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Learning goals!
  Understand physical meanings of sine /
cosine signals!
Analyze Circuits

  Analyze simple circuits (R,L,C,opamp) with
with Sinusoidal Signals! sinusoidal inputs!
  Use phasor method to avoid differential /
integral equations!
  Enhance problem-solving skills!

Soma 1! Soma 2!

Physical meanings! Analysis goal!

  Real-life use of sine / cosine signals!   Sinusoidal input form!
  Power transmission to homes!   Vin(t) = Vm cos (ωt + φ) (or current Iin(t))!
  110 or 120 V, 60 Hz in North America!   Output form (voltage or current)!
  Music / stereo systems!   Linear circuits: R, L, C, ideal opamp!
  V(t) = Vm cos (ωt + φ)!   Vout(t) = Vx cos (ωt + φx)!
  Amplitude Vm : soft / loud sound!   Frequency ω does NOT change.!
  Frequency ω: musical notes A, B, C, …!   Analyze = find output amplitude Vx and phase φx!
  Frequency f, period T!   Key tasks: find Vx and φx!
  Phase φ: surround-sound stereo system!

Soma 3! Soma 4!

Analysis procedures! EE 215 DE-based methods!

  EE 215 method using differential equations!   Use KVL and KCL to write a set of
  New EE 233 method using complex math equations (nodes, mesh, mixed nodes-
and phasors to avoid differential equations! mesh)!
  Manipulate equations to simplify!
  end
up with one or a set of differential
equations involving V(t) and / or I(t)!
  Solve differential equations!

Soma 5! Soma 6!



EE 233: Phasor! Working with large circuits!

  Key idea: cos(ωt+φ) = Re [e j(ωt+φ)]
  Simplify
circuit topology by combining
  Signal V(t) = Vm cos (ωt + φ) = Vm / φ ! elements!
  Method :!   Impedance & admittance concept!
  Re-write source signal(s) as phasors (magnitude,
phase)!   Parallel and series combinations!
  Use KVL and KCL to write a set of equations   Simplify
circuit topology by combining
(nodes, mesh, mixed nodes-mesh)! sources and elements!
  Use phasor form of source signals and simplify
equations!   Thevenin equivalent!
  Solve for output functions in phasor form   Norton equivalent!
(algebraic manipulations only, no DE)!
  Superposition: one source at a time!
  Take Re part to get final answer. END.!
Soma 7! Soma 8!

Impedance & Admittance! Circuit simplifications with Z & Y!

  Component behavior in frequency!   Represent each component with either Z or
  R --> R! Y!
  L --> jωL!   Z behaves similarly to resistance R!
  C --> 1/(jωC)!   Series combination!
  Impedance Z!   Parallel combination!
  General representation in V = Z I!   Y behaves similarly to conductance G!
  Admittance Y!
  General representation in I = Y V!

Soma 9! Soma 10!

Simplifications: sources / elements! Simplifications: superposition!

  Thevenin equivalent VT, ZT of a black box!   Apply one source at a time!
same EE 215 procedure to find VT, ZT in
  Use   Replace the other independent sources by
phasor / complex form! shorts or opens!
  Norton equivalent IN, ZN of a black box!   Find output corresponding to each source!
  Use same EE 215 procedure to find IN, ZN in   Use any method you know!
phasor / complex form!   Sum all outputs to get final answer!
  Might need some simplification to get answer
into a conventional form!

Soma 11! Soma 12!



Review: Learning goals!

  Understand physical meanings of sine /
cosine signals!
  Analyze simple circuits (R,L,C,opamp) with
sinusoidal inputs!
  Use phasor methods to avoid differential /
integral equations!
  Enhance problem-solving skills!

Soma 13!

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