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NEW YORK, NY 10007
(646) 335-3692
April 6, 2011

Dena Libner
Director of Communications
Office of Councilman Vincent Gentile
(646) 335-3692


“Keeping Libraries Alive Keeps Neighborhoods Alive”

CITY HALL−Council Members Jimmy Van Bramer and Vincent Gentile lead their City Council
colleagues, directors of New York City’s public library systems and labor advocates to celebrate
libraries and encourage the full funding of these systems in the City’s FY2012 budget.

More than 200 people gathered in City Hall Park today (April 6, 2011) to join Council Members
Van Bramer and Gentile to celebrate and support public libraries. They were treated to
performances by Lost in the Stacks (a band affiliated with Brooklyn Public Library) and Dewey
and the Decimals (the official band of the Queens Library).

“The proposed cuts would devastate the most democratic public resource our city has,” said
Council Member Vincent Gentile, Chairman of the Select Committee on Libraries (D-Brooklyn).
“No matter your age, income or gender, libraries’ doors are open to you. They see your
potential, they help you discover it. That’s a service New Yorkers need now more than ever.”

“From toddlers to seniors - New Yorkers need libraries,” said Council Member Jimmy Van
Bramer, Chairman of the Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations
Committee (D-Queens). “Now more than ever libraries represent a lifeline to millions of New
Yorkers – whether they are looking for a job, learning a new language or seeking help with
homework after school. If we close libraries these services will no longer be available. We must
fight to keep our libraries open.”

Directors of New York City’s three library systems joined to encourage the public to get active in
protecting their local library from budget cuts.

"The New York Public Library is facing a proposed $40 million cut, the largest in its history," said
Paul LeClerc, President and CEO of New York Public Library. "We continue to do more with less
in this difficult economic climate, but we are reaching our breaking point, and this latest cut
would be devastating to our system and to the public that relies heavily on our critical services.
We thank Councilmember Gentile and his colleagues for fighting for the city's libraries, which
are increasingly vital in the life of New York City."
“Queens Library supports the education, job readiness and intellectual growth of New Yorkers of
all ages,” said Tom Galante, Chief Executive Officer of Queens Library. “If public libraries are
forced to cut service hours, many people have no alternative. We thank Council Members
Gentile and Van Bramer, and the entire City Council for this show of unity in supporting free
public library service in this City.”

“This year, as in years past, New York City libraries are facing significant budget cuts. Fortunately
libraries have supportive friends in City Council, especially Speaker Christine Quinn and Council
Members Vincent Gentile and Jimmy Van Bramer, who understand the importance of and stand
with public libraries,” said Linda Johnson, Interim Executive Director of Brooklyn Public Library.
“Now is the time for the public to stand up for its libraries. Every day the residents of Brooklyn
rely on branch libraries as community spaces and educational havens that provide access to the
resources that can help them change their lives. With support from our elected officials and
from the public, Brooklyn Public Library is – and should continue to be – one of the most critical
and cherished resources available to every member of our community.”

DC 37, which represents employees in all three library systems, joined the rally with members to
fight for the protection of jobs. The proposed funding cuts to libraries would cause
approximately 1,500 jobs to be lost between the three library systems.

As part of Mayor Bloomberg’s Preliminary FY2012 Budget, library funding would revert to the
lowest levels in more than a decade. Libraries would lose the $61.5 million in funding the
Council successfully restored in 2010 negotiations as well as $19.7 million in additional cuts. At
the same time, demand for library services is at an all-time high.

According to library systems, the total $81.2 million in funding cuts to libraries would require the
permanent closure of 16 Brooklyn library branches; 14 Queens library branches; and 10
branches between Staten Island, Manhattan and the Bronx.


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