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Procedimiento Ejecución de la Formación Profesional Integral Versión: 02

Código: GFPI-F-019

NAME: Yiseth Tatiana Sanchez Claros Program’s number: 2142476

Program’s name: Gestation de la production industrial

Read the following text and complete the sentences.

What does cloud computing mean?
Cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of
your computer's hard drive. It involves computing over a network, where a program or
application may run on many connected computers at the same time.

For some, cloud computing is a metaphor for the Internet. It typically uses connected
hardware machines called servers. Individual users can use the server's processing power to
run an application, store data, or perform any other computing task. Thus, instead of using a
personal computer every-time to run the application, the individual can now run the application
from anywhere in the world.

For businesses, cloud computing is an ideal way to reduce expenses. For example, companies
may buy services in the cloud. That is to say, instead of installing applications on every single
computer in the company, cloud computing would allow workers to log into a Web-based
service (a cloud) which hosts all the programs individual users would need for their job.
Everything would run on remote machines and local computers task would rely just on
connecting to those machines.

While cloud computing, could change the entire computer industry, there are still some
concerns about the security of the data stored on the remote machines. It is true that it
promises to offload many tasks. However, this technology raises a fundamental question. Is it
safe to store one's data on someone else's computer? The cloud service provider needs to
establish clear and relevant policies that describe how the data of each cloud user will be
accessed and used. Cloud service users should also be able to encrypt data that is processed
or stored within the cloud to prevent unauthorized access.
a) It typically uses connected hardware machines called servers

b) Everything would run on remote machines and local computers task would rely just on
connecting to those machines.
c) It is true that it promises to offload many tasks.

d) Cloud service users should also be able to encrypt data that is processed or stored
within the cloud to prevent unauthorized access.

1. Answer the question based on the reading.

What is the main idea of the reading ?

The main idea of the reading is about what is a cloud computing and what it is used for.

Do you use the cloud to keep your documents safe ? Why ?

Yes, I use it. Because I can have my documents in everywhere without taking my computer
and also because it occupies les space in my computer.

Is it safe to store one's data on someone else's computer ? Why ?

It isn’t safe at all, but for accessing to our cloud count they need our password.

What is the most common type of keeping safe your information ?

Ten years ago it was the USB memory, but now we us a cloud count or an external hard drive.

What is your opinion about the reading ?

The reading for me was good because it talked about what is a cloud and how we can use it.

2. Make an unknown words list with their meanings.

Everything = todo Task = tareas

Keeping = acuerdo, cuidar Someone = alguien
Same = mismo (a) Hosts = anfitriones
Procedimiento Ejecución de la Formación Profesional Integral Versión: 02
4. Watch the video and DE APRENDIZAJE
the question about it.
Código: GFPI-F-019

What kind of clients Finn Tailor work for?

He works for people who need to safe his information like DJ’s, private banks and others.

Why technology is changing all the time?

Because it is trend that all everything change and all the gadgets can connect with others, they
all are converging.

Where the student can find the papers journals?

The student can find the papers journals in the computer, in internet, online.

How many copies the National newspaper from UK sell a day?

They sell something like 200.000 copies a day.

The internet should work for us as a …?

a librarian

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