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2B GRAMMAR  Wh- and How questions with be

Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

Gill Hi Anna!
Anna Hello Gill. 1 How are you?
(you / how / are)
Gill I’m fine, thanks. 2  ?
(he / who / is)
Anna He’s Sammy, my little boy.
Gill 3
(old / is / how / he)
Anna He’s one.
Gill He’s very nice.

Woman  ?
(your / first / what’s / name)
Boy Henry.
Woman OK. 5  ?
(what’s / surname / your)
Boy Schultz.
Woman 6
(spell / do / how / it / you)
Boy S-C-H-U-L-T-Z.
Woman Oh, yes. 7  ?
(you / old / are / how)
Boy I’m 18.
Woman OK. That’s fine.

Woman 1  ?
(your / address / what’s)
Woman 2 It’s 72 London Road, Liverpool.
Woman 1  ?
(postcode / what’s / your)
Woman 2 It’s L2 7BC.
Woman 1 Thank you. 10  ?
(home / what’s / phone / your / number)
Woman 2 It’s 0151 496 0878.
Woman 1 OK. 11  ?
(mobile / your / number / what’s)
Woman 2 It’s 00700 900666

Work with a partner. Practise the conversations.
English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Beginner  Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019

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