Understanding Shazam Movie

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Shazam movie

We need to make a profile of Shazam.

Real name :____________________
Age as a kid :____________________
Country he lives in :____________________

What type of words would you use to describe the boy at the start of the film?
List them below:
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

When Shazammeets his new foster parents why is he unsure?


When Shazam saved his step brother do you think you would have done the
same in the same situation? Yes No
Why: ___________________________________________________________

How did Shazam get his powers?


Do you feel he is ready for his powers? Yes No

Why: ___________________________________________________________

Can you notice any super hero things in the movie (Hats, weapons)?
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

How would you describe the foster brother Freddy?


Shazam’s powers 1) ___________ 2) __________ 3)___________

WhenShazamgets his suit he shows another boy. The boy asks what his super
powers are. What does shazam say in response? ________________ in this

When Shazam causes a train to derail and nearly crash how does
Shazam feel: ____________________________________
His step brother feel:______________________________

How do you think Shazam first felt when he realised he had a bad guy?
How do you think he felt after the bad guy sent him flying?

Name 2 things Shazamdoes when he first gets his powers

______________________ 2) ______________________
Name 2 mistakes Shazam makes when learning about his powers
______________________ 2) _______________________

What type of film would you describe Shazamas?


At the end of the film is there anything you would change?

Why: _______________________________________________________
If you had to choose to describe this to a friend how would you describe this?

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