Film Review: Heneral Luna

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Heneral Luna is a 2015 film under Action/History genre. Was
release last 9th day of September year 2015. Directored by Jerrold
Tarog, Cinematography by Pong Ignacio and Screenplay by Jerrold
Tarog, E.A. Rocha, Henry Francia, Ed Rocha , Veteran actors like; John
Arcilla, Alex Vincent Medina, Arthur Acuna, Archie Alemania Jeffrey
Quizon and many more, and had garnered Awards in Gawad Urian
Award for Best Cinematography and many more.
Heneral Luna is a movie which show the battle of the Philippine-
American Battle. In the movie Emilio Aguinaldo is the current president
and a short tempered general name Antonio Luna is the head of the
battle against the Americans as he tries to give the Filipino’s a
freedom. Many soldiers had died for the battle and Filipino’s has no
unity and in chaos. Heneral Luna is considered as the greatest and
most brilliant of all the soldiers.
It became the highest grossing film. It has a very realistic
scenes where you can really feel the hunger of Heneral Luna to give
freedom to his beloved country. You can see in the movie how
Filipino’s dies in the war with the Americans. You can see how cruel
life is before and how Luna is true to his word as he speaks with power
and braveness. I got touch how persistent Luna is and how really he is
to die for the mother land.
The film was really allotted with time and effort, from their
costumes, venue, artists, graphics and how they edit it. Everything is
perfect, it has a good lighting, background music and everything is just
in the right place. Actors are very good as they portray their
perspective roles very well especially John Arcilla as Heneral Luna. It
really did explain the events of the history. It is very nerve
rocking/shaking on how they portray how cruel they kill Heneral Luna.
Heneral Luna is really a great movie and I would definitely
recommend and encourage everyone to watch this movie. You will not
only learn about the past decades in the history of the Philippines but
also you learn many thing from the movie that is very applicable in our
daily life. It teach us to be brave for anything as you know that you are
doing right. It also shows that men and woman are equal and no one is
above the law, but what I’ve really learn from the movie is that our
greatest enemy is our self.

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