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Anatomy L1 Dr.

Abdul-Aziz Ahmed

Anatomy is the science concerned with the study of internal and external structure
of the human body.
Organization of the Body
The structure of the body can be divided into different levels of organization
• chemical level is the simplest level and refers to atoms and molecules .
• molecules join together to form organelle(mitochondria).
• organelles combine to form cells.
• cells of the same type organize together, they form tissues(epithelial tissue).
• two or more tissue types combine to form organs (heart).
• organs arrange to form organ systems(digestive system).
• systems combine to form the organism called the human body

Figure1: Organization of the Body

The cell
The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms. There are two
types of cells:
1. prokaryotic cell, these are small cell about 1–2 μm in length, like bacterial cell.

Anatomy L1 Dr.Abdul-Aziz Ahmed

2. eukaryotic cell, these are generally larger (5–100μm). They had well identified
intracellular organelles, like human cells. The human body contains 60-100 trillions
of cells. There are about 200 types of cells in the human body. ( Note: The sizes of
cells are measured in micrometers (µm),one micrometer equals 1/1,000th of a
Cell Theory
. There are three main points to the cell theory:
• The cell is the basic unit of life.
• All living things are composed of one or more cells.
• All cells come from pre-existing cells.
parts of eukaryotic cell
The three main parts of eukaryotic cell are:
the plasma membrane,
the cytoplasm,
the nucleus.
I.The plasma membrane
The plasma (cell membrane) membrane separating the cellular content from the
extracellular fluid outside cells. The membrane composed of double layer of
phospholipid molecules, together with protein, cholesterol and glycolipids.

Figure 2.structure of cell membrane.

The cellular membrane Proteins

Proteins make up half of the plasma membrane mass, they are two type :
1.Integral proteins located inside cell membrane these proteins act as,
channels, carriers or receptors
2. Peripheral proteins, they support the membrane from its cytoplasmic side.

Anatomy L1 Dr.Abdul-Aziz Ahmed

Membrane Junctions
There are three types junctions between cells:
1.Desmosomes: represent area where cells are linked together with protein
2.tight junction: formed when the extracellular surfaces of two adjacent
plasma membranes are joined together.
3.The gap junction, consists of protein channels linking the cytoplasm of
adjacent cells present mainly in the cells of the heart and smooth-muscle cells.
They play role in the transmission of electrical activity between the cells.

Figure3: junctions between cell

Most all cells contain a single nucleus, other contain multiple nuclei like,
skeletal-muscle cells, while the mature red blood cell has none. The primary
function of the nucleus is the storage and the transmission of genetic
{deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)} information to the next generation of cells. The
nuclear envelope surrounds the nucleus, it contains small openings known as
nuclear pores. The DNA present in nucleus as granules called chromatin. At the
time of cell division, the chromatin, form rod like bodies known as
chromosomes. The other structure present in the nucleus is the nucleolus.

Anatomy L1 Dr.Abdul-Aziz Ahmed

Figure 4: structure of the cell

Ribosome may occur as free particles suspended within the cytoplasm,
or they may be attached to the membranous wall of the rough
endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes are granular organelles composed of
protein and RNA molecules. On ribosomes, protein molecules are
synthesized from amino acids, using genetic information carried by
mRNA molecules.

Figure 5: Ribosome

Anatomy L1 Dr.Abdul-Aziz Ahmed

Endoplasmic Reticulum
Endoplasmic reticulum, consist of a network of membranes. Two forms of
endoplasmic reticulum can be distinguished:
1.granular (rough-surfaced): has ribosomal particles on its surface, where
protein is synthesized.
2.agranular endoplasmic reticulum: It is the site at which lipid molecules
are synthesized and it also stores and releases calcium ions involved in
controlling various cell activities

Golgi Apparatus
The Golgi apparatus is a series of closely opposed, flattened membranous
sacs that are slightly curved, forming a cup-shaped structure. They
involved in processing and packing of Proteins into transport vesicles that
will be delivered to cytoplasm.
Mitochondria (singular, mitochondrion) are spherical or elongated, rod
like structures surrounded by an inner and an outer membrane.
Mitochondria is the major site of ATP production. It contains enzymes of
Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondria contain its own

Figure 7: Mitochondria.

Anatomy L1 Dr.Abdul-Aziz Ahmed

Lysosomes are spherical or oval organelles surrounded by a single
membrane. The fluid within a lysosome is highly acidic and contains a
variety of digestive enzymes. Lysosomes act as “cellular stomachs,”
breaking down bacteria and the debris from dead cells that have been
engulfed by a cell.

membrane-bound organelle in the cytoplasm. they play a key role in the
oxidation of specific biomolecules. peroxisomes can also destroy
hydrogen peroxide and thus prevent its toxic effects.
There are three classes of cytoskeletal filaments:
1.microfilaments, which are composed of the contractile protein actin,
make up a major portion of the cytoskeleton in all cells.
2.intermediate filaments are most extensively developed in regions of
cells that are subject to mechanical stress.
3.microtubules are hollow tubes about 25 nm in diameter, consist of
protein tubulin. They provide the framework of the cell.

Figure8: The cytoplasm.

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