Final Draft - Terms of Reference of Copper Sub-TWGs

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Sub-Technical Working Groups of the Copper National TWG


Following the completion of the Master Development Plan (MDP) for the Leyte Ecological
Industrial Zone (LEIZ), it is imperative to ensure that its implementation will be monitored
closely and all aspects that need further intervention will be addressed timely and

The Copper Industry Roadmap-Technical Working Group (CIR-TWG) chaired by the Board
of Investments (BOI), in their Q1 2021 Copper National TWG Meeting on 01 March 2021,
approved the creation of Sub-TWGs that are deemed vital in the implementation of the MDP
and the promotion of the LEIZ.


The five (5) identified STWGs shall refer to the results of the Final Master Development Plan
crafted by the Palafox Associates Team. It The Final Master Development Plan shall serve
as the take-off point / main reference material of the STWGs.

2.1. Land identification and consolidation (STWG1)

 Lands located inside identified LEIZ Areas – LEIZ Core, LEIZ North, and LEIZ South,
and others areas to be declared under the LEIZ in the future

 Support to the implementation of the MDP and promotion of the LEIZ through crafting
of database/consolidated information on lands located inside LEIZ identified areas for
reference and/or provision to Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) and other
government agencies that are in talks with potential developers and locators of the

 Identification of lands located inside LEIZ areas
(priority: LEIZ-Core; secondary priority: LEIZ North and LEIZ South)

o Exact land area / measurement and boundaries

o Current ownership (i.e. government-owned (e.g. LGU, NDC, etc.), private-

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Sub-Technical Working Groups of the Copper National TWG

o Land classification (commercial, agricultural, residential, etc.)

o Zonal land values
 Propose possible modes of land acquisition
 Identify issues / concerns arising from possible land acquisition and
recommendations for such
 Other matters concerning land in LEIZ areas


Lead National Development Company (NDC)

Alternate Lead Leyte Industrial Development Estate (LIDE)

 Board of Investments (BOI)
 DTI-Region VIII
 NEDA-Region VIII
Members  PCCI-Tacloban
 DENR-Region VIII
 Local Government Units (LGUs) – Isabel and Merida (for
LEIZ Core) and other LEIZ North and LEIZ South LGUs
 National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
Possible Resource
 Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB)
 Land Registration Authority (LRA)
 Provincial Government of Leyte

Expected output:
 Consolidated database on identified lands and all pertinent information (area,
classification, ownership, land value)
 Paper on identified possible issues / concerns in land acquisition and
 Venue for discussion of concerns on land in LEIZ areas
 Other outputs as may be necessary

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Sub-Technical Working Groups of the Copper National TWG

2.2. Sectoral Development (STWG2)

 Sectors in LEIZ areas, including development of existing sectors in the area which
will benefit the LEIZ (e.g. Leyte province and Eastern Visayas), and other sectors
deemed feasible to be located in LEIZ.

 Support to the implementation of the LEIZ MDP and promotion of LEIZ through
identification of industries deemed feasible in LEIZ areas as well as
recommendations on how to further develop existing and prospect sectors.

 Identification of sectors feasible inside the LEIZ areas (priority: LEIZ Core; secondary
priority: LEIZ North and LEIZ South) by assessing current state of the economy in the
province / region, supply and demand, and existing strengths and capacities, among
 Identify / recommend possible measures to develop existing sectors in the province /
area and how it will complement with the LEIZ
 Other matters concerning development of sectors for the LEIZ


Lead Board of Investments (BOI)

Alternate Lead DTI-Region VIII

 PCCI National Office
 NEDA-Region VIII
 PCCI-Tacloban
 Action for Economic Reforms (AER)
 Visayas State University (VSU)
 TWG representative from copper mines
 TWG representative from copper smelter
 Representative from PhilEquity Fund

 Provincial Government of Leyte

Possible Resource
 LGUs in LEIZ Areas
 Academe and National industry associations

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Expected output:
 Report on status of sectors in the province / area and recommendations on
enhancing sectoral development in the area(s)
 Report on possible/proposed sectors for development in the LEIZ and
recommendations on locating these sectors in the LEIZ areas
 List of investment leads to locate in the area aligned with the LEIZ principles
 Other outputs as may be necessary

2.3. Infrastructure and Logistics, including road and transport (STWG3)

 Existing infrastructure, road and transport network, and logistics in the Leyte
province, especially those to, within, and from the LEIZ areas
 Proposed developments in support of the LEIZ

 Support the implementation of the MDP and promotion of the LEIZ through
identification of necessary infrastructure, utilities, road, transport, and logistics, for the
LEIZ areas in order to address concerns of developers and locators.

 Identification of infrastructure needed for the developers and locators of the LEIZ
areas – existing and needed for development
 Mapping of logistics route and ports including current shipping / logistics cost for both
local and international cargos
 Identification of routes / roads that are needed to be established to, within, and from
the LEIZ areas
 Other matters concerning infrastructure and logistics, including road and transport, in
the LEIZ areas


Lead NEDA-Region VIII

Alternate Lead Board of Investments (BOI)

Members  DTI Region VIII

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Sub-Technical Working Groups of the Copper National TWG

 Philippine Ports Authority Region VIII

 CAAP Region VIII
 DPWH Region VIII
 DOE Field Office (Visayas)
 Representative from CsI
 LGUs in LEIZ Areas
 Provincial Government of Leyte
Possible Resource
 Academe
 National government agencies

Expected output:
 Database on existing information and proposed/needed developments on
infrastructure and logistics (including road and transport)
 Report on the infrastructure and logistics (including road and transport) requirements
in the LEIZ areas
 A Plan on infrastructure/logistics/road/transport in the LEIZ areas that would include
the detailed infrastructure requirements and proposed mode of development (private
sector investments, PPP, government funding thru GAA, etc).
 Other outputs as may be necessary

2.4. Environment (STWG4)

 Environmental conditions and considerations within and surrounding the LEIZ areas

 Support the implementation of the MDP and promotion of the LEIZ through ensuring
the Zone’s compliance to environmental laws and regulations and that the guiding
principles of the LEIZ, and its ‘ecological’ component are considered accordingly.

 Identify necessary actions/measures to ensure compliance of the LEIZ with the
environmental laws and regulations
 Ensure the compliance of prospective developers and locators to the guiding
principles of LEIZ – circular economy and green development framework, among

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 Other matters on environmental concerns/issues within and surrounding the LEIZ


Lead DENR Region VIII

Alternate Lead TWG representative from copper smelter

 PCCI-Tacloban
 Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
 LGUs in LEIZ areas
 Provincial Government of Leyte
Possible Resource  Academe
Persons  DENR National Office
 NGOs / industry associations

Expected output:
 Action plan/recommendation on necessary measures (e.g. ecological rehabilitation
work) to ensure compliance to environmental laws and regulations
 Other outputs as may be necessary

2.5. Social Matters (STWG5)

 Surrounding communities/residents of LEIZ areas

 Support the implementation of the MDP and promotion of the LEIZ through ensuring
the LEIZ’s social acceptability by proper dissemination/on-the-ground engagement
with the surrounding communities and by considering concerns / issues related to the

 Identify possible concerns/issues and the necessary actions/measures to ensure
social acceptability of the LEIZ through stakeholder engagement
 Ensure all social aspects are considered in the establishment of the LEIZ – i.e.
education, health, employment, housing, etc.

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 Ensure proper information dissemination and on-the-ground engagements to

surrounding communities of the LEIZ areas
 Other matters on social acceptability of the LEIZ


Lead Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)

Alternate Lead Visayas State University (VSU)

 TWG representative from copper smelter
 DOH Region VIII
 DOLE Region VIII
 DSWD Region VIII
 Other regional / provincial government agencies
 LGUs in LEIZ areas
 Provincial Government of Leyte
Possible Resource
 Academe
 NGOs / industry associations

Expected output:
 Action plan/recommendation on necessary measures to ensure social acceptability in
the aspects of education, health, employment, housing, among others
 Other outputs as may be necessary


3.1. STWG Secretaries

 Each STWG shall designate their Secretary/Documentation Officer (DO) who will be
in-charge with crafting of the STWG Minutes/Summary of Discussion (SOD).
 The format for the SOD will be given by the National TWG Secretariat for uniformity
and ease of drafting.

3.2. Meeting schedule

 Introductory meeting: The STWGs are advised to convene the initial/introductory
meeting led by the STWG Lead within a month (National TWG Secretariat may
propose/suggest schedule) upon finalization of the TOR of the STWGs.

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Sub-Technical Working Groups of the Copper National TWG

o The possible agenda items are as follows:

 Overview of the STWG scope, purpose, and functions
 Introduction of the STWG composition – lead, alternate lead,
members, and possible resource speakers, and identification of
Secretary / Documentation Officer
 Finalization of the development framework/approach of the STWG to
meet the expected output of the Group
 Meeting frequency: The STWGs may meet any time as they deem it necessary – if
there are issues / concerns that need to be addressed. The frequency will depend on
the pending issues / matters that each STWG handles.
The National TWG Secretariat may propose below schedule for ease in scheduling:
 Suggested days: Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
 Suggested times:
 STWG1: 9:00AM – 10:30AM
 STWG2: 1:00PM – 2:30PM
 STWG3: 3:00PM – 4:30PM
o STWG 4 & STWG5
 Suggested days: Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
 Suggested times:
 STWG 4: 9:00AM – 10:30AM
 STWG5: 2:00PM – 3:30PM

3.3. Meeting arrangements

 The STWGs shall coordinate with the National TWG Secretariat of their scheduled
meetings wherein she may aid in setting up of virtual meetings through MS Teams
online platform.
 The STWG Secretaries/DOs shall provide the SOD duly signed by the Lead/Alternate
Lead to the National TWG Secretariat after 5 working days upon conduct of the
STWG meeting.


4.1. Work Plan / STWG Framework

 Each STWGs shall submit their individual work plans/approach to the National TWG
duly signed by the lead and all members of the Group

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 The format of the Work Plan/STWG Framework shall be provided by the National
TWG Secretariat for uniformity
 The expected submission of the Plan is 10 working days after the conduct of the
STWG’s introductory meeting.

4.2. STWG Resolutions

 The STWGs shall file Resolutions to the National TWG through the National TWG
Secretariat for matters needing approval – e.g. final output of the STWG (expected
output and others as may be identified) and actions on issues / concerns
 The Resolution shall be duly signed by the all agencies belonging to the Group

4.3. Expected Output / Final Output of the STWG

 The output of the STWG shall be endorsed to the National TWG through a
Resolution duly signed by all of its members.

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