The Bloodmage CC

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The Bloodmage A compendium class for Dungeon World

Moves When you study blood magic you may take the move Red Magic and gain access to Blood Spells

▢ Red Magic Blood Spells

When you tap a willing source of blood (yours or anothers) to When you gain Red Magic, choose 3 spells you know.
power a blood spell you know,​roll+CON. On a 10+, the spell is cast. ▢ Transfusion — A willing creature sacrifices 1d4 HP ignoring armor
On a 7-9, the spell is cast, but not without consequence to the and you restore triple that amount of HP to another creature.
source… choose one: ▢ Lifeless — A willing creature and all those connected to it through
● Drain—The source suffers 1d4 damage that ignores armor touch suppress outward signs of life. Suitable to play dead, it also
● Taint—You take -1 Ongoing to spells using that source until you
lets you walk among unintelligent undead as one of their own.
have downtime to cleanse the taint
● Maim—The source marks a debility caused by the magic or process While active you take -1 to cast magic.
▢ Corpse Explosion — Burst a recently dead corpse. Everyone within
reach takes damage according to its size:
When you have the move Red Magic, these moves are available when you Level Up. Tiny (fairy-sized) deals 1d4 Large (troll-sized) deals 2d8
Small (halfling-sized) deals 2d4 Huge (dragon-sized) deals 2d10
▢ ▢ Sanguinary Secrets Medium (human-sized) deals 2d6.
When you take this move, learn a new Blood Spell. Can be taken twice.
▢ Anemia — Target becomes sluggish and weak. The affected rolls
damage twice and uses the worst result. While ongoing you have -1
▢ Blood For Blood to cast magic.
When you suffer damage, mark 1 blood rage (max 5). Each time you ▢ Puppet* — You manipulate the target's body through their blood.
cause blood spell damage, lose all blood rage and add it as damage.
Pick one brief action and have them perform it (e.g. hold still, attack
Blood Rage — ⭘⭘⭘⭘⭘
a target, flip a lever, etc.). They won’t perform self-harm.
▢ Tell-Tale Hearts ▢ Burning Blood — Ignite the blood covering a creature in a fiery
You can hear heartbeats at twenty paces. When you Discern Realities, burst dealing 2d4+CON damage and consuming it. If they have no
add to your list of questions, “What does their heart betray to me?” blood on them, you can shoot a spray of blood at the cost of 1 HP.
▢ Hemogolem — Sacrifice half your max HP or drain the blood of a
▢ Leech recent corpse to create a golem made of blood & magic. It is a loyal
When you damage a foe, heal 1 HP. If you damage multiple foes at
halfling-size creature. While active you take -1 to cast magic.
once, heal for each, but only up to your CON.
◆ It can carry 3 Load.
◆ It can follow simple commands.
The below moves are only available for levels 6+ ◆ When the golem assists in an attack, deal +1 damage.
◆ When the golem takes a hit for someone, it suffers all ill
▢ ▢ Hematic Mysteries instead and is destroyed.
When you take this move, learn a new Blood Spell. Can be taken twice.
*The spell “puppet” involves overpowering a creature's will. It could be
▢ Life Link triggering or disagreeable to someone in your group. It may not be
When you take this move, choose an ally to link your life to. Should
either of you reach 1 HP, further damage is subtracted from the problematic until misused. It is worth discussing and making sure
other’s health pool, ignoring armor. If you both reach 1 HP and either everyone is comfortable before allowing in in your games. Always value
of you suffers damage, you both take your Last Breath with a -1. If you the people you play with foremost.
survive but your ally does not, you may link to a new ally.

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