect t o Mercury, will cause her much anxiety and
worry; rather poor success in her business affairs, a n d will effect t h e
mother somewhat o n account of being in t h e fourth house, approach-
i n g an opposition of Uranus.
Mercury will complete i t s third period a t t h e 30th year, a n d
coming square t o Saturn, will cause misunderstandings between
her a n d friends, a n d considerable mental disturbance; will b e very
restless a n d discontented.
T h e transits of t h e planets over t h e cusps of houses a n d radix of
t h e planets according t o their places b y clivection is more important,
unless t h e radix of birth is very marked, b u t a s you must consider
whether a planet o r a house is afilicted a t birth, and if not, their
evil transits can d o no harm. I n this figure, I would calculate t h e
transits according t o C h a r t 3, for t h e coming five years, allowing
ono d e g r e e advance for cusps of houses, a n d t h e S u n , for each year.
Mars will transit evil aspccta of t h e S u n a s follows:
B'rom Sept. 1 0 t h t o 19th, 1901. F r o m Jan. 1 0 t h t o 20th,'1902.
" Sept. 1 5 t h t o 23d, 1902. A u g . 1.4th, t o 24th, 1903.
" J a n . 10th t o 20th, 1903. ' April 12th, t o 20th. 1904.
- -
These transits will cause delays and annoyances in all small
matters, because the S u n h a s moved t o an evil aspect of Uranus,
b u t will cause no serious evil.

O n account of J u p i t e r being well a s ~ ) e c t e dall

, his transits should
prove quite beneficial, although it can cause very little bonefit n,llilo
passing through the fourth house. o n account of Saturn being
therein, b u t in the seventh, tenth and first should cause a prosperous
J u p i t e r will transit the seventh house d u r i n g 1005.
Jupiter will transit t h e tenth house d u r i n g 1908-9.
J u p i t e r will transit the first house d u r i n g I!)lL.
A s J u p i t e r transits a trine of i t s own raJix from t h e first of April
t o about May 15th, and d u r i n g Augnst, 1902, there will b e slight
benefits i n business affairs.

T o caIculate L u n a r Directions, count each d a y after birth as one

year, and notice what aspects t h e Moon will form with o t l ~ e r
planets. Remember t o j u d g e what t h e effect will be accorc1ln;r to
the house of t h e horoscope the Moon a n d planets aspcctctl are
placed in, and according t o what house t h e Moon rules i n ti:e
I n this figure t h e Moon rules t h e tenth o r Iiouse of busir~esb,honor
a n d profession, t h e mother a n d refers t o health.
November l s t , 7:03 A. M., will b e t h e beginning of h ~ r:!S:l
year. T h e Moon will form a conjunction with U r a r ~ u sin approxi-
mately t w o months from this date, a s t h e Moon moves about one
d e g r e e a month by direction. A s this aspect occurs in a fixed sign,
it will not necessarily cause a journey, b u t will cause slight changes
in business affairs. T h e mother will b e sujec,t t o annoyznces, etc.,
a n d b e quite discontented.
F i v s months from h e r birthday t h e Moon will b e sextile to .Jupi-
ter, a n d one month later will bc trine t o Venus. These are vely
good directions, indicating a prosperous and contented period,
pieasant social affairs, benefits from friends, a good time t o bcgin
new enterprises, make changes, eic.
NOTE.-A L u n a r Di! ection oper:~tesabout twelve weeks, about
six weeks before and after culmination, unless offset b y another
L u n a r Direction.
-- -
--- - --

Mundane Astroloqq is tlie a r t of foretelling from the planetary

configurations t h e tonditlon o i affairs in general, such a s effect
cities t o x n s , states, empires o r kinqdoms.
There a r e carious mays of m a k i n g a forecast a n d from experience
I can say that i t m ~ k s littles difference what system one may fol-
low the r r s u l t will be a p p r o x i ~ l a t e l yt h e s.ltne, a s there seems to b e
a certain sympathy existing between ear11 system.
T h e systein in most conllnon use is as follows: I t has been found
b y observation that each town, city o r country is ruled b y a certain
s i q n a n d t h e transit of a planet through the sign or in aspect to i t .
will cause events t h e nature of that planet.
According t o Simmonite t h e different countries are ruled a s fol-
lows: Aries rules G r e a t Britian, Galatia, Germany, Poland, B u r -
g u n d y , D a n m a r k , Palestine, a n d Syria. Of citise Aries rules Na-
plos, Verona, Florence, Brunswick, Marseilles, Cracow and Lei-

Taurus rules Persia, l\Iedia, Georgia, Caucasus, Asia Minor,

Cyprus, Ireland, Russia and Holland. Of cities T a u r u s rules
T>ublin, Leipsic, Parma, Franconia and Palemo.
Gemini rules Tripoli, Armenia, Lower E g y p t , Flanders, L o m -
bardy, S a r d ~ n i a Brabant,
, Belgium, and t h e United States. Of
t cities Gemini rules London, Versailles, hientz, Loraine, B r u g e s
Cordover, Nuremburg, Minneapolis and S t Paul.
Cancer rules Africa, Scotland, Holland, Zealand a n d Mengrelia.
Of cities Cancer rules Amsterdam, Cadiz, Constantinople, Venice,
Genoa, Tunis, S t . Andrews, N e w York, Berne, Milan, L u b e c and
I L e o rules Italy, Sicily, the Alps, Chaldea, t h e coaet of Sidon
a n d Lancnshire. Of cities a n d towns L e o rules Rome, Bath, Bris-
tol, Taunton, Damascus, Portsmouth and Philadelphia.

I V i r g o rules Turkey, Babylon, the country between t h e Tiber

a n d t h e Euphrates, Greece, Thessnly, Corinth, Morea, Candia,
Switzerland, and t h e Lower Silesia. Of cities Virgo rules J e r u -
salem, Navarre, Paris, Padua, Lyons, Toulouse, Heidelberg, R e a d -
i n g and Cheltenham.
Libra rules China, J a p a n , a n d t h e parts near China, t h e vicinity
of t h e Caspian, p a r t of Thibet, Livonia, Austria, U p p e r E g y p t and
the Oasia. Of cities Libra rules Antwerp, Lisbon, Frankfort, Spi-
ries, Vienna, a n d Charlestown.
Scorpio rules Algiers. Bavaria, Barbary, Catalonia, J u d e a , M o r -
rocco. and t h e liingdom of t h e Moors, also t h e country about Nor-
way. (.Thr K?;.iti\esare pugnacious, i n d i f f e r e ~ t o danger, rcgard-
Icss of blood, and carclesa of each other." Of cities ancl towns
Scorpio rules Frankfort on the Oder, Ghent, J,iverpool, (about the
18th d e g r e e ) a n d Messina.
Sagittarius rules Arabia, parts of France between L a Seins, i ~ n d
1,n Garrone, H ~ ~ n g a r Italy,
y, especially Taranta, Moravia, Prcxvince
I in France. Slavonia, Spain and Tuscany. "These inhabitants are
1 lovers of freedom, simplicity and elegance." Of cities and towns
Sagittarius rules Buda, Cologne, Narbonne, Naples, Rotenberg,
Stutland and Sheffield, especially t h e 17th and 18th degrees;

i Toledo and Volterioe.

Capricorn rules India, Macian, hleoeclonia, Bulgaria, Saxony,
Mexico, a n d iVeckleberg. of cities and town Capricorn rules Ox-
ford, Ijrandenburg, Tortona and Constance.
Aquarius rules stony Arabia, Prussia, R e d Russia, Poland, Tar-
t a r ~ ,Sweden, Westphalia, Piedmont, a n d Abyssinia. Of cities
Aquarius rules Hamburg, Brernen, T r e n t and lngoldstadt.
Pisces rules Portugal, Calambria, Normandy, Gallacia in Spain,
E g y p t , the d e ~ e r oft Zara, Nubia and t h e southern p a i t of Asia
Minor. Of cities and towns Pisces rules Alexandria, Ratishon,
Seville, Silicia a n d Tiverton.
B y tracing t h e transits of each individual planet back for several
centuries their individual influence will b e noticed very prominent.
T h a t of J u p i t e r being q u i t e beneficial, S a t u r n a n d Uranus being
quite e17il, a n d K e p t u n e d e p e n d i n g somewhat upon t h e aspects i t
forms t o other planets while making t h e transit. T h e influence of
'I Saturn is t o cause dull times in general, poverty among t h e poorer
classes and more or less bad health. Uranus causes discord, revolu-
tion, labor strikes and accidents of a n unusual nature. Neptune
forming aspects t o Saturn causes pestilence, such a s small-pox, the
plague, etc.; I n aspect t o Uranus is a favorable t e s t i n ~ o n yfor war-
fare. T h e influence of Saturn, Mars, Uranus o r N e p t u n e is greatly
inoreased when Mars forms a s t r o n g aspect t o either one.
O f t e n when t h e sign ruling :Ltown o r c i t y i: not known i t can be

I f o u n d by noticing the general aspects of the planets a t t h e time

of some calamity. Generally Pllxru will b e found in evil aspect to
Saturn or Uranus and in one of t h e a n g l e of thc horoscope.

I A g r e a t deal can b e told concernitig what sign rules a n y city or

town by its surroundings and location. Tlluo : K e w York is almost
entirely surrounded b y water a n d comes under t h e influence of
- - -- - -
Gemini. lJhiladelphia, a w r y level c ~ u n t r y resembles
, Leo.
A more accur:rte a n d finer ~iie:!~~\:lo r f .r: tel!:n:; c-.rir;g events
is b y the follming system: b[:i:,e tho horoscope for t h e exact nlin-
u t e when t h e S u n enters each of the Cardinal signs of t h e %odi:rc.
a n d read i t as you would a horary figure. T h e first l~*,r:c,e of t h e
figure will represent t h e country in gt,nera!; t!:e 2nd house t h e
financial conditions; t h e 3rd house t h c n w r fdr?ign neighbors;
T h e 4 t h house, t h e employment, etc. T h e rjth houw. speculation,
T h e 6 t h houst?, t o t h e general hr:~!th. T h e 7th house, t o adver-
saries, enerrlies of the nation, etc. T h e 8th hoilsr, t o t h e death
rate. T h o 9 t h house, distant foreign neighbors, the navy, etc.
T h e 1 0 t h house t o t l ~ o s ei n high plares, the president, etu. T h e
11th house, t o friendly n a t i o ~ s , a n d the 32th house t o t h e private
enenlies of t h e nation.
T h e aspects which are formed between the S u n a n d Moon have
a g r e a t deal of significance a n d t h e house of t h e figure in which t h e
S u n and Moon may be in must be also considered particularly when
there a r e prominent aspects hetween t h e Sun, Moon and var-
ious planets.
A favorable testimony for good crops, plenty of moisture is to
have a fruitful sign asoend and t h e Moon in a fruitful sign as t h e
S u n enters Aries a n d Cancer. A n evil testimony is a barren sign
ascending and t h e Moon in a barren sign :IS t h e S u n enters Aries
o r Cancer.
A prosperous period in qeneral is indicated b y qeneral good as-
pects between tlie S u n and Moon as t h e S u n enters each quarter of
t h e zodiac. Ekil aspects between the Sun, Moon and various plan-
e t s a s tlie S u n enters one of the cardinal signs is a testimony of
discontent, dissatisfaction, and often an indication of warfare, or
revolution of sorne kind.
T h e entrance of tho S u n into Aries, Cancer, Libra a n d Capricorn
while a n y of t h e larger planets are in the 151, 4th, 7th or 1 0 t h
house of t h e horoscope of a n y city, town or country has a g r e a t
deal of signification, particularly when tllere are prominent aspects
between these planets, b u t should there h e conflicting testimonies
you will always find t h a t all indications \kill operate before t h e
quarter is out. A good aspect will not entirely overcome a n evil
one, nor a n evil aspect entirely overcome a good one. These quar-
t e r changes a s t h e i a r e called a r e very noticeable upon speculative
markets, u n d t h e s t u d e n t who is following t h e tendency of t h e
market will d o well to base his opinion somewhat upon the entrance
of t h e S u n into tho Cardinal signs. I t should b e remembered t h a t
the conjunction, square o r nppo,ition of t h e planets are t h e strong
aspects and cause activity, while the sextile, trine G r parallel al-
though good they seldom cause activity i n business.
A very rndioal and interesting figure for study is the one for
September 23rd 1900. As the S u n enters Libra t h e Moon is also
entering this sign, and t h e N e w Moon for the coming month will
occur while t h e S u n is within 20 minutes of t h e equinox; such a
position will not occur again for many years.
A e the S u n enters Libra, #it is w i t l ~ i no r b of a square aspect t o
Saturn, and t h c N e w Moon : d l occur in t h e same aspect, t h e sign
Capricorn will ascend a + Chicago. This is a decidedly Saturn
quarter and foretells harclships, catastrophies a n d dissatisfactions
in the United States. Tile S u n will e n t e r Capricorn on December
21st 1900 and t h e N e w Moon will occur within six degrees of
Saturn, another decided Saturn quarter.
Another quite interesting and decidedly different combination
came March 20th 1898. A s t h e S u n entered Aries i t formed an
opposition with Jupiter, causing a corner in Chicago wheat, gen-
eral high prices a n d prosperity in general for the masses.
O n e is lead t o beleive by reading t h e daily papers, that Wm.
McKinley o r W m . J. Bryan a t the present time has t h e control over
mundane affairs, as f a r as the U n i t e d S t a t e s is concerned, b u t all
Astrological students see nothing more in these worthy gentlemen
than a medium for the expres<ion of celestial influences, each one
holds his position a n d fills his office under exact law. It would be
more reasonable for one t o say that coming prosperity is t h e cause
of one o r the other's election t o office than t o say t h e eleotion is
t h e cause of s o a n d so.

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Solar Revolutions, or Revolutionary Figures.

These a r e figures of t h e heavens erected for t h e moment t h e S u n
returns t o his place at tlie birth of t h e native. Such a figure when
erected is generally taken t o indicate the nature of the coming

If t h e ascendant of the re:~olutiouary figure b e in square o r oppo-

sition to the radical ascendant the year will b e more or less evil one.
If the same ascendant a s t h e radical one o r in good aspect thereto,
a fortunate year is portrayed. If the Bth, 7 t h o r 12th house of t h e
radix b e on t h e ascentlant a t t h e revolution, evil and indisposition
a r e t o b e expected, and if t h e lords of these houses were afflicted a t
birth, much misfortune will follow; also, if the 7 t h of the radix b e
on t h e ascendant, contention and lawsuits.
Mars, Saturn o r U r a n u s in t h e 1st. l o t h , 7th o r 4th, especially if
they afflict t h e luminaries, will bring trouble. T h e reverse is shown
b y an angular position of Venus a n d Jupiter, especially if in good
aspect with t h e luminaries. . J u p i t e r i n tho 2 n d i n t h e revolution,
particularly if Ile be lord of the 2nd in the radix, shows much pecu-
niary succe5s. This is increased b y good aspects. J u p i t e r o r
I Venus i n t h e place of t h e radical luminaries will b r i n g good fortune
in connection with things signified b y t h e houses occupied by t h e
I luminaries.
I T h e lord of t h e radical second in tho l o t h of t h e revolution shows
lucrative business transactions; i n the 4th, g a i n from t h e father a n d
t h e acquisition of property; i n t h e 3 r d o r 9th, g a i n by science,
kindred, letters a n d journeys. T h e afHiction of t h e luminaries i n
angles b y t h e malefics portrays indisposition, bereavement a n d
trouble. I n the 1 s t illness or accident; i n t h e l o t h loss of business
i o r employment; in t h e 7th, lawsuits o r domestic troubles; i n t h e 4th,
loss of estate o r t h e father.
T h c malefics o n t h e radical ascendant portray indisposition o r
accidents. If the ascendant of t h e revolution b e t h e place of a
radical malefic, troubles a n d illness are t o b e expected. T h e Moon
on t h e radix ascending shows changes and journeys. T h e lord of
t h e radical ascendant, if a benefic, on t h e ascendant o r M. C. of t h e
revolution, brings a ~ u c c e s s f u lyear i n health o r business. If t h e
i radical horoscope is unfortunate, very f a v o r s b l ~indications i n the

For Speculation.
There i s n o d o u b t whatever t h a t t h e Heliocentric system shows
t h e tendency of all speculative markets. T h e Geocentric system
has a f e w indications which a r e of g r e a t value in forming a n opin-
ion a t times, b u t without t h e Heliocentric system f o r speculation,
t h e astrologer i s a s badly off a s h e would b e without his head.
T w o conditions determine t h e course of t h e market. First, the
position of t h e planets according to t h e s i g n s of t h e Zodiac and their
aspects t o each other. Second, t h e aspects of t h e planets t o the
radix o r positions a t t h e time a certain stock was placed upon the
market o r incorporated. Thus, on F e b r u a r y 18th, 1850,-a
t k e Chicago Board of T r a d e was incorporated. Place t h e planets

i n t h e ascendant. J u p i t e r in Libra i n s t r o n g aspect t o t h e ascend-

a n t causes rapid advances. J u p i t e r i n Scorpio, i n trine t o Cancer

contrary testimonies show otherwise.

J u p i t e r in good aspect t o i t s own place, t h e Moon's o r Sun's place
o r t h e places of o t h e r planets. m e r overlook a n evil a s p e s
Thus: J n t h e radix o r wheat horoscope for F e b r u a r y 18th, 1859, the
Moon is eighteen degrees of Virgo. Kow, if no evil planet forms
an aspect t o this place a t t h e present o r f u t u r e time, all good aspects
of J u p i t e r t o this place would cause a n advance, and on days when
t h e Moon in its daily motion formed a n y aspect t o Jupiter, the mar-
k e t would advance quiclily. B u t if Saturn o r Mars were in strong
aspect (conjunction, square o r opposition t o Moon's radix, 18 of
Virgo), then t h e aspect of t h e Moon would cause a decline.

During the fall of 1890, Saturn has been transiting Sagittarius in
equare to the hloonts radix, and has caused a decline, principally
while Mars and Saturn were both square to the Moon's radix and
Moon by t.ransit was passing one of the strong aspects.
The good intlications are while the various planets are trine or
sextile to i.lleir own radix, when Jupiter or Venus are in any aspect
t o the radix or other planets, except Mars or Saturn.
Jupiter and Uranus act together. Thos: If Jupiter is in a n y
aspect to Uranus, and both in any good aspect to the Sun, Moon's
o r Jupiter's radix, we g e t a very active bull market.
Evil tendencies are when Mars o r Saturn are in strong aspect to
the Sun's, Moon's or Jupiter's radix or in evil aspect to the
ascendant, in Cancer, Libra, Capricorn or Aries.
A new Moon coming in good aspect (Trine or Sextile), to any of
the good planets, Jupiter, Sun, Venus or the Moon, favors a strong
The terms of the planets, general aspects, ect., which are explained
e~sewhere,explain considerable on daily tendencies.
You should make several charts of the past year and judge from
i t what the market should do, then examine the records and see if

You can use past records as well as future ones, and run no risks
whatever, and g e t just as good practice as you would when waiting
day by day for markets.

of Trade was incorporated.

-87 --
- - ------ a

All specu1ati~:e markets, Stock, Railroads ancl Mines, a r e governed

t o a g r e a t extent b y t h e elevation of t h e planets; b y elevation, I
refer t o Declination, and considering both Declinatios a n d Longi-
tude; I find that Declination is more important than Longitude,
T h e parallel aspect i s more ~ o w e r f u lthan a conjunction, b u t all
aspects depend somewhat upon t h e conditions which exist a t the
ingress of t h e S u n into Aries o r Libra, and a t t h e time of a N e w
hloon. Thus, b y looking back and seeing w h a t has happened
dnring years when t h e S u n entered Aries in aspect t o Jupiter, either
good o r evil; then t h e aspects in Declination were very powerful
and caused active markets i n stocks, wheat, etc., particularly when
a N e w Moon occurred i n aspect t o one o r more planets; b u t if there
are no close aspects a t t h e time tho S u n enters Aries, o r a New
Moon is formed, then a l l aspects will have b u t a moderate effect.
V e r y powerful aspects which will cause rapid advances in wheat
o r stocks are a s follows:
J u p i t e r in Conjunction, Square, Opposition, Sextile o r Trine to
Uranus. J u p i t e r i n conjunction with t h e Moon's north orsouth node.
Powerful influences f o r a downward tendency a r e Saturn o r Mars
i n conjunction, square or opposition with Jupiter, o r in conjunction
with Moon's north o r south node. U r a n u s o r N e p t u n e a r e evil when
on t h e Moon's node. W h e n e v e r there a r e aspects between t h e larger
planets, t h e wild or excited markets occur while t h e Moon o r Mer-
cury a r e passing in s t r o n g aspect t o them. Thus: T h e Moon in
Conjunction, Square o r Opposition t o U r a n u s will cause a rapid
decline if aapeoting Mars o r Saturn. Mercury will cause the

Those t h a t h a r e t h e Luminaries unfortunate in A n g l e s will b e
a p t to commit suicide.
Those that have Saturn in Opposition to J u p i t e r will never enjoy
peace, a n d those that have t h e 1)ragon's Tail with J u p i t e r , will sel-
dom b e rich.
Fixed signs g i v e learninq, with the exception of Scorpio; Com-
mon signs, manners a n d conversation, with t h e exception of Virgo:
a n d moveable signs, riches, with the exception of ('apricorn; whence
i t appears that those a r e bad nativities that have all t h e planets in
Virgo, Scorpio or Capricorn.
H e that hath t h e Moon in Taurus, in t h e second, separating from
t b e Square o r Opposition of Jupiter, a n d applying t o a trine of t h e
S u n shall obtain very considerable riches.
W h e n the Moon i s in Scorpio in square of Saturn i n Leo, o r i n
opposition to him when he is partially i n Taurus, the native rarely
has either wife o r children. If Saturn b e in Aquarius, h e will b e a
mere woman-hater.
If t h e Dragon's Tail b e with Saturn in square of t h e Moon, a n d
she cadent, t h e native will b e consunlptive, especially if from a n a n -
g l e ; b u t if besides i t b e in square t o t h e 1,ord of t h e Ascendant, h e
will b e siclrly a n d infirm all the days of his life, and if such aspect
happens in o r from t h e s ~ x t hhouse, s o much t h e worse,
H e that has Mars i n his Ascendant ehall b e exposed t o m a n y d a n -
gers, and commonly receives, a t some time, a g r e a t scar o r c u t o n
his face.
Mercury mixing his Lealns with Mars, is a great argument of a
violent death.
W h e n V e n u s and ,Jupiter shall be in t h c setenth, tho Moon be-
holding them i n her own dignities, a n d t h e Dragon's H e a d joined
with them o r with Mercury, t h e native sh:~llg e t il g r e a t estate b y
means of his wires.
T h e Moon full of light in conjunc*tionwit11 Mare, malres the native
t o h e counted a fool; but if she be void of ! i g l ~ tand with Saturn, he
is so indeed.
W h e n J u p i t e r shall b e in the tenth in trine of Mars, a n d strong;
and the S u n with t h e Dragon's ITcctl, c r d t! c K c o n with CLTLeonis;
such native though t h e eon c-! the ~ n e a n e s peasant,
t shall b e wonder-
fnlly exzlted.

- - -
I he compound rays of Jove, Venus, &fercury and the Moon, gives
the k:.rcxc>testg r a c e and sweetness of speech, and therefore when J u p -
iter s l ~ a l lb e in Virgo, and t h e Moon in Pisces, i t is an opportune
time for t h e birth of a poet. Poets are always born, not made. r
T h e RZoon with t h e Ilragon'a Tail in a nativity glves suspicion of
t h e mother's honesty, and hints t h a t t h e child i s none of t h e reputed
f.1thcr.s begetting; however, i t will prove iII mannered, ancl for the
most part unfortunate.
W h o ~ v e hr as .Jupiter in aspect with the S u n f more esy>eci:illj i n
square opposition t o other evil aspects) will b e proud ancl haught)
and yet shall have little cause for it, unless they happen to be in re-
\Vl~t>nMars or t h e Moon shall b e with t h e Ilragon's H e a d or Tail
in the twelfth, and Sol and J u p i t e r in the fourth house, t h e native
s!~allb e hunch-backed.
J T l ~ o c ~ v is
e r born on the d a y of the Vernal Equinox a t noon, shall
by that testimony alone, become g r e a t i n t h e world.
W o m e n that have their A s ~ e n d a n t Moon,
, Mars, Venus and Xer-
cury in double-bodied signs, have generally very evil qualities.
%'hen Sol and J u p i t e r rule in t h e ninth, and over t h e places of
3fercury) a n d Moon, a n d Ascendant, ancl d o behold each other, such
L: native's s o r d will b e regarded as oracles.
W h e n the lord of the figure of a Nativity shall be Retrogratle
: ~ q dboth w a j s cadent; t h e native will b e a weak, pogr-spirited, de-
jectcd fellow, bringing nothing to perfection.
Sol in L e o alone raises a man, a t least scarce ever suffer5 lliln t o
xixnt or and if the sarne sign ascends, i t buoys u p his spirit \:it!:
I: I?..,, ancl makcs hirn master of more than ordinary reason. A man
born rrntler this configuration is generally difficult t o overcome
either with word^ o r b y force.
A native of a city having the same sign ancl d e g r e e ascending
with that city. shall in that place, b y that alone grow great and ern-
Mars unfortunate in the ninth, signifies liars and atheists.
JVhen t h e Moon and Jlercury, a n d lord of the ascendant shall he
:dl in double-boclicd signs t h e native will be naturally addicted
to old opinions a n d curious religious notions.
W h e n tho Moon is in t h e Mid-heaven in Capricorn and Saturn o r
Mars in the fourth, t h e native will b e infnmoqs, and so much tile
worse if Mars b e in Taurus and the hloon in Scorpio, for then many
troubles will attend him d u r i n g his whole life.

Definitioll of Terms Used.

Arillctecl - I n aspect (evil) to a n ecil planet.

A r c -'i'he tlrttance between t w o points in t h e heavens.

r&L.Pntl;~nt- 'l'he ?:istern l-iorizon a t a certain time.

iisoensit,n--'l'l~e d ~ s t a n u ea planet i s froin t l ~ efirat d e g r e e of Aries.

1Zc >ieged - B r t w r r n t w o pl;tnets and in aspect t o both.
I3onrhcs T l ~ egoocl pl:~nets.

I3arrt.n I ;nfruitful.

Cusp T h e b r g i n n i n q of a house o r sign.

Conjunction-VC'itlm s c r e n degrees of exact aspect.

I)eclination- T h e tlistancta of a planet north o r south of equator.

Tl~rection- -7'lie d i s t a n ~ t bet~.r.en

? t w o planets o r a planet a n d cusp.

illecante- T e n iiecrrees5 of a sign.

Detriment T h e sign opposite t h e house of a planet.

Dragons' Head--The north node of Moon.

Uragons , rI. all--The

- south node of Moon.
Dignity-When a planet i s i n i t s own house o r exalted.

Exalted- A planet i n t h e n e x t stronger house than its own.

Ele\gation- H i g h e s t in t h e heavens.

F:lce-Five a. ' each s i g n has six faces.

d e q r e e s of a siwn.
F a l l -In t h e i i q n following ~ t osw n houso.

IIyleg- T h e S u n , Moon o r abcendant.

Infortunes-Tlle e\ il planets- Liars, Saturn, Uranus.

I,uminaries---The S u n a n d Bloon.

JZalrfice--The r \ il p l a n ~ t s .

Mid-heaven TI18 tclntb house, t h e point directly overhead.

hlcridisn - S a m e a s tenth house.

Kode-- T h e point where a n y planet crosses t h e p l a n e of ecliptic.

Orb---When t v o plt~netsare within aspc~ct,they a r e within orb.

Oriental- W h e n a y1;tnt.t is east of t h e mid-heaven.

Occidental - - W h e n a plariet i s west of t h e mid-heaven.

O r d c r of Honses They rank ss follows: l s t , l o t h , 4th, Yth, l l t h ,

Oth, Pd, 6th, a t h , fith, 3d, 12th.

Peregren- H a v i n g no dignity.
lZatlix o r Radical- T h e root, figure for a certain time.
ltetroqratle \t'hrn a i ~ l a n e appctrrs t t o g o backward.
Lteception-Mlcn t1,o pl:~netsare In e.lcil otller's houses.

Separation-- W h e n one planet leCl+es:mother.

higniticator- ?'he ruler of a. house.

'rcrrns- All rs5rnti:~ldignlty. ( P e e terms of planets).

'I'ril)licitjr--Tt~cxre are f o u r triplicities,-E'lery, E a r t h y , Airy and
W . ~ t e r y s, o cnllcd because i n trine aspcut.
Trine- 120 dcqrees.
Void of Course-Forming no aspect in t h e sign it is in.
-!I1 -
Best Times to Plalaa and Harvest.
T h e correct k n o ~ v l e d g eof t h e science of planting is one of the
simplest laws of the planetary system, and should b e found as one of
the necessary treasures in every household.
T o b e a successful m u s t understand planetary
influence over the vc~getableand animal lcingtloms. W h e n seed is
planted in a barren slgn, a scanty crop will result. If planted in a
- a full crop will follow.
fruitfrll sign,
Knowing that t h e planets have an effect, and that t h e seasons
come and g o without consultation, all we have t o d o i s t o learn the
influence exerted by t h e planets and a c t accordingly.

I N ARIH:S, which is a movable fiery sign, governed b y Mars,

makes rapid g r o w t ! ~and abundance of straw a n d tops, according as
t h e Moon is new o r old.
I N TAURUS, which i s a fixed, earthy sign, governed b y Venus,
will d o good for all root crops of quick growth.
I NGEJIINI, which is a barren sign, will not m a k e a good growth.
This is a good time t o stir t h e soil and s u b d u e all noxious weeds.
'i . INCANCER,which is a watery, fruitful, movable sign, germinate
, quickly. I t is favorable t o g r o w t l ~a n d i n s ~ i r e sa n abundant yield.
IN LEO, whlch is n barren, fiery sign, will die, as i t is onIy favor-
able t o t h e destruction of noxious growth. Trim no trees or vines
when t h e Moon o r E a r t h is in Leo, for they will surely die.
IN VIRGO, which is also a barren sign, die, as i t is unfavorable to
growth of seed o r transplanting.
I s LIIIRA, which is a strong, movable sign, show good effect.
Seed p1:lrlcetl a t this time produces vigorous pulp, growth and roots,
n n d a reawnable amount of grain.
Ix S c o ~ r ~ r owhich
, is a fruitful, watery sign, does well, it is next
best after Cancer for producing effects.
1.r 8 \(;IrTAKIUS, which is a fiery, masculine sign, will not d o well,
as it is not very favorable time t o plant or transplant.
1,v C ~ r ~ ~ t r c ~whirh
o n x , is a m o i ~ and
t movable sign, will produce a
rapid growth of pulp, talli is o r roots, b u t not much grain.
I X A ~ r ~ z ~ r which
n s , is a n airy, masculine sign, is thrown away,
as i t will not grow well.
IN PISC'E~, wllich is a fruitful, watery, feminine sign, wiil produce
excellent results and is the third best s i g n f o r producing the fruits
of the Earth.
Tho airy signs a r e t h e best to Ilarvest in. T h e fiery arb second
best. Never gather fruit, grain o r \ t ~ ~ e t a l ~ in l e the
s watery signs
or new of t h e R/Ioon, a s they will surely d e c ; ~ yor sprout. J u s t be-
fore full Moon is t h e best time t o gather for shipping.

Signs for Planting Purposes,

Aries has b u t one quality o l value for planting purposes, i t is a
moveable sign, causing seed t o come u p cluiolily and g r o w r a ~ ) i d l y ,
yieldix~gabundant straw or p u l p grov;tl~o f roots, b u t o w i n g ::to i t s
relation t o the S u n which occupics i t frc,~il ?.I:LI.,.II20? i u April >!0,
i t falls behind the S u n a n d conseqlaently it is c)c:ci!ltjetl by the 3jo:)n
i n its o l d o r last ztages, d u r i n g t h e p1aiitii:g kensc:i, in Korth I.ati-
tude. I t s other effects are b y rt?fleation in cca:iti-..ations, I t 13:ing
a fiery sign is not considered as good being g o l e r n u d by Idlars.
T a u r u s governed b y Venvs has but one q~aIi!y, an earthly sign.
Potatoes a n d most crops a r c belisved to d o \veil under this sign.
Gemini is governed b y 3Iercury ancl as t h e infiucncc of hlercury
is barrenness, the sign is barren and is only good for t h e purpose of
cultivating t h e soil and t o s o b d u e noxious growth. Mercury per-
tains to the air. hence an ;ury sign.
Cancer governed b y the Moon, has its good influence. At, t h e
Moon is credited b y all as governing t h e water, all consult t h e
Moon for a knowleclge of the tides, s o that a n y t h i n g planted with
t h e Moon in that s&n partakes of the pecilliarities of t h e Moon,
which enables i t t o assimilate moisture beyond t h e qualities of
other signs, l t ie also fruitful a n d movable. Here. then, w e have
all the qualities combined, acquiring moisture ancl withstanding
t h e drouth. Movable causing t h e seed t o germinate quickly,
grow rapidly a n d fruitfully, insuring an abundant yield; it also
has the trine aspect of Scorpio and Pisces, the opposition of Capri-
corn, ancl t h e square of Aries ancl Libra. KO o t h e r s i g n is s o favora-
bly situated, while t h e s e other signs have t h e reflection of Cancer ;
it is said, '" strean] can rise no higher than itssource." s o these other
signs are bounded b y their own limits.
Leo, governed b y tho Sun, being a barren fiery sign, is t h e best
sign f o r destroying noxious growth. W h e n occupied b y t h e Moon,
this sign partains t o the heart, a n d i t [nay b e well t o digress here
enough to say that when t h e Moon occupies this sign, and especially
tliose hours this sign and t h e Moon are rising a r e a1waj.s a critical
time, W e find that records for more than 4,000 years have laid
down the following: 6 i P i e r c e not with iron that part of the body
which nlay b e governed b y t h e sign actually held b y t h e Moon."
Claudius Ptolemy, in his contiloquy, also affirms this; s o does Car-
dan. U T e have not read af a n operation where t h e patient died on
t h e operating table i n t h e last thirty years that i t was not in viola-
tion of this law; with Moon in L e o c u t n o part of the bocly, trim as
trees, etc.
Virgo, governed by Mercury, is a barren earthy sign. Mercury's
effect, as in Gemini is barren and damaging to the earthy quality; it
has some good effect.
Libra, governed by Venus, has a good effeot, and it being a
movable sign its effeot is to produce strong, vigorous, pulp grows
of straw, or roots and a reasonable amount of grain. I t has the
aquare of Cancer and Capricorn, and the opposition of Aries.
Scorpio, governed by Mars, is a fruitful, watery sign, has the
trine of Cancer and Pisces, the square of Capricorn and opposition
of Taurus, and is the next best sign after Cancer, for productive
Sagittarius, governed by Jupiter, the great electric disseminator,
is a fiery sign. The last half of this sign is said to be somewhat
Capricorn, governed by Saturn, which, like the Moon and Venus
disseminate moisture and hold relation to them, is opposite to
Cancer, in trine to Taurus and square to Libra, (it is also in square
to Aries) and like these signs and their lords, it is a moist and mov-
able sign; is also earthy and is in trine to the other earthy signs and
produces rapid pulp growth of straw, stalks, or roots and a reasona-
ble amount of grain.
Aquariua is accredited to Uranus, but partakes of the nature
somewhat of Mercury, yet is like Uranus, an airy sign in trine to
the airy signs and are called the airy triplicities, as the fire
s i g n d r i e s , Leo and Sagittarius, are in trine and called the fiery
Pisces, governed by Jupiter, is a fruitful watery sign. Here we
s e n t r i c efforts, as, & & ithunder
n and in rain," while in Sagit-
tarius he is shown as in drouths and electric fires; this is the third
best eign for producing the fruits of the earth.
c t

Weather. Signs.
Even the Lest ~)roplletsfail a t times in forecasting the weather.
A l l of us learn from observation, form a n opinion which proves to
b e correct for a time, then suddenly find that their rule needs
revising - somewhat.
T h e followitlg indications a r e t h e result of many pears of ob:-c I--
vation, t h c reader nlay b e atr~letd add t o the111 o r ]nay find eoi~lc
vqhii.!~may need revising- sotilevhat.
T o forecast the season, you sl~oulcltake the time to t h e ex'lct
minute t'iat the S u n e n t e n Arie\. T o forecast tlle month, t a k e thc.
tirnc. of the new Moon. Ertxct the figure o r l ~ o r o ~ c o pwith e the
twelve cusps of the h o u s ~ sa n d the planets piaced in their respecti1 u
signs of the %odi:ic and houses of t h e horoscope. .Judge tlle
t e n ~ p e r d t u r efrorn the n5pects wht(11 tho S u n will form to the karioL.5
planets d u r i n g the se:iGon o r nlonth. ?Lrlien there are no aspects.
t l i ~first aspect formed ~nlruedlntelyaftcr tlw Sun enters Aries or ;L
new Moon is fornled, sho\\s whnt t!ltb t e ~ n p e r a t u r ewill be. Before
d o i n q this, you should learn c.arefufly the nature of each sign, as
each planet will have, to a g r e a t extent, the nature of tlle sign it is
i n a t the time, thus:-
Aries is hot, d r y and windy. 'l'ar~rlrs,is cold, dry. quiet.
Gemini is hot, moist, 1%-~ndy. Cancer is cold, wet. quiet. ,
L e o is hot a n d dry. Virgo is cold and dry.
J Libra is hot, moist, windy. Scorpio is cold ant1 wet.
Sagittarius is hot and dry. Capricorn is colt1 ancl dry,
Aquarius is Ilot ant1 moist. Pisces is cold a n d wet,
Each planet ta!ies ttic nature o f t h e sign it is in, but ~nodifiesthe
natnre of t l ~ esign sliqhtlr.. T h u s :
AIt~rcury antl Jloon arc. nt.utr;li, taking the nature of tlle planet
they ;\',pect.
i'tanns is cool ;inti 111oist. 'I'l~e S u n is 110t ant1 (IT:.
Af;rrs is 11ot and dry. . I n i ~ i t r ris Irot ; ~ r ~1110ist.
rl a
Saturn is cold and dry. Yr.lnus is cold a n d 111oiut.
h'eptune cold and wet.
W l ~ i c h e v a rplanet is nearest in aspect to t h e S u n a s i t cnters
Aries, Cancer, Libra o r Capricorn will show t h e t c ~ ~ n p e r ~ i t uand re
moisture of t h a t quarter, accordinq to the nature of the siqn and
planet aspected. and t h e nature of thi. s i g n w h i ~ his on t h e horizon
a t the minute t h e S u n enters the quarter. Care i ~ i u s tb e taken in
g e t t i n g t h e exact degree ascending as there is a difierent d e g r e e for
cach 100 miles. Thus:-The S u n enters Cancer .rune 21\t. 3:30 P.
1\1.1900, central standard time. T h e I l t h degree o f Fct rpio will bc
ascendingat Chicago; the S u n will be o p p o ~ i t eSaturn in (',a p r '~ c o r n ,
Moon in Taurus. This indicates a cool. most quarter, very favora-
ble for t h e crops. h'o doubt there will b e hot weather a s is cus-
tomary a t this time of the year, but t h e average should b e cooler
than usual.
- --- --
The Nodes of the Planets.
Tile Nodes of the Planets, a s they are called, is that place in t h e
Zodiac where the planet passes above o r below t h e plane of t h e
ecliptic. 'I'hus: On o r about March 2 l s t , each year,the S u n enters
Aries, or is p s s i n g above t h e plane of t h e ecliptic, and i s g o i n g
north, if a line was drawn through the earth's equator, i t would pass
t h r o u q i ~ t h e center of t h e S u n , b u t after March 21st until Septem-
lier %2d, this line would pass under the Sun. O n September 22nd,
the S ~ l n~ o u l denter Libra and would " g o south," from September
22nid to March 21st, this line wonld pass over t h e Sun. It can be
seen from this that t h e N o d e of t h e E a r t h is t h e first d e g r e e of
Tho N o d e of t h e Moon, o r a s i t was called b y t h e ancients, L c T h e
])ragon's Head," is constantly moving, Instead of moving in t h e
direction which t h e planets move, i t moves backward, and passes
entirely around the Zodiac in nineteen years. T h e north N o d e of
t h e Moon is given in m y Geocentric Ephemeris for each d a y of t h e
year, with t h e longitude a n d latitude of t h e planets. T h e south
Node, or a Dragon's Tail," will b e t h e d e g r e e directly opposite t h e
Dragon's Head." T h e Moon is in north latitude when i t enters
the north Node and in t h e south latitude when in i t s south Node.
I t will b e highest in latitude when in i t s north N o d e , just half way
between t h e north and south Node, and lowest in latituda when in
it5 south Node just half way between i t s north a n d south Node,
therefore is ascending in latitude as sooil as i t has passed its lowest
point, and is descending a s soon a s it has passed its highest point.
T h e N o d e of t h e Moon in mundane affairs, markets, o r in a horo-
scope, is as important a s t h e Moon's longitude. Thus: A s t h e
Moon's N o d e comes into aspect with a planet, i t will depress prices,
cause good o r evil periods in various parts of the world, according
t o t h e nature of t h e planet aspected.
1)uring t h e fall months of 1899, t h e Moon's north node came to a
conjunction of S a t u r n ; t h e prices of wheat, stocks, etc., took a de-
cided drop. D u r i n g May a n d J u n e , 1900, t h e Moon's north node
was i n conjunction with Uranus, a n d as soon a s i t passed this planet,
i t came t o a conjunction of Jupiter, causing very active markets,
change of sentiment, etc.
I n a nativity, t h e "Dragon's H e a d " in t h e ascendant, o r mid-
lrraven, denotes popularity; or, i n aspect t o a planet, would b e con-
sidered a s favorable o r unfavorable a s if t h e Moon formed this
On a N e w Moon, a good aspect of t h e S u n t o t h e N o d e is a good
testilnony. Each planet is more favorable. causes prosperity, etc.,
when in i t s north node, o r is weak and depressing in its south node.
Mercury's northnode is 23 deg. of Taurus; south node, 23 deg. of S(-orpio.
Venus' " " is 17 " of Gemini; " " 17 " of Sagittarius. t

Mars' 'L is 20 OF Taurus; " “ 20 " of Scorplo.

Jupiter's " " is 15 " of Cancer; " '' 15 '. of Capricorn.

Saturn's " is 22 " of Cancer; '- " 22 " of Capricorn.

Uranus' 'I is13 " of Gemini; " " 13 " of Sagittarius.

licptune's " " is 13 " of Leo; " " 13 " of Aquarius.


Horary Astrology.
Holz~av ASTROLOGYis the art of foretelling events from the
position of tl113 heavenly bodies a t the time a question is seriously
p r o p ~ u n d e d , or when an individual may be anxious about any
ii~lportantmatter, the result of any business, o r any circumstance
~ I tw hhich one may be connected with, and if the individual is not
ril artist Ij:ii~colf,he may, by following the rules as herein given,
~ + i : oslieh qupstions as come within the jurisdiction of Judicial

r - ~ s i e >anJer:to~d,
t end of great advantage to mankind.
It i s necessary forfho stndent of Horary Astrology to be perfectly
i ,.::;liar c ith tile nature of each sign of the Zodiac, and each planet
of our s j s i ~ ~ r n A
. lso, the rulers of Louses, the dignities of the
planets as -+,ell as their detrimeat and fall, the various aspects, etc.,
a!! of nr!:ish has previously been given.
T n m-ke a horary figure, you proceed exactly as you would to
erect a horosc,>l)eor nativity. All that is necessary is an ephemeris
which gives the positions of the plrtnetc for the time the question ie
propounded. and n table of houscs, which can be found in White's
Ephemeris, for the current year.
The artist should answer all questions from the exact minute
when he or she is asked the question, or if the question is asked by
lettar, then use the time when you actually read the question.
Before judging a question, see that the time is favorable for such.
Thus: Saturn in the 7th house of the question will spoi! the judg-
ment of the artist. Mars in the mid-heaven will give the artist
discredit. The first two or last two degrees of a sign ascending
show the question is not radical. The Dragon's Tail in the ascend-
a n t shows the querent i s not sincere, and may b e attempting to
deceive the artist. W h e n a question is asked, you must take i t for
granted that no more is meant than is asked, aud not attempt to
answer questions of your own; everything, however, if sincerely
asked, may be answered by the same figure.
Signification of the Twelve Howses.
Answers questions concerning the state, health, circumstances,
accidents, mind, form, aad stature of the querent, journeys of chil-
dren, friends of brethren, and the success of any enterprise.
SE( Oh 1) I I O L bE.
Answorv questions concerning lent money, wealth or poverty, loss
- $17 -
-- -
o r gain b;r t~affic,p : o ~ p t > r ~ (oyr a t i v e r i ~ t y ,loss o r gain, m o ~ e a h l e
rvoo:?s. money ernploj e d in speculation, o r suits of law, o r what thi.
beventh hoase denot6.s; i t s h o n s a man's friende, trade of children,
private enemies of brcthrsn, and o u r first brother o r sister, tho dcath
of wife o r husband, partners, sweethearts, and public enemies.
'2111 I<]> 11c>r\*>.
Answers questions on brethren, neighbors, short journeys, remov-
i n g of manufactures, brothers, sisters, cousins, rumors, epistles, o r
letters, children of friends, sickness of liii~gs,friends of children,
private enc:ilies of fathers, messengers, childlen's t r a d e a n d honor,
churches, clerks, l o n g journeys of lovers, husband o r wife, sects,
dreams, mutations, chxlrches and t h e trade of servants.
Solves questions concerning fathers, land, houses, estatos, towns,
cities, castles. entrcnchmon-ts, hidden treasures, gardens, orchartis
and fields. I t d c ~ l o t e st h e house o r tenement of t h e qucrent, a n d
t h e istue of eyery unclertaking; d e a d men's goods, substance of
brethren, children of private enemies, purch2sing o r h i r ~ n gland,
trade of husbands; t h i n g s mislaid.
Answers questions relating t o children, pregnancy, health of
sons and daughters, personal effects of fathers, success of messengers
and ernbassadors, ammunition o r s t r e n g t h of a place beseiged, pleas-
ure, charters, lotteries, brethren of brethren, d e a t h of monarchs,
private enemies of servants, clubs, hills, our second brother o r sister,
and a person'g first child, betting, horse and foot racing, games,
dancings, music a n d merriment.
Resolves questions t h a t appertain t o servants, small cattle, t h e
recovery of a sick person, t h e real s t a t e of t h e diseasq, w h e t h r r of a
l o n g o r short duration; particulars rolating t o uncles, aunts, kindred
of t h e father's side, stewards, tenants, shepherds, farmers, substance
of children, brethren of fathers, death of friends, l o n g journeys of
monarchs, private enemies of wives, d a y laborers, a n d brethren o r
sister's short journeys.
A n s w e r s questions concerning marriage, law suits, whether
property lost will b e recovered, l s v e affairs, description of t h e per-
son t h e inquirer will marry, theft, a n d describes t h e person of t h e
thief, fugitives, o r runaways, offenders escaped from justice, g r a n d -
fathers, whether i t will b e well t o remove, contracts, w l ~ e t h e rfavora-
ble or not, speculation i n tha f u n d s o r shares, etc., whether t o b u y

- 08-

- -~
.-- ~~- - -- - .- . --- ___
o r sell a t given periocla, pnrtncrshi;,~in trade, fines, p1c.a~; i n battl;
w l ~ ois victorious, chilclrc~nof brot!:crs o r sirtc,rs, dcx::th of private
enemies, in physics t h e physician, drfenc!ants in lawsaits, o u r tllird
brothcr o r sister, a n d o u r sc~col-idchild; banks, bonds, Inen with
whom w e have comnlon derrlirrgs, iil astrology i t signities t h e artist.
Uranus, Saturn, hlars o r the hloon, ill-placed herein shows unfortu-
nate marriage.
El(;II'I'lI I l O U S E .
Answers questions concerning deaths, legacies, wills, propert,y of
a partncr, wife, husband o r eneniy; labor, sorrow, brethren of scr-
vants, sickness of brethren, dowry of wife o r husband, substance of
a second brother o r sister, o r of a public foe.
Solves all questions concerning the safety, profit a n d success of
voyages and travels; clergy, benefice,^, preferment i n t h e church,
advowsons, success of books, insurance, science a n d learning; kin-
d r e d of wives, i ~ e a l t hof fathers, children of servants, o r tenants; o u r
grandchildren, our third c l ~ i l d a, n d o u r fourth brother a n d sister.
,. .
i b S T l I IIOUSX.
Answers inquiries conceriing kings, nobles, nlagistrates a n d
masters; honor a n d preferment if attainable; t h e gaining of office,
appointment o r employment. I t clencaies t h e luotller o r father-in-
law of t h e q u e r e n t ; t h e busines.3 for which a man is most fit, s u b -
stance talren away b y thieves, clliiclrc~nof servants, private enemies
of friends, lawyers, sielrness of cllildren generally, g a i n s b y l o n g
journeys o r b y arts and sciences.
l<l.l~:VEh-'rll lIoLis:<.
Answers inquiries relative to friencls, hope, trusts, flatterers,
expectance o r dasiro; perfidy of friends, : ~ n ~ b a s s a d o rasn d advisers,
tlle substance of n~onarclis; sickness of servants, death of fathers,
eneniies of cliildren, o u r brotller o r sister's l o n g journeys, o u r ene-
mies' enemies, our fifth brother o r sister.
TTVE1.F'l'II 11O(-Si.:.
Answers questions concerlling t r i b i l l ~ t i o n sorrow,
, aflliction, im-
prisonment, persecutio~l, nialice, secret e~:clnic,s: suicide, treason,
assassination, l a r g e cattle, relations on the mother's side, banished
persons, t h e substance of friends, sieliness of wives o r llusbnnds,
d e a t h of cllildren, trade of bretllren, 'ulnslll:emy, fcctue of u n i n ~ a l s
previous t o birth, servants' enemies, nioil~cr'sfirst brotlicr o r sister,
short journeys of mothers, o r ~ u a s t c ro r ~i~isi,
-- - ----
General Rules.
T h e first point for consideration in all horary questions i s t o J e -
termine whether o r not an event inquired of will transpire and if
not, t h e reason for i t s prevention. Upon this point rests about all
t h e chances for succes which t h e astrologer m a y have. I n order t o
determine this point a clear judgment and a n unprejudiced mind i s
absolutely necessary. O n e cannot answer o r a t t e m p t t o answer ir
question when they a r e extremely desirous of i t s answer being
exactly what they desire it; therefore read from science a n d not
frcm your own opinion.
I n this respect t h e principal point t o consider is: A f t e r erecting
t h e figure for t h e h o u r a n d minute of your question, then look t o
t h e rulers of t h e houses to which y o u r question refers. If you find
them applying t o a n aspect t h e chances of t h e event t a k i n g place
a r e very probable, m e n if t h e aspect b e evil. Should you find t h e
rulers of t h e houses i n question not i n aspect with each other t h e I
chances of t h e e v e n t t a k i n g place a r e lessened, b u t e v e n t s may b e
brought about b y other means, such as: T h e rulers of t h e houses
in question forming an aspect t o another planet, which i s expressed
as a 'Lcollection of light", in t h e same manner a s t w o persons fail-
i n g to a g r e e when t h e third p a r t y intercedes a n d b r i n g about t h e
desired result, b u t t o g e t this effect t h e planet t o which t h e rulers
apply should b e t h e larger, and i t will b e found t h a t t l ~ i scollection
h a s greater effect when all aspects are good,
Another method of bringing a b o u t events may b e mentioned a s
t h e "translation of light" in which case t h e Moon(and often Mer-
cory)move from an aspect of o n e ruler t o a n aspect of the other,
tlius carrying t h e good offices of one planet t o t h e other, a n d by
this method often b r i n g about a n event. If this occurs after t h e
aspects between t h e rulers a r e passed i t indicates t h a t t h e rulers
came to a n agreement through t h e council a n d assistance of t h e
person described b y t h e translator.
E v e n t s a r e prevented b y tlic aspects of t h e rulers being evil and
inharmonious o r b y what is comruonly known a s "frustrations",
meaning that when tho rulers a r e applying to an aspect when an
other planet forms an evil aspect t o one of the rulers before tbe
r u l i n g planets can cornplete their aspect. T h e ruler which is af-
flicted is t h e one which prevents t h e event t a k i n g place. This ques-
tion of frustration has been t h e means of preventing the good re-
sults so often pronounced b y careless artrologers who think them-
selves too wise t o b e outclassed by othef influences.
- -- -- - - - -- - - -
--- ---
H a v i n g learnad that 2n evcnt will t r n n ~ p i r e t h e next point t o
consider ib the time when i t will t a k e place, and here we strike one
of t h e most most difficult problems of I h r a r y Astrology. T o j u d g e
time correctly, nothing b u t experience a n d a few d e c i d e d failures
will teach o n e t h e value of a d h e r i n g strictly t o established rules.
J u d g m e n t based upon surrounding conditions a r e worse than use- I
1 1
less a n d should never be resorted to. If y o u find t h e indicatmns i ;
mixed youshould be all t h e more careful. VCTe append a table from
Simnionite. which will a t once clear away much of t h e d i s c u l t y 1

i n a p p r o x i ~ u d t i n gtime.

?' Q
=% \3

J u u ~ a r ~OFs ~TIME.

orab able S i g n s
'l= & S?
Movable S i g n s
1 I

Give Days.
-- --
Sveeks- i G i v e Months.

Connrion S i g n s
I Coinmon s i g n s 1 -L%mmon Signs

I I T I ~ ~ X j ongnyx

G i v e Months. j Give Years.

Fixed Signs Fixed Signs 1 Fixed Signs
tr Q ~ E : 8 Q n z 1 8 Q T I ~ > T ,
GiveMonths Give Years 1 Unknown.
NOTE-'~Caclent" fiouses a r e t h e 31-46th, 9th and 12th, o r those
\ falling below t h e angles, b6Succeedent" houses are those just in
advance of the angles, o r t h e 2nd, 5 t h 7 8 t h and 11th. T h e a n g l e s
being the l s t , 4th7 7th a n d 10th.
This table should b e studied carefully, a s i t is quite impossible
t o sliglsh this part of answering questions a n d expect to meet with
success in y o u r attempts.
You will readily notice that planets forming aspects from angles
a n d movable s i g n s require d a y s for each d e g r e e between their a s -
pects before t h e e v e n t will transpire. I f aspecting from a n g l e s to
fixed signs each d e g r e e would require o n e month; if from succeed-
e n t l ~ o u s e st o fixed signs each d e g r e e between t h e aspects would
require one y e a r in time: etc.. a s t h e table plainly points out. S t u d y
i t carefully.
This metlrod of approximating time shows the force of directions
a n d not t e n d i n g to prove that a transit will b r i n g about t h e event,
b u t if transits are favorable they point out t h e most probable time
of t h e culmination of events.
i P l a n e t s when aspecting a n d their latitude well south is supposed
k- t o I)rolong events i n their culmination, while if north they c u t i t
short, b u t we d o not place a very high opinion upon this point.
-- -- - --- -- - - - .
I n ansviering questions use t h e greatest care i n choosing t h e
proper planets t o j u d g e from. R e a d very carefully t o what each
house refers and when t h e horoscope f o r t h e question i s erected, t h e
ruler of t h e house referring t o t h e m a t t e r inquired of is t h e planet
t o look to. If your question refers t o t h e father, t h e r u l e r of t h e
4 t h will represent him; if t o ohildren, t h e 5th; t h e 1 0 t h for t h e
mother, etc. Always remember t h a t t h e ruler of t h e 1st house i s
ruling h e w h o asks t h e question, while t h e Moon is also important
and may be called t h e co-ruler.
N e a r l y all mistakes in answering questions come about by choos-
i n g the wrong planet t o represent t h e matter inquired of, b u t with
a little care this is easily avoided.
Again. N e v e r m a k e confusion of y o u r question. You will find
all you can readily handle i n t h e figure a s indicators, b u t many a r e
inclined t o make trouble for themselves a n d t o find indication i n
t h e figure that never existed. T h e only point t o attend is t o find
whether o r not t h e rulers of t h e matter inquired of a r e a p p l y i n g t o
a n aspect, either directly, b y collection, translation, etc., in such a
manner a s will carry o u t t h e point. I t is useless t o look f o ~th e
aspects of planet which has no ruling in t h e question a t all.
OF Tllh: I1OUSE.

Health. Wil1:my health continue good? T h e weak parts of t h e

body; A m I likely t o b e aflicted b y a n y dangerous o r chronic
Jiseaees? W i l l a sick friend recover? about t h e probable duration
of life, and kind of ill health t o b e expected.
T h e ruler of t h e l t h house and t h e Moon rtrles these questions
a n d all related t o this house. If y o u find t h e ruler of t h e 1st house
well aspected and strong i n t h e figure, a n d t h e Moon also s t r o n g
a n d w e l l aspected you may conclude t h a t n o ill health is impend-
ing, that t h e constitution i s strong; b u t should y o u find them af-
flicted and weak you may expect ill health o r bodily weakness
affecting that p a r t of t h e body where t h e rulers and afflicting plan-
e n t s a r e located. Evil planets i n t h e 1 s t house a r e detrimental t o
health unless t h y a r e well aspected b y t h e S u n a n d Moon.
Mars in t h e 1 s t and afflicting t h e S u n o r I\loon threatens acciclents,
hurts, wounds, etc., Uranus, d a n g e r b y machinery, falls by public
bodies, etc., Saturn, d a n g e r from animals, smothering, etc.
F o r t h e health of parents, brothers, friends, etc., proceed i n t h e
same manner b u t use iho Moon a n d ruler of the house representing
such parties. T h e 6th house is t h e house of sickness, therefore t h e
ruler of t h e 1 s t afllicted therein shows sickness, a n d if afflictecl in
- --- - - -

- -- ----
- -1- - -- -- .
the 8th often indicates a violent death.
The ruler of the 1st house also shows the dcscrigtion of the party

~ ~ L I ~ : s ~O
IBo ~1 l1E
\ SPCO:, I ) IiOlihI:.
B'inanr:ce come under tho rule of this house and hllould you find
e v ~ pl,lnr:s
l in this house or the ruler of tl:o 2nd hoase afaicted you
mdy c o ~ l c l ~ l dthat
e is, is dif1icu:t for one t o accuinulate money.
liar, or tho Sun ill :tepectrd in the 2nd shows extravagance, Sat-
urn l'overty; Uranus, Moon and Venus generosity.
Jupiter, Venus or ruler of the 1st herein, well aspected indicates
good fortune in money mattere, but if aflicted the reverse.
8i1ould the Sun and Moon be afflicted such parties seldom accu-
lnulate any amount of money. I n loaning money the ruler of the
2nd should not be afflicted o r weak and no evil planets in the 2nd
o r aillicting its cusp, and the same with borrowing.
If the question refers to the father's finances then look to the
5th house or 2nd fl.0~1the 4th; if the mother's choose the 11th or
2nd from the loth, and so on for other parties. For recovering
debts look to the ruler of the 1st and 2nd for the party inquiring
and to the 7th and 8th for the debtor. If you find the rulers of the
7th and 8th etrong and aspecting the ruler of 1st and 2nd in indi-
cates that the party will pay, but if the ruler of the 8th be afflicted
his finances are low and he may not be able to pay, while if the
ruler of the 7th or 8th afflict the 1st or 2nd, i t indicates that the
debtor does not intend to pay. F o r collecting wages look to the
10th and 11th houses and their rulers.
Tliis house and its ruler refers to brothers, sisters, neighbors, etc.,
and if the ruler thereof be fortunate and strong you may conclude
that such parties are in fortunate conditions, not wanting in the
necessities of life, but if the ruler oY the 3rd be approaching an
aliliction there is soon to be a turn in the tide of fortune; its nature
isshown from the character and location of the aMicting planct.
Repcxts and runlors also belong to this house and when hearing
a report and you find the ruler of t h e 3rd and the Moon well as-
pected you may conclude that the report in most respects is truo,
but if they are afiiioted then judge the reverse. This house and its
ruler rule short journeys, ancl such planets thercin as the Moon,
Mercury ancl Uranus shows a dissatisfied nature, desiring to be
-- 103 -
-- -- - - --- ---- -- - - - ----
nlu; i n aboi?t
~ a n d nc.t g ~ n r r a l ! y contented vyl,en tied c!c:n ,I in one
p1ac.c. P1:lncts 11cr:~in a n d fortuo:itz~y a,lr,,ctcrl allon s ?:in b y
short journeys, b u t if liars, S a t u r n ci.t!:~ 5 , 1 n be affIic.tcd herein
shows t h e rcverse a n d d a n g e r of accicleots wlicn travelling.
Q V I : \ ~ I O S S01" TIII: F O l 1:: I l I,(:L\E.
Questions concerning t h e 4th housc z r r impnrtant and i n f a ~ g ta l l
questions relate more o r less tu this 1:oasc a s i t ia tlle end o f a!:
nlalters. I t i s generally concrded t o rule t h e father :~ccf to repre-
s e n t his condition. It, also reprc2sents ltgacies fro111 the father, e i r ,
Y!toultl 3 o a find cviI p l n n ~ t sherein you may conc!ude tilc father ;:
in some way aifiictcd. If t h e S u n o r Alnon be bndlg :iKf;ci~~d here-
in and t h e aspect is passcd i t generally indicates t h a t t h e father is
dead o r h a s lately been i n bery unfortilnate conditions; if e ~ i la s -
pects a r e approaching this housc o r i t s ruler shows misfortrtnr in
store for tlie father, while if t h e Sun, Mars o r J u p i t e r ha situatcri
herein a n d well aspected i t shows t h e father t o b e fartunttte, a c t i ~e,
a n d likely t o live many years. J u p i t e r s t r o n g and well aspected
i n t h e 4 t h indicate t h e party inquiring is likely t o have a legacy
left him b y his father.
T h e 5th house rules matters pertaining t o childran, speculation,
risky ventures, a n d all questions concerning speculation. If you find
t h e ruler of t h e 5 t h s t r o n g a n d well aspectedand g o o d planets in
t h e 5th a n d s t r o n g it indicates that such persons can make by spec-
ulation o r b y risky enterprises, b u t if Mars, t h e Sun. Moon, V e n u s
U r a n u s o r Saturn a r e in t h e 5 t h a n d weak,such parties should be-
ware of speculation. Many planets i n this sign shows a desire to
speculate, especially s o with Jupiter, Uranus, and Mars b u t if t h e y
a r e weak one will generally lose.
Matters referring t o children a r e much t h e same. If Saturn, t h e
S u n o r M a r s b e located in this house and affficted i t denotes t h a t
children will not b e s t r o n g a n d if t h e aspects a r e approaching
there is ill fortune i n store for them according t o tlie nature of t h e
afiiction. Good planets in t h e 5th a n d s t r o n g indicates good for-
t u n e with children, good health a n d a l o n g life.
T h e 6 t h house refers t o sickness, servants, and is also said t o
rulesirall animals, p e t s and poultry. T h o ruler of tho 1 s t herein
and weak sllo\vs t h e inquirer t o b e sickly, ancl if badly aMieted
with the aspects approaching t h e ill l ~ e a l t hwill ncvcr leave its vic-
tim alive, b u t if past s o t h e evil is a b a t i n g a n d will soon dis::ppoar.
Good planets here a n d strong shows good success in hiring labor
-1 01-
-- - - - - -
a n d with those who inay b e workinp onder t h e p a r t y inquiring.
Jupiter. Venn?, Jloon a n d Surl strongiy pl::ced i~ this house shows
good success in hanilling suclr l i t e stock a s is ruled by this house.
Q ~ ~ ' s l l 0 S0 81 p I i l E SlEVENlII lIOC4X.
T h e 7th house and its ruler must b e considered in all questions,
a s i t i s opposite t h e I s t , it rules adversaries, public enemies, part.
ners, a n d also represents t h e irlarriage partner. T h e r u l e r of the
:st herein 2nd amicted shows much opposition in life. I n ques-
tions of lav,suits i t i s b e t t e r t o have t h e evil planets amicting the
7th and its ruler, a s t h e 7th rules the adversary. T h e ruler of the
1 s t in t h e 7 t h ancl a movable s i g n shows that one t o b e very
~ h i l n g e a b l e . G o o d planets i n tho 7th and s t r o n g shows success and
harmony in marriage life. J u p i t e r herein and s t r o n g shows finan-
cial qain by marriage, good success public enterprises, partnership
ant1 many influential frends.
Saturn weak i n t h e 7 t h either indicates no marriage a t all or
coctinual inhnrmony a n d t h e d e a t h cf t h e marriage partner; Mars
Fiero and weak shows continually inharnlony, fighting a n d quarrel-
ing in domestic relatiocs; Ur.~:lus here shows more t h a t one mar-
riage, jealousy a n d often much cause for it.
This house and its r ~ ~ l representses inheritance, property of t h e
wife : ~ n dis said t o b e t h e house of death. T h e ruler of t h e first
herein a n d badly affiictecl shows a violent death, according t o t h e
n.iture of tho affliction a n d t h e plxnet causing it. Evil planets in
this 11ouse showe t h a t the person asking t h e question u i l l never
lcherlt money ; if g o o d planets a r e located herein b u t affiicted one
r 1,1y have money d u e 'them b u t will never g e t it. Jupiter, S u n
<,r C'cnrls llere ant1 s t r o n g indicates favorable f o r a n inheritance
a n ~ nl natural death.
TLis house refers t o long journeys, rclii<ion, science, brothers a n d
2istt.r. of tlac wife. Jupiter, t h e S u n or .\l,>orl llcrein a n d well as-
~>c(.te:linc?ic.ates n pious nsitare, b u t if afliicbted ilieir belief is un-
rl,~,.id\.il in all things. Uranus, Mercury o r K e p t u n e 01. in t h e 9th
a n d btronq shows love for the occnlt : ~ ~ qootl t l ahi1it;y in such.
- .
S.!turn herein
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o r !$'ereury herein s h o u s lonq ,joorncv* if tire fjoute be movable,
G m n u s , &Icon

v!ii!e if t h e ruler b e badly afll;c+rd Ilercin by the 8 t h i t indicates

c1e:~thi n a foreiyn country. Good pl:~n.,th h,~:in nnci well aspected
s i l o ~ v slearning ancl advancement i n i c l c ~ u eb u t c;il planets here
s1:o:vs t h e reverse. Saturn. N,I~,-. o r the S c n bqtlly n!l!ictcil llerein
- 106
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shows d a n g e r t o life and person when t a k i n g l o n g journnys.
Tlle 1 0 t h house is n e x t i n importance t o t h e 1 s t a s i t rules hon-
ora, profession and general g o o d fortune. If good planets a r e
strongly placed in this house t h e native will enjoy t h e best of life
on all occasions, b u t if Saturn b e placed here i t i s s u r e t o bring
one t o poverty, a n d t h e good coming from such questions is not
lasting. J u p i t e r o r t h e S u n here and well aspected is t h e most
fortunate position that can possibly b e had, a s i t indicates continual
good fortune, financial success, many valuable friends a n d a high
position in life. Mars here a n d aMicted will b r i n g dishonor a t
some time in life, s o with Venus, Moon o r Sun. U r a n u s i n t h e
10th shows adaptability a n d one t h a t can make a showing a t any-
t h i n g they undertake, b u t i t seems quite impossible for them t o
accumulate money. Good planets here shows success i n g e t t i n g
employment, lawsuits, etc., evil ones t h e reverse.
T h i s house rules masters a n d thoss w h o employ labor; therefore
should t h e ruler of t h e 10th be i n g o o d aspect t o t h e ruler of t h e
1 s t i t shows harmony between employer a n d employe. If t h e ruler
of t h e 10th b e in good aspect i t shows success i n collecting wages,
b u t if amicting, t h e reverse. S e e 2nd house also for collecting
debts, a n d use t h e 10th and 1 1 t h i n same manner a s 7 t h a n d 8th.
T h i s hollae refers t o friends, a n d if g o o d planets a r e situated i n
t h e 11th one may expect much assistance from friends, success i n
tursting important matters with friends, and much valuable assis-
tance through life. Saturn, Mars o r Mercury afflicted here shows
deceitful a n d undermining friends a n d it i s not well t o trust them.
This house refers t o secret enemies, secret opposition, sorrow-$,
imprisonnient, and is siad by some t o rule l a r g e animals, etc. If
p o d planets a r e well placecl it shows good succes i n stock raising.
and fcw if a n y secret enemies. T h e S u n afliicted herein indicates
d a n g e r of imprisonment, particularly if the aspect is approaci~ing,.
Mars afflicted shows quite t h e same. Jupiter, Uranus o r Mercury
afAictz.l hercin sl:ows trouble in religiolis matters. Jupiter, Venur,
Noon or S u n strongly placed in this hucse shows ~ o s e c r e enemi-:,,
a n d no indications of imprisonment. $Tars o r Satnrn afflicting tho
S u n o r Moon i n this house often shnws hurts by large animals, suoll
a s horses, cattle, wild beasts, etc., y:i~ticularly if t h e aspects are
approaching, b u t if past t h e event should have taken place. G o c d


In the 1st-12iches and good fortune. 111 the 2nd- Wealth and
prosperity. I n the 3rd-Gain by traveling or neighbors. In the
4th-- Legbcies and riches by the father. In the 5th-Naturally
denotes riches by gaming, and youthful pelsons. In the 6th-&I-
ches by illferior persons or small beasts. Ln the '7th-Riches by
marriage, or public business. I n the 8th-ltichrs by legacies, or by
the dead. In the 9th-- Wealth by religion or long journeys, and
science. In the 10th-Wealth by trade or merchandise, or the
government. i n the 11th--Money by friends. I n the 12th-Gain
by great cattle or secret arts.
In the 1st-Many journeys and removals. I n the 2nd-Riches
by the same. I n the 3rd-Gain by the brethren and peregrinations.
'Pn the 4th-Traveling for possessions or estate. In the 5th-Pleas-
ant journeys. Ln the Citkl-Sickness through journeys. I n the '7th
--Denotes marriage by traveling. I n the 8th-Death while travel-
ing. In the 9tt1-- Extensive journeys. In the 10th-Mercantile or
professional journeys. In the 11th-Good friends while absent. I n
the 12th-Danger of enemies, and imprisonment while traveling;
and denotes his brethren or kindred to be deceitful.


In the 1st-A propensity to gaming, and many children. I n the

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2nd-Riches by speculations of all kinds. I n the 3rd-Journeys
with o r through young persons. I n the 4th--Estates b y some dis-
covery o r gaming. I n the 5th-Fortunate in children o r speoula-
tions I n the 6th-Sickness amongst hip family I n the 7th-Fam-
ily discord and loss b y theft. I n the 8th-In a question denotes
d e a t h of uhildren. I n t h e Sr!l--IIis cl~ildrena r e born t o t r a l e l , i n
t h e 10th-EIonorable children anti renown in spect,lations. I n tl:o
11th--Friends by illeans of his family, and p!e;zsant friends, o r b y
means of speculations or gaming. 4n the 12th--Unhappiness and
enmity b y children and ruin through gaming or play.

I n t h e 1st-Sickness through himself. I n t h e 2nd--Loss of

money b y servants or sickness. I n the 3rd--Sickness in his short
journeys. I n the 4th-Loss of inheritance, ancl wastefa1 do~nestics.
I n t h e 5th--Sickness b y inte~nperance,a n d sicltly children, I n t h e
6th-Good servants o r domestics. I n t h e 7th-Public lawsuits
with servants, and sickness. I n the 8th-Dangerous illness; death
of servants, o r small beasts. I n the 9th-Sickness while traveling.
I n t h e 10th-Sickness through some disgrace. I n the 11th-Sick-
ness among- friends, o r in his family. I n the 12th-lmprisonment
o r private enemies, b y servants.

I n t h e 1st-Public eneniies a t hand, or marriage. I n t h e 2nd-

Gain b y marriage. I n t h e 3rd-I'uhlic opponent^ among brethren
a n d neighbors. I n the 4th-An estate by rllarriage. I n t h e 5th-
A quarrelsome family, o r loss by speuulat~on. I n the Otil- A s i ~ k l y
wife a n d evil disposed servants. I n t h e 7th-Be is fortunate i n
lawsuits. In the 8tl1-Money by marriage, b u t 119 will lose his wifc.
I n t h e 9th-A marriage with a female from a far distant land, anti
contentions with religious persons. I n t h e 10th-An honorablt:
wife, b u t rival:! of his profession. I n tlro 11th-Public opponents
among his friends. I n the 12th-An unhappy marriage, jealousy
a n d vexation.


I n t h e 1st-Danger of death b y suicide. o r b y t h e querents own

irregularities. I n t h e 2nd-Riches by the dead. I n the 3rd--
Short journeys a r e dangerous. I n t h e 4th--Danger of d e a t l ~b y
ruinous buildings o r falls. I n t h e 5th-Unfortunate children
a n d d a n g e r of death b y intemperance. I n t h e 6th--In a question
1 of sickness i t is incarable. I n t h e 7th-Death of t h e wife, o r of a
public enemy. I n the 8th-A natural death; p i n b y the dead. In
. t h e 9th-Death in a distant land. I n the 10th-In a question d e -
notes death among relatives. I n t h e 11th--Legacies a m o n g friends,
b u t also mortality. I n t h e 12th-A private enetny will die,
a n d himself b e in some excessive fear o r anxiety concerning a

--I08 -

I n t h e 1st-He is likely t o travel. I n t h e 2nd--Riches by eea,

o r some particular science, o r t h e church. I n the 3rd-The q u e r e n t
will soon travel o r remove. I n t h e 4th-Denotes ecclesiastical i n -
heritance. I n t h e 5th-Denotes a person given t o free living. I n
t h e 6th--Sickness through traveling. I n t h e 7th--Public enelllies
a m o n g religious o r sea-faring persons. In t h e 8th-Persecution
concerning religion. Death of the wife's lrindred. I n the 9tl1---
T h e querent will b e a traveler. I n t h e 10th-Distant preferment
b y means of his merit. I n t h e 11th-Hc will b e fortunate in voy-
a g e s a n d journeys. I n t h e 12th-Infinite vexation while traveling.
I n t h e 1st-Denotes honor or preferment a t hand. I n t h e 2nd-
Rich b y industry o r trade. I n t h e 3rd-Respect a m o n g lrindred a n d
neighbors. I n t h e 4th-Denotes honor and good estate. I n the
5th-Honor through speculatiou, a u d children born t o g r e a t respec-
tability in life. I n t h e 6th-Loss of credit a n d sickness. '. I n the
7th-Honorable connection b y marriage. I n t h e 8th-Gain by leg-
acies o r lawsuits. I n t h e 9th-Honorable voyages. . I n t h e 10th- -
Eminent glory a n d renown. I n t h e 11th-Noble o r eminent friends.
I n t h e 12th-Secret vexation loss of honor.

I n t h e 1st-Friends and supporters a r e t o b e expected. I n the

2nd-By friends h e will increaee his estate. I n t h e 3rd-In short
journeys h e will meet friends. I n t h e 4th-Inheritance through
friends. I n t h e 5th-Dutiful children, and gain by speculations.
I n t h e 6th-Servants are faithful. I n t h e 7th-A wife wllose
friendships and, connections a r e desirable. I n the 8th-Denotes
d e a t h of friends is near a t hand. I n the 9th-Friends b y learning,
science o r traveling. I n t h e 10th--Honorable friends a m o n g the
great. I n the 11th-Valuable disinterested friends. I n the 12th-
Pretended friends who a r e i n reality enemies.

I n t h e 1st-Danger of arrest, or imprisonment is near at hand.

I n the 2nd-Enemies will cause the loss of money. I n t h e 3rd--
Deceitful kinc'red, vexatious letters a n d epistles I n t h e 4 t i i 1,oss
of estate through enemies. I n the 5th--Vexatious children and loss
b y gaming. I n the 6th-Dishonest servants. I n t h e 7th-1,aw-
suits and family discord. I n 3t h e 8th-Death of enemies. 111 t h e
9th-Vexation concerning voyages o r religious persons. I n t h e
10th-Enemies affecting the credit. I n t h e 11th- Deceitful o r
pretended friends. I n t h e 12th--The querent will overconlc his

NOTE.--These indications a r e modified b y good o r evil aspects t o

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General Judgment.
Often will one apply t o a n Astrologer with no radical question to
ask, y e t is very sincere a n d earnestly dekires to know t h e general
conditions which surround him o r her, and if changes a r e l i s b i ~t o
occur soon, u n d e r these condition?, t l ~ eartist may execute a f i q ~ ~ ,
and j u d g e it in a general way; but must be careful not to prrdii t
radically good or evil conditions i n t h e future, tln1e.j~t h e querent
seems real anxious in regard t o nlatters t h e artist may speak of.
General!y when o n e visits a n Astrologer of his own accord, the
j): same sign will ascend a s was ascending a t t h e time of birth. (1 have
1 i testecl this i n hundreds of cases.--ED.)
l J t a ~ o sin t h e ascendant2well wyected, signifies a sudden change,
something t h e quercnt is not expecting, b u t of a benefioial n a t ~ l u ;
b u t if U r a n u s b e @icted, t h e querent is liable t o soine
rnent, loss o r injury; and should b e guarded i n his transactions. 3;
t h e ascendant b e a moveable o r ~ c o m m osign, ~ changes come v e r j
cpig9ulidy; b u t very slowly if a fixed sign.
Saturn in t h e ascendant, shows t h e querent is down-hearted,
fearful about what h e inquires, a n d if Saturn bo afflicted, i t
is a testimony that t h e querent is not as honest o r straightforward in
his dealings as h e might be.
J u p i t e r in ascendant, unless afflicted, is a generaliy fortunate tes-
timony, and i t will offset o r modify many evils indicated by other
Mars in t h e ascendant, well aspectecl, shows arnbitior. and ability,
ancl is not a particularly evil indication; b u t if i n his d e t r i n e l ~ ot r
fall and amicted b y evil aspects, then t h e querent is liable t o q u a r
rels a n d disputes, accidents o r iil-health.
V e n u s in t h e ascendant, weli aspected, is a testimony of good
health, success and good fortune, friends, pleasant social affairs, and
if t h e querent ask concerning marriage, i t is favorable.
Mercury i n the ascendant, shows t h e querent is curious, scientific,
desires knowledge; b u t if I\!ercury b e afdicted, h e is sharp, tricky
and may b e thievish.
T h e Moon, well aspected, in t h e ascendant, is a testimony favor-
able in a n y cluestion, if in a moveable o r c o ~ u m o nsign, i t favors
travel, changes, eto.
A f t e r j u d g i n g t h e ascendant, the planets therein, and tlieir
aspects, then consicler t h 3 1 0 t h house, its ruler, planets therein a n d
thtiir aspects.
Uranus in t h e 1 0 t h is evil and threatens t h e cluerent with dis-
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cdre,?t abuse, loss o r some u n u s u a l misfortune, although if well
aspected, t h e evil will pass and leave n o lasting result; b u t if ruler
of the ascendant, i t is then a very favorable testimony. ( I n a n y
question if t h e r u l e r of tho ascendant in t h e l o t h , either Mars, S a t -
urn o r Uranus, is a very favorable testimony unless t h e planet is
Saturn i n t h e 1 0 t h is a very evil testimony, d ~ o w i n gthe querent
t o b e surrounded b y adverse conditions of all liincls, unless Saturn
rules the 1st.
J u p i t e r in the 10th shows t h e querent fortunate and successful; i t
foretells of some very good success in the near future.
M a r s in t h e 1 0 t h is very evil unless ruler of t h e l s t , threatening
reverses, disputes, law suits, etc,
V e n u s in t h e l o t h , is a very good testimony, showing friendships.
benefit from females, small honors, etc.
Mercury in the loth, may b e good o r evil; much depends upon
' t h e aspects formed a n d t h e house i t rules.
I T h e Moon i n t h e l o t h , is very fortunate, showing success, popu-
larity, friendships, a good testimony for all general affairs, unless
- -- -
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The ~ o o n ' sktluence in Horary Questions.
The influence of the &loon isof as much if 1;ot of more impor-
tance than that of the other planets. The Moon is always for the
one asking the question and is a very good and strong testimony
for the querent if in either the 1st. 4th. or of the horos-
cope, but if the Moon be in the 7th house i t favors the adver-
sary, or if better aspected to the ruler of the 7th than to the lbt i t
also favors him more, and if in good aspect with both the ruler of
1st and 7th it shows a favorable settlement of the matter. When
in any house of the figure it is judged the same as if the ruler of
the 1st was in that house.
The weakest and most detrimental influence the Moon can have
is to be void of course, which is to be past all aspects and to form
no other while in the sign where it may be. When this happens,
seldom any question or any undertaking of any kind will amount
t o anything.
Retrograde planets have no apparent influence whatever. Should
the ruler of the house to which the question refers be retrograde,
you can place no confidence in i t whatever, although every other
testimony may be favorable, the ruler of the matter retrograde
will upset the matter.
The ruling plandt retrograde generally shows lack of skill and
management on the part of such individuals as the retrograde planet
;nay represent.
The 1st house, its ruler and the Moon are t o rule the party in-
quiring and also shows their present place and condition. After
asking the question you should look to the ruler of the 1st and
Moon t o learn what may be afflicting your present position. I f
you find the ruler of the 1st afflicted in the 7th it would be of no
benefit to make the change, as the 7th and its ruler represent the
place t o which you would move. Likewise the ruler of the 7th be
weak and afflicted shows that your change would be from bad t o
worse. If the ruler of the 1st be stronger than the 7th it is better
to remain where you are.
If the question be concerning position or employment then look
to the 10th house and its ruler. If the rulers of the 1st and 10th
are in evil aspect i t is better to change, or if the 1st b e strong i n
the 4thit is better t o change. If the 4th and 7th houses with their
rulers be afflicted while the 1st and 10th are strong it is better to
continue where you are.

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