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“Impact Of Higher Power Energy Cost In The Household Of San Juan Roro Sorsogon


A research study presented to

The Faculty of Sorsogon State College,

Sorsogon City

As Partial Fullfilment of the Requirements

In Technology Research 2

(Methods of Research)









Nowadays mostly gadgets and electronics devices rely on the electricity to function. To

define electricity is a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles such as protons

or electrons. Either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current. As the

meaning itself it’s a form of energy that people need to do many things. Mostly in modern

conveniences are electrically powered. For example, it’s what lights up our homes, classrooms, heats

our kitchen devices and appliances, make mostly machineries works. In short it makes life works

easier and better. So, to have a deeper understanding on how it works or what are its impacts is

important. As cited in the Electricity Explained an article regarding affecting electricity prices it says

there are many factors that influence electricity prices. For example, electricity prices generally

reflect the cost to build, finance, maintain, and operate plants and the electricity guild. The factors

that affect the price are fuels, power plants cost, transmission and distribution system, weather

conditions, and regulations. According to the Young World an article that tackles on importance of

electricity it says that electricity is important blessing that science has given to the mankind. It

provides comfort to the people as factories, large machines worked with the help of it. Essential

items like food, cloth, paper, and many other things are the products of electricity. From that it is

obvious that we live using electricity to perform works.

The researchers come up with a simple idea on gathering data about the “Impact of Higher

Power Energy Cost in The Households of San Juan Roro Sorsogon City”. The researchers will make

a survey questionnaire for it to be done. This research aims knew the sides or situation of the
community when it comes electricity energy cost. The researchers also intends to helps the people to

save power consumption of the electricity so that they won’t come up with a higher bill.

Statement Of The The Problem

This research study aims to determine the some things about “Impact Of Higher Power

Energy Cost In The Household Of San Juan Roro Sorsogon City”. This was conducted at San

Juan roro . It was done during the year 2021-2022. This study answer the folowing questions:

1.) Determine the different effects of higher energy cost.

2.) What is the previous amount that they usually paid?

3.) What is the current they paid?

4.) What appliances do they have at home?

5.) What are the possible ways to lessen their bills?

Significance of the Study

This study inspired the group to conduct a study wherein the energy is exerted in San

Juan Roro Sorsogon City, it will provide benefit in powering simple but vital electrical

instrument in school.

From the findings of this study, it aims to play a significant role that will provide a

deeper insights and understanding about the “Impact of Higher Energy Cost In The Households

of San Juan Roro Sorsogon City”

This study will benefit the following:

Student. The findings of this study will most likely serve as a guide for students who

wish to conduct future research on electricity operations. In addition to providing a foundation

in the application of Basic Electrical and Electronics.

School. It could benefit the school because their students learned something from this

study, which means that students will have higher grades, which will reflect positively on the

school. The school could be known as one of those who came up with innovative ways to save

electricity. Most importantly, emphasize and promote the importance of safety to Sorsogon

State University students.

Government. It will help the government to realize applications in alternate sources of

electrical energy thus saving cost.

Other researches. This research can help other researchers by serving as a guide for

their own research. They could also replicate this study to compare the research results.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is focused on “ Impact of Higher Power Energy Cost in the Households of San Juan

Roro”. The study concern on the different problems brought by the higher power energy cost in

the household.

On this study the researchers have analysis on the different reasons on the increase of the power

energy cost. The study conducted in San Juan Roro, Sorsogon City for the shool year 2021-

2022. The participants of this study are the respected residents of San Juan Roro
Definition Of Terms:


• Household of San Juan Roro Sorsogon City San Juan Roro is a barangay in Sorsogon City, in

the province of Sorsogon, according to PhilAtlas (2021). This amounted to 2.96 percent of

Sorsogon City's total population. In terms of operation, the study's target responder.

• Previous Amount A quantity of something, specifically the sum of the number, size, value, or

extent of an item or objects (Lexico, 2021). Operationally, the previous amount of money spent

per household in San Juan Roro, Sorsogon City

• Current Amount Merriam Webster (2021) defines a happening or existing now as "belonging to

or existing in the present time." In terms of operation, the respondent's usual money


• Appliances A gadget or piece of equipment that is designed to complete a specific duty, usually

one that is domestic in nature (Lexico, 2021). In terms of operation, the apparatus or process that

uses power in the respondents' homes.

• Bills A written statement of money owed for products or services, according to Collins (2021).

Operationally, the amount of money spent on energy usage on a daily basis

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