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Highpoint Baptist Church

The Encourager
A Stewardship Ministry Quarterly Publication

September 2021 Rev. Dr. Charlie E. York — Senior Pastor Page 1

Left Hand Prayer Right Hand

On October 10, 2021, Highpoint will
celebrate its 35th Church Anniversary. The
theme is "Celebrating the Past – Building the
Future: Let Us Rise Up and Become Kingdom
Builders" (Nehemiah 2:17,18). As we celebrate
this milestone, the Stewardship Ministry Team
requests the Highpoint Church Family to unite
in prayer. We encourage you to pray and seek
Left Thumb: Pray for God’s guidance in giving the "Special Right Thumb: Pray
those who are closest Offering" requested by Pastor York for about your heart: "God,
to your heart, such as completing the Sanctuary Renovation Project. is my heart right with
family and friends. We sincerely thank you for your prayers and you?"
financial contributions thus far and look
Left Index Finger: forward to "rising up" and completing the good Right Index Finger:
Pray for those in our work that we started. Ask God about your
lives who point the priorities and schedule.
way, such as teachers, What is most
pastors, and leaders. Hand Prayer important? What should
I let go of?
Left Middle (Tallest)
Finger: Pray for the Right Middle
people who influence (Tallest) Finger: Pray
the world, such as about your influence or
those in authority. ask God to help you be
an example to others.
Left Ring (Fourth)
Finger: Pray for those Right Ring (Fourth)
who need our extra Finger: Pray for
support. This would relationships. Ask God
include the sick, the The Bible says, "Every day I call upon you, O
Lord: I spread out my hands to you" (Psalm to bless the people in
poor, children and the your small group, those
elderly – or people 88:9 ESV).
Here’s a way to pray using your hands. you work with or go to
challenged by a school with, and people
handicap or mental-  The five fingers on your left hand represent
who to pray for. serving alongside you
health issue. in ministry.
 The five fingers on your right hand represent
Left Small (Fifth) what to pray for.
Challenge yourself to use the hand prayer Right Small (Fifth)
Finger: Pray for Finger: Pray for
yourself and your own beginning today and continuing through
October 10, 2021. material blessings.

Warren, Rick. Experience God’s Power through Prayer, 2017, pp 43-46

Sanctuary Renovation Project

What changes will be made in the Sanctuary?

Sanctuary Renovations
 Pews
 Flooring
 Painting (Ceiling & Walls)
 Stage Area Modification
 Stage Lighting
 Front Wall
 Entrance Doors
 Chairs (Pastor & Choir)

Do you have pictures representing some of the changes?

How can I give to the Sanctuary Renovation Project?

You may give one of the following ways:
 Special Church Anniversary Offering Envelope
 HBC Regular Envelope – Write the amount on the line next to Capital Improvement.
 eGiving – Go to and click Give Online. Sign in and select Capital
 Text the amount you would like to give to Highpoint’s designated text number—251-225-4115

Stewardship Ministry Team

Team Leader: Tania Betts
Assistant Team Leader: Carvin White, Jr.

Eartha Daniels Louise Evans Reverend Robert James

Charles Pharr Emily Tucker Senior Pastor Charlie E. York

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