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Unit 2: Chemistry of Lipids

 Definition of lipids.
 Fatty acids .
 Function of lipids
 Classification of lipids .
 Lipids metabolism.
 Metabolic disorder of lipids metabolism.
 Ketosis.
Is one of the important types of bio-molecules, and constitute approximately 5% of the organic matter
contained in the installation of the cell . The brain cells and nerve tissue rich in fat molecules complex.
Chemically: It is non polarity organic compounds (does not dissolve in water), but soluble in
organic solvents such as ether, benzene and chloroform.

Non polarity organic compounds

Fatty acids : are Carboxylic acids containing straight chain hydrocarbons, (saturated or unsaturated),
and are the basic units of all types of fat .
The fatty acid (palmitic acid C 16 and stearic acid C18 ) of the most saturated fatty acids, because they
are entering in the installation of most types of animal and vegetable fats , but the (oleic acid C18) , is one
of the most unsaturated fatty acids, and contains one double bond , there is also fatty acids contain more
than one double bond, such as (Linoleic acid C18) .
Fatty acids are divided into essential and non-essential , essential fatty acids are those acids that can

not be produced within the body, so it should be available with the food, while the non-essential fatty

acids are synthesized within the body by a series of biochemical interaction .

Important fatty acids :

Function of lipids :
1- Fat is a great source of energy in animals and humans, the oxidation of one gram of fat, produce the
amount of energy estimated at 9 kilo calories, while oxidation of one gram of carbohydrate produces only
4 kilo calories , and proteins 5.5 .
2- intervention in the composition of cell membranes, such as the nucleus and mitochondria, the so-called
Lipoproteins .
3- Stored in the fatty tissue without water, and oxidized when it's needed .
4- Also considered, thermal insulation in animals and humans, and the transfer of nerve signals .
5- primary compounds for the construction of some vitamins, hormones and bile acids.

Classification of lipids .
1- Triglyceride (TG) : is an ester derived from glycerol and three fatty acids . These are fats, which are
stored in the adipose tissue in the animal .

2- phosphoglycerides : consists of a link of glycerol -3- phosphate with two fatty acids to produce
phosphatidic acid , which is a composite middle, to configure other phosphoglycerides .


such as Lecithins: which is one of the most important biological compounds, are available a high
percentage, in cell membranes of alveoli , therefore the low level in the body, leading to shortness of breath .

Cephalin : involved in the blood clotting process, and the transfer of fat from one place to another.

3- Sphingomyelins: consisting of, Sphingosine and fatty acid, such as Cermides , which is one of the
important components in nerve tissue.


The Phosphoglycerides and sphingomyelins are characterized by their amphipathic characteristics ,

meaning that it possesses polarity - non polarity qualities, and the reason is that the part that contains a
hydroxyl group or phosphate, is polar and called (polar head) and be (hydrophilic), while the part that

contains the strings of hydrocarbon, are non polar and called (nonpolar head), and be (hydrophobic) . This
feature makes it capable of interfering with water (aqueous solution) and consists of the so-called micelles .

4- Glycolipids : characterized as containing a sugar group , also considered amphibathic compounds .

Nonpolar head
polar head

These compounds exist in the nervous system, brain casings, spinal cord, and nerve cells .

5- Liporoteins: consisting from some of the fat with protein, fatty part that is Triglyceride,
phosphoglycerides and cholesterol. There in the installation of cell membranes and cellular membranes, and
also in the blood of mammals, its function is to transfer fat from the intestine to the liver, and from the liver
to the fat tissue . can be classified to :

- High density lipoprotein (HDL) : working on the transfer of cholesterol and other lipids from various
tissues to the liver. The cholesterol found in these particles, is the good kind and useful .

- Low density lipoprotein (LDL) : working on the transfer of cholesterol and other lipids from liver to
various tissues . The cholesterol found in these particles, is the bad kind and harmful.

- Very Low density lipoprotein (VLDL) : working on the transfer of triglycerides formed in the liver
(endogenous) , from the liver to the other tissue .

- Chylomicrons : working on the transfer of triglycerides emerging from food (exogenous) , from the the
small intestine to liver and to other tissue .

6- Waxes : Found in honey, the fatty substance that covers the skin, hair, feathers and leaves of plants .

7- Steroids : include steroid hormones, sterol and bile salts, the basic unit of these compounds are, four
organic rings, called ( steroid nucleus) .

steroid nucleus

The steroid nucleus containing (8-10) carbon atom at the site 17, and has a hydroxyl group at location
3 and the two groups of methel at locations 10.13 called Sterols .
such as Cholesterol : is a one common fat in animals , it enters in the formation of steroid hormones, bile
salts and vitamin D, which is also the main components of each of the plasma membrane, lipoproteins in
the blood and brain, but it is not found in plants.

cholesterol structure

Bile salts: is a thick liquid ,yellow color is prepared in the liver (in the gallbladder channel) and stored in
the gall bladder, which offload the liquid during the entry of food to duodenum , and is involved in the
digestion of fatty food, through the formation of the emulsion .

Assistant teacher
Ashraf Raad Al-Safar

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