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Use Cases for <project> Page 1

SHSL – Register New User in

Version Number:
Author: Michael Ou
Use Cases for <project> Page 2

1. Use Case Diagram 3

2. Use Case Details 3

3. Flow Chart 3

4. Mock-Up 3

5. Data Dictionary 4

6. ERD 4

Document Control

Version No. Created/Updated Date Created/Updated Revision Description

0.1 11/19/2019 Michael Ou Inserted use case
Use Cases for <project> Page 3

1. Use Case Diagram

Level 1 Diagram

Level 2 Diagram
Register New User

2. Use Case Details

Use Case ID: SA001

Use Case Save registration information
Created By: Michael Ou Last Updated By: Michael Ou
Date Created: 11/19/2019 Date Last Updated: 11/19/2019

Actor: Patient
Description: Allows Patient to save information they already entered
Use Cases for <project> Page 4

Preconditions:  Patient has entered information into the fields

Postconditions:  The page is reloaded, and the entered information
populates the corresponding fields
Trigger: Patient selects the “Save” button
Frequency of Use: High
Normal Course of 1. User access the portal online and sees the login
Events: screen
2. User selects the “Register” button
3. User enters information into the input fields
4. User selects the save button
5. User views a page that has been refreshed but the
information remains the same
Alternative Courses:
Includes: Register
Special Requirements:
Assumptions: Patient knows how to enter information into the system
Notes and Issues:

3. Flow Chart
Use Cases for <project> Page 5

4. Mock-Up

5. Data Dictionary
Use Cases for <project> Page 6

6. ERD

Insert overall project ERD here.

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